Forced flu shot at work



  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    sure what ev
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm a nurse. I support vaccination and always stay up to date on my vaccinations. I actually think it's nice they do it there rather than make you go outside and schedule an appointment for it! Saves time, and protects your health!
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member
    My OB told me they've vaccinated for the wrong strain of flu for the past several years. When I worked with the public around a lot of sick people my immune system was better. I was never sick. I'd still get it to keep my job though. It may benefit some. I never looked into what my OB said since I don't get a flu shot anyway.
  • diannecm
    I also work in a hospital setting and feel fortunate that I get the flu shot free! There again - if you don't want to work near sick people, you might want to consider another career?
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    You can't sue an employer for placing immunization restrictions on employment. No one is forcing you to get the flu shot--they're saying if you want to keep working there, you need to get the flu shot. If you want to find employment elsewhere, then do so, and you don't need to get the flu shot. I expect that if you decide to work at Staples, or McDonalds, or etc etc. you won't have to get a flu shot. No one is forcing you to work in healthcare.

    If you want to continue working in a hospital, it seems reasonable to get a vaccine that has been found in study after study to lessen the number and severity of cases of the flu. Seems a bit selfish to object to something that can protect those you care for--even if you are far from patients, you still make your paycheck from an institution that cares for patients, therefore you should be immunized.

    The flu shot can't make you sick--it's a DEAD virus. To say "I got the flu shot and got the worst flu of my life from it" means you lack a basic understanding of the science of vaccinations.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    I've never gotten a flu shot and I've never gotten the flu.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    My OB told me they've vaccinated for the wrong strain of flu for the past several years. When I worked with the public around a lot of sick people my immune system was better. I was never sick. I'd still get it to keep my job though. It may benefit some. I never looked into what my OB said since I don't get a flu shot anyway.

    The flu shot for the last couple of seasons has actually been pretty good. Immunizing health care workers has been demonstrated over and over to reduce flu in patients. so yes, it does benefit others.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    **** that they give us ours free and $5 to the cafe ...... I took it once and was the sickest ever that year .... I'll never have the flu shot again
  • emnk5308
    Seeing as you work in a hospital, I totally understand it. I never get the flu shot, I'd get just as sick with the shot as I would w/o it.. So I don't even want it..but if I choose to work in a hospital I'd understand that I would have to do these things... =/ Check the laws... Make sure.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    I don't trust anything mass produced and packed in to syringes!
  • Bailey543
    But do you touch the same doors handles as patients? Use the same restrooms? Germs can spread just by being in the same building as the patients. Especially those with weakened immune systems. Just something you may not have thought about...

    I'm all for it. If you chose to work in a hospital than you should do everything you can to not get sick and spread illness. If you don't want to follow those rules, go into home healthcare were you can be your own boss.

    Yes I see what you mean but I work in an office away from patients.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    Please think of others. You work in a hospital - it is likely not for your benefit that you are being told to have one but for those with compromised immune systems that cannot as easily fight off the flu.

    They are making allowances for religious conviction and other medically excuses - that is enough.
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I work for a hospital as well and they implemented the mandatory flu shot about 2 years ago. At first I was like WTH, but figured I needed my job more and they were simply trying to keep me and our patients protected from a nasty illness.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't take medicine for spiritual reasons and would oppose such a mandate as I am technically not religious and would therefore technically not be exempt.

    Then again, I wouldn't work in a hospital with these principles, so I can't really say it's unfair or out of place in that sort of work area.
  • Seriousmom3
    I work in Labor and Deliver and deal with the babies. I would rather get the flu shot than possibly give the flu to one of my babies. Also we have had a couple of pregnant women die of the flu, alot of our Dr's require the moms to get the flu shot in their office. Our hospital also pays for them. I say get it, but that's just me.

    Yes! My twin boys were in the NICU for 8w...while there they contracted MRSA, along with some other babies...also a nurse tested positive for MRSA at that time...they spent 6 wks in quarantine because their nurse didn't wash her can't play around with things like that. Nothing bad happened, but it could have.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It bothers me that drugs are the answer to everything. Why don't they enforce healthy eating and exercise. They would rather put donuts and pizza in the breakroom for everyone and then mandate a shot. It makes no sense to me!!

    This too. The fact that the Flu shot isn't even very useful and they just push it onto people. The flu strains evolve every year and the flu shot you receive potentially won't even be the flu strain you will end up getting sick from.

    They probably get a discount on their employee health coverage for doing this and THAT is the only reason it is being required... Of course people read on the news or internet that they should have one and go all crazy. Sheep...
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I am a teacher and I get the flu shot every year, it has never made me sick. The years that I didn't get it I also seem to get sicker with other things more often. I wish we could get it for free.

    My sister never used to get her flu shot, last year she had the flu and thought she might die. Not literally, but she sure felt like it. She said she will never not get it again.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    I think it's is ridiculous they can attempt to force it on you. I would never get it. Do a religious exemption if you have to. As of now, in the US, you are free to have whatever religious convictions you want....

    I've never gotten a flu shot (and neither have my kids) and we've never gotten the flu.
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    for the past few yrs the to hospitals i've worked at has required us to get it. it's mandatory for us who work in the ER and L&D! @ the one hospital if we work in these 2 areas and don't get it they will transfer us to a different dept IF they have any opennings if not too bad for us we made our bed.... if you work in these to areas you are in the "line of fire" to either get it or give it. for me i'd rather just get the shot if i can prevent my kids from getting sick from me or if i worked in l&d i don't want to be the person responsable to giving a newborn or a premee the flu.....
  • Golfgirl16
    Golfgirl16 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd refuse! The only time I ever had the flu, was the year I got the flu shot! It could have been my luck, but I'm not willing to take any chances again!