Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I was just across the river in New Jersey waiting for my truck to be unloaded. Had a clear view of those terrible events.
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Science calss in 7th grade.
  • I was sitting rocking my newborn while my 3 year old daughter played with her toys next to me. I watched with horror on TV. My husband, who is a firefighter here in Wisconsin, was just getting off shift. I could not get a hold of him and was worried about whether there were attacks going on across the country. I called my mother, who was at work, and she told me that the whole office had stopped working and was glued to the TV.

    I remember wondering how many more planes were out there heading toward a building. I remember when the first tower fell and thinking about how many people just lost their lives. Then the second tower. And, of course, the attack on the Pentagon and those who died on Flight 93. :cry:

    God bless all those who went in to those buildings that day to try to save others, probably knowing they would not make it out. 343 of our bravest firefighters and heros were lost that day, 23 New York Police Officers & 37 Port Authority also gave all for others. Not to mention all those citizens who were simply going to work that morning and many of them did what they could to help those in need to.

    May God bless them all and also bless those they left behind. I ask God to also bless all of our soldiers currently serving & keep them safe, the veterans who have served this country, and those that made the ultimate sacrafice for the freedoms we all enjoy.

  • 11 years ago today, I joined the United States Army, by complete coincidence...

    The second tower came down as I was reciting my Oath of Enlistment.

    I have never regretted it ONCE!!!
  • HealthyDee913
    HealthyDee913 Posts: 10 Member
    I will never forget that day... I was in Mrs. K. Evans English 4A class at Worthing Senior High School in Houston, Texas. We watched it live in class as it was happening, not the norm because we did not watch television during school. We cried, some thought it was a hoax. It was a life changing moment. It really made me put things in perspective and embrace the Help and Comfort of the Lord and mourn with those who lost. We were a divided nation before, and although very tragic, it helped bring us together as a nation.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    My Mom came and got me out of bed, I was working the late shift at that time, and had an odd sleeping schedule. I remember getting up and watching the smoke pour out of one tower, and then seeing the plane hit the second tower. I remember thinking to myself.. what about all those people? I had been to New York a few times, and one of my most fun memories at the time was wandering around after dark, trying to see if we could walk to the towers, because we could see them, and they had to be like... just right there, a block away at most right? Definitely not halfway across Manhattan! (which they actually were).

    Then they all started collapsing. I was horrified, they showed people jumping off of the roof, out of windows, just total utter devastation, the walls of dust rolling through the streets and covering over everything. So shocking. I couldn't believe what I had just seen.

    I ended up going and getting new tires put on my truck that morning, and watching the news coverage from Feeney Mcintyre, then still had to go to work that evening.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    I was in 8th grade we just got to 1st period when they made us all go back to homeroom. They announced the school was on lock down and that all after school activities had been canceled. We were all told to sit quiet until we received further direction. My teacher had turned the news on the TV and that is when we saw what was happening. They sent us all home and when I got there, my mom was already home waiting for me and my 3 sisters. Getting home, my sister and I just looked at the sky...it was so empty. No clouds or planes. We spent the rest of the day watching the devestating news and being thankful for everything we had. I will never forget this day.

    Forever in our hearts those lost to us in body, but never in spirit. God Bless <3
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member

    I work at a small college in upstate NY, about 150 miles north of NYC. One of our faculty members came into my office in tears asking if I had a TV. We turned it on and were in shock at what was happening; this was just after the first plane hit. After watching in horror for a few minutes, we realized we had to get TV's scattered around campus so that faculty/staff/students knew what was happening. We were so busy that I didn't get to deal with my own emotions until later in the day. Everything was eerily quiet as people took in the news. Even the sky was quiet with no air traffic. We learned later that the flight paths of the planes that hit the Trade Center had taken them over our college.

    Several in our college community lost someone close to them.

    "In the Arms of the Angels"

    "Can't Cry Hard Enough"
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    11 years ago today, I joined the United States Army, by complete coincidence...

    The second tower came down as I was reciting my Oath of Enlistment.

    I have never regretted it ONCE!!!

    Thank you for your service sdpursley!
  • jadedm
    jadedm Posts: 31 Member
    In History Class... At that moment no one passed class and we stayed in the room watching the television... And I remember my teacher said clear as day...in the most saddest voice .." This..is history happening right before your eyes... Pay attention."
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I was in high school second period by the time the news broke. The rest of the day there were tvs on in every classroom displaying the latest news coverage.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Where were you? i was at work, listening to the radio, when the DJ broke in to say a plane had hit World Trade. Not a jet, a plane. How weird, i thought, but didn't think twice about it. Then, seemingly just minutes later, he came back on to say a second plane had hit. WTF? was my reaction. What was going on? Shortly thereafter, news of the collapse. I was numb. I couldn't believe this was happening. I drove to a job site later, near the Quad Cities Airport, to the deafening roar of jet after jet making landing after landing as the were ordered from the skies. It seemed so impossible. I remember the weather was incredibly nice that day, not a cloud in the sky. The only thing up there were the contrails of Air Force One, when it flew over earlier. Those lines in the sky lingered forever it seemed. I remembered commenting to a cousin later that day at my son's soccer practice how this was the only day in our lifetimes that the sky didn't have plane after plane streaking across it. It was eerie. My youngest was only 4 months old then. And we've been at war his entire life. Odd to think about.
  • Captain_RG
    Captain_RG Posts: 96 Member
    Mr. Sanders Geometry class. Freshman year in high school. Spent the entire day trying to get a hold of my best friend and her family in NY.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    I had dropped my son off at preschool. I got home and my then husband was watching the news on tv. I remember being incredulous about it all, and then the 2nd plane ran into the other tower. I just stood there and wondered what would happen next. I worked at a local paper at the time and had to prepare the pictures they found on the AP wire for the special edition that night. They were awful and just gruesome to see. So very candid.
    About 2 weeks later I was laid off from that job because of the economic changes the country experienced from fallout due to this day. I have yet to find a decent job again. What a fateful day.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I was supposed to be having a meeting on WTC 1, 64 or 65 floor. It was my lucky day because on my way to the 830 I got a call from my manager telling me that the meeting was moved to the afternoon because the person hosting the meeting was running late.

    We were having our usual morning meeting when we heard the first plane hit the tower. We thought it was some random helicopter. When turned on the TV as the second plane hit the other tower. It was a horrible day that I wish I could erase from my memory.

    Thanks to all of those and their families that have sacrifice their lives for us.
  • Rennae9
    Rennae9 Posts: 61 Member
    It was around 4pm in Vuctrii, Kosovo. My husband was working for the United Nations at the time. The electricity had just came back on and I was jumping into the bath since the power had been off for two days. The only English speaking channel we had on satellite was MSNBC. The power came on so naturally my husband was watching TV. He yelled, "Hey come look at this!" We both thought it was an advertisement at first for some action movie. We both were watching the TV when the second plane hit. We turned and looked at each other and said "Oh My God...."
  • I was at home, had slept late. Turned on the radio and heard something about Church St and thought they were talking about Orlando FL. So I turned on the tv and was stunned. Watched in shock and cried. Called my (at the time) mother in law and found out that my current boyfriend's Brother in Law was somewhere in Manhattan. His other brother in law was stuck in Jersey. My boyfriends family is from Brooklyn and he lived there for 26 years. I spoke to him and he was crying after i told him about his family's whereabouts.

    I called out of work (it was a 4 hour shift) and drove to be with my boyfriend. Was thankful that his family was safe but still we watched the terror unfold on tv.

    So very saddened that this great country had to endure that kind of loss.


  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    I was working in a machine shop that manufactured aircraft engines. Shortly after I lost my job because people stopped flying.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I was asleep when my dad woke me up and told me to come watch the news that a plane had crashed into the world trade center. I didn't really know what that meant at the time but as I was watching the news the second tower was hit. We watched it in silence (besides the gasps) of shock we were experiencing. I went to work that day and it was slow (this is one of the busiest 7-11's in north america) but it was eerily slow that day.
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    I was a senior in college in George Mason University in Virginia. I woke up to Howard Stern on my radio, as usual. He was talking about planes hitting the WTC. I thought to myself, "That's a really sick joke, even for you." Then I turned on the TV. School didn't close that day, but I couldn't leave my TV set. The next day, I had to go into DC via metro and when they opened the doors for the Pentagon station to let out essential employees, the smoke smell was overwhelming.