Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    I was getting ready for work when my roommate called me in to watch it on tv. Still get chills thinking about it. There is nothing that can prepare you for that. I felt like we were all brothers and sisters that day when sometimes borders, religons & race seem to set us all apart.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I was managing 2 motels. One of my employees came in and said something had happened. Won't ever forget that day!
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    on the 12 floor of my office blocks away from the White House. Crazy time. Not sure what was going to happen next. Watched live news footage on a TV set up in one of our conf rooms. Once the plane hit the Pentagon, I was gone!
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    In 10th grade. I got to English class and a classmate told our teacher that a plane crashed into the world trade center and she didn't believe him. Finally she turned on the TV and we ended up watching all day.
  • lightinme
    lightinme Posts: 9 Member
    I was 20 years old...married...very pregnant with my first child. I was at work, and the break room with the tv was downstairs. I remember making several trips down there that day. I remember rubbing my very pregnant belly thinking "Lord what kind of a world am I bringing my child into?"....Today I'm 31, and he'll be 11 next month. And I will never forget that day. I still wonder what kind of a world we're in. May God bless those who have suffered in any way.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I was driving to work. It came on the radio that a plane had hit the towers. My first thought was "Ooops, someone is going to get in trouble for that scew-up." It never crossed my mind that someone could have done it on purpose. When I got to work, all the computers were tuned to news, and watching what was happening.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    11 years ago today I was in 7th grade and it started off like any normal day. I remember a kid next to me saying that there was a terrorist attack on the United States and at the time, being so young, I had no idea what he was talking about. The teacher turned on the news, but we were all so oblivious, we had no idea it was a big deal. I remember finishing my school day as normal, for some reason there wasn't much talk about it. Instead of going straight home, I stopped for pizza with a friend. At the time, I didn't have a cell phone and was expected to go straight home after school but I knew as long as I was home before my mom, it wouldn't be a big deal. I walked into my house around 4:00pm to my mom and sister sitting on the couch crying. My mom was freaking out asking me where I'd be. She explained the situation to me and we sat and watched the coverage on the television. What I failed to realize was that my brother, who had just 2 months prior completed boot camp in the Army, was being sent to war. He called later that day to tell us he loved us, but that we wouldn't be talking for some time. The next time we spoke to him was Mother's Day. Luckily through all of his trips oversees, he is still with us today and I couldn't be more proud of him.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    11 years ago I was a 7th grader at a school that had middle school and high school combined. The bell rang to let us out of class (I was in pre-algebra) and I was walking to my locker to grab my books for my accelerated science class when a friend that was a grade above me ran towards me screaming that the United States was under attack. I thought she was joking and then I thought she was exaggerating. When I got to my science class, my teacher (Ms. Limburner) had the news on and I cried as we watched the towers collapse live. Every class I went to that day had the news on. We did no school work, had no homework and there was talk of letting us all go home. About half of the kids in my classes were picked up early.

    When I did get home, my mom had plastered herself in front of the TV as she'd stayed home from work to take care of 2 of my sisters who were home sick from school. They were all still crying.
  • I was 23 a shm to my 13 month old twins was watching E.R. on the t.v and remember it was a new one because for a min i was annoyed that they went to the news until i realized what was happening . Then i can just remember watching for the rest of the day in disbelief and shock. To this day when they run the shows on the anniversary of 9-11 i think about all the people whose lives were changed forever and it saddens me greatly.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I had just walked into work when the first plane hit. I was an office manager for a large local restaurant where I live, and I had never seen the place so empty. Good thing, because all of us were glued to the TVs for the rest of the day. I remember just crying over and over for the next week. I didn't know anyone in the buildings, Pentagon, or Flight 93, but I guess just being an American was enough.
  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 145 Member
    On Sept 9th and 10th I had been in NYC. A reunion that I was invited to was organized. Instead of staying one more night in NYC, My ex and I drove home to Massachusetts(10th). We got up late(9:30.a.m.-EST), and then started seeing on the news about the first plane crashing! I was dumb-struck because I was only 10hrs from being right there! I could not believe all that was happening. I am changed from that day in many ways. I wonder why some people can "hate" that much!, but now realize there is that kind of hate in our World.
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    Law school - in Torts Class - when the instructor got an urgent notice to evacuate the building and then the Mayor of Houston called for the evacuation of the entire downtown district. Traffic was an absolute gridlock - what would normally be a 20 minute commute was 4 hours. My wife and I have ever since had an escape plan and meeting place in case we got separated.
  • I was visiting a friend after school. And i flew abroad the following day. security was overwhelming.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I was in my ninth grade English class when it happened. We were turning in assignments when the principal came onto the intercom and informed all the teachers to turn their TV's onto CNN. I will never forget the moment when we saw people jumping from the windows.

    The image of the second plane hitting the Towers is something I will never forget.
  • modernartemis
    modernartemis Posts: 37 Member
    I lived in St.Louis and was in high school. I was 15. Iremember my teacher looking at the boys in our class and saying "Some of you will go to war because of this." Sadly, one of the boys in that class was hit by an IED in Afghanistan four years ago. He was a good friend of mine and an army ranger.

    My (now) husband had just entered the navy right before this. He was 18. His boat, the George Washington, was sent to NYC that day.
  • Jeep429
    Jeep429 Posts: 18 Member
    I was freshman in high school sitting in the library taking a make-up test and they always kept the tvs on the news....I looked up and saw smoke pouring from one of the twin towers and next thing I knew, I was looking up again and the second plane hit the second tower...I ran out of the library and to class and just cried and cried. I had an aunt that lives in NYC near Ground Zero and was tremendously scared. It was terrible.
  • I was sat in my family restaurant in Wales, UK. We decided to close for the day while we watched everything on the news, I was 10 at the time. Me and my best friend were due to go and watch our favorite pop group in concert the following weekend, but my friends mother told us she feared there might be an attack in the UK, so we cancelled the concert and didnt go.
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I was 27, single & living in Cleveland. I didn't have to be in to work until 11 am & I remember (for whatever reason) I didn't turn the radio on that morning while I was getting ready. When I was headed into work, I had to travel almost to downtown Cleveland in order to get on the highway & all of downtown had just been evacuated. The eerie thing was how quiet it was. Everyone had their windows down but I just remember it eerily quiet. I still had no comprehension of what was going on. I got to work & the first words my manager said to me were, "Have you called your parents? You need to call your parents." I remember it taking a LONG time to sink in. Just the absolute horror of it all. I cried a lot that day & the days following. I still cry when I think about it too much. So much has happened in my life over the last 11 years... my heart still breaks for every life lost & the pain their families have endured. The children who will never know the parents they lost.

    I look at my own children now & I pray they will never have to witness something as tragic as we did that warm September day.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I was 19, and in my first college class of the day. They turned on the tv after the first plane hit and we watched the second hit. It was silent. Needless to say, they let us go, and I drove the 45 mins home in silence. When I got home, my mom was sitting on the bed watching tv crying. I sat beside her hugging her and watching the tv. She wasn't making any noise crying, and I wasn't saying a word.

    It was such an EERIE day.

    Will forever remember it.
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    11 years ago I was at the tail end of a 24 hour shift at the fire department. We were doing our turnover when someone saw a flash of the footage on the news. We stayed on shift, our replacement shift stayed, and our third shift came in. The region I lived in had more than 20 military bases, and is only a few hours from DC.

    5 hours later, one of our shifts was on it's way to DC, another to New York, and a third stayed on duty at our station, with support of volunteers for days. Our families were very supportive, coming to visit at the station, the families of those of us that left town came and just waited at the station.

    Many of the firefighters and paramedics in New York were friends of mine, we'd met at conferences and stayed in touch. My then (I'm divorced now) father in law was working at the Pentagon, said he didn't even feel it from the side of the building he works on.

    3 years later, during my divorce, I learned that my son, who was four at the time of the attacks was deeply touched by the events. After my move, I went in for an interview with the fire department in a new city, ready to start my new life... My son told me that if an airplane crashed into a building, I shouldn't go in. It hit me then that it's one thing for a 2 parent family to have a paramedic in the mix, its another thing all together to be a paramedic and a single parent. Thus ended my career in emergency medical services, and the beginnings of my work in education.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I was in 4th grade they wouldn't let us watch the news but we were told something bad had happened. When I was on my way home with my mom she told me about it, I remember exactly where we were when she told me and I think about it every time I drive that route. I remember as soon as I got home I went into my parents room to watch the news.
    I think it goes for everyone around my age when I say although I was so young I definitely understood the sadness, evil, and severity of what had just taken place.
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    I live in London UK and when the first plane hit I was just entering my office block from my lunchbreak when I saw 100's people crowded around the TV screens, I said what has happened? they told me one plane at hit the towers. As I stood there watching the second plane hit, we were frozen to the spot with tears falling down our eyes, our mangers let us all go home, it was a sad sad day.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    I was in Wilmington NC. I took off work to get my tires changed and was sitting in the waiting room watching it unfold with two other strangers. Than some of the mechanics came into watch it. Oddly enough we weren't strangers anymore when the tears of the horror was unfolding before us.

    Though I never wish a tragic event of even half of that magnitude to take place again, I truly wish our country had thee unity that we had after 9/11!
  • mychef
    mychef Posts: 7 Member
    i was in social studys class in eight grade and mrs. pawlak had recieve a phone call and then turned the tv on and it was all over the tv right after the secound plane had hit the secound tower
  • started new job half and hour before the first plan hit....live about 45minutes away from NYC
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    I was sitting at my computer, playing WoW in Conway, Arkansas. All of a sudden, Trade Channel went wild with people talking about an airplane hitting one of the WTC towers. I couldn't believe it and of course, thought it was a terrible accident. I left the game and went to turn on my TV, just in time to see the second plane hit. It wasn't an accident anymore. I, along with everyone I knew, stayed glued to the TV for quite some time.

    I was in shock and really didn't ever think about this type of thing happening on American land, before that day. Now I know it can. I'll never forget it. I hope nobody does.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I was probably in the doctor's office with my younger sister. We both had ear infections that day. Got antibiotics, went home to eat chicken soup and watch the news the rest of the day. Horrific. My dad left work early and my older sister was off of her college classes so she was home too. Scary.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I was just entering 9th and went to visit some friends over at the middle school a block away. Suddenly, my friend's dad (who is a cop) drove up and pick her up, saying there had been an attack and she was coming home from school. We were all so confused. I didn't know know what the Twin Towers were. My chemistry teacher actually spent the entire class period talking about what this meant for us and our country and it was such an eye opener.
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    i was at school in third grade an all of a sudden we were brought in our classroom and told to sit in a circle and were told what had happened...
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