Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    11 years ago I was at the tail end of a 24 hour shift at the fire department. We were doing our turnover when someone saw a flash of the footage on the news. We stayed on shift, our replacement shift stayed, and our third shift came in. The region I lived in had more than 20 military bases, and is only a few hours from DC.

    5 hours later, one of our shifts was on it's way to DC, another to New York, and a third stayed on duty at our station, with support of volunteers for days. Our families were very supportive, coming to visit at the station, the families of those of us that left town came and just waited at the station.

    Many of the firefighters and paramedics in New York were friends of mine, we'd met at conferences and stayed in touch. My then (I'm divorced now) father in law was working at the Pentagon, said he didn't even feel it from the side of the building he works on.

    3 years later, during my divorce, I learned that my son, who was four at the time of the attacks was deeply touched by the events. After my move, I went in for an interview with the fire department in a new city, ready to start my new life... My son told me that if an airplane crashed into a building, I shouldn't go in. It hit me then that it's one thing for a 2 parent family to have a paramedic in the mix, its another thing all together to be a paramedic and a single parent. Thus ended my career in emergency medical services, and the beginnings of my work in education.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I was in 4th grade they wouldn't let us watch the news but we were told something bad had happened. When I was on my way home with my mom she told me about it, I remember exactly where we were when she told me and I think about it every time I drive that route. I remember as soon as I got home I went into my parents room to watch the news.
    I think it goes for everyone around my age when I say although I was so young I definitely understood the sadness, evil, and severity of what had just taken place.
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    I live in London UK and when the first plane hit I was just entering my office block from my lunchbreak when I saw 100's people crowded around the TV screens, I said what has happened? they told me one plane at hit the towers. As I stood there watching the second plane hit, we were frozen to the spot with tears falling down our eyes, our mangers let us all go home, it was a sad sad day.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    I was in Wilmington NC. I took off work to get my tires changed and was sitting in the waiting room watching it unfold with two other strangers. Than some of the mechanics came into watch it. Oddly enough we weren't strangers anymore when the tears of the horror was unfolding before us.

    Though I never wish a tragic event of even half of that magnitude to take place again, I truly wish our country had thee unity that we had after 9/11!
  • mychef
    mychef Posts: 7 Member
    i was in social studys class in eight grade and mrs. pawlak had recieve a phone call and then turned the tv on and it was all over the tv right after the secound plane had hit the secound tower
  • nuffexercise2012
    started new job half and hour before the first plan hit....live about 45minutes away from NYC
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I was sitting at my computer, playing WoW in Conway, Arkansas. All of a sudden, Trade Channel went wild with people talking about an airplane hitting one of the WTC towers. I couldn't believe it and of course, thought it was a terrible accident. I left the game and went to turn on my TV, just in time to see the second plane hit. It wasn't an accident anymore. I, along with everyone I knew, stayed glued to the TV for quite some time.

    I was in shock and really didn't ever think about this type of thing happening on American land, before that day. Now I know it can. I'll never forget it. I hope nobody does.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I was probably in the doctor's office with my younger sister. We both had ear infections that day. Got antibiotics, went home to eat chicken soup and watch the news the rest of the day. Horrific. My dad left work early and my older sister was off of her college classes so she was home too. Scary.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I was just entering 9th and went to visit some friends over at the middle school a block away. Suddenly, my friend's dad (who is a cop) drove up and pick her up, saying there had been an attack and she was coming home from school. We were all so confused. I didn't know know what the Twin Towers were. My chemistry teacher actually spent the entire class period talking about what this meant for us and our country and it was such an eye opener.
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    i was at school in third grade an all of a sudden we were brought in our classroom and told to sit in a circle and were told what had happened...
  • amysuespears
    I was 25 years old and was working at a mail-in pharmacy here in Ohio.... I had taken my daughter to pre-school that morning and had arrived at work at 9am... As soon as I sat down at my desk, my buddy came over and told me to turn on 700WLW (AM station)... I turned it on, and there it was... the horror.... They wouldn't let us leave. I remember getting home from work and grabbing my 4-year-old daughter and hugging her tightly. We sat glued to the tv the entire night... terrified.

    Now, 11 years later, I am married to a man who served our community as a firefighter... this day is so hard for him because so many of his brothers lost their lives... so many innocent people died that day, whether they were millitary, police, firefighters, or civilians. My husband and I always use this day as a way to honor the heroes and remember those who were lost...

    Never forget.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I was 12 years old sitting in history class in 7th grade. So sad :(

    But if you want to learn about another American tragedy still happening today, check out this short documentary:

  • aruiz13
    aruiz13 Posts: 22 Member
    I was in hawaii serving in the Army as a MP... Woke up to a siren!! Turned on the TV and next thing i knew we were being alerted 24 hour security No one comes on base and noone leaves!!
  • llm0505
    I was on my way to the federal building downtown Atlanta with a co-worker who was headed to Fulton County Court House. The funny thing is that they closed the court house but not the tall federal building. I finished my work and headed home to watch the events on TV.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    standing in my living room with a cup of coffee (alone) i never watch tv in the morning but for some reason popped it on at the precise moment they aired the second hit live...i called my dad (i was confused and scared)

    it was nothing but silence for me the rest of the day...called out of work still frightened (was it going to happen here?)

    then spent that day and future days with the tv off so my children did not get the repetition of news reports...they were too young.

    we spent our time reaching out to others in our community that were being looked at funny (in the walk of our life not anything organized)

  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Walked into my 7th grade history class thinking we were going to watch a movie.. the teacher was crying and had the news playing. I will never forget it.
    <3 In my Prayers
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    In work in Boston, in shock having learned that my 2 cousins were on the first plane
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    first day of high school first period I remember a classmate running out histerical her mom worked there. her mom missed it because she stopped to get a cup of coffee.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I was 20 and in my second year of college, in my first morning class. By the time class was over, both planes had already hit. I had tickets to some WWF wrestling thing that night and my mom left a frantic voicemessage telling me not to go since she wasn't sure what this country was coming to. I still didn't know what had happened at this point until I walked into my next class and my friend told me a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. My response, "wow! what an idiot! how can you not see the towers??"
    A few minutes later, class was dismissed. I remember going home and just crying and watching CNN for the rest of the day. That evening, my boyfriend and I ate dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It was crowded as usual, but you could hear a pin drop. There was no Spanish music, no talking, laughing and carrying on like normal, just everyone watching the TVs in the restaurant. Right then and there, I realized nothing would ever be the same again.
  • foreversunshine1
    foreversunshine1 Posts: 46 Member
    At work... got a call from a friend in another office telling me to find a tv, that a plane had just crashed into the WTC. Our whole office left to another building to see what was going on. I remember standing there, watching the replay of the first plane hitting the WTC...all the while thinking "this must have been an accident"... Out of nowhere, I saw the second plane hit. I had a sinking sick feeling in my gut at the enormity of it all. Suddenly, the feeling of being safe in this country left, we were not untouchable.

    My prayers go out to all the brave souls who lived and died through it all and to those who put their lives on the line everyday to keep our country safe.