Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • I was in 4th grade. Almost all of the kids got picked up throughout the day, although no-one actually told us what was going on. My parents told me and my younger brother what had happened when we got home, and we saw all the news footage. I'm not sure what I had been thinking at the time, mostly just a sadness for those who had died and amazement that planes had flown into the buildings. They played "Proud to be an American" on the radio in the days that followed.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    My radio/alarm clock had just came on and I was laying in bed listening to the news reports about the first plane (I live in the Western United States)...My hubby was in the bathroom getting ready for work, so I called him over and we listened together...At first we figured it was an accident, then they reported the second plane...I jumped out of bed and ran upstairs to my daughters' room where the only working television was...I remember sitting on her bed, hugging my kids who were still at home and sobbing my eyes out as we watched the towers falling...My youngest handed me a roll of toilet paper to use because we were out of kleenex, I had gone through a whole box....I will never forget...
  • Lillyrose125
    Lillyrose125 Posts: 33 Member
    I was on the treadmill watching Fox News before getting ready for work. My husband was in the other room when I called him in after the first plane hit. I remember it like it was yesterday. I felt weird going to work as it seemed like the world should stop and we should all stay home and be glued to the t.v. What an awful day for everyone especially all the people in New York with loved ones in the vicinity.

    They have been in my thoughts all day.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I had worked the late shift the night before, my wife calls and tells me to turn on the TV, I watched as the second plane hit the second tower, then as the towers fell, my heart sank, I have friends in New York but I didn't know where they worked. Of course there was no way for me to find out and didn't know for a week or so that they didn't work downtown. I became so angry and disgusted how could anyone attack innocent people like this? I know it happens all over the world but not in this scale. If I had been thinner and younger I would have joined up and fought for our rights but I was too old and toooo fat. God Bless all that lost their lives, all that lost their families, and all the troops that fight for our freedoms. Here and abroad.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't remember.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    sophomore in college in English class.
  • Chopshopcop
    Chopshopcop Posts: 37 Member
    Today is a tough day for cops and firefighers everywhere

    I was at work, handling an arrest. My Major came out of his office and told us that a plane had just crashed into the WTC; it was just another wtf moment until the subsequent mass murders unfolded before our eyes as the day went on. The shock, the horror and the slow burning anger that came over me cannot be described.

    Just knowing that the US has avenged all of those that died that day and the murdering *kitten* that committed this are being tormented in hell now gives me incredible joy
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    recruiting in colorado. i wasn't a war hero but i was serving on active duty. sometimes i feel guilty because i was safe and far away from the danger. not much i can do about that.
  • I was ten years old and had been at school all day here in the UK, listening to the radio on the way home (around 4pm here) news of what had happened was all over every station with constant updates. We got home and my Mum turned on the TV and it went straight to the images of what was/had happened in New York. I only remember her saying 'Holy ****' and tears running down her face.

    I now campaign for Sarcoidosis awareness here in the UK and support charities in America, those who helped the rescue effort in 9/11 now suffer with the disease or have died from it. My papa died from it a year before 9/11...the effects of that terrible day unfortunately still haunt the living. Just so sad.

    America is AWESOME!
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    in 7th grade...somewhat oblivious to what was going on, it wasnt until i seen my usually scrunched faced latin teacher break out in tears that it hit me, because the plane came from Boston a lot of parents rushed to the school and got their kids, i went the entire day. FML.
  • jlanz10
    jlanz10 Posts: 58 Member
    I was at work, for USAirways, in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Pa...We had just loaded our Pittsburgh departure...I walked inside and was watching the tv...A few seconds later, the 2nd plane hit, and I knew it was a terrorist attack...After that, all our flights cancelled, and it was an eerie day...I remember being at work the next week, with no flights or passengers in the terminal, and it was really creepy...It is a day that still makes me angry if I think about it alot...Ive watched all the videos hundreds of time...
  • I had just dropped my oldest son off to his first day of preschool and took my other son with my to the local coffee house to get a coffee when the barrista behind the counter told me that a plane had flown into one of the world trade center buildings. At first I thought it was an accident until the report came over the radio (NPR) that a second plane hit the other building. I knew instantly we were under attack and went home and stayed glued in front of the TV for hours....even days....was completely devastated like everyone else....and there is still a deep sadness about today for me.

    Right now I am on the air and playing mostly all Patriot and "Remember When" type music and I just got a call from a listener Thanking me for doing so...said it meant a lot to him. Made me cry!


    Praying today for all those who still relive this awful day and still feel the effects and also for the 343 Firefighters who lost their lives ....My husband became a firefighter after 9-11 and I think about those guys and their families all the time,
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    I was living in NY, and from my job had a view of the skyline. While driving to work I heard on the radio the first plane hit, and thinking it was a commuter plane didn't think too much of it. Then the second plane hit By that time I was at work, and mass confusion set in. No one really knew what was going on in those first few minutes. It's a sight I'll never forget. My friends daughter was in the 2nd tower but managed to get out, my other friend's son was not that lucky. It's actually hard to talk about, it feels like it happened just yesterday.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    I was in the back country of utah roughing it for several days.. I didn't learn about anything that happened until September 17th. I was away from phone television etc hiking can camping for several days..
  • mzfiyaa
    mzfiyaa Posts: 94 Member
    home with my nephews about to go 2 work watching the news about the attacks i didnt know how serious it was i was 19 at the time
  • mzfiyaa
    mzfiyaa Posts: 94 Member
    no i was 18
  • I was in the hospital in Jersey City, NJ, which is across the water from the towers. I was watching the local news when the first plane hit. I was hitting my call button trying to get my nurse because I thought there was something wrong with my TV because the reception went out. Suddenly there was sheer pandemonium. The hospital went into disaster status. I couldn't get up, but my nurse told me you could see the towers burning from the cafeteria window. It was one of the scariest days of my life.
  • i was in first grade and my sister was in kindergarten probably drawing while i was learning math and we got sent home that day
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    I had just had my fourth child three days before, and my husband had the day off, so we were all sitting there just enjoying our new family member. My mother-in-law called us and told us to turn on the TV. We did. . . and were horrified. I had blood pressure issues (too low) from losing some blood during delivery, so I was a little weak to start with, and as we were watching the coverage, the second plane hit, and I tried to stand up, but my legs wouldn't hold me. I think I cried for a week -- even now it hurts to think about that day.

    God Bless the USA! Bring back the Glory to this land!
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Was working the 5:30-2P shift in Cali behind a desk and logged onto FoxNews.Com and saw the photo of the plane into the first tower... called my Dad in NYC where he lived and couldn't believe what had happened. My soon to be Ex is a Marine and was on lock down soon after at the Base... The rest was a nightmare, terrible day.... sigh.
  • teletubbie87
    teletubbie87 Posts: 78 Member
    7th grade.... English class .. Totally saddening to see second plane hit the second tower,
    etc... And hear about the 3rd plane at Pentagon... Then the other one that was meant either for the US Capital or White House.
    I pause to think what would be if either one of those would have been destroyed. =( Thank God there's life beyond Earth.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    in the hospital, just having given birth to my 2nd child.
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    I watched the whole thing unfold on television!!!! Live - from my home, which at the time, was in SC.

    I was going about my usual morning routine of drinking coffee and watching the news, I had turned it on right when they started reporting about the first plane hitting the 1st buiding, So I saw it all-just enfold on tv. I saw the first tower smoking, then the 2nd one get hit,the first one crumble,people jumping from buildings, and the reports of the pentagon and the Pa flight etc.

    My husband just happened to have a day off so I went and got him before the second tower got hit. We watched and listened in terror. I had a brother who traveled from his home in Philly to NY often to do business near the trade center. He also often flew out of Philly ,too. I also had a brother who lived in washington DC. So I was especially concerned about them, I called my parents in Philly who told me my brother was supposed to go to NY that day but had cancelled the appt thank god the day before. And they said they had heard from my bro in washington and that he was safe too.

    I remember feeling very family oriented and wanting to call my step daughter and all 3 brothers and my husband' s family, even though they did not iive anywhere near any of the strikes-just to be in touch with them and tell them i cared.I also remembered feeling somewhat unsure about the safety of our country as a whole.

    I went on to work about 4 hours later and remember it being a slow day and wanting to get home to hear the rest of the news of the day, as we didnt have a tv at work.

    Since that day Ive become quite the news junkie. Something about watching it all unfold on tv, live,with minute to minute coverage, has made me want to keep informed , eternally after, about the world at large. I now try to watch the news at least every mmorning and evening.
  • clarajean123
    clarajean123 Posts: 22 Member
    I was working at my office, typing on the computer, as a co-worker turned to me at told me what happened. Within minutes, people were rushing up and down the hallway, comments were flying, and the building was locked down. We scrambled to find outside word of what was going on. I thought about my family and wondered where they were, should I go to them. We were only blocks from the Capital where the governer of Florida, Jeb Bush, resided, who happened to be the brother of United States President, George Bush. It was my mother's birthday. We were too upset to have any celebrations that night. However, we have grown from this time and incident.
  • I was up before 5:00 a.m. that morning, in Salt Lake City. I made coffee and listened to headline news on National Public Radio. All was well with the world (or so it seemed, looking back). I turned off the radio, and wrote until 7:00--then turned the radio back on as I started to get ready for my day job: and all the world had changed.

    My partner was still asleep, and I hurried into the bedroom. "Drew," I said, "Our country is under attack. They've hit Washington and New York: not nuclear bombs." We got the TV on and watched, aghast, as first one and then another of the towers in New York collapsed. Drew had been a journalist in the Middle East, stationed in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and one of the first journalists into Kuwait during Desert Storm; at one point he had interviewed Yassir Arafat--and he was very pro-Palestinian. I'll never forget the look on his face--sorrow and defeat, even--as the news began saying that what was happening was the work of Islamic terrorists.
  • I was a jumior in high school, and I remember all of my classmates as well as myself kept looking up to the sky like if something were going to happen. It was such a sad day, and still continues to be as the years go by.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    I was in 9th grade in Mrs. McGuire's Spanish class at Terre Haute South Vigo High when the news came on the television... so sad...
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    in college, turned on the radio RIGHT when the second plan hit.. then i watched it on the big screen in lounge...
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Grade 3 and in school.

    The teachers hadn't told us anything - I guess because we're in Canada and because we were so young.
    Then a student came back from lunch - his mom took him home for lunch...
    When he came back he told us about it and then the teacher brought in a TV since already knew and watched what was going on.

    We were all sent home with a letter saying that she told us about it and for our parents to talk to us.

    I remember crying a lot, especially to the images where people were jumping out of the building.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I was getting ready for school, grade 8 I think?