I am so done with this program!!



  • spreag
    spreag Posts: 47 Member
    Not true! Those meals are few and far between. Everything is baked or grilled, never fried, and we cook in this house, we don't eat many process foods. Please don't reply again, you're a jerk!!

    you aint gonna make many friends acting like that . PS . disregard my last post you obviously need a shrink , not diet advice .
    Oh , and your diet is crap !!!!

  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    It really gets me how the clean eating people jump down peoples throats for eating hot dogs! OP isn't even getting to calorie target and yet still getting grief for what they are eating. Some people don't jump into the healthy, clean-eating, maniac exercising straight away, I've been here nearly a year and I'm still not there. Hopefully I never will be, it seems to turn people mean!
    OP: Try to get to your calorie limit every day, maybe add some fresh fruit and vegetables in where you can. If your diary is set at sedentary you can log any major movement as exercise. Give it a couple of weeks. I would also suggest tracking your sodium and trying to stay below 1800mg a day and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I attribute most of my weight loss to these 2 factors. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Great advice - I couldnt agree more!! Not everyone eats 100% clean all the time and it isnt necessary for weightloss.

    Try to get any fruit and veg you can in and a little exercise. Walking is a great starting point. Eat up to your calorie goal - remember it is just that a GOAL not a top limit as many seem to think of it. I try to stay within 10% of my goal either below OR above.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • wheels5894
    wheels5894 Posts: 26 Member
    Well, this is the first person I've seen here who didn't manage to lose weight. I've never dieted before, am a wheelchair user so exercising is tougher and yet I ma nearly 2 stone lighter in 3 months. Sticking to eating the calorie allowance every day obviously works for virtually everyone here. However.....

    OP, have you checked with your doctor that you have nothing medically wrong with you? Its possible that your failure to lose weight could be caused by medicines you are taking or by a metabolic problem. If these sorts of things are ruled out, then stick with MFP, set a reasonable calorie limit (MFP's automatic settings are best!) and then eat that amount each day.

    You will notice MFP also wants you to do some exercise each day too. Doing this will speed up weight lossJust walk for a while each day instead of riding on the bus or in the car.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Are you really being honest in your diary?

    Losing weight isn't "luck" its science. You eat less you lose weight...add exercise and bada bing bada boom.

    If you gained weight you overate/didn't exercise, plain and simple.

    (edited: by eat less I mean with a "healthy" deficit)
  • LauraBaldwin2012
    How about dropping the sarcasm, and either say something supportive to someone who clearly needs a couple of nice words or else dont say anything at all

    Easy to be rude to ppl when your sitting behind your computer isn't it?
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    It really gets me how the clean eating people jump down peoples throats for eating hot dogs! OP isn't even getting to calorie target and yet still getting grief for what they are eating. Some people don't jump into the healthy, clean-eating, maniac exercising straight away, I've been here nearly a year and I'm still not there. Hopefully I never will be, it seems to turn people mean!
    OP: Try to get to your calorie limit every day, maybe add some fresh fruit and vegetables in where you can. If your diary is set at sedentary you can log any major movement as exercise. Give it a couple of weeks. I would also suggest tracking your sodium and trying to stay below 1800mg a day and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I attribute most of my weight loss to these 2 factors. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    For me, personally, it's not about the hot dogs, per se. I am NOT a clean eating person BY ANY MEANS. I love hot dogs. It's the hot dogs coupled with very little fruits/vegetables/lean meats/whole grains/other healthy foods and little to no evidence of water intake or exercise. You really CANNOT eat mostly junk food, whether you don't hit your calorie goal or not, or maybe ESPECIALLY if you don't even hit your calorie goal, and still lose weight. You body is not getting enough proper nutrition.

    Hot dogs can have a place in everyone's diet, if that's what they want to eat, but you have to have a balance and give your body what it actually needs.

    Just my two cents.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    MFP isn't a program, its a place to track calories and nutrients, and exercise. It's also a great place to get opinions about various foods, suggestions for how to get better nutritional value out of your calories, etc.

    I'm also looking at your diary, and the lack of veggies is something you definitely need to address. Fresh veggies (not the processed kind slathered in sauces) are essential to good nutrition and health and should be part of every day if possible. I don't see much fresh fruit either, berries are a great choice. Bananas are so delicious, and one of my favorite fruits, but they are also very high in sugar/carbs.

    You may be staying within your calorie restrictions, but it's hard to tell because your logging looks inconsistent; even if you are, here are some things to think about:
    I notice you often have Honey Nut Cheerios. Next time you go shopping, compare the labels of the Honey Nut vs the plain. I know it might not be as sweet and tasty, but the plain has MUCH less sugar. Some will say that too much sugar limits your body's ability to regulate itself correctly regarding hunger and metabolism. Reading labels make my shopping take twice as long now, lol, but I'm making better choices.
    I also see that your protein is often steak, which isn't bad in general, but try going with leaner cuts of meat more often, and when you do, try to stay away from fried preparations or sweet sauces. You may want to add the "sugar" column to your log and track that.
    Beware of prepared foods and lunch meats, they are loaded with sodium which can make you retain water, which, while it isn't "fat" will show on the scale.
    I also agree with the person who said to log individual ingredients, not generic preparations of food, because everyone prepares food differently, The same "Generic - Chicken Caesar Salad W/ Croutons and Dressing" can be 250 calories, or 1000 calories depending on preparation, dressing, etc. Yes, sometimes my meals have a dozen items listed!

    Since June I have lost about 30 pounds by tracking on MFP. Now, I don't think that is typical, but I started out with a lot to lose (over 100 pounds) and have been more disciplined about eating than I have ever been in my life. I expect that rate to slow down one of these days soon, of course, but, 30 pounds is still a hell of a lot and I truly accomplished it by using MFP to track my progress.

    You feel frustrated? you wanna get mad? that's fine, GET MAD. Get mad and then let it out by taking a walk or some other physical activity. I like to jump and stomp on things when I am annoyed, so I go to the park and jump on benches and kick rocks lol. People look at me like I'm crazy but who cares!!! I sweat out my frustrations and feel much better after. We all get mad and frustrated and feel like giving up, but giving up doesn't get us anywhere.

    My diary is password access only, but if you wanna have a look, just send me a message. However, please ignore those delicious frozen fudge bars i cant resist this week! (hey they are only 100 calories and all clean ingredients! but the sugar...)
  • LauraBaldwin2012
    How about getting a food scale and doing the program?

    How about dropping the sarcasm, and either say something supportive to someone who clearly needs a couple of nice words?

    Easy to be rude to ppl when your sitting behind your computer isn't it?
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    Like any tool we are given, if we dont LEARN and use it to it's beat advantage...you will not get the benefit out of it. Like a carpenter with a hammer....if they do not learn to use that hammer...the house they built will be reflective on it.

    You say you followed it to the letter.... but be honest with yourself. In looking at your diary...there are alot of days things seem to be missing.... is this the case or is this all you have consumed? If so I suggest you strongly look at what you are eating. At a glance I see alot of foods I would never touch in weight loss. Perhaps a committment to a lifestyle change and learning what foods will work with you would be beneficial.
    MFP is a tool...and a good one to use .. if one is committed... .it has helped me, it can help you if you are ready. It is discouraging when you want to see the scale drop and it doesnt...look to see what you can change or what you may be doing wrong. Weight gain is usually what you are putting in your mouth... always is for me.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    Read this link and find out how many calories you are really suppose to be eating.

  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    On many days you have eaten less than 1000 calories.. I know for starters that my BMR (Basal Metobolic Rate) is around 1350 calories.. You're BMR is what you body needs to survive. So I eat a little above my BMR (I aim for 1560 cals a day) and then I EXERCISE and burn about 500-700 calories a session, the more calories I burn the more I allow myself to eat (If I burn 700 calories then I'll let myself eat 1600-1700) I eat if I'm hungry, I never allow myself to be hungry, we're not meant to starve or feel unsatisfied..

    I'm not a super hot fit chick, I'm 23 and have been struggling with my weight my whole life... MFP is brilliant if you use it as a tool (because that's what it is.. a tool not a "program") I currently weigh 81kgs. My goal is 65kgs.. but I used to weigh 93kgs! AND I'm only 5'1. And what kicked me off with losing a whopping 12kgs so far!? Realising I needed to eat MORE. I was under eating, allowing myself only 3 meals a day (no snacks) but then by the time the weekend rolled around I found myself binging, I was so tired, low on energy and could hardly wake up for work in the morning.. began to eat more (simply ate more no exercise) and I lost 10kgs. Then the wait stopped and I realised.. I have to exercise now.. and now in just a week of going to the gym 5 days out of 7, I've already started to see the scales move again..

    Eat more, exercise more. Allow yourself small treats so you don't binge in large amounts. Don't starve yourself because all that is doing is putting your body into hibernation/starvation mode and you're body says "Oh I'm not going to eat for a while better store this meal as fat."

    Extra note... Some days I eat above 2000 calories! But I just make sure I go back to around 1500 the next day.

    how can your BMR be that low? are you using the schofield equation? it should be in the 2000's

    That was using the Fat2Fit Radio calculator which everyone directed me too. I think the 1350 is based on if I sat on my butt all day and did nothing. I'll PM you :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Eat up to your calorie goal - remember it is just that a GOAL not a top limit as many seem to think of it. I try to stay within 10% of my goal either below OR above.

    I WISH WISH WISH that MFP would let us set a goal "range" instead of a specific number!!! In my head i know that going over by 50 calories will have no negative effects on me, especially if the day before I was 50 under... but still, seeing that red number with the negative sign in front of it makes me feel crappy! I do agree with you, it's just a hard one for me mentally, bc of that red number, lol how stupid is that!
  • ogriffix
    Don't give up! All post I've seen in reply to this are dead on! This is not a diet it is a fitness and nutrition program and you need to treat it as such.
  • sjweld
    sjweld Posts: 14 Member
    How about getting a food scale and doing the program?

    How about dropping the sarcasm, and either say something supportive to someone who clearly needs a couple of nice words?

    Easy to be rude to ppl when your sitting behind your computer isn't it?

    Yes, rudeness does not help anyone!!

    As for processed foods, ha, I'm not opening my diary to all of you people BUT I can tell you I lost my weight and have maintained goal for about 3 months so far eating Schwan's Chicken Pot Pies, Ice Cream most nights and TV dinners! I cook "real" food a couple times a MONTH! If I am going to have something really heavy, like a Schwan's Pot Pie, for supper, I enter it into my diary in the morning and eat accordingly the rest of the day. I rarely go over my calories/fat/carbs for the day and try to get as close to goals as I can. I walk a couple times a day and normally get 5-7 miles and 12,000 + steps into my full day (all movement not just my "walks")

    The main keys are:
    1) Weigh your food
    2) Track EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth
    3) Watch your goals on not just calories but also carb/fat/protein ratio. This is easiest if you have the MFP app on a phone or something. There is a nice wheel that will show you just where your ratios are at. Sure wish they had that available on the site as well though.
    4) Stay realistic and don't tell yourself I "can't" eat that. Plan for whatever treats/special foods you want and eat accordingly the rest of the day so that it fits into your overall plan for the day.
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    You are not eating enough! You should eat back your exercise and you have put your body in starvation mode where it will store everything it can

    :huh: :huh: You won't/can't store fat while eating at a deficit. Starvation mode is a myth (otherwise all of the surviving Japanese POWs from WWII would not have been walking skeletons)

    ... There's a difference between starvation mode and actual Starvation.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    Have you been weighing all of your solid food and measuring the liquids? If not more than likely you have eaten a lot more than you entered in the diary as estimating is not a good way to gauge portion sizes.
  • davery1985
    davery1985 Posts: 142 Member
    It took me about 6 weeks to see any results, but that was because i didnt exercise as much at first. I am now exercising 4 times a week and its coming off. You need to eat more than you are eating now, and you need to try adding some fruit and veggis into your diet. That will really help. Another thing is you need to drink plenty of water. Thats really helped me in the past. Its taken me 6 months to loose 18lb, and i thought it was taking ages, but now i think well how long did it take me to put it on, maybe about 2-3 years, how should i expect my body to loose it in a short space of time.These things do take months, even over a year to achieve. You will get there in the end, just be more patient. Good luck xx
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    What did you eat on the days you didn't log or had an incomplete log? I'm guessing way to much.
  • ekalexm
    It really gets me how the clean eating people jump down peoples throats for eating hot dogs! OP isn't even getting to calorie target and yet still getting grief for what they are eating. Some people don't jump into the healthy, clean-eating, maniac exercising straight away, I've been here nearly a year and I'm still not there. Hopefully I never will be, it seems to turn people mean!
    OP: Try to get to your calorie limit every day, maybe add some fresh fruit and vegetables in where you can. If your diary is set at sedentary you can log any major movement as exercise. Give it a couple of weeks. I would also suggest tracking your sodium and trying to stay below 1800mg a day and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I attribute most of my weight loss to these 2 factors. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Completely agree with the above poster. By enlarge people on here are selfless and supportive, and offer useful information when others are struggling. However, there are more than a few narcissistic body Nazis eager to gloat and cast scorn on anyone not following their strict regimes. Kudos to anyone who gets a ripped body, especially if they've shifted a lot of weight to get there. But a fit body and a poisonous personality is still an unattractive package - bear that in mind.
  • ericdeken
    ericdeken Posts: 70 Member
    How about getting a food scale and doing the program?

    How about dropping the sarcasm, and either say something supportive to someone who clearly needs a couple of nice words?

    Easy to be rude to ppl when your sitting behind your computer isn't it?

    I don't think that was sarcasm.. A scale is an excellent tool to use to make sure you are eating proper portion sizes, especially if you are cooking at home, in which the OP said he was.