


  • HappyandToned
    HappyandToned Posts: 49 Member
    If I buy a packet of anything, I'll eat the whole thing. Every time! I'm pretty sure a few weeks ago I ate just short of 2 packets of Tim Tams in one sitting. 1 packet of white chocolate ones and one packet of original.
    I've eaten ice cream until the container's finished and drowned it in Agave syrup.
    I'd eat peanut butter and Nutella, out of the jar, with a spoon. A BIG spoon.
    Two dinners? Sure, why not! I mean, I have a bottomless pit for a stomach, right?!
    From work one time, I took 3, or 4, slices of cheesecake, brought them home, and ate the whole lot. Never mind that I was struggling to breathe.. they were just too damn tasty to throw away, or even give to someone else!
    Yep. So I have a massive sweet tooth issue. I've come to the realization that I'll never get rid of that. So now I just avoid anything sugary, other than fruit. If I don't avoid sugar, it basically becomes a full-on binge!
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    i used to get cross when i went out to dinner with my dad when he didnt want desert so that meant i couldnt have one!!
    i will drive out specially to buy food to stuff my face on! being a recovering bulimic i could litterally eat packets of biscuits cookies chocolate pasties cerial crisps and bread all in one go untill it hurt so much!
    its horrible :( i have so much guilt and shame and the more i tried to stop, the more it became a 'game' to see how secretive i could be and how much i could get away with!!
  • I used to eat take aways all the time and I used to eat loads
    I would just snack through the whole day
    A friend drank normal coke when I had always drank diet coke so I started drinking normal coke all the time I probably gained about 10lbs from doing this
    I used to eat about 5 chocolate bars a day, probably more
  • tonybreyal
    tonybreyal Posts: 3 Member
    I feel incredibly embarrassed that I'm admitting to the following:

    - When getting fast food (e.g. McDonald's, KFC, BK - often going directly from one place to the next), I would often read the order from a piece of paper to make it look like I was ordering for several people instead of just myself. I ordered a lot of food.

    - When getting a take-away in person from a Chinese/Indian/etc place, without a piece of paper handy, I would make it sound as if I was trying to remember a list of items off the top of my head for several people. *hangs head in shame*

    - I would often go to all-you-can-eat buffets.

    - I would often order the biggest dish on the menu - particular weaknesses are Large Mixed Grills and Full English Breakfast. I ate out most days.

    - Going to the supermarket during 'price reduction time' I would buy up LOTS of stuff (pastries/sausages/meals/etc) and eat them as soon as I got home or the very next day. We're talking a lot of food here.

    - I would eat a full Forest Gateau (16 portions) over the course of a day without any difficulty.

    Hmm, in a strange way it feels kind of good to have said all that. :)
  • Gladly making up a bowl of cake mix and going at it while I watched Family Guy late at night was a regular occurance

    I used to do this too
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Learn about nutrition. Eat whole food and get in shape. You are 21 don't waist the next 30 years being stupid like me. If you have an eating disorder get help. Your best time of your life is NOW!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Greggs has a lot to answer for in the UK.

    I would never buy pasties because one just ISN'T filling, and at around 500 calories a piece, I'd rather eat something that will fill me up. Bloody steak bakes.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm so terrified of failing that sOmetimes I know im not eating enough by I justify it to myself by it being better than eating tO much and I know I have plenty if far stores to sustain me

    its really isnt... swapping one set of bad eating habits for another is not the way to become a healthy happy person.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    As a family of 3 we would order 3 large pizza's. I would eat 1 plus another 1/2 myself. Now we don;t order pizza and i eat 65% vegetables now. working on total vegetarian at some point. And down approx 45 lbs in the last 6 months.
  • LadyConundra
    LadyConundra Posts: 37 Member
    I think the best part of this stream is it is a lot of 'used to's'. We should be so proud of ourselves.

    My confession:
    A dozen of Loft House sugar cookies in one sitting. I can not buy those anymore they are my demons.
    I have done the triple whopper before, with cheese and bacon.

    It's been so long that it is hard to remember. The most important is that I'm never going back to those eating habits :happy:
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    I used to sometimes eat sticky buns,candy,as a meal rather than a meal,sometimes getting up in the wee hours to eat more
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I found great comfort in food, I felt happy with my hand in a bag of crisps as long as I had a bar of chocolate lined up for afters. Nothing unusual about getting through a family bag of crisps and 4 chocolate bars in an evening. I lost lots of weight when my Dad died very suddenly (dropped to the ground when out walking my dog away on holiday with the rest of the family) but I comfort ate my way to fatter than I was before! Only two weeks into my new eating plan, my skin is clear of blemishes (thank-you water!!) and I've lost 5 pounds. Here's hoping I never have to turn to food for comfort again.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    If I posted all the types of food I gorged on most of you would remember my name and throw up! I still go through creepy cravings I don't know how to stop eating. At least I quit eating fast fried food, over processed chips dips and mayonnaise products.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
  • It wasn't uncommon for me to have a McDonald's mcgriddle meal with apple juice, 2 beef chalupa meal with a DIET coke, 3+ bowls of homemade ground beef spaghetti, a liter of coke and a honey bun in one day.

    There was a time when my boyfriend and I went to Outback multiple times a week. I would eat a half order of their cheese fries with the ranch, then a 6oz sirloin with grilled shrimp and two orders of roasted asparagus. And that was just one meal.

    I could put down two Raising Canes box combos for lunch and dinner.

    Before I ever got pregnant, I wouldn't eat for days, and it lead to situations like this:
    I put down a box of krispy creme doughnuts and a large pot of spaghetti down in one sitting.
    I ate a muffaletta the size of my head, a six pack of chocolate pudding, a large bag of kettle chips, four brownies, and 2 liters of soda in one sitting.
    If I didn't eat for a certain number of days (counted by the hour) I would treat myself to chinese buffet.

    Those were darker, eating disordered days.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Guess we all have to say something in this thread, but... how exactly is that helping to our cause?
    Not being sarcastic, just curious.

    I'm not sure exactly but it seems to have interested many people. I am a catholic so I 'get' the confessional thing, it is like ummm... a spiritual purge? I think also it makes us realise we aren't alone, there are other people with such bad habits are working to over come them and even suceeded, I guess it shows it it can be done!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Guess we all have to say something in this thread, but... how exactly is that helping to our cause?
    Not being sarcastic, just curious.

    I'm not sure exactly but it seems to have interested many people. I am a catholic so I 'get' the confessional thing, it is like ummm... a spiritual purge? I think also it makes us realise we aren't alone, there are other people with such bad habits are working to over come them and even suceeded, I guess it shows it it can be done!

    I think theres also something about acknowledging what our demons are. Knowing you're not the only one who has those feelings is also a comfort.
  • I know I have done alot of over eatting to in my life But now I under eat alot of the time and the just as bad belive it or not.So with the Tracker tool I see what I need and now I'm trying to get it all in .Ya for me .Thanks for shareing your storys.We can all get where were going together .Thanks myfitnesspal's.:wink:
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Guess we all have to say something in this thread, but... how exactly is that helping to our cause?
    Not being sarcastic, just curious.

    I'm not sure exactly but it seems to have interested many people. I am a catholic so I 'get' the confessional thing, it is like ummm... a spiritual purge? I think also it makes us realise we aren't alone, there are other people with such bad habits are working to over come them and even suceeded, I guess it shows it it can be done!

    I think theres also something about acknowledging what our demons are. Knowing you're not the only one who has those feelings is also a comfort.

    I agree, I am not as 'scared' of saying what I used to eat before as I have more control over it now and it feels cathartic (sp) to tell people about the old me
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I use to eat 1 huge meal a day. Instead of eating throughout the day like I do now, I would just eat 1 big meal probably at like 3000 calories or more. I would go back for 2nds and some times 3rds.

    Someday's when I didn't eat just 1 meal a day I would engorge myself with junk.

    If my kids wouldn't finish eating what was on their plates I would eat it for them.

    I use to sneak eat at night or while I was cooking dinner.

    When we would go out to eat, I would order the biggest meal on the menu.

    It's funny, now I read all this to myself that I use to do and am really amazed at how far I've come. I'm really cautious with what I eat and how much of what I eat, I count things out, I measure my food, I could tell you how many calories are in nearly the entire menu of my job. I can proudly refuse cupcakes and donuts when offered them and I don't miss them. I eat 6 times a day. I'm so much happier.