


  • jbriscoe9480
    jbriscoe9480 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a lot . Just working in the courage to post them.

    Me tooooo!!!!!!
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I was a binge drinker myself. Not hard alcohol, but I was addicted to the taste of cider (hard cider in the US). As any cider drinker knows, a pint can be upwards of 300+ calories. I was drinking 3-4 pints a night, easily. So that was 1000+ all by itself, and of course, I needed to eat too. So I was probably packing over 2500 calories a day, with very little exercise, just because of my drinking habit.

    I haven't given up drinking all together. But now I drink wine, and if I do have beer, I'll mostly limit myself to a pint. But no more cider, except on rare occasion.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    A whole box of oreo golden double stuff.

    A family size pack of the fun size kit kats, and the Hershey bars. (Did this about two months ago!).

    A tub of ben and jerry's.

    Pringles. One serving is the whole box, right? :)

    I also used to hide when I was eating. I still do that up to a point.
  • Gladly making up a bowl of cake mix and going at it while I watched Family Guy late at night was a regular occurance

    Full packets of biscuits

    Full multibags of crisps

    Sugar sandwiches

    I love cake mix too....
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    When I'm drunk, I sneak into the kitchen and eat ice cream outta the carton or massive amounts of cheese nips or chips. lol. Thankfully I only get THAT drunk like once a month. haha :laugh:
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I used to polish off 20 pieces of boneless wings, fries and 3 beers for dinner about 2-3 x week.

  • caitypants86
    caitypants86 Posts: 278 Member
    I have an obsession with frosting, especially my own home-made stuff. I sometimes make it just so I can eat half of it with a spoon (straight from the bowl), and save the other half for cake or cookies, which I also eat way too much of. I also went through a phase in high school when my friend and I would buy a bag of double-stuffed Oreos and a jar of caramel sundae sauce. We would sit in front of the TV and dip the Oreos in the sauce, one by one, until the entire bag was gone. I also LOVE timbits and could easily eat an entire 20-pack box in one sitting. I have a serious sugar/baked goods addiction...... but I'm working on it.
  • LisaGugs123
    LisaGugs123 Posts: 9 Member
    I used to buy 40 ounces of Mountain Dew (my crack), and use that to wash down a Snickers bar, Peanut M&Ms, and half a chocolate cake, after going to the Safeway hot food buffet and getting the macaroni and cheese with the chinese beef chow fun, and eating them mixed together.

    Sickening and yet making me wish I could still have it (to escape into a food coma).
  • uidb5259
    uidb5259 Posts: 138 Member far a bag of Cool Ranch doesn't stand a chance in my presence. After that I am in love with Boneless wings from BWW and Beer. Not the cheap beer but the good beer, from micro brews and such. Unfortunately it is also the higher calorie beer. There I said it....I have an addiction.

    Oh and lets not forget about the all general.....I Love Food!
  • I'm so embarrassed by how I look I don't go back to my home town.

    I haven't had a picture of just me taken in over a year.

    I haven't had a picture of me taken with my husband in just as long.

    Food used to be my best friend. I completely ate my feelings. This summer, I got up to 225 pounds (I'm only about 5'4).

    I used to get winded slow-jogging half a mile.

    My weight gain destroyed my feet.

    In addition to the 25 pounds I lost on my own, I have lost an additional 9 pounds in a couple of weeks.

    I have faithfully logged my foods, and while I do eat some junk, I have at least balanced to a place that is acceptable.

    I HAVE NEVER GONE OVER MY CALORIE ALLOTMENT (Sorry, I'm really proud of that)

    I have worked out every day.

    I can now run three miles in a row at a 10-12 min/mile pace without feeling like I'm going to die.

    I'm starting to feel like I'm accomplishing something.

    I don't feel hopeless anymore! :-)
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    I love this thread.

    I have no self-control, still. I am petite (5'1) and people used to be amazed at the food I could eat. They'd comment on it, they thought it was funny. It really wasn't. I'm better now, but I still struggle with it. My mom brought home a large pizza the other night 'cause Domino's was doing the $$5.99 deal and I literally ate half of the whole thing before she even had 2 slices. I don't know how to stop at one. I used to be the same way with drinking. I would say I would just have one or two drinks but then end up drinking half the bottle, and then of course I'd eat anything and everything in the house. And then I would go 4 or 5 days without eating anything to make up for my binges. When I got drunk enough, I would purge (this didn't happen very often, and I'm ashamed of it, but it did happen). I've told maybe one person that until now.

    I don't drink at all anymore and I am working hard to change my eating habits. It's a long road, but I've made progress. I'm proud of myself and my body now, whereas I used to be so ashamed of it.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    My mom and I would go to the local Mexican Restaurant and go through not one, but TWO large cheese dips and probably about 5-6 baskets of chips. And we'd still order regular meals and eat every bite. We left completely stuffed saying we'd never eat that much again...until the next time we went there. It was a vicious, never-ending cycle. Looking back I can't believe I put that much food into my body in one sitting...
  • krnlmustrd
    krnlmustrd Posts: 45 Member
    I see I'm not the only one who polishes off an entire box of macaroni and cheese. OMG, I could eat that every meal, every day.

    I also can't stop at just a little bit of ice cream. I've regularly eaten entire pints of Ben & Jerry's. Sometimes I would buy packs of ice cream bars to share with co-workers. "Share" being an overly generous term for letting someone else have one while I eat the rest...
  • I ate a whole bag of extra long strawberry Twizzlers last week.
  • I love this thread.

    I have no self-control, still. I am petite (5'1) and people used to be amazed at the food I could eat. They'd comment on it, they thought it was funny. It really wasn't. I'm better now, but I still struggle with it. My mom brought home a large pizza the other night 'cause Domino's was doing the $$5.99 deal and I literally ate half of the whole thing before she even had 2 slices. I don't know how to stop at one. I used to be the same way with drinking. I would say I would just have one or two drinks but then end up drinking half the bottle, and then of course I'd eat anything and everything in the house. And then I would go 4 or 5 days without eating anything to make up for my binges. When I got drunk enough, I would purge (this didn't happen very often, and I'm ashamed of it, but it did happen). I've told maybe one person that until now.

    I don't drink at all anymore and I am working hard to change my eating habits. It's a long road, but I've made progress. I'm proud of myself and my body now, whereas I used to be so ashamed of it.

    And look how far you have come. Great job!
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I would make what I called 'cheese cups' at night -- a coffee mug filled with cubes of different cheeses, melted in the microwave and eaten with a fork.... then, sometimes, i would drink a bit of the cheese grease that was left over.

    OMG I have to admit that sounds soooo yummy lol.

    I always wobbled between shame and trying to disguise my habits (eg. the pretending its for too people trick) and times when I couldn't even hide it and almost gave up... i almost got defiant about it, like 'yeah am eating 2 meals and a dessert designed for sharing to myself, i don't even care what you all think'. Agh, bad stuff going on.

    My older sister tried to help me when I was a teen, and she'd confront me about stuff. Even if she clearly SAW me eat something or found the wrapping stashed in my room, I would still deny eating things!!
  • I can pack nearly a whole medium pizza. I facking love pizza. I try not to order it when I'm stoned anymore. it's the worst.
    and Breakfast buffets. or buffets in general. I only eat one plate now, where I used to go up for 3rds, even 4th's ! D:
    oh god and chip bags. like big chip bags. I can eat a whole one of regular lays. mm.
    obviously i was a fatty xD
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    Totally understand that. Sometimes I would just be craving so much for NO REASON beside being bored and would go to multiple fast food restaurants just to not feel ashamed for wanting multiple things. After that, I'd feel guilty and keep eating and eating and eating.... usually by eating drained ramen with a whole seasoning pack poured on it.

    It was pretty epic, if I must say so myself.

    Sometimes I'll do this to this day, just because I know I can once in a blue moon. It holds a certain kind of comfort to it, regardless of how destructive it can be for one's health and weight loss.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I love this thread ~ admitting what we DID and how we have changed/trying to change/ ~ its so motivating
    And honestly ~ some of you can pack it away :laugh:

    My confessions
    * Totally guilty of ordering 2 meals pretending the 2nd is for someone else (thinking back ~ did they ever really buy that terrible attempt at covering up my gluttony)
    * I used to volunteer to go to Taco Bell by myself to grab dinner for the family so I could order extra food for me and eat it in the car on the drive home because I didnt want them to see/judge how much I wanted eat (again - looking back - I didnt even enjoy the extra food because its hard to really ENJOY it while driving)
    * When I was single & didnt want to cook dinner, I would buy a box of hostess cupcakes or ho ho's and eat the whole box in one sitting. ( i mean - this just makes my stomach hurt thinking about)

    Phew! :tongue:
  • I used to polish off 20 pieces of boneless wings, fries and 3 beers for dinner about 2-3 x week.

    LOL this made me laugh haha.
    dark times.
    oh man. xD don't those times suck!