I am so done with this program!!



  • jimbo_a_logo
    jimbo_a_logo Posts: 26 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    Of course MFP doesn't work. It is a tool for tracking calorie intake and excercise. We do the work. There is no "magic" to losing weight. It takes effort and discipline. Eat less food and burn more calories.

    Eat a balanced diet. Avoid fried foods. Try to get at least 20 of some form of excercise per day.
    It took us many years to get to the weight where we decided that we needed to take action. It will take more than a month to reverse the trend.

    Whether you continue to use MFP or not, don't give up. God only gave us one body to live out this life.
  • holdthis
    holdthis Posts: 28 Member
    I am sorry you are feeling down and disappointed. All you need to remember is you are worth the time and effort. Be aware of what food you are eating and what you are drinking and make suer to meet your caloric in take daily. Also log everything!!!!!!! We didnt gain weight over night or even in a month so we have to apy the piper so to say. It will work. Please try again for your own sake. :D
  • rickydeuce717
    rickydeuce717 Posts: 12 Member
    :cry: I'm with ya...since I started MFP..I've gained 10 pounds , I started at my ultimate goal weight of 109, after alot of hard work and, now back up to 120 since the last time I weighed myself, scared to get on the scale...not happy...I ork really hard, wrk out almost everyday, watch what I eat and log everything, drink water......ughhh... I am on the brink of quiting too

    Muscle weighs more that fat and judging from your profile pic you've got muscle.

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound, be it feathers or gold. Muscle is more dense than fat.
  • holdthis
    holdthis Posts: 28 Member
    Very helpful and motivating!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    LOL at everyone still posting advice in this thread.

    It's 7 pages long and it became clear after page 1 the OP isn't taking on board any thing people have to say.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    You're clearly doing it wrong.

    Agreed. I'm pretty sure the thousands of people who have weight loss in their tickers beg to differ. Just because you signed up for MFP doesn't mean you'll magically lose weight.

    Fix your diet and exercise. Not a hard formula.

    Note: Laziness is NOT part of that formula.

    Educate yourself and come back here. Then tell us that this "program" doesn't work.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with all of the above. You truly must eat to lose, but eat the right amount. And EXERCISE is the deciding factor. no exercise, no lose. You can do this though!!. give it more than another month and do it "to the letter".
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    This entire thread is absolutely pointless.
  • ronaconda12
    ronaconda12 Posts: 1 Member
    You people are killing me. calories in calories out, that's how your body works. Try lowering your daily calorie intake, also if you are a fit person like myself, cardio calories are way to high. Mine are almost half what it says. It's either that or you are not weighing or measuring your food. Get a clue and stop making excuses. This is just a basic way to track food and workouts. It's not MFP it is you!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    WOW - sounds like you are very disappointed. I agree with a lot of the posts - you have to eat your calories in order to or your body goes into starvation mode. Drink water and excercise.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    This entire thread is absolutely pointless.

    I dunno...it made me chuckle. :)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    On many days you have eaten less than 1000 calories.. I know for starters that my BMR (Basal Metobolic Rate) is around 1350 calories.. You're BMR is what you body needs to survive. So I eat a little above my BMR (I aim for 1560 cals a day) and then I EXERCISE and burn about 500-700 calories a session, the more calories I burn the more I allow myself to eat (If I burn 700 calories then I'll let myself eat 1600-1700) I eat if I'm hungry, I never allow myself to be hungry, we're not meant to starve or feel unsatisfied..

    I'm not a super hot fit chick, I'm 23 and have been struggling with my weight my whole life... MFP is brilliant if you use it as a tool (because that's what it is.. a tool not a "program") I currently weigh 81kgs. My goal is 65kgs.. but I used to weigh 93kgs! AND I'm only 5'1. And what kicked me off with losing a whopping 12kgs so far!? Realising I needed to eat MORE. I was under eating, allowing myself only 3 meals a day (no snacks) but then by the time the weekend rolled around I found myself binging, I was so tired, low on energy and could hardly wake up for work in the morning.. began to eat more (simply ate more no exercise) and I lost 10kgs. Then the wait stopped and I realised.. I have to exercise now.. and now in just a week of going to the gym 5 days out of 7, I've already started to see the scales move again..

    Eat more, exercise more. Allow yourself small treats so you don't binge in large amounts. Don't starve yourself because all that is doing is putting your body into hibernation/starvation mode and you're body says "Oh I'm not going to eat for a while better store this meal as fat."

    Extra note... Some days I eat above 2000 calories! But I just make sure I go back to around 1500 the next day.

    how can your BMR be that low? are you using the schofield equation? it should be in the 2000's
    Are you thinking of TDEE? My BMR is only 1285.
  • I have followed this program to the letter for a month now, and thanks to MFP, I am now at the highest weight I have ever been. It doesn't work!!!!

    Yeah, you actually have to stick to it....
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    this thread has been my entertainment for the last 20 mins!! I'm in the "it does work" camp by the way...took my 3 years to get overweight and I expect it to take me 4 months or so to lose the 24 pounds I need to lose...do as the others said...eat your calories up and take some excercise...it's not rocket science....
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
  • I know it is hard to wrap your mind around the "eat food" part everyone is trying to tell you!! But please believe me...it is CORRECT!! I fought for months with a trainer about eating and exercising...it didn't make sense to me!! He said after a spin class, I don't care if you have to eat a cheeseburger, just eat!! I ran to in n out and had a protein burger and ate within reason that week and exercised everyday and lost 6 pounds!! If you exercise you must replace with calories with good calories tho!! Watch what happens....
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know if anyone noticed but Dlmowrey stated in her profile "..had my thyroid removed 7 years ago".
    As "the thyroid gland produces hormones that balance all body functions, including your metabolism" this has gotta be a factor in her weight loss programme.
    If I were in this situation I would be consulting a dietician or some other professional.
    Well intentioned as the MFP community is, it may be counter-productive or even dangerous to tell someone without a thyroid gland, "your not eating enough"....
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Is there a specific program that you are following?

    I am not clear on what it is that you mean.

    I am under the impression that MFP doesn't offer a program. I consider MFP to be a place to log food and exercise. I also think that MFP is offering a suggested calorie intake and some regular exercise. Non of that is bad at all.

    What is your understanding of MFP????
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Almost every single person, and there were many, said the same thing.... eat more, drink more water, don't drink your calories, measure your food, make more careful food choices (although I noted that your diary is now closed so I won't say more on that since I didn't see it for myself), and exercise. I do agree that some people could have said it nicer, especially since there are pages of the same suggestions. I truly hope you take these suggestions to heart and in the next four weeks, you will see a loss, athough, I do want to warn you that it may take a month for your body to adjust to eating proper amounts again. If you are interested, add me as a friend, I am here to support people who are doing the right activities to be healthier and lose weight!
    Thanks to those of you who posted postive thoughts, and to those who didn't, BITE ME! You obvouisly don't understand what it's like. I have friended many people through this thread, and they will now be my support! The rest of you should be much more considerate! Rudeness isn't going to get you far in life. Since this my last community post, my thanks to some, the rest can KMA!!