Foods you had to cut out of diet to lose weight?



  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I need to cut out alcohol. At the end of each day that I have been over on calories, if I eliminated wine (really all i drink) I would be at or under my desired calories for the day. I have cut back, but not enough and the needle on the scale is still not moving.

    I do love my red wine......

    I had the same problem! I have almost completely cut it out on weekdays (1 glass always seems to slip in no matter how hard I try), and then I enjoy it on Fri, Sat, and Sun. I am much more active on weekends, so I have more calories to use on it. I also find that I enjoy it more now that I drink less, and I am no longer nervous about becoming an alcoholic.

    I also limit my carbs (but not cut) especially from sugar and flour and white potatoes.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Yeah, just the really processed stuff. I will still eat fried food when i make it at home (found the most fabulous recipe for Orange Chicken the other night). Otherwise, like others have said, it's just a matter of enjoying the foods you love without going crazy. Measure or use a scale to make sure you know how much you're eating and can properly track.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks for the postive advice and thoughts....!!!
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    all things mcdonald's especially the french fries.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I guess I would say soda and alcohol.. although I have one or the other on very rare occasions!

    I am trying to do withough cheese.. but that's another food I eat on very rare occasions.

    I don't drink whole milk or even 2%.. I like Fat free skim milk.

    Everything else is just in moderation really :)
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
  • eduardo_d
    eduardo_d Posts: 85 Member
    I had to cut out cereal. All of it. And I was eating the healthiest stuff you can buy but it just doesn't work for me to have it in the house. Luckily, the kids can take it or leave it.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    Everything in moderation agreed! I try to avoid "white food", you know pasta, a lot of grains, sugary things, and processed food. I DO eat grain, but I try to limit it to one serving a day with 2 servings max a day. I TRY to have a vegan diet and ride bikes competitively so it's virtually impossible to cut out all grain if you don't eat meat or rely on dairy products. I go back and forth on dairy. Sometimes when I just can't get satisfied I will eat some yogurt or cottage cheese. I eat these because they are high in protein and low in fat, and I eat no more than 1 serving a day of dairy when I do eat it.

    I also have a weakness for the peanut butter you grind from the machine in the grocery store. When I'm really hungry, like after I get home from work, I reach for the PB. Not a good idea because it is so high calorie and high fat in a tiny volume of food.

    Also the is a problem for me, I LOVE my beer. and I drink "good" beers, like IPAs, that are really high in calories. I should opt for vodka and soda or gin and tonic. Oh and I live in a wine growing region of California.
  • gooellie
    Ice cream is my biggest problem! i always save space in my diary for it even if it means more gym time!

    ice cream! i try to have it rarely now, as it always makes me balloon on the scale.

    even worse...milkshakes. my downfall!

    i also cut way down on cheese/dairy, which wasn't too hard.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    Oreo mint cream cookies, Reeses peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and most processed foods
  • vernessie
    For myself, I have not cut out any particular food totally, but I have cut back on eating white rice, white bread, potaoe, pasta, sodas, cookies, and ice cream. The key for me is portion control, I measure everything I eat ( except fruits and veggies). Like most members have stated, DO NOT RESTRICT yourself from anything you like, just remeber moderation.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    peanut butter. I couldn't stop at 2 tbls. I am sure if i could...I would be a-ok. I had to cut it out completely. I replaced it with pb2. Not as good but I am now 20 lbs lighter.

    This is a without peanut butter is unfathomable to me. Kudos for doing what you needed to do though.
  • bmhall75
    bmhall75 Posts: 7 Member
    Tracking definitely helps. I've found that if I track even on my bad days, I do a better job of compensating for it. There are still things I struggle with (eating on the road, eating during work travel, and football Sundays), but I'm getting better.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Ketchup... I used it on everything, pleasantly once I stopped using ketchup a lot of the stuff that I ate with it I stopped eating.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I think it's a personal thing for everyone.
    I see people getting all defensive, like: "I refuse to diet. You're all so sad because you aren't eating what you like in moderation." (Of course, I exaggerate, but it's the gist.)

    But I think most of the things that you end up cutting out of your daily intake are accidental. For instance: I love pasta. I could eat pasta all day every day and never get tired of it. But now, when I'm about to have dinner and I log in pasta, it doesn't seem worth the amount of calories, because if I have it, then I can't have dessert :) So, I just tell myself: "I'll have pasta next time" and have something else instead. As of today, I haven't had pasta in like 4 months. Not as a conscious decision like: "If I want to lose weight, I will vow to never eat pasta again!" It's just something that happened.

    Maybe something similar will happen to you with a food that you used to eat all the time but now have no space for?
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    Processed foods, and cut back on sugar (refined not the natural in fruits and such) also all soda's diet or regular....
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I've only really cut out fast food for the most part. I'll occasionally eat taco bell or KFC (BBQ Chicken sandwich nom) but otherwise no burgers or fries or anything from fast food. Stopped drinking non-diet soda. I might have a diet soda once a day at most. I feel like if I restrict and cut things out of my diet completely I'll eventually fail. Most skinny people can eat whatever they want in moderation (my bf can eat whatever he wants always lol and not gain weight) so why can't I?
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    Soda..... I didn't cut anything out but limited my soda to like once a month. I used to have 3 a day and now just on special occasions.
  • AddictedtoAerosmith
    Nasty crappy McDonald's....btw, another post about this crap called food.
  • Lillyrose125
    Lillyrose125 Posts: 33 Member
    Donuts at work because I can't just eat one or have a few bites. Pizza for the same reason. Chips with cheese on them. I will now measure out a serving of tortilla chips to have with salsa. Also ice cream - only because I am never happy with just one. I will keep eating them so I just have to not have these foods in the house. I'm also not buying beer because I love it and will drink it if I have it in the fridge!