Baby naming fun :)



  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    we named our DD Jacqueline Rose, but i liked gracelyn!! or shealyn
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    my friend just named her daughter Annabelle... i thought its the most adorable thing ever! Lots of options for short forms too - Anne, Anna, Annie (which i also love!), Bella...
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    Names that I liked when choosing for our daughter:

    Emily Rose

    Hubby liked more nordic names like:


    Ultimately we ended up with Colleen Jaclyn

    My husband and I were going head to head over Kaitlyn (me) and Katarina (him) -- Good thing we had a boy :smile:

    I love Gracelyn! Sounds very southern and absolutely beautiful.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    You know, I used to love coming to this site everyday. It helped me reach my fitness goals and I found that most people were very supportive and I enjoyed sharing my goals, progress, thoughts, etc. But it's people like the three gentlemen at the beginning of this thread who I've noticed coming out of the woodwork a lot lately and frankly, it's made me stop logging in as much. I get tired of people being so ugly and disrespectful all the time. I don't know how my title could have possibly been misleading but if it was then I apologize. Seemed pretty straight forward to me. Seems like if it wasn't what you thought it was, you could just see yourself out of the conversation without leaving the snide comments, but I guess we're not grown up enough for that. . So nevermind people, forget I posted anything at all. Ladies that did reply, thank you....I'm sure you all understand why I would find baby naming fun. I've only dreamt of being a mommy my whole life, as I am sure many of you have. Have a nice day..

    so you feel that way, congrats on baby number 2 though!!

    I love the Evalyn! I named my daughter Eisley, personally i like different names.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Best middle name ever was on How I Met Your Mother when Marshall and Lily named their baby. His middle name is Wait For It.

    I gave my kids names that were old traditional names, but unusual enough that they wouldn't have to put their last name initial on their school papers. I tried to think of how their names would sound when they were in the nursing home reminiscing about their lives. :-P

    An old family tree is a good place to look for names like that. If I had another kid (not going to happen, post-hysterectomy) I would consider names like Eugenia or Louisa for a girl and Hamish or Oliver for a boy.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    You know, I used to love coming to this site everyday. It helped me reach my fitness goals and I found that most people were very supportive and I enjoyed sharing my goals, progress, thoughts, etc. But it's people like the three gentlemen at the beginning of this thread who I've noticed coming out of the woodwork a lot lately and frankly, it's made me stop logging in as much. I get tired of people being so ugly and disrespectful all the time. I don't know how my title could have possibly been misleading but if it was then I apologize. Seemed pretty straight forward to me. Seems like if it wasn't what you thought it was, you could just see yourself out of the conversation without leaving the snide comments, but I guess we're not grown up enough for that. . So nevermind people, forget I posted anything at all. Ladies that did reply, thank you....I'm sure you all understand why I would find baby naming fun. I've only dreamt of being a mommy my whole life, as I am sure many of you have. Have a nice day..


    Clearly my fun is different then your fun.

    I have 4 daughters and my wife had as much input as me in their names :)

    I am partial to Lexie.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You know, I used to love coming to this site everyday. It helped me reach my fitness goals and I found that most people were very supportive and I enjoyed sharing my goals, progress, thoughts, etc. But it's people like the three gentlemen at the beginning of this thread who I've noticed coming out of the woodwork a lot lately and frankly, it's made me stop logging in as much. I get tired of people being so ugly and disrespectful all the time. I don't know how my title could have possibly been misleading but if it was then I apologize. Seemed pretty straight forward to me. Seems like if it wasn't what you thought it was, you could just see yourself out of the conversation without leaving the snide comments, but I guess we're not grown up enough for that. . So nevermind people, forget I posted anything at all. Ladies that did reply, thank you....I'm sure you all understand why I would find baby naming fun. I've only dreamt of being a mommy my whole life, as I am sure many of you have. Have a nice day..

    People who lack a sense of humor make me not want to come to this site anymore.

  • *Debbiné
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Since you are originally from her Georgia. My great aunts name is Georgie and her great-granddaughter was named Georgia after her. She is adorable!!!!
  • amore78
    amore78 Posts: 175
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I have a friend with a little girl named Taryn, (like Karen, but with a T). That would be really cute with your son's name. I also love the name Julia and feel it has a southern sound to it. A couple others Geneva, Lillian and Ruth.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I looooove the names Stella and Chloe. I am not having any more children so I won't get to use them, so we named our cat Stella. :) If we get another pet maybe I will get to use Chloe, I'm still upset I didn't name our youngest that. It was between Chloe Elizabeth and Hannah Kate. I really wanted Chloe more but she simply didn't look like a Chloe to me. So we named her Hannah Kate. 9 years later her name fits her perfect but I am still sad we didn't use Chloe Elizabeth!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?
  • i see you like "tessa" so I just had to throw in that my French grandmother's name was "Tressa", and my hubby and I both loved "Tressa" and were going to use it if we had a girl (2 boys, no girls!) but my baby boy's name is "Gage," which we think is kinda kool! for a girl I also like Riley, McKenzie, Shelby, Tawny and Randi.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.
    But that's where I'm having the hardest time...gotta find something that I think is as awesome as Trace and that sounds good with it.

    I have a friend whose name is Tracey (male).

    He named his daughter Tracey, his son Casey, his next daughter Stacey, and his next daughter Lacey. And they love it!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.

    I'm just saying... she wants it to go with Trace...not be the female counterpart of Trace. I know a guy named Robert Roberts and I wonder what his parents were thinking...kinda the same thing. I wasn't trying to attack. I would have said that to anyone. It's been a tiring day lol :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.

    I'm just saying... she wants it to go with Trace...not be the female counterpart of Trace. I know a guy named Robert Roberts and I wonder what his parents were thinking...kinda the same thing. I wasn't trying to attack. I would have said that to anyone. It's been a tiring day lol :)

    My uncle's name is John Johnston... and he's not bothered by it.

    Don't really see your point.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I used to know a guy named Peter Johnson.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.

    I'm just saying... she wants it to go with Trace...not be the female counterpart of Trace. I know a guy named Robert Roberts and I wonder what his parents were thinking...kinda the same thing. I wasn't trying to attack. I would have said that to anyone. It's been a tiring day lol :)

    My uncle's name is John Johnston... and he's not bothered by it.

    Don't really see your point.

    Well then we disagree and that's it.

    A nickname for Tracy is Trace. If someone says "Hey, Trace!" and they're both there, it could be confusing. Better to eliminate that scenario. But what do I know, right.