Baby naming fun :)



  • Hello this is the South it must be Tara. Although I love the name Willow.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    You know, I used to love coming to this site everyday. It helped me reach my fitness goals and I found that most people were very supportive and I enjoyed sharing my goals, progress, thoughts, etc. But it's people like the three gentlemen at the beginning of this thread who I've noticed coming out of the woodwork a lot lately and frankly, it's made me stop logging in as much. I get tired of people being so ugly and disrespectful all the time. I don't know how my title could have possibly been misleading but if it was then I apologize. Seemed pretty straight forward to me. Seems like if it wasn't what you thought it was, you could just see yourself out of the conversation without leaving the snide comments, but I guess we're not grown up enough for that. . So nevermind people, forget I posted anything at all. Ladies that did reply, thank you....I'm sure you all understand why I would find baby naming fun. I've only dreamt of being a mommy my whole life, as I am sure many of you have. Have a nice day..

    Jeez Louise, have a sense of humor! If you're going to post in an OT board, expect to get OT responses.

    Having said that, I think it would be really cute to pick a D name for your little girl, along with Joanne, so you guys have the same initials. Best wishes for you all!
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.
    But that's where I'm having the hardest time...gotta find something that I think is as awesome as Trace and that sounds good with it.

    I have a friend whose name is Tracey (male).

    He named his daughter Tracey, his son Casey, his next daughter Stacey, and his next daughter Lacey. And they love it!!

    Seriously. Dorkiest family ever.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.
    But that's where I'm having the hardest time...gotta find something that I think is as awesome as Trace and that sounds good with it.

    I have a friend whose name is Tracey (male).

    He named his daughter Tracey, his son Casey, his next daughter Stacey, and his next daughter Lacey. And they love it!!

    Seriously. Dorkiest family ever.

    Actually, they are pretty cool! Dad is awesome, mom is the sweetest, and the kids are adorable!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    sophia, mebbie? sounds kinda nice with the last name.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.

    I'm just saying... she wants it to go with Trace...not be the female counterpart of Trace. I know a guy named Robert Roberts and I wonder what his parents were thinking...kinda the same thing. I wasn't trying to attack. I would have said that to anyone. It's been a tiring day lol :)

    My uncle's name is John Johnston... and he's not bothered by it.

    Don't really see your point.

    Well then we disagree and that's it.

    A nickname for Tracy is Trace. If someone says "Hey, Trace!" and they're both there, it could be confusing. Better to eliminate that scenario. But what do I know, right.

    The OP is considering the name Gracelynn which would be shortened to Grace so obviously she is not bothered by phonetic similarities. Whatever... I offered an opinion and you offered an opinion about my opinion. The only difference is the OP asked for my opinion where I didn't ask you for yours.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Georgia is a really sweet idea. :) Tessa is my favorite on your list, but I generally like to avoid siblings with the same first letter (then you feel like you have to carry on with the next one, but is that dorky, but will they feel left out.. You get the idea.) Paisley is cute too!
    And don't worry about the guys that posted. This place is generally pretty silly. That's all. I can't imagine anyone was actually trying to offend a pregnant woman that's trying to find the right name for a sweet little baby. Happy baby naming! :smile:

    Edited to add I'd dodge anything ending in "lyn" because it's pretty popular (if you're trying to avoid that.)
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Shooting for the obvious here...

    Why not Tracy?

    Trace and Tracy?

    That's a horrible idea... Like naming 2 kids Chris and Christina... names shouldn't be THAT similar...

    Whatever... she said she wanted a name that went with her son's name. Check the OP.

    I'm just saying... she wants it to go with Trace...not be the female counterpart of Trace. I know a guy named Robert Roberts and I wonder what his parents were thinking...kinda the same thing. I wasn't trying to attack. I would have said that to anyone. It's been a tiring day lol :)

    My uncle's name is John Johnston... and he's not bothered by it.

    Don't really see your point.

    Well then we disagree and that's it.

    A nickname for Tracy is Trace. If someone says "Hey, Trace!" and they're both there, it could be confusing. Better to eliminate that scenario. But what do I know, right.

    The OP is considering the name Gracelynn which would be shortened to Grace so obviously she is not bothered by phonetic similarities. Whatever... I offered an opinion and you offered an opinion about my opinion. The only difference is the OP asked for my opinion where I didn't ask you for yours.

    I already said I wasn't try to attack. So I apologize for irritating you.
  • Considering the last name you should go with something like Melody or Harmony..

    Then again I'm the guy who begged his sister to name her child "Vice" if it was a boy. I mean with the last name Aversa it would have been awesome!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    So, when the baby grows up and asks you how to picked the name, what you gonna say? Oh I asked my shallow friends at MFP? Nice...
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Considering the last name you should go with something like Melody or Harmony..

    Then again I'm the guy who begged his sister to name her child "Vice" if it was a boy. I mean with the last name Aversa it would have been awesome!

    You, sir, are awesome.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    So, when the baby grows up and asks you how to picked the name, what you gonna say? Oh I asked my shallow friends at MFP? Nice...

    How is that any different than asking a co-worker, a classmate, or a relative?

    Get over yourself. You were shallow enough to criticize!
  • camsamdad
    camsamdad Posts: 53 Member
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Amy, Rachel, Rebecca, Sarah, Michelle, Mikayla, Kayla
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    So, when the baby grows up and asks you how to picked the name, what you gonna say? Oh I asked my shallow friends at MFP? Nice...

    People can always get the opinions of others. It's possible that someone out there has the perfect name that just clicks when they see it. She would still pick it.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I love the name Georgia Belle. I think it's a beautiful name IMO!!!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Gracelyn and Alyssa are so cute.
  • what do u mean she's the one giving birth and holding the babay for months, It really should be the womens choice, but to be equal since we're in the 20th century, the both can choose it and agree together.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    So, when the baby grows up and asks you how to picked the name, what you gonna say? Oh I asked my shallow friends at MFP? Nice...

    Damn... chill. Who's to say she's even going to pick anything we throw out there? She's just looking for ideas. I mean, maybe she's missing something she likes because it's on the edge of her mind and when she sees it it's one of those "THATS THE ONE" moments. And if everyone here is so shallow, then why are they trying to help her rather then tear her down like you?
    I love the name Georgia Belle. I think it's a beautiful name IMO!!!

    That is adorable for a southern name! :love:
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    My Daughter's name is Kasey Joanne...I like it :laugh:
    Congrats on the addition to the family!