So much for people NOT watching.



  • Personally, I would have found the person who said it and looked and them and said, "Hey, I may not be the fittest person in the park today but, at least I am working on making myself a better person...unlike you who cant fix being a JERK!" And then would have run in the other direction to finish my workout!! :-)

    People are jerks and if you werent doing that, they could have found something else to yell at you. Agreed that is was probably some unruly teenager who doesnt have respect for themselves, let alone someone doing something for themselves to make them a better person!

    YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL...dont let ignorant jerks derail your progress!! YOU GOT THIS!!! :-)
  • You just hang in there -- and keep running. I am so sorry you had to push up with such sheer stupidity and rudeness but if you stay in the house after that, they win. And remember -- karma is a wicked bit** and they will get theirs. You keep working on it one day at a time and you just let us know when you need support. There is a whole community out there that HAS YOUR BACK!!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    some people are just negative idiots and no matter what they dwell on negative thoughts. That used to happen to me all the time but I used it as fuel. Not running but playing sports, i'm skilled by just wasn't in good shape. Some would make fun all the time, laugh and everything else so that motivated me to just worry about me and getting fitter. Needless to say, although I have more work to do the last time I went to the basketball court with a fired up motivation and a die hard attitude and of course being 44lbs lighter I ran circles around them. No I wasn't nice about either cause after my team won I took the ball handed it to one of the guys who hated and told him..."who's laughing now *****" lol
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    , "OH MY GOD! Would you look at that girl running!!"

    There, I fixed that for you. I know it sucks, but forget about them. Anyone who gets their kicks off of something like that is extremely immature. When life catches up to them and suddenly they are the fat ones huffing up the stairs and you are smoking hot, justice will be served. Karma is a bi***.

    Happy friday to you too!

    This is sort of support that should be given at this site. !!!
  • I am sorry that happened to you. I can sure relate. I hate going into a store and see people looking at me withthis OMG stare.... One comment on here I enjoyed, One day it could be them when you are smoking hot. Me already being overweight due to health and mobility problems from accidents and surgeries I had to ride a wheel chair for several months in WalMart to just buy groceries and people would be so rude and not get out of the way. I was not in the whhelchair because I was fat and could not get around but because of my accident why I was in the wheelchair and fat. People just don't know, it could be them. Keep your head up and be even more determined than ever to reach your goals. People can be so inhuman. I hope you have a blessed day and read something on here to help you push and move past this. Great job for sticking this out. That is a lot more determination than the person at the park had keeping their mouth shut.
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    Some people are jerks. You can lose weight they will always be jerks.

    It's true - you can go from fat to thin, but they will always be jerks. In the W. C. Fields film from the 1930s, “It’s a Gift”, a character who doesn't like Fields says “You’re drunk!” to which he replies:

    "Yeah, and you’re crazy, n’ I’ll be sober tomorrow n’ you’ll be crazy for the rest of your life."

    The jerks can be the ones who propel you on to better things, so they've got their place. Just keep with it.
  • I'm so sorry that you had such a hurtful experience. This is about YOU, and not them. Please don't let this derail you on your journey to get healthy. You were doing such a wonderful thing for your body, so please do not give away your power to strangers. And trust me, you are insignificant in their lives. I would bet that this is what they do for entertainment. You are not the first person that they have done this to and you will not be the last. Try your best to let go of this experience, you have so many great things coming your way. I wish you the very best that life has to offer and you have many kind people on here that care! Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    As others have said, people can be nasty. But know that you are working on yourself, and you are making changes. While it does hurt, don't let that be the reason that you stop- use it for motivation. Soon enough, they will get theirs- just remember (if you see it) how you felt and be the bigger person. It may make them think twice before being mean to someone else.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    99% of people are not like that, but obviously there are going to be a few creeps.

    I can't say that people DON'T watch because all my neighbors, whether I've met them or not, know me as "the girl who walks a lot." And I walk around a business park and a woman there once said something to me about what a great job I was doing and even guessed how much weight I'd lost. All the attention has been positive, thank goodness.

    Unfortunately, you ran into the 1% who can't feel good about themselves without making someone else feel bad. But so what? Who are those people to you? NOBODY. Keep doing what you're doing. If I saw you, I would probably notice, but I would think, "Good for her!" and keep my mouth shut. Unless I knew you or saw you a lot and then I might say something nice.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Were they running or being physical? I can't say let it roll off your back, take it with a grain of salt or don't take it to heart...

    A lot of people out there are jerks. They need to tear others down in order to build themselves up.

    Just remember, Karma's a B*tch...and someday, it'll come back around.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Tell them to kick rocks.....remeber the can't fix the ugly in them

    This! Some people just suck! Have a rockin Friday and a fab weekend!!!!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    You have to go back!! Don't let them win!

    I would question the character of the person whom said those awful things and the people that laughed! I don't believe they are worth worrying about.

    You should be saying to yourself "Great Job, I've started running". Keep up the great work and don't let the "Bad Apples" of our world get you down.
  • Please take the motivation and support you find HERE and use that to fuel you mentally instead of the "rest" of them who will try to bring you down. We all fight our own battles whether we weigh 100 pounds or 400 pounds!! Most of the time when people have to talk bad about others, or criticize them or try to bring them down, it is because they are trying to make THEMSELVES feel better. I know it's hard to tell you to brush it off when this happens, but you CAN'T let people like that keep you from going!! You are becoming a better person and I commend you for it! CONGRATS on the running!!
  • siggakolla
    siggakolla Posts: 56 Member
    I was out running the other day and some teenagers yelled out "whoa Whale alert!" as i was running past. I really wanted to stop running right then and there. but i decided to keep going to prove to them and myself i can do it! i finished the run with tears in my eyes, but i did it, and it so made up for anything they could have said.
    I was bullied as a kid for being fat, and i use that as motivation now. anytime i feel like giving up on my run or my diet, i think about this kids in school and how cruel they were, and how i cant wait for them to see pictures of me looking fit and healthy ( and traveling the world, living the dream and all that jazz! :P )

    Who knows, maybe you will run past them again in a few months and they will be stunned by how good you look! and like people have said, you can lose weight, but they will always have the guilt of bullying.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    One thing to remember is that you don't always have to be overweight and you are working on it. The person who yelled out for you to hear is always going to be an *kitten*.

    The other thing is to just use those kinds of moments as motivation. Getting away from that feeling is a big reason for you to keep working. You already know that but embrace it.

    Finally, the truth of the matter is that you will judge others once you get down to your goal weight. You will hopefully have the grace to keep it to yourself, but once you get down, you'll be frustrated with the people who have let themselves go. You'll get angry at the ones who make excuses about why they can't change things. I will say that I'm pulling for every overweight person that I see at the gym who is trying to make a difference.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    O sweetie.....People are jerks for sure and dont understand how hard a journey like this can be both physically and emotionally. Keep fighting stay in there because YOU are doing an amazing job making a change for your health. add me if you want
  • iluvjc4ever
    iluvjc4ever Posts: 10 Member
    People can be extremely rude and mean; especially for some reason men in their late teens to early 20's-ish and even more so when you have a group of them together "hanging out".

    I remember one time I was at the local Target with my mother who has several medical issues which have limited her motility and hence she has a disabled/ handicap placard. I parked the car in a handicap parking spot after circling a few times since parking was so limited as the store was very busy that day. I pulled into the spot; helped my mother out of the car (it was a particularly bad day for her as far a pain) and we where crossing the walkway to go into the store when a group of 20-ish men drove through the crosswalk and the driver rolled down the window to yell at my mother and I that he, "didn't realize being fat was a disability" and then continued on looking for a parking spot himself (with a temporary disabled placard hanging from his rearview mirror). I was so upset I didn't even know how to respond... All I could think was how dare he assume that just because my mother and I are fat we had to have a disabled placard. If anything, my mother's disabilities have resulted in weight gain; her weight gain DID NOT cause her disabilities. Of course about 5 minutes to late I thought of the perfect comeback to deal with these idiots. What I should have down was yell back that "I didn't realize that being a rude idiot qualified as a disablity either" and kept on walking.

    Anyway, the moral of the story is that yes, people suck sometimes. And no, you shouldn't let it bother you--even if you do just want to go punch the idiot in his face, or waddle back to your car and eat an entire tub of ice cream (don't recommend that one). Hang in there and keep up the good work.
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    It's true - you can go from fat to thin, but they will always be jerks. In the W. C. Fields film from the 1930s, “It’s a Gift”, a character who doesn't like Fields says “You’re drunk!” to which he replies:

    "Yeah, and you’re crazy, n’ I’ll be sober tomorrow n’ you’ll be crazy for the rest of your life."

    The jerks can be the ones who propel you on to better things, so they've got their place. Just keep with it.:happy:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I think it's easy to think you can ignore them, and discount their opinion, but it's a lot harder to make it stop hurting when faced with that kind of hostile rejection. In the end you can only be responsible for you. There will always be people who love and accept you, and there will always be people who hate and reject you. There is nothing you can do to change that, no matter who you are or who you pretend to be, those two groups will still exist. The only thing you can control is yourself. Will you be who you really are and continue to improve against all odds, including catty stranger criticism? You will be an example for others around you who observe or face the same kind of situation. The question is will it be a positive example? I hope you will go back to that park alone, especially if they are there. I hope you will keep walking and running. And I hope one day some or all of those girls will see your progress and have the decency to be ashamed of themselves.
  • rodrig462
    rodrig462 Posts: 10 Member
    When I read some of these posts, I am reminded how complex a woman's relationship to her own body is.

    As a man it is difficult to relate because we keep it kind of basic: when we need our genitals, we start searching for them somewhere around that "body-thing." That about covers it for men.

    I see it in the women in my life. Women see so much of their value and attraction in their bodies. I don't think I am well equipped to fully understand it, let alone propose whether it is a quality that should be "fixed."