So much for people NOT watching.



  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you, and unfortunately it happens to a lot of people. Even worse, I think many of these *kitten* know that what they say could derail you, they don't want you to succeed--that would make you better than them!

    What helps me is always remembering Karma is a *****, those *kitten* will get what is coming to them some day. If you keep on going, you'll get what is coming to you-- a healthier and happier body and life!

    Those kinds of moments can stick with you for life, I STILL remember being in Jr. High and one of the Seniors (we had middle school and high school together) shouted "Who is that, is she descended from an elephant!?" I was on my way to the bathroom at the time, and I locked myself in there and cried. Now I realize that this low-life Senior boy had to stoop down to making fun of an innocent 7th grade girl to make himself feel better-- this guy must have a lot of issues, and no way am I going to let other people's issues get in my way!

    Edited for spelling.
  • Use it for motivation!! I have a neighbor that is pure trash. The other night my 11 year old niece and I went running and my neighbor was sitting on her driveway drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette while her 1 year old baby stood at her feet. She laughed when we ran by. I ignored her but when I saw her yesterday I made it a point to stop and tell her that while she was destroying her liver and the lungs of both her and her innocent child, I chose to go get my heart healthy and run. Her jaw dropped and she said "whatever" and walked away. Exactly! Whatever, Bee-otch!!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Use it for motivation!! I have a neighbor that is pure trash. The other night my 11 year old niece and I went running and my neighbor was sitting on her driveway drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette while her 1 year old baby stood at her feet. She laughed when we ran by. I ignored her but when I saw her yesterday I made it a point to stop and tell her that while she was destroying her liver and the lungs of both her and her innocent child, I chose to go get my heart healthy and run. Her jaw dropped and she said "whatever" and walked away. Exactly! Whatever, Bee-otch!!

    I love this! LOL
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    Uuuugggghhhhh that is absolutely awful of them. I say good for you, of course, as would any DECENT people. It's hard to ignore that stuff and I am certainly not one who can just forget that kind of thing... all I can say is PEOPLE SUCK :(

    Just keep going!!!! <3
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I usually just give a huge smile and an overly friendly wave anytime I encounter something like this... nine times out of ten it completely bewilders the people or group of people who made the comment.

    The look on a person's face after they've tried to insult you and you greet them like an old friend is pretty priceless, plus you get to exude some positivity instead of getting negative.

    Or, if you're a big guy like me, sometimes you can stop, turn and then sprint in their direction with wild eyes and watch them run for their lives :laugh:

    I love the idea of smiling and waving! It's all well and good to spout insults back but I prefer encouraging folks to rise above that and kill them with kindness. I've been dealing with some major issues with my neighbors this summer, who also happen to be inlaws so we can't just avoid them. They've been horrid to us and there are so many things we could do to retaliate but both Hubs and I refuse to sink to their level. I wanted to share this because maybe it will inspire you..

    I was at the point where I was afraid to go for my walks/runs because they had threatened my husband with violence and the thought occurred to me that if they caught me out on my own in the middle of some neighborhood, they may try something with me, just as a way to get to Hubs. So this particular weekend, I was seriously thinking about spending $25 to join in on a 5k and then I decided that was just stupd. I wasn't going to let them get the better of me and live in fear for this very unlikely possibility (they're hillbilly idiots but I don't think they'd be so stupid as to risk going to jail). That Sunday I went out and ran farther than I ever had! And I haven't shied away from my walk/runs since.

    Take your emotions and turn them into inspiration and dedication. Never let others control how you feel about yourself, especially perfect strangers!! Then they win and you lose out completely. Do not let them win!
  • Sometimes you have to use your life experiences to be the better person. Nobody who is truly happy with their health and fitness feels the need to shout insults at others who are trying to get fit, on the contrary they encourage and enjoy watching others starting to make that journey. Anyone shouting insults at you must be miserable with their own fitness, but feel that since they can't do anything about it, you shouldn't try to either. The best thing you could have done is say that yes, you are a fat girl trying to run, and since they could use some support and motivation, you'd be happy to help them try to run too. Unexpected kindness often takes the wind out of the sails of cruel, unhappy people.

    Think about the pleasure that getting healthy gives you, now feel sorry that they don't have that in their life.
  • I would have asked him if he cared to race me to my car.

    Unfortunately, there are ugly people out there but just think how miserable you must be about yourself to say crap like this to other people.
  • I would have said " At least I'm running butt-heads."
  • Well, I hope you know that there are others out there cheering you on. Whenever I see a heavy person out busting their hump, I always give them a silent "you go girl!" in my head. It really helps me stay motivated and makes me feel proud (even of complete strangers!) when I see them working hard. If I were to have seen you running up those hills, I would have swelled with pride for you. You keep it up! Just know that I (and others) are cheering you on!
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that when I see an overweight person out running I usually feel at least 2 things:


    Yup, I'm jealous that this person has the guts to go out and run yet I've got all kinds of excuses why I can't. I always wish I could be more like that person. I have a lot of respect for someone like you. So just keep running and remember Conan the Barbarian's mantra: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    One thing to always keep in mind. Have you ever met a truly happy person that was mean to others? Probably not so most likely thiswas a person trying to deflect from their own miserable life. Enjoy your run in the park today :)
    Pretty much This^^

    I don't think I've ever met anyone who at some point in their lives hadn't been bullied, yelled at or humiliated in some way. It seems human nature to be *kitten* to people who are different than you are but really it's not natural at all. Society has become so 'self centered' that now some people can't be happy unless they are 'better than everyone else' and given that most people fail at being decent human beings naturally, the only way to be 'better' is to tear down others in any way you can. If it's not for being fat it's for being skinny, or ugly, or brown, or blonde or whatever - it never ends. Don't let those type of people ruin your day. I like to just give a big smile and yet "Thank you" and keep going - usually messes them up :P
    The really sad thing is that when I see bigger people out walking or running I always want to tell them good job and keep it up. I am always scared that they will think I am joking and being an a-hole so I never do.

    Oh goodness me too! There's a lady who I have seen just recently started running down the bike path by my house and I always want to stop and tell her how awesome she is!
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    One thing to always keep in mind. Have you ever met a truly happy person that was mean to others? Probably not so most likely thiswas a person trying to deflect from their own miserable life. Enjoy your run in the park today :)

    Big Amen!!!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I keep my earbuds in because I can't walk/jog without music. If I do hear someone calling out to me (which is rare), I give them my best glare, flip them off, and continue on my way.

    People are morons. Don't let them get you down. You're doing something to improve your health, and that's commendable. These same people probably call fat people "lazy", so I never understand why they'd make fun of a fat person walking/jogging. I mean, really... it makes me facepalm.

    I always think, "Good for you!" when I see an overweight person working out. If you hear something like this again, just picture me yelling, "GET BENT," at them and continue on your merry way. :)
  • mmeddleton
    mmeddleton Posts: 100 Member
    You won't always be over weight. They will always be stupid. You can't fix stupid. Flush them from your mind and keep on truckin. You are a winner.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    People are jerks and it sucks but rather than having it derail you.....use it as a catalyst. Turn the negative into positive and use it for motivation and inspiration to achieve your goals.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    This is the reason I always have my earbuds in, if I can't hear it I can't let it bother me. However, most people I see while running are supportive. Get yourself a big black dog (borrow one from someone - every dog could use more walking lol), I feel so powerful when I'm running with my dog (Rott/Shep mix), people will actually cross the road to avoid us. Construction workers give us a wide berth on the sidewalk and NO ONE EVER says anything. It's an awesome feeling. :laugh:
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    People, in general, kind of suck.

    OP: It’s not just you. No matter what your weight is, there will always be someone with crazy low self esteem whose only way to feel better about themselves is to put someone else down.

    Up until I gained about 30 lbs earlier this year, I did a lot of modeling. I was about 120 – 125 lbs and 5’4 (admittedly heavier and shorter than most fashion models, but fashion modeling wasn’t my thing anyway). I was a regular poster on a modeling forum.

    The constant criticism about my height, weight, age, hair color, skin tone, teeth you name it, just got to be too much. I also saw some particularly nasty photographers and models telling girls who weighed like 97 lbs that they were too fat to get jobs. (Which was bs because I was 125 and getting a steady stream of jobs, just not in high fashion).

    The bottom line is, unfortunately there will always be jerks. You just have to do your best to ignore them. You could be 5’10 and weigh 110 lbs and be a runway model and there will always be someone out there who has something nasty to say about you.

    As for those people calling you names in the park, psshhh… I bet they probably couldn’t run as far or fast as you can if they tried.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    People can be nasty. This is life. This is not a newsflash. The world is not filled with rainbows and butterflies and unicorns.

    Sometimes people flat out suck. But why would you let that "derail" you? Seriously, how could being made fun of for being "fat" derail anyone? Isn't that why you're here? Because you're tired of being called fat?

    Use it as motivation. There are rude, inconsiderate, nasty people on the planet. Crying about them is not going to change that fact.

    Spoken like a person who has never been truly, seriously fat.

    Hey OP: I hear you loud and clear, and yeah, that could derail someone because it could cause a cycle of self hatred, emotional eating/binge eating, more self hatred, more emotional eating...

    Good for you for acknowledging it, bringing it out into the light, and NOT letting it fester inside you. You are talking it through. I get it. :)

    The good news is that while it is indeed not news that there are jerks in the world, and that some of them are right here on MFP, that there are also a boatload of awesome people of all shapes and sizes. And you are one of them, OP. And I applaud the steps you are taking to get fit.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    For the first several months of my journey I couldn't afford a gym membership (I found one after 3 and a half months that was just 10 bucks a month and I love it and go there everyday except one out of the week) so I would run outside with my trainer who is my best friend. I was 286 lbs and couldn't run a full minute at first. He (as you probably could expect being a personal trainer) is very fit. We must have looked hilarious running together, he would run backwards so we could talk (and he could yell encouragement lol) it didn't bother me in the least what some stranger would think. I was on track to bettering myself. Now I weigh 197 lbs and I run still a bit (I found a passion for lifting and do that most days, but I run on my rest days from lifting.) to be honest, when I see someone run I don't have a slightest clue where they are in their journey. They could have already lost 100 lbs! They could be starting that day. But one thing is true, they are doing something to better themselfs, it's not always weight loss, maybe they're at a healthy weight but want to improve their cardiovascular system, maybe they've been running for years and this marathon they want to cut 5 mins off their best time. Whatever the reason is, they are doing it.
  • Andrea419
    Andrea419 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you, op. People can really suck sometimes. I want to congratulate you on losing 26 pounds though, that is really amazing!