

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning!

    Eileen, I don't presently have family members overseas, but have been concerned and praying for all the service men and women. I don't pretend to understand the strategies and politics of it all, but I wish all of them were at home. One of my nephews came back from Afghanistan about 2 months ago. God is sovereign, but we are still human!

    Nan - this is a very active thread. Welcome!

    For all you gardeners, I happened across a website today that I enjoyed: www.gardenality.com. I'm getting antsy to get back out in the yard. We started a project last fall in the back yard and want to finish it up. (Addressing a drainage issue and adding a planting area that will reduce the amount of grass as well as the angle of a slope to make mowing easier.)

    Yesterday I was hungry all day and ended up meeting DH at Longhorn Steakhouse after work. Delicious and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll pay for the sodium today, but there is plenty of yard work planned and where there is yard work there is lots of water.

    Last night I could hardly keep my eyes open, but when I went to bed I just could not stay asleep. My legs were sort of twitchy and hip joints achy (probably from my overzealous workout Thursday). Dozed intermittently from 1a to 6a. About that time our dog, Missy, starting whining so I just got up.

    Will check in later -- Gail
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Just wanted to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's a fabulous day.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Kackie, congratulations on the climb! I was dragged to the top of the Whites in NH this summer, and it was HARD! It had about the same elevation gain/distance and took us all day too. I didn't speak to my husband for two days afterwards, but I am proud that I managed it. I hope you are too - it's a great accomplishment!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Edraper, so glad to hear that about your son - I'll keep him in my thoughts.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    So, good morning and happy weekend everybody! I have an NSV for today for me: I finished the entire 90 days of P90X!!! I'm so proud of myself. I haven't weighed myself yet (Monday weigh-ins), but I can see the difference in the mirror big-time. I can be proud of myself, right?

    Heading outside today - it's pretty glorious although breezy. I'm doing yard-work, washing the car, heading to my favorite money pit, Home Depot, and just working around the house. I hope the day doesn't get any more busy than that. I'm looking forward to a little break/celebration, but I'm just keeping going on the P90X. I like the workouts, and it keeps me going on the exercise regime. I need something that's just there, kwim? I don't have to think about it, it's already programmed for me :).

    Anyway, enjoy your weekend wherever you are.
  • KathrynCNC
    Good morning...I'm on a trip with my 2 sisters who have inspired me to get back on the track to fitness. I'm recommitting to a healthier diet with exercise...a challenge for me as I have 2 more years at a desk job (I'm prone to work right through lunch with a sandwich or some such in my hand), a wonderful, loving husband whose only exercise is walking our 2 dogs, but a dog-walk with them is more like a dart and sniff...dart and "mark"...no real cardio. They are "tweenie" wire-haired dachshunds who make us smile and laugh all the time, but they are "zero's" when it comes to exercise.

    So...one year ago I reached my goal weight and maintained with diet and exercise, but about 6 months ago I lost my walking buddy at work and the downhill slide began. Thankfully my 2 sisters are doing well and spending this time with them has lifted my spirits and rekindled my desire to make better choices. One sister told me about this group so...here I am.

    Anyone else out there with a desk-job?
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Our new poster Kathryncnc is my big sister! I'm excited to have her join us!

    We are in TX visiting our baby brother. Having lots of fun!

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning, Ladies! I hope that your Saturday is off to a good start. I went downstairs and pedaled my stationary bike for 30 minutes, which is unusual for me, as I usually walk when I exercise. It doesn't sound like much, but it definitely had me sweating!

    For you ladies who've lost a lot, what do you think about the idea of switching your calories up or down occasionally, so that your body doesn't get too used to one amount? I was thinking ahead and searched "maintenance," and read a post that highly suggested that. I may just be trying to justify going over my calories yesterday (it doesn't happen often), but I seem like I can lose weight but have never yet been very successful at maintaining that loss. This time has to be different, which is why I've been trying to think "lifestyle" instead of "diet."

    Wessecg -- So glad to hear that your scale moved, congrats on the 1 lb.!

    Megblair -- Congrats on your 1 lb. also! I tried the wine poaching with Tilapia a couple nights ago, and it wasn't nearly as good. I guess that it needs to be a fattier fish, maybe. Anyway, don't try it with Tilapia.

    DeeDee2211 - How did you cook the sea scallops? I'm just getting into them, and would love some great recipes! Megblair's wine poaching was good with bay scallops.

    Kackie -- Are you from Montana? I don't know where Sphinx Mountain is, but I was born in Montana and grew up there, so I love meeting people from there. I left for Denver when I was 22, but always think of myself as a Montanan. I lived in Cascade as a child, then Plains through high school and graduated from MSU. Where are you? Congrats on climbing the mountain, by the way! There is no way that I could do that at this point.

    Eileen -- So glad to hear that your son is safe in Afghanistan. It must be so scary for you on a daily basis to have him there. My son touristed in the Middle East over the past two summers, and it made me crazy worrying about him.

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Congrats on finishing your P90X! I hope your weigh-in on Monday is amazing!

    Barbiecat -- Thanks for the graphics website! I'm going to play around with it and see if it will let me put it into e-mails or on FB. I'm not terribly computer literate, and love learning cool new things.

    Sasha4427 -- I love the khoreshts as well, but you flummoxed me on the Tabbouleh! I looked it up and see that it is Arabic instead of Persian, which makes me feel a bit less ignorant. I have no prejudices myself, but my husband has a centuries-old traditional problem with Arabs (I know it doesn't make sense), so he won't eat Arabic food. I cooked couscous once about 20 years ago and he threw it in the garbage -- haven't tried again since. I'll bet Tabbouleh is delicious, though!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning all my wonderful 50+ friends.Been fighting a viru for over a week,ended up at a Walgreen`s clinic last night,dr office was closed.Have acute tonsillitis,haven`t had this in years.They say unless its strep no antibodics.
    So today,I talked to my dr,who knows my history.Said he wants me on an antibodic as any infection in my body flares my asthma.
    So starting the antibodic today.Rest and liguids are in my forecast today.
    Kackie,That`s awesome about the climb.
    Wish I could post on everyone,but have a killer headache and feel lousy.Know I`m rooting for you all.
  • grandmatimes9
    hi just found this board. Im 59 and would love to join in with you.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Anyone else out there with a desk-job?

    Worse! I have a home-office so I find myself glued to the computer for work and leisure. Seriously looking at getting a tablet so I can be free to move :laugh: Welcome to the group, Kathy :flowerforyou:

    Jane, it does seem to help with the weight loss if we don't let our eating habits become too predictable.I'll almost always have a splurge day in a week. It becomes a problem when it's more than one :laugh:

    Welcome Grandma to 9 - I'm expecting #7 in April 2013 :bigsmile:

    Time to move along; I've already been on-site more than I planned - of course! Have a wonderful Saturday all.
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Saturday to everyone!

    Fall is finally arriving! Time for apples and pumpkins!! The weather is gorgeous here in Maryland. Perfect day for a short bike ride on the trail. Yesterday I rode around the neighborhood school for about an hour so today I just did half an hour. Finished up my ten minute arm routine with four pound weights and now the day is mine to enjoy! Not without the chores of course! LOL!

    Laura- the arm routine is on Fitsugar.com it is called 10 minute tank top arms. It is challenging and I am not yet able to do the entire 10 minutes....Hope you had great weather for your bike ride!!

    Cathy and Tigress- Thanks for the ideas about my kitties and the scratching posts... I will head to the pet store later today. Almost adopted another one last night; a scraggly kitten wandered into our back yard but ran under the deck. We left food out but it was gone this morning......

    Michele- Way to go getting those Christmas crafts going already! I am getting out the paint later today for one of my Pinterest projects!

    Linda and Meg- Hope that bike ride was enjoyable! It is really a great way to enjoy the outdoors, exercise and get a good dose of Vitamin D!!!

    Barb- Sorry to hear about bout number three of skin cancer. Good luck with the appointment.

    DeeDee- Loved the rant! You are not a grouch; this is a legit therapy session!!! Have fun purging the cupboard!

    Eileen- SOOOOO happy your son in Afghanistan is okay....

    Jane- Hope you feel better soon. Take those meds and get lots of fluids and rest....

    For those I missed- Wishing you the strength and motivation to keep going with those daily life challenges....

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Ladies. What a beautiful Saturday! DH and I took our new bikes to the state recreation area and rode for 20 minutes. My thighs are screaming, especially the inner thighs. My tricycle seems to put a smile on everyone’s face. :glasses: I had literally dozens of people smile, wave, and ask about my bike. It was tons of fun!

    We are going out with our best friends tonight for a Mexican meal then to their house for cards. We are hoping to get those darn taxes done before we go. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Lin: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to you too. No periods at 59!!! Not allowed. :angry: That’s funny about the expensive nursing home rooms, errrrr suites. Salmon and green beans….yum. We do salmon, rice a roni, broccoli and russian salad.

    Kathy: hope you are having a wonderful time.

    Lentigogirl: that would be so wonderful listening to the poet laureate. I’m jealous. BTW, how did you come by your nic?

    Michele: I just can’t get over how busy you seem to be.

    Barb: how did I miss you had skin cancer? Did it get taken care of?:flowerforyou:

    June: hope you have a wonderful time over the weekend. Sounds like you have some fun events planned.

    Nancy: Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDEe: I wish my one pound loss would show up dang it! I’ve been emailing back and forth with tech support. Heavens only knows what your birthday lunch will be LOL :bigsmile:

    Robin: encouragement to get that dog house done and make the babies happy!

    Barbie: that cat looks like he’s had too much catnip!:laugh:

    Liz: I hope the car doesn’t eat into your wallet too much. We have a 20 year old Infiniti that the oldest daughter drives ,and this year we had tons of repair bills.

    Kackie: wow way to go on your hike. Impressive!:happy:

    Micki: good idea about brushing your teeth. I have heard that before. Thanks for sharing your tips!

    Fonitoni: good advice. I do go to a gyn only doctor, but I won’t have an ablation (too invasive for me at 53) and they can’t justify a hysterectomy because my hemoglobin stays stable no matter how much I bleed (and I’m a non-surgical kind of girl). An IUD won’t work because my cervix is so scarred up it can’t be inserted. So that leaves pills or depo. Last time I was on depo…no periods at all. This time they last about 2 months. I just got it yesterday so hopefully by Monday this will all be gone. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

    Lila: Sorry I got you and Nancy mixed up! I can even spell cinema! LOL:tongue:

    CJPensley: that’s too bad about hubby. Hopefully he will see the light without another friend dying too young. I have a friend who is like that and knows someone who died after making all these healthy changes, and she says “What’s the point? You’ll die anyway”. Very frustrating!:grumble:

    Wessecg: good for you on the loss!

    Glenda: jealous of your 40 minute ride… I could only manage 20! With lots of breaks LOL:ohwell:

    Eileen: bless your heart. I am so glad to hear everyone is OK. That must be so frightening for you and so helpless to sit here and not be able to do a thing. Good news for the salmon, better news for family.:flowerforyou:

    Nan: welcome to our group!

    Gail: yes drink that water! Hope you have a productive day in the garden.

    MWheatcraft: YES be proud of yourself! Way to go!:flowerforyou:

    KathrynCNC: I have a pseudo-desk job. I teach nursing and some days are just office days and then I’m a slug!

    JaneHadji: I think you are right about the fish. Tilapia is also very mild in flavor and I think the wine could overwhelm it. Also, the wine choice might be different. Here’s a funny story. About 3 months after adopting the kids we were eating a lot of “kid meals”. I stopped in a wine store and asked the owner “What wine goes with tuna helper?” OMG I thought he would die. He finally spits out….”Got kids, right?”:laugh:

    Jane: hope you feel better…lots of rest today. I’ll bring the chicken soup.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmatimes9: welcome

    Carolyn: I’m going to check out that website too! Thanks.

    Well, I’m exhausted and hear the lazy boy calling me for a nap! OMG who knew 20 minutes on a bike would be so tiring??? Take care, Meg
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi, Kathryn - and welcome!

    I just joined this group a few weeks ago but they seem like nice people :) I just finished my first round of P90X this morning and am feeling great - but it's a journey, not a destination, right? So my goal now is to simply keep doing this. I'm going to keep doing my exercises because I like them and it's a no-thought process, and I'm still tracking calories because I'm not at my goal weight-wise yet.

    Like you, I suspect there will be times when I'll start to slack, so I'm hoping having a group of people I check in with will keep me on track.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Jane, I have a question for you - did you ever teach at UC - D?
  • ferb03
    Would some of you lovely ladies please take a look at my food and exercise diaries and give me some feed back? Seems like I have been playing with the same four pounds all summer and I just don't get it. First they're here, then they're gone then they're back again. Advice and insight terribly appreciated!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    The other reason I responded to your post was to say I too have a work-from-home desk job. I don't even get the exercise of walking from the subway to the office or out to lunch - I have a one-minute commute :(. I also tend to sit there all day long, so it's no wonder my behind is chair-shaped! Working on that though :)

    My boss and I discussed setting an alarm in Outlook to go off once/hour or so to remind us to get up and walk around, do some weights with arms (in my case, I'm trying to strengthen my wrists as the pushups have destroyed them), or go run up and down the stairs for a few minutes. I also have a pull-up bar that I'm putting over the bathroom door so I can do a few when I'm heading out of the powder room :). Anything to try to stay active in a sedentary job.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Saturday to All

    I've caught up on the posts but not time to comment to all...

    Happy Birthday to (I think it was Juner) today:flowerforyou:

    Eileen- so glad you heard from your son and will continue to keep him and the others over there in our prayers:flowerforyou: (My #1 Son was in Afghanistan 2005 & Iraq 2007-08) It's always such a relief when they call.

    So yesterday we were ready to go out for our errands, and my car wouldn't start, so Hubby jumped it and off to get a new battery...but it appeared that there wasn't anything wrong. So continued on to the bank and then a sporting goods store to get a replacement tire for his bike for our afternoon bike ride...and the car won't start:grumble: We decide to walk home which is an hour walk and I'm not in the best of walking shoes:sad: by the time we get home I'm really hurting. We get back to the car, jump it, go get the new battery then head off to do our shopping by the time we get home it's after 6pm...not how we'd planned out Friday afternoon.

    While out and about hubby got the call that he is to start his job on Tuesday night....let's see we will look for the positive ... it's a job although part time and his pay is $9.00 an hour...and he used to make abut $30.00 an hour with his full time job:huh: He still has time to look for a full time job and this will get him out of the house for a bit each week:wink: Maybe we say he's semi retired or something like that:ohwell:

    We will be eating up things in the house that he won't be eating come Monday as he has decided to return to his low carb eating fm years ago. It worked for him then and he kept the weight off for years before his hip replacemnt...so I'm believing it will work for him again...I wish he'd just do an eating of lower caloried and healthier eating but he won't right now so I'm just glad he's going to do something:ohwell:

    We will be doing our bike ride later this afternoon, he's been cleaning the BBQ and I've been enjoying the morning with the dog.

    Everyone have a great Saturday, log it if you eat it, drink plenty of water and don't forget to ge up and get moving.:drinker:


    PS - Janehadj- yes let's find a time to get together now that you are done with the wedding...send me a message for what's good for you:flowerforyou:
  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    I would like to join this thread. It seems to be lively and as an almost 52 year old geared to my age group and life experiences. My guests are just about to arrive for the evening but I hope to be back tomorrow.
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    ferb03--I'm no expert but it seems like you are eating a lot of hot dogs and popcorn. I don't know what brands you are eating but they may be loaded with sodium. You might want to try to eat more veggies too.

    I find drinking more water has been really helpful for me.

    You are doing great as far as exercise. The biking is great. :happy: :happy:

    Don't give up. You can do it.

    If you'd like add me as a friend.
