

  • zoeluiisa
    What a load of cr*p.

    There are many fat-free products I take issue with because they're filled with sugar and other junk to replace the flavour and texture they took out with the fat - but skimmed-milk isn't one of those. Where's the harm in skimming the cream off the top and drinking what's left?

    If you like full-fat milk, drink it. If you prefer semi-skimmed, drink it. And if you prefer skimmed, DRINK IT!

    If you're worried about what factory farming does to your milk that's another issue - and easily solved by buying organic.

    (Though in the UK at least, milk is tested to make sure it doesn't contain antibiotics or other contaminants. Farmers face huge fines if they sell contaminated milk).
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    Someone could post a link saying the sky is blue ans ppl will debate it. Lol! Y'all crack me up! Have a nice day
    I beg to differ it's quite gray today :wink:
  • moody415
    moody415 Posts: 1 Member
    I do agree that you need to do what you think is best for your children. But, I have had several doctors tell me that although the child may be healthy drinking whole milk by the time they are adults they have higher risks of heart problems, strokes & circulatory issues because all that fat over all those years has built up and clogged the arteries. We stick with 2% and our doctors say we are not any less healthy than anyone else.
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    So, basically, absolutely no-one's mind was changed by this article. The people who were pro-fat milk remained so, and the people who were pro-skim remained so also.

    There was some yelling in the topic title, however, which just reminded me of Vanilla Ice, whose moniker doesn't seem ENTIRELY off topic.

  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for posting this. It had some points I've never heard, and unlike others, it DID make me think.

    I try to avoid dairy anyway because I'm lactose-intolerant, but I do have it much more often than I should. Another thing that I've read about skim milk that struck me as odd is that it actually contains MORE lactose than whole milk! So, contrary to what may seem logical, skim milk is also much worse for those with problems digesting dairy than whole milk is!
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    I'm definitely not going to stop drinking fat free dairy. For one, I hate the consistency of higher fat content in milk. I've tried almond and soy milks and while I don't mind them in hot beverages, either one of them with cereal or to drink while eating something sweet makes me gag. Really. So give me a cookie, I'm reaching for that lovely jug of skim milk in my fridge and no alarmist post (which, really, is one of many about the same subject) is going to make me stop.

    If you hate the consistency, one option is to water down whole milk. You end up with a similar texture to skim milk, but possibly not the health risks that may be associated with skim milk. Not that I'm saying there ARE or are not health risks. But I used to water down my milk all the time as a kid because my family drank 2% or whole and it tasted way too thick/creamy to me.
  • demineth
    demineth Posts: 3 Member
    Interesting read. Thanks for posting it.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Well any site that tells me to eat butter and cream has my vote! Don't know if I think skim milk is the devil food but I totally love a site that encourages whole food. I do think after I finish this crisco I bought a million years ago I will start using lard.
  • cal_73
    Skim milk for drinking and cereal, cream for coffee and ice cream, butter for cooking, baking and on veggies.... that's how I roll.
  • RickBriggs
    Give up meat. Give up dairy. Read "The China Study" or "Forks Over Knives".
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    Didn't read the link because.. well look at the address....
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I used to exclusively drink 2% milk, but due to my high cholesterol my doctor told me it was critical to step down to skim milk. I can't remember the comparisons, but the amount of pure fat in even 2% milk is really high.

    In terms of the antibiotic argument on that site, if low-fat milks have those antibiotics of course the higher fat variation does as well. It isn't as if they're injecting antibiotics into the milk to skim off the fat - that's not how it works. The antibiotics have to do with the cow and not the process.

    That article is alarmist and frankly ridiculous.

    Before you change your milk drinking habits, speak with a nutritionist or a doctor before taking a website's word for it.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    Meh, I love my skim milk.

    Me too!!! I can't stand to drink and other milk.
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member

    WHAT DO I DO??
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    The parting comment of aloha made me wonder. How many dairy farms are in Hawaii? My sister-in-law has a dairy farm. I'll run this by her. However, the remark about the turn of the century people eating the "real" stuff is bogus and that our life expectancy is much longer than theirs and if they did make it to old age it was because of all the physical labor they did that most of us don't do. I feel a much bigger concern is our fast food and processed foods.
  • zoeluiisa
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."

    You joke, but there's a place in London that sells breast-milk ice-cream... or at least there was, don't know if it's still there.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The other thing that I read more than once that I took issue with is the idea that saturated fat, full-fat foods, etc aren't bad for you, and aren't contributing to heart disease. Explain to me, OP, why it is that lowering your saturated fat and cholesterol intake can literally save your life by lowering your bad cholesterol? I'm 28 and have had a heart attack, I'd love to know your logic for why I /shouldn't/ listen to my doctor, my nutritionist, science, and common sense.

    Saturated fat isn't bad for you. It genuinlely lowers saturated in your blood. Its a Harvard stuidied and agreed statement!
    That's what a recent Harvard University study found: People who had the highest saturated fat intake also had the least plaque buildup on their artery walls. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition described the findings as an "American Paradox."

    In the Stanford University study that made recent headlines, women on the "fatty" Atkins diet ended up with the healthiest cholesterol levels and the best blood pressure readings, compared to those on other diets

    --We typically eat more than a dozen kinds of saturated fat. Some have zero effect on cholesterol. Some raise bad (LDL) cholesterol, but all of them raise good (HDL) cholesterol to a greater extent. That’s a net gain in heart health.
    --The nation's top health organizations have for decades called saturated fat one of the main culprits for diet-related diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Problem is, this blame stems from research that is now seen as incomplete. For instance, a famous 1953 study took data from six countries, overlooking 16 countries whose numbers provide contradictory evidence. (Like France, for instance, or native cultures in Africa and Canada where high amounts of fat and saturated fat are eaten but heart disease is practically unknown.)
    --Since the 1970s, American men have decreased their saturated fat intake by 14 percent and increased their carbohydrate intake by 23 percent--yet rates of obesity and heart disease are increasing. You might say that carbohydrates make people fat, which leads to heart disease. Or that more carbohydrates you eat, the greater your risk for a heart attack.

    --But these simple numbers only suggest a cause. To prove something, you need a controlled experiment. There have been many such clinical trials, and not one has shown has shown that cutting back on saturated fat reduces heart disease risk.
    --When you look at the effect of saturated fat on health, you must also look at the intake of carbohydrates. Many studies have shown that if you replace carbs with fat, your triglycerides levels go down and your good cholesterol goes up. And your bad (LDL) cholesterol particles get bigger, which means they're less harmful.

    --Here's a paradox for you: A high saturated fat intake decreases blood levels of saturated fat. How can this be? Here's how: The saturated fat in your blood comes from both the food you eat and from your liver, which produces saturated fat. The more carbs you eat, the higher your insulin levels climb, which signals your liver to produce saturated fat. If you go on a low-carb diet, your insulin levels drop, and so does production of saturated fat.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."

    You joke, but there's a place in London that sells breast-milk ice-cream... or at least there was, don't know if it's still there.

    so.... you're down for being business partners?
  • jessicae1aine
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."

    You joke, but there's a place in London that sells breast-milk ice-cream... or at least there was, don't know if it's still there.

    There was a place in New york who was also selling it, I believe. There are also a lot of people who have made cheese from their breast milk.