
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."

    You joke, but there's a place in London that sells breast-milk ice-cream... or at least there was, don't know if it's still there.

    so.... you're down for being business partners?

    I'm in if I can be in charge of working the pumps! LOL
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    so are any of you currently producing?
    we need to get on this before someone else capitalizes from it.

    The trick is setting up a massive infrastructure immediately so we can meet the demands of local markets nationally.
    We'll be the IPOD of dairy.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Here is what I got out of the link:

    Go buy a cow and let it roam and eat grass and get up and milk it daily.

    works for me! wish I could afford a farm with room for a cow to roam.!
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."

    You joke, but there's a place in London that sells breast-milk ice-cream... or at least there was, don't know if it's still there.

    so.... you're down for being business partners?

    I'm in if I can be in charge of working the pumps! LOL

    sure thing. but your pay will be commensorate with your task.

    I will be in charge of deployment, infrastructure, and growth.
  • so are any of you currently producing?
    we need to get on this before someone else capitalizes from it.

    The trick is setting up a massive infrastructure immediately so we can meet the demands of local markets nationally.
    We'll be the IPOD of dairy.

    Nationally? Internationally my friend. Less of this small thinking please.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Since cow milk is so bad, maybe we SHOULD switch to human?

    We could contract women after they give birth to come into localized centers for pumping. If they keep getting pumped, they'll keep producing milk long after they drop out their baby. The milk would cost more, but think about all the benefits of switching to human milk as opposed to cow? And what about the social benefits???

    "Are you an unwed mother who just dropped out a baby? Do you need income today? Come in to HMFBT - Human Milk For a Better Tomorrow and donate today. 10$ a gallon for your troubles."
    That is plenty of supplemental income!
    It will be costly, but we need a way to get the food supply into the factory. Also, we need to pump it onsite because if we send home pumping systems, people will water it down. We can't have that.

    I foresee this being the trend of the future now that we know cow milk is evil.

    Think of all those mothers out there, ready to donate. I'm sure they could keep donating for years after they give birth if they are pumped regularly. We could even export it to foreign countries. This could revolutionize our country.

    In fact, it could be the jumpstart our country needs.
    Before, there was war.
    Then there was gold.
    Then there was black gold.

    Now... is the time for white gold.

    "Human milk. Because you're human, not a cow."

    You joke, but there's a place in London that sells breast-milk ice-cream... or at least there was, don't know if it's still there.

    so.... you're down for being business partners?

    I'm in if I can be in charge of working the pumps! LOL

    sure thing. but your pay will be commensorate with your task.

    I will be in charge of deployment, infrastructure, and growth.

    So in other words, I'll be working for free cause of all the boobie fun I'll be having??
  • doesnt matter to me, because I drink unsweetened almond milk. And I'm not giving up my plain nonfat yogurt anytime soon lol
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I love skim milk. I'm not going to stop drinking it.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    so are any of you currently producing?
    we need to get on this before someone else capitalizes from it.

    The trick is setting up a massive infrastructure immediately so we can meet the demands of local markets nationally.
    We'll be the IPOD of dairy.

    Nationally? Internationally my friend. Less of this small thinking please.

    Obviously internationally. But we need to establish a national market and dedicated consumer base.

    Expanding too fast depletes capital and leaves you open to failure.

    Go pump some boobs and leave the big decisions to me.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    ...I do wish people wouldn't post so much unsubstantiated rubbish. Some people will read this sort of thing and take it on board. My advice would be if there are no real studies referenced take it with a pinch of salt (or not cos we all know salt is bad for you!)


    It's amazing the number of people on here thanking the OP for such great info. and planning on immediately switching their family to whole milk based on this thread. If made changes based on everything I saw or heard on the internet, my head would be spinning. I'd never make it to the checkstand from going back and forth picking up and dropping off items...:laugh:

    Seems to me there are many more taking the opposite stance, and berating OP for posting.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    "4. It’s provides almost no nutritional value."

    Lost all credibility for this grammar nut.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Isn't this an argument against all commercially-produced milk moreso than it is skim specifically?

    I can't afford to switch to "real" farm-raised milk, so I'll keep saving the calories, personally.
  • I question the credibility of this article. Just looks like someone's random blog, and a lot of the points are so ridiculous. Take "3. It contains antibiotics, nasty bodily fluids, and GMOs"

    Guess what, so do many of the other animal products you eat, fat free or not.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm definitely not going to stop drinking fat free dairy. For one, I hate the consistency of higher fat content in milk. I've tried almond and soy milks and while I don't mind them in hot beverages, either one of them with cereal or to drink while eating something sweet makes me gag. Really. So give me a cookie, I'm reaching for that lovely jug of skim milk in my fridge and no alarmist post (which, really, is one of many about the same subject) is going to make me stop.

    This. Hate the taste of full-fat milk. I still eat whole-fat cheeses on occasion. To each their own.
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member

    6: Well, that's nice. Nor will watching Dr Who. But I still watch Dr Who because I like it.

    Same here. I could watch it all day!:tongue: Bow ties are cool.
    Fezzes are cool.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I agree that fat-free stuff is gimmicky. Skim milk is too watery for... anything useful. I love coconut milk, and full-fat cheeses.

    Gimmicky? I started drinking skim milk in my early teens (early 1980s, my mother was buying it) and realized how much I hated the taste of full-fat milk. A "gimmick" that's been around for approximately 30 years?

  • alysson
    alysson Posts: 3 Member
    Many of the "facts" in the article are incorrect. It is, at best, misleading.
  • Melampus
    Melampus Posts: 95 Member
    This is certainly not the first article I have seen that suggests current ideas about cholesterol and saturated fat being bad for us are based on bad science and some of the other ones are based on the results of named studies with much better reasoning than this rather alarmist article.

    For the claim that skimmed milk is more fattening than full fat I'd need to know more. Sure there is a kind of sugar in milk (lactose) and it has been suggested that sugar is more fattening than it's calorie count suggests but even if you believe that you will still be taking in that lactose in full fat milk. Of course, if you compensate by drinking more skimmed milk either because your calorie count says you can or because it doesn't produce satiety in the same way this may happen but then that's hardly a valid comparison. To be sure of this would need a study.

    That skimmed milk was considered a waste product of cream production does not, of itself, make it bad for you. This is just a reflection of fashion and demand.

    Some of the rest of the article is a criticism of the standards of dairy farming rather than skimmed milk itself and doubtless applies to full fat milk too if bought from a high volume producer.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Yes, your body does need fats to function at it's healthiest but this article is pretty much rubbish. First of all, the claim that there is no scientific basis for the claim that saturated fat intake and heart disease have a correlation is ridiculous. I mean, really talk to a number of doctors and do some research in to medical journals and see if there really is no basis for the claim. By the way, the claim is that a high consumption of saturated fats MAY contribute to heart disease, not that it totally, definitely does. Big difference. Secondly, the claim that nobody suffered from "heart attacks around the turn of the century when everyone was still eating pounds of butter and cream every week." is simply false. While it is true that heart disease was not as prevalent as it is today, it is not to do only with diet (which also used to be more healthful as fatty foods used to be expensive enough that only wealthier people could afford it), but lifestyle-- before advent and widespread use of machinery, people had to perform a lot of manual labor (farm work, cleaning, getting water, etc.). And as for the nasty body fluids, antibiotics, and GMOs, those are found in ALL milk whether it's whole milk or skim so that really shouldn't be a factor in deciding what type of milk to drink. As to the point of skim milk not making you skinny, of course it doesn't! No drink makes you skinny and it's not meant to! If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat a high volume of food (especially food that has little or no nutritional value) then you'll still be fat. That's like thinking ordering a diet coke with your Big Mac and super sized fries is going to make you skinny. This is a very poorly researched article.