

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, back to the drawing board, I can't figure out how to email the photo to someone.

    Gonna try again

    682255c0.jpg[img]Hope this works! :)[/img]
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    grrrr....it didn't work,. I'll try again

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    OK, I give up, what am I doing wrong????

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Michele, when you open the picture in Photobucket over to the side it will list 4 different codes you can use. You want the one on the bottome that say IMG code. click on it and it will say copied" paste that here and change the IMG to img on the beginning and the ending. to know if you will need to resize it or not go to photo bucket and click resize. around 300 pixels is usually pretty good.
  • KathrynCNC
    MWheatcraft 54: Thanks for the welcome and the tips for the office environment...it was my boss who first told me about MyFitnessPal, but she hardly needs it...she is one year younger than I and is so disciplined with food choices and exercise that it is scarey. Setting the alarm to get up and get out and mobile is a great suggestion. I'll need to set more than one alarm though. Last week I had an alarm set to go to my mammogram and worked right through it...I get so absorbed in what I do (accounting, data analysis for the Controller of a university) that I become oblivious to time.

    Anyway, thanks again for the welcome...Our visit with our Texas brother and his family is over tomorrow so my 2 sisters and I begin the 2-day drive back to NC Sunday morning. Have a good weekend. K.
  • KathrynCNC
    Texasgal22: Yes, having a desk job at home would be even more limiting than my desk job at our university...I really can get out for lunch, in fact, my boss encourages it...she changes and power-walks at least 3 times a week...but I'll just have to make myself get started again and gain some momentum. Thanks for the response. My sisters and I will be driving for the next 2 days from Texas to NC after visiting our brother and his family, so the challenges will be "meals on the road" and working in some stretching and walking after being in the car that long. Have a good rest of the weekend! Kathryn
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    rj - that is exactly what I did, guess I'll try it again. Hope it works this time

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    grrrr...it STILL didn't work
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    We had five guests for dinner and all went well......i so rarely have company that it doesn't come naturally to me anymore....we were going to grill hamburgers and the grill didn't work so we had to set up the Jenn-Aire grill in the kitchen.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: now it's way past my bedtime.

    :heart: hugs to all, Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Michele, I looked at my photobucket account to be sure......when I pointed to a picture it showed me four codes......I clicked on the img code (it was the one on the bottom of the list) then on my reply box, I right clicked and pasted the code......then changed the IMG to img being very careful not to change the punctuation before or after the letters.

    I also took the code you posted and copied it onto my browser and saw your pool picture WOW

  • cmaggies
    Having read through a lot of your posts, may I say I am in awe of you ladies! I am new to all this and have been on the weight loss journey for nearly three weeks. I am inspired by your comments about keeping going even when you are down! I am finding the small increase in my exercise very helpful and looking at the scales is keeping me motivated. I have a wonderful partner who helps keep me on track too. I need him to exercise with me some days or I wouldn't be so motivated. I am determined to keep going towards my 30 kg goal and then to set that goal again - I am sick of being how I am!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Michele when you point to your picture you should see this.

    You need to click on the IMG Code and make sure you see it say copied.

    So I added the img's to your link. Here is the picture of your pool. It is amazing!

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Michele – that is some pool!! Wow, that must have been quite a job. Going to be gorgeous. :bigsmile: Thanks for the tip about eating at night (you too Sally). Maybe that is my problem because I am one of those people that doesn’t consider it’s dinner time until 8 pm. I’ll try to eat earlier and see if it helps.

    Barbie, your black poodle is adorable.:heart::heart:

    Janehadji – interesting....tabouli, tabbouleh, taboulleh, as far as I know is middle eastern sort of generic salad. I first ran into it years and years ago in Israel and Lebanon, but I have Afghani and Iranian friends that make it as well. The recipe I use is from PersianFoodNet.com. Tell your husband he's missing out - lol.

    Laura80111 – sorry to hear about your car troubles. I find any kind of car issue really annoying. :grumble:

    Eileen – that must have been so frightening, so glad to hear your son is safe and I hope stateside soon.

    Jane – take care of that tonsillitis (sp) and headache and I hope you feel better quickly. :sick: Sleep, sleep, fluids and more sleep.

    Kathy – yes, another desk job person. Sometimes I just stand up and work just for a change of position. I really should just leave and go for a walk at lunch but I always seem to find something else to keep me chained to that desk. Maybe setting the timer would work for me too.

    Meg – cinema is good, how do you spell theatre and centre – lol. I always find your posts so cheerful. :bigsmile: And funny (wine and tuna helper).

    Well, I finally finished that roof, but I don’t think I’m going to start contracting out my services any time soon. I can’t believe how physical hammering nails and scrambling up and down ladders is. However, I can now drive a nail with 3 smacks and I’m impressed with myself (ooo, who said pride goes before a fall – no falls, no-no-no).

    Tomorrow is going to be a major cleaning day. I haven’t done the top to bottom one for a couple of weeks because of all the roof time, just a brief going over sort of one room at a time. So I will be looking forward to actually having it all clean at once. OMG, if I’m looking forward to cleaning, maybe I should get a life.

    Going to bed to sleep, :yawn: perchance to dream. I’m so tired I probably will get a good night’s rest for a change (except the water will probably interfere with that).

    Good night to all you great ladies.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Jane-Congrats that you have almost made a year! I can’t believe that I still have all the same bloating, cravings and depression. I almost feel back to normal now! I hope all is well with the new place. :flowerforyou:

    Fonitoni, how is the exercise going? Maybe you need to eat more calories if you are doing a lot of exercise? Let us know how it is going! :smile:

    Bigpal-belated anniversary! Hope you had a nice day! :drinker: :drinker:

    Jb-where is Sauvie Island? I would love to learn how to can, preserve and all that other stuff you are doing with your autumn harvest. I have been getting too frustrated with growing zucchini this year and the powdery mildew! I keep cutting off all the leaves and it keeps coming back! Your camping trip sounds like so much fun! :wink: :wink:

    Sasha, try whole wheat pasta. I get the same sleepy feeling from regular pasta, but not from the whole wheat, brown rice etc. Mind you I usually only eat ½ cup! :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Glendalight- the lake ride in the morning sun, sounds absolutely fabulous! You are so right about going slow, when you get back into exercise! I also had a problem with snacking, now I just make sure it is healthy snacking! :smile: :smile:

    AuntieBK, who your week is so busy, but the line dancing class sounds like so much fun! I
    used to do this before knee problems. Ok, now about parsnip circles! I have never tasted a parsnip! How should one try these if eating for the first time? What does this mean AHMOD? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    DebA- how is it going with meal planning and trying to get in your exercise. Try to make yourself a priority! I hope all is going well. I need to also make meals ahead of time and freeze them for the family. :happy:

    DeeDee- hope you are feeling better now. I was feeling yucky last week too! My was hormone related ,but never the less, still cranky! I am glad that I can come on this site and vent! Everyone has such great suggestions and the support is amazing! Maybe your allergies are adding to the weight gain. The histamine response that is caused by all the pollens cause swelling and the eyes/nose etc problems. So, take an antihistamine and you might feel better an this might help with the swelling also! Just like Pms , the swelling affects brain tissue and this is why we women get cranky! Lol DeeDee l,just read your new post! Glad you are feeling better! :happy: :happy:

    Nancy, Happy Birthday and to your DD too! I hope you are having a lovely time with your DD! Was that karma or what finding your own birth record! I will have to goggle the Lululemon wear! Never heard of it down here in So calif. Went and rode the bike today, don’t know about any endorphins but I did feel better afterwards! Thanks for reminding me about the book “A Complaint Free World” . I need to see how much it costs on the kindle. :laugh: :laugh:

    Laura80111- what does your DH do to be on a low carb diet? Just not eat any bread,etc? Is he following a diet like Atkins? I am just curious . Low carb works if one can keep it up and not get bored with the food choices! Glad your DH got the job! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Kate, it seems like I am always behind with the mundane house chores. I just get them done when I can. Hope you will have fun with your social group and doing service products! :wink: :wink:

    Teri- congrats on your weight loss. Even the smallest loss is still a loss! Much better than a gain!! Just keep up the good work and it will lead you down the loss road! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    Dmomofthree. When I go to the movies. I make air popped pop corn put it in a plastic bag and just it in my purse. I also just take a bottle of water to drink! I think it is wise if you don’t feel ready to be in that environment, to not go!! That is good taking care of yourself! :indifferent: :tongue:

    Mwheatcraft54- after reading the posts here many ladies are also still having periods! Thanks for the well wishes! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Meg, does the depo work to help stop the bleeding. I think the side effects would be too much for me! Hope all went well at your nurse visit! :happy:

    Robin (Bodi and Ritter) did you finish the dog house? :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Lin- what 59 , oh my I cant even imagine another 4 years of this curse! Ok, so now I want green beans and salmon. Will have to wait for Friday payday! Yum! :grumble: :grumble:

    Lentigogirl- sounds like a fun work weekend with the receptions Happy Birthday to your dance studio, what type of dance? :smile: :smile:

    Michele – the cooking class that you went to sounds fun. The salad sounds good! Are you done with the popcorn strands? How do you keep it from getting tangled up in the storage bags! :bigsmile: The pictures of your pool and spa are amazing!

    June, I started gaining weight as soon as I hit 50! It was amazing how quick it came on, and now how it is to come off, vs being younger! Happy Birthday! You town social event sounds so interesting and fun! Tell us more about Calamity Jane days! :smile:

    Barbie, I love the kitty on the keyboard. Also I have a friend on Facebook who lives near you and has a friend who she said was “the best house sitter ever” So, if your friend needs a person or to have someone on standby let me know and I can get you the info! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Love the puppy picture!

    Liz- hope the car bill is not too expensive! :cry: :cry:

    Kackie, wow congrats on your hike up Sphinx mountain! What a great feeling that must have been when you were finished! :drinker: :drinker:

    Micki, congrats on the NSV and your walk! Thanks for the suggestions about brushing your teeth, etc! Sounds like you are going to float away with all that water! :wink: :wink:

    Cjspensley- I hope your DH is taking his health more seriously. Maybe , small changes for him are what is needed.It is very common for men to deny their symptoms. Maybe you need to find an exercise that you both like and he might get motivated? My DH also has a very stressful job and does the same thing. Comes home and gels in front of the TV. He has hunting season coming up so he gets some exercise! I will pray for your DH! :noway: :noway:

    Wessecg- you are right, don’t weigh everday. You weigh can fluctuate from am to pm, from salt to drinking water! :sad: :sad:

    Edraper70- praying for your son and the families that lost loved ones recently. Hugs for you! :wink: :wink:

    Nan- and Cmaggies welcome to the group!

    I am feeling much better now that the curse is over! My DD and I went to the gym today. I did the recumbent bike for 45 mins and now my rear end is so sore, that I can hardly sit down!! Tomorrow , we are going to do the elliptical if my knee will tolerate it or the treadmill! Oh, it was 113 degrees here today, about 107 in my back yard! Winter hurry up!:noway: :noway:

    I hope that you are all being strong, drinking your water, logging your food, exercising ! Most important being kind and loving towards yourself! :heart: :heart:

    Here's to another day to be the best we can be! Hugs, Linda SundanceB:heart::heart:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Happy Sunday!

    :flowerforyou: I've caught up with all the posts, but didn't make a note (sorry). To the person who was behind with everything, I feel like that most of the time too. Always seem to be rushing around getting nowhere :noway: maybe that's the problem. I know at work I'm so busy that I flit from one job to the next only doing half a job and forgetting to finish off. Now I've decided that I must finish off one task before starting another. It's difficult for me when I see an email message flash up at the bottom of my screen, I think I'll answer that question and then get into a mail conversation then forget what I am doing! I'll have to find a way to turn it off so that I have to actually go into my email to see new messages.

    :frown: My weight has been up and down, I had a shock a few days ago though I stepped onto the scales and it said 143 lbs I thought that must be a mistake it meant I'd lost about 5lbs overnight (must admit it was a nice shock) so I got on again and it still said 143lbs still not believing I moved the scales slightly and tried again, sure enough this time it said 147lbs which is more like it, but oh for a minute I really enjoyed the figure on the scale. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Belated Happy Birthday and Anniversary to those who have been celebrating.

    :flowerforyou: Michele love the pic of the pool.

    Better get a move on and complete my food diary. I've not been eating too well, I bought some yogurts that when I checked afterwards had 200 cals in them :noway: :grumble: They taste great tho :laugh: and snacking has been a problem, but I have exercised nearly every day. I know the theory of eating well, but I need to put it into practice.

    Have a good Sunday everyone, and don't forget to drink your water - (I need the reminder myself :embarassed: )

    Viv xx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good night, lovelies!

    Still playing catchup, just finished part 1...
    Great Line Dance workshop with Dancin' Dean today. Exercised restraint at the potluck, avoided all the creamy salads and starchy crockpot yummies. Only vegetables available were pickled asparagus :angry: . so focused on protein and fresh fruit. Held the desserts down to edges of 2 brownies and 1 inch slice of pineapple upside down cake but what a toll:explode: those sweets take on the calorie count. Supper tonight was mostly raw vegetables and hummus, held the Saturday beer down to one. All in all pretty happy with today.

    :happy: gini project manager AND video director? Impressive!
    :flowerforyou: Jane hope you feel better soon, it stinks to hurt so bad you have to skip pt.
    Kathy cleaning out the garage, tossing and donating for 2 straight days? You are one strong woman! Only natural to second guess your choices, hang in there!:ohwell:
    Polly Love it when procrastination pays! :laugh: Straight black skirt yippee!
    Meg your cranky-spirit haunted GPS made be snort my tea! :drinker: I've always preferred maps and loved Mapquest 'til they went all smart-phone and disappeared the "print" button :grumble: My Omron Walking Style pedometer lives in my pocket and has been my mostly faithful companion thru 3 battery changes... BUT it failed me today:explode: , only registering 6K+ steps after line dancing 5.5 hrs. I blame it on the slightly tight :blushing: pockets of these new, 14P white jeans. Please find a better Zumba class, every one I've gone to has been fun because the people were all there to have a good time sweating, :noway: NOT to roll their eyes at newbies. Won 2nd place at the weigh in, woo HOO! It's Saturday night, hope your tax struggles are over. :tongue: We take our pooches to "Doggie detailing" cuz Joe's an ex-auto mechanic.:wink:
    Eileen, con VERY grts on the down 48 pounds. That's awesome!:drinker:
    Janie great goals! Has your pt any exercises you can do to ease the pain? :sick:
    Micki not cheating to change your weigh-in day, do what works for you. I had to change mine from Friday to Monday to face the reality of what weekend indulgences do.:sick:
    Lila lovely description and spin on your hike, was it for work? What do you do?:huh: Yay size 10!!!
    Liz I'm right there with you, waiking at 4:30 might as well get up for the day. :yawn:
    Barbie Jake has step goals too? What a guy!:love: "when I found line dancing I knew it was the answer" Amen!:happy:
    Nancy What a great running example you are to your students and to us! :heart: What a gift you are giving those girls. How clever to think of the iphone app. You ROCK! j'boy's "aversion to orange food" :laugh:
    Glenda bathing suit to bathrobe to car in northern climes, I can just imagine!:laugh:
    Linda "pictures of my self that I would post. I guess I need to in that this will help with the acceptance of how big I am" :sick: I'm shuddering in fear:noway: of a picture taken today that will soon appear on facebook.:embarassed: Line dance workshop today, time for group picture. Was dinking around in the kitchen (not eating, honest!) and was last out. I'm short so always get stuck in the front row but today was worse. There was no room in the front row, so when they said "just lie down in front", I took leave of my senses and did. :blushing: Then Dancin' Dean our guest instructor (he's a hoot!) got down on the ground too. There we both are head to head on the floor, sprawled on our sides in front of God and everybody. :sick: Oooh, it's going to be ugly... uh... er... I mean... motivating! :ohwell:
    bigpal and all who suffer leg cramps,:sad: At today's workshop my buddy was devasatated by a leg cramp so powerful it was distorting her foot. Our dance teacher's wife (a nurse) made a hot pack out of a micorwaved dishtowel and asked my friend about water intake.:drinker: Turned out she was short yesterday and so far today had had only coffee. We started pouring water down her throat. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That and the hot pack and some massage and she was able to return to the dancefloor. Drink drink drink your water. [Glug!]
    DeeDee et al, Afraid the fork is lost forever...:cry: will tell the story of my misbehaviour:devil: later.
    Lentigogirl Bright red dress from 20 yrs ago? YAY! :love: dance="sheer joy", truth!:heart:
    12274 baby vaseline to protect your skin from the chlorine, great idea!:happy:
    Tigress et all, you almost persuade me to overcome my strong dislike for fish to try the Magic-of-salmon.... naaaah... :noway: Green beans, si, nasty stinky fish NO! :noway: :noway: :noway: "Air cooker, is that a kind of convection oven? " was hungry when I was cooking it, but as I was eating it, I just wasn't hungry anymore", yes it has happened to me a few times too, but alas, not often enough!:laugh:
    Laura80111 good luck selling your house. :flowerforyou: Things are definitely picking up. In our neighborhood, 3 houses that have been on the market for months, sold last week, as did another house that had only come in the market this month.
    cathy Have you mentioned the knee issue to your water aerobics instructor? :huh: s/he may be able to suggest modifications.
    Robin, "a little tap dance floor to put on the carpet"? He's a keeper! :heart: Tap ON, dance is a FUN way to move. Hope next workweek is less stressful.
    margeelevin TDEE formula?:glasses:
    jen congrats on the BP, now that IS an NSV!:flowerforyou:
    michele crockpot lemon bread? Would you share the recipe? :wink: "I go in the pool, when I get out, I'm really energized and ready to do cleaning." More than weird. IF I could feel that way, maybe I could talk Joe into a pool in our next place.:noway:
    Gail "uphill both ways":laugh:
    cjspensley WELL past the 20 pound mark, Hooray!!!:flowerforyou:
    Amanda, belated best anniversary wishes.:flowerforyou: So glad you got the right guy at last. :heart: You deserve "to love and be loved by such an amazing man":love:
    wessecg have you taken your measurements? :huh: Maybe the weight has been stable becaue you're replacing fat with muscle as janehadji suggests?
    janehadji, salmon poached in wine, hmmm... nope, afraid I'd just drink the wine:drinker: and skip the salmon.:bigsmile:
    4dogmom "at four small forkfuls and threw half of it away" Well done! :happy:
    Sally good to see you back again!:glasses:

    :flowerforyou: Sherai, fattypattybin, and all newbies I missed, welcome!
    :love: Carolyn, M, mwheatcraf and everyone else I missed, I am reading all the posts, thanks for your inspirations and stories!


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    September I resolve to be good to myself:
    eat 7 servings fruits + veggies
    invest 20 minutes in SWSY or on the mat and 10 minutes decluttering
    moderate to 1 glass wine per night (Sat + Sun allow 2 beers/day)
    figure out this darned HRM and uset it at least once
    smile, don't yell...
    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I don't have a lot of time this morning, I've got to get ready to put on my tiara :laugh: and hold court at Starbucks with my subjects:wink: . I always look forward to catching up with my guy friends once a week:tongue: !!!
    I have a warning for all you beauties, do NOT do what I did last night while typing my post, I decided to have a snack before dinner while I was typing, so I thought what do I have that is healthy to snack on, oh yes, I know, grapes, I ate about 40 or so grapes, just kept munching on them, when I realized how many I had eaten I stopped. Right before I sat down to have my dinner, I got horrible stomach pains :sick: ,:frown: , :grumble: ,:angry: . I spent the majority of the night in the bathroom:explode: . The absolute worst thing though, I was up 0.03 this morning:huh: :huh: :huh: . Lessons learned the hard the way will not be repeated:noway: ! It will be a good while before I want another grape!!!

    Have a wonderful, blissful Sunday!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Michele:smile: the pool is looking fabulous!!!!!!!!

    I forgot about the edit button!!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    It is 4:58am and I have been up since 3:45am :grumble: no good reason went to bed at midnight just wide awake.

    @Barbara, What a fun night --line dancing. Like it but I have 2 left feet I am one of those people when everyone turns around I turn the other. You did a good job at the potluck.:drinker:

    @jane --Hoping you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:
    @Michele--Love your pool and spa very impressive
    @Barbie cute picture of your poodle:smile:
    @Linda Yuk 113 degrees--could not handle that! Today fixing pasta going to try whole wheat. I have had brown rice but not not whole wheat pasta. I am hoping the family enjoys it.
    @Laura80111-- Sorry to hear about your car trouble and halfing to walk. But at least you got some good exercise in.. Congrats on your DH new job. My husband 2 years ago had to accept a job of lesser pay it was an adjustment but he was unemployed for a year. So we were grateful. We have learn to live simplier.

    @Jane--feel better!
    @Lin 59 really?? I hope not

    We heard back from our car mechanic the leak was from it need a new radiator cap??? So hoping it works and our mechanic only charge us for the cap. So pretty stoke about that and a big cheer for our mechanic.:drinker:

    Today was a good day overall. Only one walk from me with Bella today did go swimming. When i got up this morning knowing I had a Birthday party at this wings joint. Made a plan enter breakfast and dinner into my diary. Saw I had blank amount of calories left for lunch, snacks the number before walks etc. (I know should have plan those too but sometimes on the weekend i like to leave it loose so I have room for whatevers and I also don't feel so restricted. My head trip silly . One of these days sure it will catchup to me.

    As I did some errands with my daughter she want to go to McDonald's I said ok. My normal lately is salads with grilled chicken. But this was an express one no salads I never heard of that before. But they are posting calories right on the menu board in our area. Able to have a single cheeseburger. Came home for carrots etc. it work and at Buffalo Wild Wings able to stick to salad w/o dressing it had spice to it and enough stuff in it that didn't need dressing. This group of friends have been very supportive of this and were tonight. No one focus on what I ate or didn't. We just had nice conversations. Shows me the importance of supportive people in our lives.

    It wasn't easy but hey I didn't feel deprived either.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    That is so funny about cleaning the house - that's on my list today too! Spent the day canning tomatoes yesterday (not allowed to climb ladders per my husband after I took a tumble from the top of a ladder two stories up when I was painting our foyer, so definitely no roof jobs for me! But congratulations to you!) so didn't get anything on my list done (canning wasn't on the list, but the tomatoes weren't going to wait). I just told my husband I'm heading out to the store, then spending the rest of the day cleaning - he's surprised because he thinks I should be lolling around on the couch, celebrating my fabulous successes :). I'm not like that though.

    I hope you're able to enjoy the rest of the weekend.
