Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou: Just jump right in and you will get lots of support and motivation.

    @robin--:laugh: love the poem!

    @sara--yeah, thanks for the confirmation that my HRM was not just being whacky. I felt more taxed than usual while walking as well--same today when I took Gunner out--worked up a mild sweat even though it was a very liesurely stroll in mild weather.

    Grading goals:
    1. 58/58 motif analyses DONE!!! :bigsmile:
    2. x/49 AP essays
    3. re-read The Awakening
    4. x/58 short answer tests

    Saturday Success:
    Well I finished the motif analyses--so one big task completed and it's not even 3:30. Plenty of time to make a dent in those AP essays. After the horrendous writing skills of my junior honors kids, I'm really looking forward to my AP kids' papers--cross your fingers that they don't disappoint!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Saturday success: again, I don't weigh-in until tomorrow so no official scale success to report. And I already reported my NSV I believe - I have been averaging 5 miles a day walking according to Fitbit. Lots of non-successful things I could report but hey, I think I'll pass on the negative (or at least the not-too-positive).

    Skinny - hope you feel better soon.

    Robin - nice poem

    txkulbreez - WELCOME

    purpleposies - come back again sometime

    toots - feel better soon

    liz - is the car fixed?

    And now darn, I've forgotten my other replies. Must need some type of brain food. Ha.

    Talk to everyone soon...........

    Lin :glasses:

    P.S. I think water tag has died out already. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lin--thanks--I actually felt a lot better just showering and getting out the door. I think sometimes staying in pj's wrapped up in a blankie on the couch can just prolong the "sickly" feeling (other times it's just plain nice :wink: ). Great job with the walking!!

    Grading goals:
    1. 58/58 motif analyses DONE!!!
    2. 7/49 AP essays
    3. re-read The Awakening (started this)
    4. x/58 short answer tests

    Well, I wanted to get through 10 AP essays, but my brain is shutting down after 7--guess I will focus on reading and pick up with the essays again tomorrow. Also, need to get a bunch of laundry done tonight, so that's my plan for the evening--how did my life get oh so exciting??
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    . Also, need to get a bunch of laundry done tonight, so that's my plan for the evening--how did my life get oh so exciting??

    Similarly----I got my laundry done today as well. The excitement never stops...........

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A lazy day today even through I made it to the gym today. Tomorrow I am going for a bike ride in the mornings so that will be something new. Very happy to have a three day weekend. Looking forward to Monday off from school- Rosha hannah- sorry if I spelled it wrong and next week Yom Yipper.

    Karen- Hope you feel better soon.

    Welcome to the new people, You have found a great group to join.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water tag to the next person who reads this. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Drink your cup of water water now.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Saturday success- The scale is moving down and my hip isn't bothering me too much, so I am taking advantage of that and staying really active! I have been going all day.... heck, all week! This morning we walked around Green Lake in Seattle (2.87 miles), which I haven't walked around since before my son was born (he is almost 15). I am about to take another walk, since I will be out shooting darts, and likely to have a few beers tonight. Just got back from a birthday party, where there was tons of food, but I chose *mostly good for me stuff... I think.

    I hope you all are having a wonderfully amazing Saturday!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: TAG:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • megancouch93
    Saturday Success: went to the grocery store and walked past the sweets and didn't get anything! That made me really proud of myself, because usually that's where a lot of money goes, so we saved quite a bit on our grocery bill :D
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good evening friends, hope your Saturday was good. I got my 2 walks in, did some laundry, went to Church and fixed supper for my youngest son. Good day over all. Tired, didn't get to sleep until after 4:30 this morning and up at 9. Hope to be able to sleep tonight. Nothing really exciting going on, will have supper with middle son's family tomorrow, BBQ ribs. Going to have to save up some calories during the day.

    Robin, sure can relate to the poem.

    Hope everyone heals fast, welcome newbies and everyone get their water drank!

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello and happy Saturday to everyone. I hope you are all having a good weekend. Hello to the newbies I saw posting this is a great group of people to talk to. Robin I loved your poem that was to funny. At least you arent letting your recovery get your sense of humour down.:wink: My success for this week has been staying in my calorie goal all week while feeding my husband the foods he loves. Now I just have to keep it up for three more weeks. :smile: Hope everyone has a great saturday night.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    @Robin - Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You have my prayers.

    Saturday success - I got a new truck. Pick it up next weekend. :happy: Funny enough it's the exact same truck with about 200,000 fewer miles. Same year but a different color. The old girl has been such a good truck it's almost a shame to retire her but the law of diminishing returns is rearing it's ugly head. After 250,000 miles, that's a guess the odometer quit a few years ago so it's been showing 185,619 miles for years, it probably time.

  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    hi everyone - I've been reading but not responding the past 3 days because I just haven't had time - so I'm just going to do a quick kudos to those with successes and praying for relief to those in pain.

    Naceto - I'm in Tacoma and have been walking around the lake at Wapato - not as big as Greenlake (haven't been there in years).

    this week is the first time I walked a mile and without holding on to anything (I usually push a baby stroller for balance). It is taking me 30 minutes to walk the mile but I'm OK with that because it is a beginning. Now that I know I can do it I've walked it 3 times this week including today with both of my daughters, my SIL, a dog, and four boys under the age of 7. We are going to do it again next Saturday.

    Here's to a healthy and happy Sunday!:drinker:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Miss chatting with you all more. I have one more week of inpatient medicine. And only 3 of those days will be 12 hour shifts. Well, I"m hoping for only 2...but we'll see how that goes! I'm planning on getting back to the gym on Monday. I've been leaving work around 6pm, so I think I can do 30 mins on the treadmill after than. Plus I've been well for a week now. I do have a test coming up this week. I have to pass it in order to be allowed to touch patients on my OB rotation. Gotta find a lot of time to study for that this week!

    Hopefully I"ll be more chatty next week!

  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Well I'm posting from my phone so I'm gonna have to keep it brief.

    Saturday success: I am proud of myself at the moment. I made chocolate cupcakes for everyone and ended up just splitting one with my mom. I didn't want a full one.

    Also I'm gonna have to amend my challenge goals here. Here lately i haven't had much of a chance to dance... But i have been walking more lately so I'm not completely behind. From this point I'm gonna try to get more dancing in but out looks more like I'm not gonna reach my ultimate goal for dancing. I'm slightly bummed but oh well
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Sat-Sun: Walked 3.3 miles Sat. a.m. despite foot pain, ran errands for several hours, and had an accidental nap late afternoon. Still whipped. In a fit of fall I bought mums to plant in the garden but slept through my gardening time. Had a graham cracker attack. You can only imagine. :ohwell:

    Aug: Congrats on the "new" truck! I'd like to trade in my "Grammy van" for a less gas guzzling monster. $72 at the pump last night!

    Some nice successes from everyone. You give me hope for myself getting over that 100 hump! Keep it up folks! :flowerforyou:

    10,514 steps/52,136 to date toward 400,000 Halloween challenge.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Nothing special, but just a good day. My son started fall baseball so I loved watching him play for 2 hours. We went home and while he was taking a break I got some quiet time by the pool. A couple neighbor boys came over to play the Wii so I decided to get in my 60 minutes of lap swimming. Perfect timing because the boys then crashed the pool. Later we went to church. Great message and a really good way to end the week. Bring on a new week!!!
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Saturday Success (might as well dive in!): I allowed myself a sweet treat today and did NOT go overboard. Nor did I partake in any kind of energy drink. :) I didn't drink as much water today as I would have liked but I do believe I got in my 8 glasses and that's good enough for me. Every day isn't going to be phenomenal. Off to bed ... it's my son's 3rd birthday party tomorrow! :) He officially turns three on Monday. I can't believe it.

    Goodnight everyone!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning,
    @nateco--glad to hear that your hip is feeling ok.
    @Robin--like the poem.
    @purple good job shows self control. Hope your son has a fun Birthday at 3 they our so exciting!
    @Susan2396 I love those Saturdays they can be the best.
    @Grammy-Good for you on getting your steps in.
    @BigAug Congrats on the new truck.
    @Lin salmon and green beans i may need to try it. I never really like fish other than tuna. But maybe..:drinker:
    @skinny sorry you have a head cold. yuk:tongue:
    @monarchris--Sounds like a good day enjoy yourself at your son's today.

    So we heard back from our mechanic there was a leak after lots of tests turns out to be from our need for a new radiator cap. Our mechanic is only charging us $5.00 no labor. I wept tears of joy. :smile:

    Saturday Success--went to Buffalo Wild Wings order a salad w/o dressing enjoyed it. Had a great time focus on conversation not about what I was eating/or not eating. So it was a victory for me.

    Sunday Share-- Even with Saturday's success its still about food for me. I go to bed thinking about what I am going to eat the next day. Get up thinking about it even if I have a menu together.

    Sorry this is so long. Hello to all the newbies out there. Also sorry I did not reply to all. I do read everyone's posts. I look forward to it I am inspire, learn new things, so impress how with highs and lows you all keep plugging away.

    Wishing everyone a good day.
    Liz :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: tag:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Liz, I feel like I can be very obsessive about food, too. Especially now that I'm really trying to eat healthier, etc., I'm constantly thinking about it and worrying about what I have available to me. Poor planning is often my way to self-destruction and I definitely want to avoid that, so I can totally understand where you're coming from.

    It's really hard not to focus on food! Especially depending what our past relationship with it has been like (like for me, a source of happiness and comfort). I feel like I'm cheating on my comfort food. ;) Haha!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I keep forgetting to post this from when marsha asked about our usernames, but I was totally freaked out to learn that robin's name isn't robin! I've gotten so used to "robin," I don't know if I can wrap my head around "ellen." Anyone else (especially long-timers on the thread) surprised by that?

    @purple & liz--I used to obsess about food every time I tried to "diet" and it's one of the reasons I avoided calorie counting for so long. I couldn't stand obsessing over every bite and I'd read about how unhealthy that is. When I started MFP, I almost felt like it freed me from that--b/c I can just log it in the database, I don't have to think about it so much. I used to log my food for the day 1st thing in the morning (or sometimes even the night before) and it was DONE--I didn't have to worry and obsess about everything I put in my mouth. Now I tend to log throughout the day b/c I don't feel such a need to plan ahead (other than making my lunch for the week on Sundays). I guess my point is, just keep logging and as the healthier choices become habit, I bet the obsessing will stop.

    @aug--congrats on the new truck! that should save you a lot of money on bubble gum! :laugh:

    @laurie--have fun on your bike ride! :flowerforyou:

    @nichols--good luck on your test!

    Sunday Share:
    Nothing new to share today. My cold seems better, but I'm still pretty congested so I'm going to make this a "rest weekend" when it comes to exercise. Will take the beast, Gunner, for a nice long walk and maybe do some core work later (did some last night), but no run or gym today. Still have a lot of grading, so that will be the focus today. My hope is that I will get enough done so I will have more time to hit the gym during the week.

    Mon--walk dog (donating blood) DONE!!
    Tues--walk dog + core work (union board mtg) Walk is DONE!! Didn't do core work.
    Wed--long run w/ dog (faculty mtg) Just did a short walk--grading took precedence. Will do last night's core work tonight. DONE!!
    Thurs--core work (haircut/pedi) Got home too late and was too snotty (I can't imagine planking with such a runny nose)
    Fri--walk dog--DONE!!
    Sat--walk dog + gym--DONE w/ walk (actually took him for 2!) and did core work
    Sun--walk dog + gym--Will walk Gunner and maybe do core work instead

    Grading goals:
    1. 58/58 motif analyses--DONE!!!
    2. 7/49 AP essays
    3. re-read The Awakening (started this)
    4. x/58 short answer tests
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Sunday share:
    Facebook is going to make me gain weight. I looked at my niece’s husbands face book page and being the fine Irishman that he is, he posted an Irish whiskey I have never had. So I looked up on the net if there was any where local that I could buy some. I found a local Irish pub that has
    KILBEGGAN $5.50
    Opened in 1757, Westmeath’s Kilbeggan Distillery is officially the oldest distillery in the world.
    They even have the JAMESON RAREST VINTAGE RESERVE $40
    a blend of 24yr old grain whiskey and pure pot still whiskey, aged in ruby port & bourbon casks
    Which I have wanted to try for over a year, but the $250.00 a bottle price has kept me from trying it. I will try a shot for $40.00 though, but I’m sort of hoping the $100 less a bottle Midleton Very Rare that I get now is almost as good. I guess for the actual amount of it I get it will not make too much difference. It turns out that this Pub is right next to where the Local Wrangler’s hockey team plays and the team members go there a lot. The Pub also has
    Four Sausages, Mashed Potato, Peas dripping in Brown Onion Gravy - $ 11
    Which will have to at least be tried by me as good Bangers & Mash has to be eaten by me to stay alive ( I’m pretty sure about this:laugh: ) So every time I will walk in there I will be at risk in the wallet and the waistline. I will probably plan for a day there soon as the Hockey season is getting close. Good thing the ECHL will not have a lock out!

    Or some
    Plenty of Ground Sirloin & Carrots in a savoury broth topped with Sweet Peas & a Mashed Potato Crust. An absolute family favourite! Accompanied by our Homemade Brown Bread. Two sizes:
    Lunch Size - $ 12
    for the really hungry! - $ 14


    My back is right on the edge of hurting so I must be very careful today or I’ll be hurting bad again. This is what is also keeping me from going to the Pub right now. I would be ordering
    Our extra special breakfast!
    Three Eggs any style with Black & White Pudding, Sausage, Irish Bacon, Baked Beans, Grilled Tomato, Breakfast Potatoes & Homemade Brown Bread - $ 11

    That and a few whiskeys would probably be my days’ worth of calories. It is a nice dream and I will probably do it soon but because my back is dodgy today I’m safe. I did not even go to the Farmer’s Market; MsMorgori went and got our stuff. I like to go to help her carry the stuff and help pick the good stuff to eat there.
    Well that turned into a strange post. I am feeling kind of like an expert in rambleology.
    Hope everyone has a healthy Sunday and rest of the week.

    I was also surprized that Robin is Ellen.