unhealthy and fit



  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Also, frozen vegetables are pretty wallet-friendly, and they last a very long time in the freezer
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    Is 4G offered in your area? You can switch to a 4G smartphone plan and when you're home, switch your phone into "Shared Internet Mode" and have your computer get internet from your phone. This would save $77 a month. Anything you do on the $77 internet you can do on your phone's 4G or on your phone in general.

    As far as your dad's cooking, maybe it's time that you lend a hand in the kitchen. A lot of times the reason why people grab CANNED veggies is because they don't know how to cut veggies and cook them; if you took a more hands on approach, you could probably get it done in half the time it currently takes him.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    White =/= unhealthy.

    woah woah woah

    Actually this is very true. White bread spikes your insulin levels more than a snickers bar.
  • k900
    k900 Posts: 140 Member
    Cheap foods you could try -
    Frozen veggies and fruit. Around where i live a bag of frozen broccoli is about $1.10.
    NO salt added canned veggies.
    Whole grain/whole wheat bread. It depends on what brand you get but there are cheap options out there.
    Brown rice.
  • skeeterrose1
    skeeterrose1 Posts: 11 Member
    I've read all the posts here and it sounds very much like everyone is suggesting great ideas and you're just giving them a bunch of excuses. You are they only one that makes decisions for you. You have to want to change, not find reason you can't. If you wanted to eat healthier you would find a way. The fact is that eating healthy doesn't cost anymore then eating like crap. When you're ready to change you will.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    I want a slimmer toned body (fit, flat abs, slimmer thighs and arms and looking good in clothing and bikini next summer) and I mainly do workout dvds to achieve this (my trouble areas are the stomach and thighs).
    Good start but are you doing this consistently or just haphazard. A regular routine that you follow would be good. Also walk when you can and take the stairs
    I am not able to eat healthy and I'm pretty sure I'm way below my 1430 calorie limit on a daily basis, however I'm not eating out or eating fast food regularly. usually I will have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on WHITE bread, scrambled egg sandwich fried with vegetable oil on WHITE bread, oatmeal WITH WHITE SUGAR, FRIED and PACKAGED foods for dinner, WHITE rice and mashed potatoes.. (I'm in the south so think of typical sourthen foods).
    If you are not logging your food into MFP (I couldn't find any entries in your diary) you can't claim you know your calorie intake. If you are not using a measuring spoon when you make you PBJ, you don't know how much you have put on the bread. All calories add up. Start logging. Most people tend to overestimate the exercise they do and underestimate what they eat.
    My main concern is this will hinder my results... what do you think?
    No. You do not say you want to be healthy, just fit a particular body image. Less calories and more exercise will do that. When you are serious about getting healthy, then changing your diet will be important. I've read that a person can diet by only eating snickers bars to their calorie limit and still lose weight. Not healthy but doable.
    is whey protein needed to prevent losing muscle and do you think pro-biotics should be taken to help with belly fat and bloat?
    Sorry but I would say no to both of these and the questions look like you are just trying to justify a purchase you made earlier. Protein helps with muscle loss and expensive whey powder is only one way to get your protein. SInce you have it go ahead and use it but I would recommend you not buy it again. Get tins of tuna instead. The pro-biotics won't help you lose weight which is what belly fat is and without knowing what is causing your bloat I can only say maybe. Once again since you already have it and its not harmful go ahead and use it. But again don't waste your precious cash to get more.

    In between all the comments about your economic situation I noticed someone who gave you a really good exercise routine suggestion. Try it out.

    I suggest that when you are able economically and willing to take accountability for a healthy diet you consider all the other advice. If its just about getting the body image you want then start really truthfully logging your calories into MFP and exercising routinely.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    Is 4G offered in your area? You can switch to a 4G smartphone plan and when you're home, switch your phone into "Shared Internet Mode" and have your computer get internet from your phone. This would save $77 a month. Anything you do on the $77 internet you can do on your phone's 4G or on your phone in general.

    As far as your dad's cooking, maybe it's time that you lend a hand in the kitchen. A lot of times the reason why people grab CANNED veggies is because they don't know how to cut veggies and cook them; if you took a more hands on approach, you could probably get it done in half the time it currently takes him.

    4G isn't available in my area yet so I'm stuck with 3g. I can share internet with my phone and computer with US Cellular's wifi hotspot but that's an extra 25.00, but it's better paying the 77.00 for internet. however if my phone get 's turned off, I don't think that's an option.
    I could take a hands on approcach but he will still buy and want to eat whatever he want's and if he doesn't want it he'll take over. he has no interest in trying new things.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    well like Sheldon says.."this conversation has circled round"
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    white bread and wheat bread cost almost the same... same at brown rice vs white. .. i don't understand why its so hard to do this. Tell your dad to leave one piece of chicken out and you can bake it yourself or bbq it. When I moved back with my parents they ate junk and i just said leave the meat ill cook it myself my way.

    LOL that would be too easy

    he's not buying that even if it's the same price and he's not buying both because for example after buying what we want's there isn't any more money. he had two dollars left over from this time and sometimes he has none left over. he could leave me a piece and I bake it seperetly....some instances that could be possible.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I've read all the posts here and it sounds very much like everyone is suggesting great ideas and you're just giving them a bunch of excuses. You are they only one that makes decisions for you. You have to want to change, not find reason you can't. If you wanted to eat healthier you would find a way. The fact is that eating healthy doesn't cost anymore then eating like crap. When you're ready to change you will.

    I have yet to find a way how eating healthier is the same or less in terms of pricing. when I try to come up with something it's always more expensive, but maybe there is a way, I haven't found it yet.

    I'm not coming up with excuses. yes my dad refuses to do these things and I don't see a way around it but I am going to do what is suggested and cancel my phone service and maybe find a cheaper one or go without it for a while and I'm canceling my internet service untiil I can do better in terms of earning more money.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    and...then take those savings and buy YOUR OWN food.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    there are ALWAYS ways to eat healthy. perhaps cut back on things that aren't necessities and buy in bulk. frozen fruits and veggies are cheaper than fresh produce and often still have the same/similar nutritional value. diet is a huge component of being healthy and getting fit.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    But as I mentioned in my last post you can achieve your body image goal even on bad food. Even if you switch to healthy food if you are overeating and only doing haphazard exercise you won't see results. Start logging into MFP even the bad food to see what you are really eating. Take a look at the calories and all the nutrients. Are you getting enough protein and your vitamins? What about fiber. A whole scale diet change to you and your family will be very difficult and you are best to do it slowly. If you have extra cash invest in a good multivitamin and maybe something to add fibre and good oils like flax seeds.

    Start logging cause many of the good foods mentioned by others are calorie dense and you might go over your calorie count.
    Make an exercise plan (time, day, etc)and follow it.

    There is a lot of drama in this thread about your economic situation. I don't want to get into it. You have a few simple things to do first without a massive wholescale change that can get you started on the right track.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    Wow, it feels like people are yelling in here. This is clearly a difficult situation for her, she has no choice but to eat what her dad buys. The problem seems to be convincing the dad to buy healthier things. I'm going to guess there's no chance you could convince him to give you the job of grocery shopping on the budget one month.

    I know your spending income is not high, but I would guess you know your dad's taste pretty well. How skilled are you at cooking? If you could maybe buy one or two healthy, yet inexpensive ingredients a month and prepare them for your dad in a way he likes, maybe he'd be more willing to put them on the grocery list in place of the less healthy alternative. For example, I can't stand wheat bread, but Healthy Life makes this white bread that is only 35 calories a slice and it's cheaper than pretty much every other loaf of white bread at my grocery store (and just as big). I find major differences withing the same price range on a lot of items when comparing the nutritional labels, be it yogurt or tuna or canned tomatoes. If you go shopping with him, maybe you can pick out some of the items that he really won't even know the difference on. After all, a can is a can if it's the same price, right?

    For fresh fruits and veggies, I'd imagine your grocery store may do something similar to mine and that is when it's withing a few days of the "sell by" date, they take 50%+ off the price so they don't have to throw it away. I buy them this way all the time as I am also on a budget. Maybe you or he could buy small amounts of fresh fruits and veggies that way and see if they have a place in the monthly budget?
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    WHY DO YOU HAVE A $95.00 phone bill and a $77.00 internet bill????? I'm sorry, but that is RIDICULOUS.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    If you can afford whey protein, then you can afford healthier food.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I think all I will say is that your circumstances are not perfect and that you are doing great with what you have. You may only be able to make small changes right now and that's all right, there are years ahead of you that you will have more control over what you eat. Maybe keep focus on the other things you can do for health that don't cost money. Work on exercise, pick up pilates and work on flexibility. Keep focused on what you have accomplished and what changes you are able to make for the better. Keep positive and keep making new goals. Hopefully you can keep incorporating new foods, like frozen veg into your diet slowly as your dad gets used to the idea's. I am sure this is hard on all of you. So congrats on the steps you are taking. Keep strong.
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    Although your current eating situation is not ideal, you seem to be doing your best in your limited situation. For this, I applaud you. When you can- buy some fresh fruit and veggies and get plenty of exercise. For a 22 year old, you have alot of responsibilities and I admire you for the concern you are showing your family. Hang in there, things have a way of turning around when you are young.
  • evereadysmile
    I'm shocked at how much judgement there is in this thread. Everyone has things they need to overcome to get healthy and the OP is clearly trying, so hey let's all just criticize and shame her instead of trying to help.

    OP, you're on the right track. There's is some good advice in this thread. Do what you can to bring your bills down (I know it isn't always easy or even possible, but it's life and you'll be doing it forever, so you might as well start now). Track everything you eat, track everything you spend. Diligently. Every day. Work out a financial budget for yourself and figure out how much you can spend on food for yourself and shop for that food wisely. And talk to your dad, I bet you guys can find middle ground on some things, so maybe all of you are eating better.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    But as I mentioned in my last post you can achieve your body image goal even on bad food. Even if you switch to healthy food if you are overeating and only doing haphazard exercise you won't see results. Start logging into MFP even the bad food to see what you are really eating. Take a look at the calories and all the nutrients. Are you getting enough protein and your vitamins? What about fiber. A whole scale diet change to you and your family will be very difficult and you are best to do it slowly. If you have extra cash invest in a good multivitamin and maybe something to add fibre and good oils like flax seeds.

    Start logging cause many of the good foods mentioned by others are calorie dense and you might go over your calorie count.
    Make an exercise plan (time, day, etc)and follow it.

    There is a lot of drama in this thread about your economic situation. I don't want to get into it. You have a few simple things to do first without a massive wholescale change that can get you started on the right track.

    Thanks! what I mentioned previously is my main goal but I do want to eat healthier. my parents are taking over the internet bill so I will still have that and be able to come here. and I'm canceling my phone and going without or going cheaper.

    another note. I don't eat packaged oatmeal as one commenter stated she thinks I did. I have a big container of quaker one minute oatmeal that I can put in the microwave. isn't that healthly? and adding unsweetened applesaucefor taste in my oatmeal doesn't make it taste good but I'm trying to go through it without adding sugar...just saying.