Single at 33..why?



  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    I'm 32 and single, never married, never engaged, and no kids. I also always go for the musician/artist types or men with severe emotional problems who need to be rescued/fixed. I have had numerous long-term relationships...I'm a serial monogamist who unfortunately has settled for the wrong men in the past. I've been single for 9 months now--I was with my last boyfriend for almost 4 years. He lived with me for a year, paid me $250 a month to stay there (which didn't even cover half my rent) and hasn't had a job in two years. I think--I KNOW--I deserve better and have so much love to give, which is why I kicked his @ss to the curb (was also tired of him not speaking to me with respect and never wanting to do anything except play video games).

    The fact that I'm single doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother everyone else around me, like my parents and extended family. I did think that I would be married by this point in my life, and the fact that I may never have the big wedding of my dreams in the beautiful white gown does make me very, very sad, but I don't ever want to have children so it's not like my clock is ticking in that regard. I would like someone to share my life with though. I don't think there's anything wrong with me, I think I just took longer than some to grow up--I had a GREAT time in my 20s. I really love having the freedom that I do, and I know so many of my married friends envy me for that. Even so, I hope that someday (soonish) I meet Mr. Right.

    I would like to add that one of the benefits of waiting until you're in your 30s to find true love is you know yourself better and what you are/are not able to put up with or negotiate on. I'm a much stronger, more confident, stable person than I was 10 or even 5 years ago.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have several single friends both male and female, and these are some of the things they do wrong.
    They hunt, in all the wrong places. and age range. 1 guy refuses to date anyone older than 32 because he wants kids.
    He's 48. sorry dude, probably not gonna happen. (he has 2 requirements, slender and under 32, not so bad if he wasn't 48)

    They stick to a specific type and aren't willing to give anyone outside of that type a chance. at all. One guy won't date anyone bigger than a size 3.

    Very overly opinionated about things such as being anti-religious to politics. If you don't agree, duck for cover

    They don't "put themselves out there" in a variety of places to meet as many people as they could. Such as join groups like the young professional groups, stuff like that. meet-up on-line groups and such.

    They network, but their network is not so great. You need a good network of friends that allow for you to meet other people.

    They obviously hunt, so unattractive and looks desperate.

    They don't even look, and rarely meet new people.

    So here are just some points to ponder.
  • Treesy72
    I completely gave up on men when I was 24. I hated so many masculine traits and how they seemed to objectify women. I dated women only for 14 years and fell in love a couple of times. One night I went out on the town with an on and off again girlfriend and in walked the man who changed my life. It was love at first site and I was 38. We have a near perfect relationship and he very rarely displays the traits I disliked so much in the men I dated in my youth. We have had 2 sons and although our second born son passed we are still hoping for 1 more. It's never too late. :heart:
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Yes, all the good men are taken. All that's left is us bad boys looking for a good time.

    LOL. Sorry, had to poke a little fun at ya.

    There are plenty of good men and women of all ages out there. You just need to find them. And if what you're usually dating isn't working, try something else.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I was single till 29yo. And if it wasn't for the fact that I met my husband through a dating service, I'd probably STILL be single.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I was planning to live my life single as I hated dating and never met men I was interested in. I had a great life and while I wanted to get married I really thought it would never happen.

    I met my boyfriend two and a half years ago at age 34 and we’ve been together ever since. You just never know what’s going to happen.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    meaning, ITS NOT A HUNT!!!

    you're not going to find the person you're going to marry if you have to go out of your way or particate in events/situations that are not normal or condusive to YOUR LIFE.

    just do what you do. only when it happens naturally will it be someone who may be a good match for you.
  • You'll be fine. Do what makes you Happy.

    The sexiest curve on your body is your smile. Flaunt it!

    Smile on the inside. Love yourself and you'll find love and happiness whether that does or doesn't not include marriage.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I date the musican types, and they have proven to not make good boyfriends.

    Try dating people who do make good boyfriends.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    i am 31, single, no kids, never engaged...have my BA, MA, and hope to be working on my PhD within the next year...I am trying to date...the man i want to spend the rest of my life with is out there...i just need to find him first...but for having fun.
  • Doesn't NOT...laughing at my own typos.

    If you want a mfp friend that isn't afraid to laugh at herself feel free to add me. I'm back on this site and ready to embrace it fully.
  • PisceanDream224
    I've been married twice, and am in the process of my second divorce. Even marrying these men, they were the wrong men for me. I've always been a kind, loving, compassionate person, but haven't found anyone who truly appreciates me and treats me for what i am worth. I have a toddler from my 2nd marriage, and he is the best thing that ever came out of that marriage! Right now, I would rather be single and focused on just me and my son. I don't have to deal with jealousy or arguing, or feeling like my efforts are being stomped on and thrown away. I have way less drama in my life, and I am happy. Love yourself first and focus on getting everything you want done for yourself in your life, and you may just happen to run into someone who will love you for you and cherish your every being! There are good men out there, and they are looking for the right women, too! Don't worry. It WILL happen! What's meant to be will always find a way. :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I date the musican types, and they have proven to not make good boyfriends.

    Try dating people who do make good boyfriends.

    Obvious answer is good answer.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Anytime you're feeling down about being single, go to this website. You will instantly feel better.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    No one told me that being single at 33 was depressing. I'm 32 and have been single for a long time now. I've used that time to work on myself - mentally, physically, professionally, and emotionally. I love my life and see nothing sad about that.

    Besides, my dog at least stops snoring when I throw a sock at her. I can't say that for every girl I've ever met.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Is this a joke or a troll thread please just tell me before I pour my heart out and actually become the joke here
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Anytime you're feeling down about being single, go to this website. You will instantly feel better.

    Umm... hello my favorite website of the day.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Anytime you're feeling down about being single, go to this website. You will instantly feel better.

    Lmao. Hilarious.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    my husband and i met in a bar. he gave his seat up.

    before we knew it, we were hitting it off, we closed the bar down together, had our "first date" 2 days later, became totally inseparable, and then my father died very suddenly only 2 months after we met. he flew with me across country to the funeral and was there for me the best way possible. in 8 months, we were engaged.

    it'll happen when you're in an environment where you're not hiding who you are or trying to be someone you're not or playing to a specific agenda. sure, you need to get out and do what you do and have a life because the more exposure you have, the more chances you have of meeting people, but don't "stage" anything and don't make anything into a "mission". you need to be comfortable and confident with your life as it is NOW or else you're just going to turn people off.

    have FUN, life your LIFE, be REAL with YOURSELF, and it'll happen when its supposed to.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Please tell me this is a joke!