Beautiful Blues 1/26/10



  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I have been out for the last week and I don't have a reason except that I just got sick of being where i was at and I went into depression mode. I got a book by Jillian and its a new game for me now. I'm so ready to bring this on. I can and will be doing this. I have 30lbs to go and I'm going to loose this damn weight. Tomorrow is a new day and that means me up and the crack @$$ of dawn and getting to loose some weight. GOOOO BLUESSSS

    Wow!! Great comeback speech!!! What book did you read by Jillian that gave you so much motivation!?! Welcome back... or maybe welcome home! Now go kill it with a workout!!!!

    Its an older book by her called "winning by losing" I went on amazon and there are rave reviews about it and thought I would give it a shot and its working thus far. My husband has to help me with the math. My goal is to loose 2lbs a week. I would really like to get to my goal by July and with all my delays I need to crack the whip.
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson- I watched Food. Inc. also, during the past summer. It really opened my eyes about the food industry and how little we know about where our foods come from. It would be so awesome to be able to eat from an organic farm and just pick our own foods.

    Did you make any changes in your grocery shopping or food choices? I am definitely checking out my options. I am also thinking I should try planting a garden this spring:)

    j_g4ever, thanks for the book recommendation. I am going to see if my library carries it. All the cold, wet weather we have been having really discourages me. I just want to curl up and go to sleep rather than work out.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    sis 20-25 minutes on the elliptical wanted to get a workout in but not too hard on the knees
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Do any of you get neck pain after exercising? I have a really stiff neck lately, I think I must tense up while running or maybe I just am in dire need of a massage. :bigsmile:

    Is it a sore neck only after running? or doing other exercises.
    You should warm up and cool down your neck before and after exercising. (Chin down to chest and lift up rotate to side - try to touch chin to shoulder)

    Alot of exercises use neck muscles more than we think.

    Or you just need a massage.
    In fact we ALL need massages :laugh:

    It seems to be mostly when I do anything extra vigorous...running, the 30 day shred, that sort of thing. I will try and warm up my neck more next time. I never do when running, I don't think about it. I'll see if it works. Thanks for the thoughts...
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    mrwatson- I try to eat organic when possible, and just reading about foods so that I can learn more about it. I love farmers markets and those types of events.

    Debnu- Awesome job on AM workout!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Don't really have much to say, just wanted to let you all know that I am still here. I'm reading your posts but a little too busy to post the past few days! Happy Wednesday, all, and here's to smart choices!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    j_g4ever - thanks for the book information.

    I second the we ALL need massages theory!!!!

    I am taking a day off from the gym today. I've noticed that my body will give me signs when I need a rest day. I went to a step class last night. I usually have plenty of energy and really enjoy the workout, but last night I had no energy and was barely making it through. I was so winded too. Yesterday was day 7 of consecutive workouts.

    Also, I've noticed that my body holds on to water weight when it needs a break. Not sure why. Anyway, today will be an exercise day off but still stay within cals. Tomorrow back to the 30 day shred.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    debnu-it may sound silly but I have a Phiten Titanium Necklace ( it's the 3x or 30 something like that)....I swear when my next is stiff it really helps. I agree with extra warm up and be aware when you are working out that your shoulders are relaxed.

    I am in for the massage too! I am a little sore today...I ran my long run yesterday instead of this weekend because we're supposed to get more freezing rain and I knew I would be stuck on a treadmill and I can't face a treadmill for 9 miles! 3 -5 I can handle. I love these days when I extend my longest runs now my longest run ever is 9 miles! :bigsmile:

    Taradise-do you usually not ahve rest days...I really find that I need them too.

    Hi Mary-glad to see you lurking!

    Almomay-I need to follow your follow your steps and switch to organic

    Smadag-glad to hear you were able to workout...I find when I am achey the elliptical is a great choice

    Jess-you sound like you have the fire to Get it done!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am putting myself on the disabled list for the rest of the week. I used my elliptical last night and felt ok but when I got up with hubby to get him ready for work at 11pm my knees were SCREAMING with pain and they still hurt today so I am taking the rest of the week off. I hope to be better by Monday but I think the best thting for me right now is to rest my ahce knees.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    smadag-keep icing each night
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    smadag-keep icing each night

    Good morning blues!

    smadag - I was just going to ask that. Take Chrissy's advice, if you are going to work out and knee's get a little sore, or even if they don't. put an ice pack on those knees. Be careful on other exercises until those knees can rest/heal more.

    chrissy - awesome job running 9 miles wow - I'd be happy to do 1/3rd of that.

    Taradise - you should rest your body at least once a week and it's great your body lets you know.
    If you feel like you want to do a light workout. That's the day that you can do a stretch day or light yoga for 30 mins.

    Off to get a good burn.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    smadag-keep icing each night

    I am going to Walmart to get some ice packs to put in the freezer and from now on after a workout that involves my knees I will ice them down then put some mineral ice (like ice hot but better) on them
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Got done exercising for the day. The biggest loser last chance workout. Burned almost 900 calories. Not feeling the best today. I think I'm going to go back to bed for a while and see how i feel later. I have laundry to do which means a lot of up and down stairs. Ugh. I can't wait till we can move where everything can be on the main floor.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Taradise-do you usually not have rest days...I really find that I need them too.

    Well I have been doing 1 day a week without a workout. This week I had it scheduled for Friday, however, my body is telling me that today (Thursday) is the day. So I will be good and listen. I guess I didn't realize my body actually required a break every 6 or 7 days - just figured it was a good idea. But a day off is a great way to reward myself for all the hard work and since my body is asking for a day off, I won't feel guilty about it.

    chrissyh - Wow! 9 miles! I am so inspired! The most I've ever done is 7. You go girl!!

    j_g4ever - sorry about the laundry. I need to work on that too. Boo!

    smadag1 - I hope the ice helps your knees. Take care of them!

    tttthumper - thanks for the advice.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    I'm back. Been off here for a few days. A lot of things going on at home and with family.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I honestly feel like real ice in a baggy is better than an ointment ice treatment....I have Biofreeze and I only use it when I can't ice.

    Ice is cheap too!

    Taradise-way to listen to your body-I've had to stop before too! Make sure you're getting enough variety of foods too - if you're lacking in protein or not enough fruits/veggies sometimes that slows me down too!

    jess-way to go working out when you're not feeling so good - rest and feel better

    peter-let us know how the workout goes and I am sure you'll get there running if you want to .... you gotta want it.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    We got up late today so my exercise is going to be putting groceries away. I enjoyed sleeping in though...:tongue:

    As far as rest days go, I always take off Sunday. I figure it is a good way to start the week and Sundays are the official day of rest anyway...:laugh:

    Happy Healthy eating...

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I typically take 1 or 2 days off after my long runs but since I did my long run yesterday that's not happening. I'll be doing strength 1hr and about 20 minutes on elliptical this evening. Got dinner in the crock pot so family can eat without me....if you haven't tried the slow cookin pulled chicken recipe posted here (hungry girl recipe) you should - I even put frozen chicken breast tenderloins in with the sauce and let it family LOVES it and it doesn't get any easier! I've even cheated and used Sweet Baby Ray's Hickory BBQ Sauce in place of the recipe sauce and its really really good - actually adds a bit of a smoky flavor to it.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I just got done with homework and am watching the Dr. OZ show- Very motivational- He is always giving tips about dieting and staying healthy. Then I'm off to work out to Shaun T. Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance and Cardio Abs. I did Insanity Plyometrics yesterday and it kicked my butt- I loved it. I have never sweated that way in my life. It felt good to be pushed.

    I used to work out 6 days with 1 rest day, but now I'm doing a challenge here in MFP where we aim to exercise every day of the year. Even if we are tired on those days we do like 20 minute walk or 20 minute yoga, or 20 minute stretch. For every week that we have exercised 7 days, we gain a point. It's really competitive and motivating. For me, I needed a challenge like this, because exercise is where I can easily skip.

    I've been searching for jobs and applying to about 50 jobs or so a week. No interviews yet, but I think it's just due to the economy. I'll continue though, and hope something will come up for me.

    Great job team, have a great day!!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I just got done with homework and am watching the Dr. OZ show- Very motivational- He is always giving tips about dieting and staying healthy. Then I'm off to work out to Shaun T. Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance and Cardio Abs. I did Insanity Plyometrics yesterday and it kicked my butt- I loved it. I have never sweated that way in my life. It felt good to be pushed.

    I used to work out 6 days with 1 rest day, but now I'm doing a challenge here in MFP where we aim to exercise every day of the year. Even if we are tired on those days we do like 20 minute walk or 20 minute yoga, or 20 minute stretch. For every week that we have exercised 7 days, we gain a point. It's really competitive and motivating. For me, I needed a challenge like this, because exercise is where I can easily skip.

    I've been searching for jobs and applying to about 50 jobs or so a week. No interviews yet, but I think it's just due to the economy. I'll continue though, and hope something will come up for me.

    Great job team, have a great day!!!!

    Be careful with that - your body needs recovery time as much as it needs the exercise!