"you'd be pretty if you were skinny"



  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Insult for sure..wth?!

    Just have some comebacks ready if it ever happens again!

    "You wouldn't be such an *kitten* if you didn't open you mouth and speak.." Or something like that...will work...
  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm no good with snappy comebacks, and I find it very difficult to be mean to someone - even when they are rude. However, one thing that works for me is to ask them to clarify and to absolutely refuse to accept their comment.
    "You'd be so pretty if you lost weight"
    "Huh? what do you mean?"
    "I mean, if you lost weight you'd be prettier!"
    "do you mean I'm ugly now?"
    Ummmm.... no, I just think you'd look better if you lost some weight.
    "HA hA! Well, I'd probably look prettier if I were 10 years younger too!"

    Really, this works almost every time I get a rude comment (usually based on how many kids I have) because it totally ruins the moment to have to explain your jab!

    "6 kids??? - You need to invest in a TV for your bedroom!"
    " huh? what do you mean? I already have a tv.
    "ummmm.... I mean you should find something else to do ..... ummmmm... you know, in the bedroom....."
    (me - totally confused look) - " Well - I sleep in there. Of course, the kids like to get in bed with me sometimes and watch tv. Is that what you mean?"

    At this point I have to hold back the laughter because the "rude" person is completely confused. Usually it just ends with "never mind"

    Love this!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Reminds me of the classic comeback....."I may be fat but you're a b@#ch and I can diet"!!!!

    You are beautiful no matter what you weigh and you have to believe that!!! Getting healthier may make you outwardly look different and that may increase your own self-confidence which may make you more attractive to others because confidence is attractive!!!

    PS.....I was bullied horribly in school by the "fat" girl in school (by elementary standards in the mid '80s). She lost weight in college and I'm sure she's a nice to person to others but she will always be the B@#CH that made my life a living hell and I will never see her as pretty because of how she treated me and how "ugly" she was on the inside!!!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Response should be "You'd be smart if you weren't so stupid."

    LOVE IT!!!!

    My husbands step mother said to me "not that your not pretty now but you WERE a knock out when you were skinny."
    Jokes on her! She's two times larger than I ever was and I'm losing weight at a steady pace. So looks like Karma bit her in the *kitten*, gut, thighs etc.
  • GuineaMother
    GuineaMother Posts: 59 Member
    AND- my own dad once said to me 'Eating well, are you?' F*%$ off!!!!!!!
    Sorry, this thread is making me remember all the times....

    When I was younger I can remember a time where my mom was buying me a shirt and said should we get her a large? And my dad said "are you serious she's a fatass get a men's XL"
    still haunts me. needless to say me and my dad have no relationship.

    Feels good to know you're not on your own though, huh? xxx
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    AND- my own dad once said to me 'Eating well, are you?' F*%$ off!!!!!!!
    Sorry, this thread is making me remember all the times....

    When I was younger I can remember a time where my mom was buying me a shirt and said should we get her a large? And my dad said "are you serious she's a fatass get a men's XL"
    still haunts me. needless to say me and my dad have no relationship.

    OH yeah and the old "well your certainly not starving" statement is another that always ticks me off. Leave it to the in law who is an off again on again fatty himself!
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I'm no good with snappy comebacks, and I find it very difficult to be mean to someone - even when they are rude. However, one thing that works for me is to ask them to clarify and to absolutely refuse to accept their comment.
    "You'd be so pretty if you lost weight"
    "Huh? what do you mean?"
    "I mean, if you lost weight you'd be prettier!"
    "do you mean I'm ugly now?"
    Ummmm.... no, I just think you'd look better if you lost some weight.
    "HA hA! Well, I'd probably look prettier if I were 10 years younger too!"

    Really, this works almost every time I get a rude comment (usually based on how many kids I have) because it totally ruins the moment to have to explain your jab!

    "6 kids??? - You need to invest in a TV for your bedroom!"
    " huh? what do you mean? I already have a tv.
    "ummmm.... I mean you should find something else to do ..... ummmmm... you know, in the bedroom....."
    (me - totally confused look) - " Well - I sleep in there. Of course, the kids like to get in bed with me sometimes and watch tv. Is that what you mean?"

    At this point I have to hold back the laughter because the "rude" person is completely confused. Usually it just ends with "never mind"

    OMG, this is the best! Love it. You are a riot.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Whether or not it is true takes a BIG BACK SEAT to the fact that this is way too personal from a stranger.
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    Response should be "You'd be smart if you weren't so stupid."

    THIS! ^^^^ awesome :)
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    Response should be "You'd be smart if you weren't so stupid."

  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Ive never had such a double edged 'compliment' thankfully.
    Im a bit of a snarky cow so something along the lines of 'And you'd be a lovely person if you weren't such an insensitive TW@T' would probably just fall out of my mouth before I could stop it >.<
  • shadyj26
    shadyj26 Posts: 102 Member
    You don not have to be small to be pretty.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Although no one said anything like that to me that's not nice at all n I would have thought it an insult... I would have given them the dirtiest look n walked away... however I liked the comeback "you'd look smart if u weren't so stupid". Lol
  • Ginnyesq
    Never underestimate the power of a well timed "Go F*** yourself".
  • mlmedina12
    Response should be "You'd be smart if you weren't so stupid."

    Love it! That's exactly what should be said back to such rude stupid people. A compliment is "you're so pretty" or "you have such a pretty face", NOT you'd be pretty if......
  • Devild0ll
    "And you'd be attractive if you weren't such an *kitten*," is my favorite response.
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    A guy said that to me in a pub once - actually took me aside and gave me a lecture on how I could be so attractive to men if I'd only stop eating cake.

    I don't eat cake :angry:

    It was all I could do not to pour a drink over his head.

    I would have poured the drink over his head. Bought another and considered pouring that one over his head as well. :)
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Some people can be so retarded. The mean it to be a compliment, but don't realize it it one of the stupidest, cruelest things you can say to someone.

    The next time it happens, I would just retort, "YOU would more attractive if you weren't such an insensitive b*tch!"
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Never underestimate the power of a well timed "Go F*** yourself".

  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    That is a back handed compliment. Better off keeping quiet.

    The commentary I got was from family growing u: you're fat, you're nose is too wide, your lips are too big, your butt is too big, you have ugly feet, your skin is bad, you're too short, etc. I don't know what they were trying to accomplish. I spent several years very depressed about my appearance before I was able to come out of it and realize they were a bunch of Jerks.