Single at 33..why?



  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    I know it sounds so cliche but stop looking for a guy and take care of you, then you will find one :) and stay away from the musicians!
    DREXENDELSANGRE Posts: 23 Member
    Not saying its for everyone, but I met my wife of 6 years on I was very fortunate.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    I understand how you feel OP. 32, single, 1 child. But after wasting several years of my life with a person who was never qualified to be in my life in the first place, I'd much rather be alone. And I also know the church pressure when you are one of the few singles. We just have to focus on what we have vs. what we don't have. I know women much older than us and still single. Don't postpone your happiness for marriage cuz its out of your control. Find other things that fulfill your life and pursue them. Be happy now loving you. That's what I'm doin!
  • nomadlady7
    nomadlady7 Posts: 24 Member
    I got married at 34, had a kid at 35, and was divorced by 37. I have not let being single most my life interfere with living. I have lots of friends, keep active, and do a lot of volunteer work (things that I enjoy). It is what it is. I would rather be single and enjoying life rather than being married to the wrong person. Being with the wrong person is far worse than being alone.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I've dated on and off for years, but my story is that of the typical nice guy - given best friend status while the girl you like goes from jerk to jerk. The funny thing is a lot of these women who turned me down in the past contacted me later in life expected me to receive them with open arms. Homie don't play dat.
  • likemeinvisible
    Just stop effing acting like you know what it feels like to be a damn 30 something year old woman.

    My posts are intended to be gender neutral, applicable to both men and women, which I have said before in the course of the discussion. I've never pretended in the course of this discussion to be a 30 something year old woman. No idea where you got that idea from.

    You do pretend to know what is best for everyone. This got me thinking, maybe most of the good ones are taken but a good sized portion of the bad ones are taken as well :)
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    This post and some of the responses are depressing<goes over to the "rate the person above you thread 82">
  • silvermist80
    silvermist80 Posts: 20 Member
    i'm 32 single i have a child but chose the wrong man... i knew he was but was too emotionally abused and depressed by time i realised he was i was in that relationdhip just shy of 5yrs first bloke i'd ever lived with n it put me off living with men... i'm fussy about who i want in my daughters life and have yet to find him when time is right and i am ready to accept him in he will appear i have 1 best mate and dont go out AT ALL... if u r meant to meet he will find u whether it b him knocing on ur door accidentally or at a shop or thro a mate... i have faith he will appear... my dad visited my nan while my mom was reading a book with my sister asleep in her cot the met and married in 6 weeks fate intervened b4 my dad was sent to germany :) he's hard work but relationship are it takes two to make it work never settle just coz ur lonely u will pick the wrong guy and may miss mr right xxx
    huge huge FOLLOW UR HEART and enjoy the freedom of no man or kids n do what fun things u can coz with kids or another adult bills go up and affording fun days out becomes harder xxx i wish i had passed my driving liscence when i was younger coz i am restricted where i can go although now she's older i can go further i'm now restricted by school :o
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Quick note for the ones with asperger's, etc.: my sister has asperger's. She is engaged to a sweet, fantastic guy who loves her. So, don't lose hope. There are good eggs out there who will be compatible with you.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    This post and some of the responses are depressing<goes over to the "rate the person above you thread 82">

    Only read what Yoovie wrote. She is right, and you won't feel depressed.
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    1. Make a list of reasonable things you expect in a life partner and do NOT allow yourself to date folks who can't meet the criterion. This alone will help define what you're really looking for in a partner and identify & eliminate bad choices straightaway. Yes, I did this when I met my husband.

    I work with people who are getting out of abusive relationships and don't trust their own instincts for selecting a partner because of that bad experience and this is EXACTLY what I suggest they do. I am always amazed at how resistant people are to the exercise. Knowing what you will NOT put up with is essential. My clients sometimes say that they cannot afford to limit their pool of prospects, but that's exactly why they end up wasting valuable time and attention on a relationship that won't work.

    And your soul mate is not going to knock on your door while you're in your PJs watching your favorite sitcom re-run (and that is NOT a dig on single folks - I can often be found on my couch, in my PJs, watching a bad sitcom). Get out in the world so you can be discovered like the jewel you are!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Believe me... I hear you...even online... probably 80% of the guys I talk to either 1. Don't have a job 2. Don't have, or can't drive a car 3. Still live at home with their parents. 4. are on the creepy/stalkery side or a combination thereof... How big is the area where you live? would you consider moving? Good luck! I'm in the same boat you are! We can be friends and support each other if you want though
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This post and some of the responses are depressing<goes over to the "rate the person above you thread 82">

    Only read what Yoovie wrote. She is right, and you won't feel depressed.

    snogs recklessly
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    At 33, if you are still single, you have to change the way you are doing things. Change surroundings and the type of person you're dating. Get in better shape. There are many things that any 33 year old single could do differently. I don't believe we are meant to be single after 25.


    My thoughts exactly.

    My coworker...she just turned 51.. she is getting married next weekend. Never been married before... but she also never ever settled. In the meantime of dating and figuring out what she wanted and who she was....she joined the army, built houses for people in South America, and traveled all over the world. This train of thought, that there is something wrong with someone just cuz they are single over the age of 25, is beyond lame.
  • Shawty_Ro
    I am 32 and very single, I do miss the company and sex obviously, but I'd rather stay alone than just have a bffor the sake of having one....

    That said....I think I might just throw myself into the dating jungle *giggles*

    PS: I miss the bj's as well
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Did you mean BF?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Did you mean BF?

    Hee. part of me hopes she didn't...
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Did you mean BF?

    I hope so, because I can think of nothing better than having a BJ for the sake of it.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm 39 and single again after 15 years.

    I may be the odd man out here, but I'm rather enjoying it. :happy:
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    GOOD ONE RIGHT HERE!!! Tired of women saying that they are looking for a good one and I've been running amuck looking for the good girls! Starting to get ridiculous if you ask me.