My dog ate ...



  • shaky115
    shaky115 Posts: 43 Member
    one of my favorite grey boots,chewed up wires, tissue, sofa pillows. the list goes on, but I love my Chico :)
  • redkitty615
    redkitty615 Posts: 24 Member
    a bag of birdseed
    :laugh: interesting way to reseed the back yard...................
  • My dog ate about 7 chocolate cupcakes left over from my daughters birthday.

    My ENTIRE fresh of the grill STEAK.

    Three sets of blinds.

    Lots of cat poop.....

    She is just lucky I am LOYAL lol
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    My female St. Bernard ate an entire bag of x-mas foil wrapped kisses several years ago. I gave her a couple of tablespoons of peroxide, but she wouldn’t toss them back up. The vet told me if she wasn’t acting sick to just keep an eye on her. Dog never did feel any ill effects, likely because of her size and the fact it was milk instead of dark chocolate. A couple of years later, it was a bag of unopened foil wrapped Easter Snickers. And somewhere between the two, an 8 ft berber runner, which was fun pulling out the back end. She’s eaten and thrown up socks and dryer sheets, among other things. Thankfully she quit eating stupid stuff within the past few years and is healthy and hale as a horse.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I cleaned out my freezer and my dog got into the garbage and ate an entire pound of half frozen rancid hamburger meat... And she is a 13lb miniature dachshund!

    I once had a dog that would eat her poo when she was in her kennel and we weren't home. So the vet gave us this stuff to put in her food that makes the dog throw up if it eats it's poo. Well one night we gave it to her, she pooed on the floor and ate it and then threw it up and then ate the poo/throw up :grumble: . It was the nastiest smelling thing EVER.
  • AmethystEFC
    AmethystEFC Posts: 140 Member
    I thought Rufus was bad stealing packs of butter off the counter and eating cat poo from their tray. This topic has had me howling with laughter :laugh:
  • LabrakaDebra
    LabrakaDebra Posts: 47 Member entire stick of butter. He's a butter hound to this day...can't leave it too close to the end of the table!

    Years ago, one of my labs (gone now) chewed up my daughter's homework when she was in grade school. I had to tape what was left of the homework back together and then write a note to the teacher. LOL!
  • Our 2 male boxers (4 years old) chewed up 2 couches. Also, one of the boxers, Joe, loves to dig in the bathroom garbage for tampons. I caught him doing that one day while I was in the shower... I heard the commotion, peeked out, and saw him with the toilet paper all over the floor and the disposable plastic piece hanging out of his mouth. Needless to say, the door stays shut all the time now and the garbage is emptied daily.

    Face kisses obviously don't happen now LOL ;)

    i have 2 boxers female one male and the male eats the same as yours haha! they eat ANYTHING!!! he chews the wood on the doors in my house :\
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    Haven't had time to read all of the posts but I definitely plan on it. I don't know if this site has been mentioned yet but it sounds like we could all have some fun with it

    My dogs have eaten:
    A wicker basket ($1000.00 in surgery bills)
    A costco size bag of chocolate chips plus a costco size bag of dog food (resulting in poop that you couldn't tell if it was poop or chocolate - I'm still traumatized)
    My current puppy has a taste for flip flops, pens, erasers, nerf darts, lego and socks. She must also disembowel all stuffed animals. Our backyard has a space we call the killing fields, that's where she takes things to die.

    I just remembered that our dog who ate the chocolate chips and dog food ate an entire box of jumbo bran muffins in one go. Again the end result was equally traumatizing for me.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    half a library book...paper towels and crayons. my mom had to.."help" my dog pass a sock turd. lmao. also when she ate the crayons we had rainbow crap all over the yard. another of our dogs found a deer fetus...yea. that one wasnt funny.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member entire stick of butter. He's a butter hound to this day...can't leave it too close to the end of the table!

    My sister's boxer has done this twice!
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    My easter eggs when I was a kid.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    a used condom
    then she pooped it out in front of my parents
  • dsmboy1991
    dsmboy1991 Posts: 194 Member
    1) 900 page hardcover book. Yes, the ENTIRE book, minus some shreds.
    2) TV remote
    3) A fish oil pill. Not that odd but I found it amusing.

    Thank god both are out of the adolescence stage. :laugh:
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    My cat ate half a pound of sliced roast beef, 3 Vietnamese pork dumplings, and a small bowl of spaghetti and meatballs--three different occasions. I'd put him on a diet ,and he really hated the diet cat food I was feeding him. If I ever left ANYTHING out on the kitchen counter and left the room might as well kiss it good-bye.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    My black lab counter surfs. She steals things and takes them out the doggie door to her naughty spot outside. I found a tube of toothpaste out there once. And she kept stealing a massage bar. It looked like a bar of soap but turnes to oil when warmed by the skin. She's a butter fiend and has stolen numerous butter tubs off the counter and in one week ate 15.00 worth of nuts! She broke into the garage freezer and stole three pies, distributed two of them to the other dogs and ate the pecan pie herself. (my husband used to work at Marie Calendars). And she has a real thing for crayons. My grandkids can't keep a whole box. Our backyard has technicolor poop!
  • a used condom

    same here. I almost puked. Same dog also licked up puke while we were boozing then licked up more puke from other people puking from him licking up the first puke. Again, pretty sick.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    a used condom
    then she pooped it out in front of my parents

    Tattletale! (the dog, not you)
  • My neighbor's dog once ate an entire box of Glitter Crayolas. There were little sparkly bombs all over their yard.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,725 Member
    My lab/collie cross ate my couch when we moved into a new house., my chocolate lab ate a cookbook...

    I have 3 cats now, one of them demands chips whenever we have them. She will stand with her front paws on my chest. The boy cat LOVES fresh blueberries, but won't eat them frozen. The youngest eats cooked spaghetti.