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Things that make you sad after losing weight



  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    I've lost over 100 lbs over the past five years, so I've learned to thrift!! Now my wardrobe from the past three months is getting loose and I can't find clothes small enough sometimes. I NEVER complain to my friends about that because they would kill me!!! I used to have to shop at plus sized stores, so It's a good problem to have...
    Oh, and my *kitten* got super bony before I started weight training, where my friends would be sitting down on the steps outside and I would always want to go back inside and sit on the couch cuz my poor bum...
    Oh, and no boobs. That's a bummer. But I can buy those eventually. :)
  • The loose SKIN!!!! UGH!
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    how come I can't lose my boobs?!?

    Since I'm almost 30 lbs down into my journey, I can't say I miss anything yet. Subject to change!!
  • nienie21
    nienie21 Posts: 95 Member
    Nothing. I look older, get colder easier, had to spend cash on new clothes, can't eat half the *kitten* I love... blah blah blah... still not sad, in fact quite happy.

    Yup. This.
  • Realizing that going from slim to bikini body is every bit as hard (maybe even harder) than going from big to slim. That still bums me out sometimes. I thought that when I lost the weight I'd look like the cover of a Shape magazine. Yup, I was silly.

    BTW: Thanks for this topic. I think it's good to talk about the bummers too.

    The difference between weight and body composition was kind of an eye opener for me also, but... instaed of making me sad it gave me something to focus on and work toward... the journey is what it is all about.... so now I just enjoy it.

    You're absolutely right. I'm getting there. :O)
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    becomnig, really realy rediculously good looking :smokin:
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    I don't have a natural shelf to rest my drinks and food on anymore
    bahahaha, this made me laugh out loud :D
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    Have all your favorites altered, that's what I did. It's cheaper than buying new and you get to continue to wear your favorite things

    Suits just don't look right when they are altered two sizes down. I tried it on one of the suits and you can just tell it is not right. =(
  • Shrinking boobs :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    The ONLY thing I hate is bones are painful to sit on/ lay on. Sometimes I can never get comfortable. It hurts to sit on the floor, or bleachers or any place for too long.

    lmao ^^^^ this .. for sure lol
  • celtic_ink
    celtic_ink Posts: 12 Member
    Feeling the bite of cold easier than before. I've never really been affected by cold, even when I was thin in the past, but I am now for some reason..
  • Buying new bras. It's SO ANNOYING and EXPENSIVE! lol
  • I was definitely sad to have to give up some of my favorite clothes. I am actually very sentimental about such things, but I just told myself I would have wonderful new adventures with my new clothes, and make new memories in them lol I definitely look older and feel colder, and have a hard time sitting places as my butt has disappeared almost entirely. I'm saggy. But I also just bought new pants in a size 8, which is the smallest I have ever been in my entire adult life! I'm so close to my goal....once I'm there, I'll debate about loose skin removal, I guess. And then go shopping again. There's a trade-off. I definitely would not give up how amazing I FEEL for any item of clothing I wore when I was fat....
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    The ONLY thing I hate is bones are painful to sit on/ lay on. Sometimes I can never get comfortable. It hurts to sit on the floor, or bleachers or any place for too long.

    This. Plus not being able to wear things I love and, LOL, the fact that my puppy who's 44 lbs can drag me across the yard when she's really excited!
  • So far the only thing that makes me sad is not eating like I used to, cause I flippin love me some food! But I don't miss the heart burn and next morning constitutionals. hahahaha
    MFPBONNIE Posts: 94 Member
    I get sick. When I was padded with fat I NEVER got colds, but whenever I lose I get the sniffles, fever, achy bones, etc. I just don't understand it.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I like the new clothes, but I hate that I've had to spend a fortune on them. I had to replace everything from underwear to pants to shirts three times throughout my weight loss process.

    My hipbones hurt when I try to sleep on my side now.

    I get cold a lot easier.

    I don't like that casual acquaintances feel entitled to make comments about my body.

    These are all pretty minor hassles for the positive impacts of losing the weight, though. :-)

    P.S. I don't consider the shrinkage of my chest anything to be sad about. I LOVE my new smaller boobs! They're pretty and perky and fit perfectly on my new slimmer body. My old boobs were flabby and cumbersome, and would look ridiculously bad on my current body. Heck... they didn't even look good on my old, larger body. :laugh:
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Boobs gone, sagging skin, and being cold! Looks like we all have the same issues. Haha. I like shopping, i only buy a few things at a time so I havent really noticed a big increase in that. I am happy, but I do wonder sometimes.............like whats next?
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    People are MEAN, which I assume comes out of jealousy or mistaken perceptions. How people treat you changes, especially if they have their own struggles with fitness and weight. This seems to happen whenever people THINK you have what they want (whether you do or not), whether it's fitness, money, a happy marriage, etc. All of the misery wants company.
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    my boobs get smaller! grrr.... lol.

    ^^^This... I will miss all my pretty bra's :(

    <insert obvious-typical-guy comment>
    I thought it would be easier to find clothing that fits, its not.
    I get colder easier.
    I thought I would feel better about myself/my body, I don't.
    I get sick of people commenting about my food choices/weight/body/size when I'm not even at my goal weight yet.


    oh where or where have my poor boobies gone... oh where oh where can they be?


    La Senza, La Vie en rose, Victoria Secret... :smooched:

    but wait... holy crap I have pecs where my boobs used to be! WAHOO! :drinker:

    Is it weird that I find those sexier than big boobies? Ok maybe I don't want a reply to this one. XD
    becomnig, really realy rediculously good looking :smokin: