Things that make you sad after losing weight



  • aslrunner
    Little boobs are hot! And they look great in all those little spaghetti strapped sun dresses, string bikinis and tank tops. And you don't need super-ultra-industrial strength sports bras or to double up on sports bras when you exercise. They hurt less when you're PMSing because they bounce less going up and down stairs. I embrace my little boobs, and my husband does too ;-)
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    Oh there's no self-esteem handed to you at the end as a prize, no throngs of men that love you or dynamic personality fix that makes all your flaws disappear behind the new curtain of badass confidence that comes with goal weight?

    wait none of that comes with goal weight?

    You mean Im supposed to be working on that stuff all along too?

    Are you crazy all they said was eat less move more.


    I totally get what you're saying! A lot of people think if they lose weight, they'll be thin and sexy and all their problems will go away. I know someone who lost over a 100 lbs by starving herself and she is just a mess of saggy skin cause she lost it so fast. I think her self esteem might be even lower now. She never learned that losing weight should be about learning to love yourself and wanting to be healthier and stronger because you care about yourself. You want to become a stronger, better person over all. I think that's what weight loss should be about. Not trying to look like someone off the cover of a magazine. (and you probably never will cause most of those pics are photo-shopped anyways. lol)
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    All the small clothing I gave to my sister when I gained weight because I didn't believe I would get as slim as I have gotten. Though, I have to say I'm enjoying shopping for new clothes.
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    Oh there's no self-esteem handed to you at the end as a prize, no throngs of men that love you or dynamic personality fix that makes all your flaws disappear behind the new curtain of badass confidence that comes with goal weight?

    wait none of that comes with goal weight?

    You mean Im supposed to be working on that stuff all along too?

    Are you crazy all they said was eat less move more.


    Ooookay then...

    I'm sorry I did not understand what you said when I first posted the moronic "Ookay then". No hard feelings :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    this thread just shows that no matter what, some people are just never happy.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    People are MEAN, which I assume comes out of jealousy or mistaken perceptions. How people treat you changes, especially if they have their own struggles with fitness and weight. This seems to happen whenever people THINK you have what they want (whether you do or not), whether it's fitness, money, a happy marriage, etc. All of the misery wants company.

    1.This a thousand times. I catch so much flack from my friends for being "too skinny" and "not knowing what it's like"when I used to weigh more then them five years ago. Um... yeah... I do know what it's like. I was heavier than you are now so stop this nonsense.

    2. Being cold. I never used to be cold.

    3. Boney butts and wooden chairs. Ouch.

    4. (This is the worst) The creepers that came out of the woodwork. My new body is for me. It is neither your privilege nor your right to touch me. Don't touch my hair. Don't touch my legs to "feel for muscle". Don't poke me in the stomach to "check for tone". There is only one man allowed to touch me and even he knows it's on my terms only. Hands off.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Losing my boobies made me sad for awhile because they were a perfect full C cup. After mourning the lost, I came to the conclusion that it was a fair price to pay to look the way I do today.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I had the hottest curviest expensive officewear looking dress that I loved...since I lost weight I look like I'm swimming in grandma clothes...not so attractive.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Not being able to wear all my favorite clothes because they are too big now. Spending money to buy a new wardrobe is really disappointing. I know I'm supposed to be happy about the weight loss and yaadi yaadi yaada but I can't believe most of my perfectly good suits need to be altered/put away.

    Was there anything that got you genuinely sad after losing weight?

    Edit: I'm very, very happy with the new look. I'd never want to go back to old weight. This is just curiosity on unexpected bummers

    Not really. I'm happily giving up all my big clothes. But some I'm sad about for sentimental reasons, but mostly I'm embracing my new life even if I just have enough clothes to get by. Money is tight so I don't get to go shopping, but I have enough to get by. And I'm happy because my husband says I can wear a burlap sack and look good LOL.
  • estherdfoster
    estherdfoster Posts: 127 Member
    what i hate is my breasts not being as perky lol...but i am working on that..i went to my doctor an he already gave me solutions.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Nothing. I look older, get colder easier, had to spend cash on new clothes, can't eat half the *kitten* I love... blah blah blah... still not sad, in fact quite happy.

    this and the missing some of my fave clothes but still happy
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I regret having to spend so much money on new clothes when there are a lot of other things I would rather invest in.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    NOTHING, lol! I will be doing the happy dance. Naked.

    But I would totally be sad about not fitting into any of my clothes, if I couldn't sew. That would suck.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ebay! You can have a whole new wardrobe at a fraction of the cost! Ebay has been a Godsend for me.
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Nothing. I look older, get colder easier, had to spend cash on new clothes, can't eat half the *kitten* I love... blah blah blah... still not sad, in fact quite happy.

    This...As well I couldn't have put it better!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    The clothes thing also applies to me. Though I'm happy I can wear a smaller size, I don't really have the money to replace the massive amounts of big-people clothes I've accumulated over the years. Le sigh.

    But thrift shopping will do until I reach my goal weight. :D & I do treat myself a one "good" outfit every month, so.
    All's not lost.

    Aw, wait, I made it happy again. :c Sorry.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Ebay! You can have a whole new wardrobe at a fraction of the cost! Ebay has been a Godsend for me.

    I've found so many goodies for cheapos there. :D Especially new shoes.
    If you look good enough, you can find a steal.
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    There are two things that I hate: Getting cold easily and not being able to eat a cake anymore, but heck! the benefits are way superior than those :D
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I love my smaller boobs
    I love that I have loose skin on my tummy now instead of fat
    I love that I had to buy new clothes
    Most importantly......I love that I'm so much healthier and more fit than I've ever been in my life.

    Not sad about a damn thing. :happy:
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Boobs have shrunk and my @ss is flatter than my tummy. Ah well. It's still worth it. Push up bras are cheap enough, and maybe I'll try the Brazil Butt series next. :tongue: