Ex's - how long did it take you to get over yours?



  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    OP I'll help you get over him! As the saying goes...

    With my past exes each one was a 6 month long relationship (weird, I know)

    The first one I was over it about 15 minutes after she broke up with me. She must've been on the same page as me and just wanted out.

    One of them it took me a year or two to get over her (I was convinced she was the love of my life at the time and she broke up with me out of the blue)

    The most recent one it took me 2 solid months of working hard and trying not to think of her. Then we started to talked about 3 months after we broke up and that was fine but now she started dating this Ahole and so I think about her all the time this last couple weeks since we talked last. (the guy, a 41 yr old ex special forces, threatened to kill me and my exes ex husband if we ever talked to her. He blew his lid when I texted her one day.)
  • MizKittyB
    MizKittyB Posts: 47 Member
    Well, when I've dome the breaking up, then I'm usually over it by the time I get the balls to break if off (which doesn't mean I'm not sad about it but I'm ready to move on once its done), when being broken up with,..well it can take more time.

    This was me, on my last long-term relationship. It was going downhill loooong before it was over, and I finally got tired of feeling like a second-class citizen. So I ended it. (He didn't get it, right away, and probably still doesn't understand how hurtful his behavior was. I can't fix that, I can only get myself out and to a healthier place.) Haven't dated since, though. The one thing I learned was that I am in NO hurry to find someone and settle down - there are too many other interesting things to do than search for a mate!
  • CassieLyle
    I was with my ex husband for 10 yrs.. We seperated when our son was 6 months old.. It probably took me 5 months to move on.. then I met my bf now and it didnt take me long to completely move on once we got together..
  • beckssmith70
    hmm text hubby from Auckland airport and was over him by the time the plane landed in Manchester :)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    First time: 2+ years. (first love--together for 2 years)

    Second/final time: 3-6 months..(same guy--he was a player and has never changed..together for 10 months 4 years after the first split)

    I dumped my ex because I fell for someone else..can't be with someone who plays you all the time..today I love my fiancee and been going strong 7 years. :bigsmile:
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i would say about 6 months; once he came out of the closet to me the process quickened...
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    As arbitrary as it may be, i've heard it takes one month for every year you were together.
    I was with my ex for almost 8 years - broke up last October... I feel like i'm 'over' him - it's been 11 months.
    Sometimes I THINK I miss him -- but really I don't miss HIM, I just want someone to be my partner.
    Hang in there :-( It does get better!
  • dodihere
    About an hour, to call the police and have him arrested.
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Oh man, I was about to say "about as long as it takes to get a restraining order enforced". Been there, dodihere!
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Oh man, I was about to say "about as long as it takes to get a restraining order enforced". Been there, dodihere!

  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    OP I'll help you get over him! As the saying goes...

    With my past exes each one was a 6 month long relationship (weird, I know)

    The first one I was over it about 15 minutes after she broke up with me. She must've been on the same page as me and just wanted out.

    One of them it took me a year or two to get over her (I was convinced she was the love of my life at the time and she broke up with me out of the blue)

    The most recent one it took me 2 solid months of working hard and trying not to think of her. Then we started to talked about 3 months after we broke up and that was fine but now she started dating this Ahole and so I think about her all the time this last couple weeks since we talked last. (the guy, a 41 yr old ex special forces, threatened to kill me and my exes ex husband if we ever talked to her. He blew his lid when I texted her one day.)

    guy sounds like a lunatic!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'd say about three months. But then again, she was a pain in the *kitten*.
  • nicdilor
    I was pretty damn glad actually, one day he came home and found all the locks changed and all his clothes in pieces, till this day don't know how that happened :wink:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I was with my x for more than half of my life! We were high-school sweethearts (sort of - we always had a tumultous relationship), got married after being together for 6 years, and were married for over 25.................about 6 months before our 25th, I moved out. He is chemically dependent, possessive, sick and a true pain in the *kitten*.........and I was angry.

    It took me about 4 years to get past the anger, the regret, the b.s. I gave him PLENTY of time to get help, to become the man he once was, to DO THE RIGHT THING.........but he never did. I divorced him, and decided I needed to finally LIVE!!!
    He still lives a sh!tty life......and mine is awesome!
  • my3kidsrgr8
    I can tell you from my experience, that I'm still not over my ex and I don't think I ever will be and I've been married for almost 19 years now. In 2008 our paths crossed for the first time in about 15 years. At that moment I realized I married the wrong guy. Deep down I think I knew it all along. Long story short, he got very sick and died 9 months later. We had been together off and on for 12 years before I ended it with him. He had asked me to marry him several times, and we just could not get it together. Now I'll never have the opportunity to be with the one man that TOTALLY got me! Moral of this story: Never give up on someone you can't stop thinking about for one day. Unless he was abusive, don't walk, RUN to give this another shot! Don't look back with regret! Do whatever it takes to see this through and give it every opportunity to work.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    sometimes.....it wont end :brokenheart:

    It's been 6 years for me.
    Still feel no different.
    Still miss him every night
  • kyes31
    I got over mine about 6 months prior splitting but he was an abuser use to hit me & belittle me however the anger it took me a year & a half
  • cakelady69
    It took 3 years. He treated me better than I could have ever dreamed. We were getting married. The day before the wedding and one week before we closed on our new home. He called it off. I was left broken, without a home and loss a ton of money on that house. Anyway, fast forward 3 1/2 years later. I'm so thankful it did not work. I'm in a better place mentally thanks to that breakup. I'm getting healthy physically and feel like I can take on the world. Hopefully, I'll me Mr. Right somewhere along the way.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    It took 3 years. He treated me better than I could have ever dreamed. We were getting married. The day before the wedding and one week before we closed on our new home. He called it off. I was left broken, without a home and loss a ton of money on that house. Anyway, fast forward 3 1/2 years later. I'm so thankful it did not work. I'm in a better place mentally thanks to that breakup. I'm getting healthy physically and feel like I can take on the world. Hopefully, I'll me Mr. Right somewhere along the way.

    wow :noway:

    i'd have lost my mind if that happened to me
  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    i was together with my ex for almost 4years - LONG DISTANCE!

    We never thought that it wouldnt work, he even proposed, but alas, we somehow couldnt get the logistics and other crap sorted out.

    i finally ended it with him in March this year but we still keep in touch. He knows and understands me like no one else and I have yet to meet anyone that comes close to him in character.

    Today is his birthday and i changed my profile pic on fb to this pic of us together. sigh.

    Guess i need get on top of someone else to get over him ;) (or so the saying goes!)

    how long did it take you to get over your ex?

    I was with my ex for 2 and a half years I thought he was the one and I thought I loved him. I fell in love with another guy. April 1st and we will be together for 3 years. My ex....that was not love I thought it was...my boyfriend is my first and only true love. My ex stopped trying and didn't put in any effort we fought all the time, it just wasn't working. I got over him very quick because "Michael" treated me so amazing I didn't think of my ex. I blocked him out of my life completely...well now he lives across the street from me haha. Michael just made me very happy I got over my ex fast.