Personality or Looks



  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    How is it shallow to prefer looks???
    I'd say its pretty f'ing shallow to avoid a HOT Person just because they lack a personality. That's judgmental.

    I like women liking my personality - but I'm looking for a woman who lusts after my body AND my awesome personality :)
  • Iceman1800
    looks have to attract you, personality keeps you
    perfect answer. A smoking hot girl with a killer body will stay single if she's nasty and rude
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Definitely personality..

    Yes, I have to be somewhat physically attracted to them also but personality makes it or breaks it.. There has been guys that I've talked to that I wouldn't normally go for based on looks alone, but once we started talking and I realized how we "clicked", I found myself attracted to them based on that alone.
  • vinnieti
    vinnieti Posts: 79 Member
    Good movie quote: "You can show me the most beautiful girl in the world and I'll show you a guy who's tired of sleeping with her..."

    If you're all about looks you'll never be'll always be chasing the next best thing. It takes a lot more than looks to make anybody happy.
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    looks have to attract you, personality keeps you

    ^^^^this all the way
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    there needs to be a certain something when you meet someone... but its not necessarily about looks at that moment, its chemistry, ... but to keep that going there needs to be so much more than that... great personality, good person, fun times and decency and honesty...
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Looks can be made or broken by personality. Take my former neighbor for example. She isn't much to look at, but when her eyes meet mine and the sound of her voice resonates in my ears, I get that 'feeling' deep in my stomach. You know the one I'm speaking of. My stomach starts to contract and convulse then involuntarily purges its contents violently all over the floor. She is a troglodyte inside and out.
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    lol ... good job she does not live next door to you any longer... that way you can keep your meals down lol
  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    According to all my GF's every guy I have ever dated isn't very attractive, so must be the personality!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Hell no...gotta have both. Looks to a certain extent, but the personality has absolutely got to be there. And I agree with others...the personality will push them from being average looking to absolutely smoking hot.
  • PeteyogiW
    According to all my GF's every guy I have ever dated isn't very attractive, so must be the personality!
    I like that quote!!
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member

    Beauty is more than skin deep, it really is.

    I was in a cosmetics store, where a woman (she looked like she was an old leather handbag sucking a wasp, but thought herself gorgeous), was being so appallingly bad mannered to me. I told her... "lady, no amount of makeup will cover up an ugly personality".
  • __Sneakers__
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    lol ... good job she does not live next door to you any longer... that way you can keep your meals down lol
    She sings too.

    I know we just met, and this is crazy, but I'm a troglodyte, so call me Amy.
  • NatashaB8
    Sometimes I'm not attracted to someone, but then when I get to know them and they can make me laugh (thats a HUGE bonus) then suddenly they are extremely attractive!

    Personality first, definitely.

    Luckily I have a guy who has both :D
    He is complaining about his weight too and like you said, I know he will look better but at the same time I would love him and still be attracted to him even if he was heavier!
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    I think looks is what initially pulls you in but personality can make it or break it, regardless of whether the person is gorgeous or unattractive.
  • JessigirlJb
    Last time I checked, personality didnt catch many eyes across a crowded and noisy room. Unfortunately for some of us, attraction is the first key factor ( think peacock, here ). However, like most have said, personality is what keeps you interested well beyond looks.
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I like both but personality trumps looks for me
  • NinjaBeth90
    Personality!! Looks are an added bonus :)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Personality mixed with a little bit of looks.