Team UK - February 2010



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone.. Hope all is well.. nice to see you are all working so hard!!

    Not much to report today... Ill be on later to give you an update :flowerforyou:

    Katherine x
  • sdscouser
    morning to all. Saw this group and thought "hey why not give it a go and join in". I have a 15 week goal to lose 20 - 25 pounds so I don't look like a beached whale on holiday (keeping the thread going we are off to Aruba:happy: :tongue: :happy: ). I've been on this site since early in the new year and averaging around 2lb loss each week.

    Last night I was dragged out by the wife for a meal with some friends. I must say that I even surprised myself by not going for the usual large steak with all the trimmings followed by a large dessert. I had a small salad starter and then a simple pasta dish. :happy:

    Good luck to every one and i hope we all achieve our goals for February.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning all!! & Welcome sdscouser!

    Oooh I love Aruba!! Good luck with the weight loss, I wish I'd started 15 weeks ago....I fly out next week!! EEK!!!!

    This weekend I have decided I will try on all my holiday clothes!! VERY NERVOUS!!!!!!!

    Was good yesterday but ate quite late because I was at the hairdressers til 8! Scales not moved yet...boooooo
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning Everyone..

    So.. the working week is nearly up for me.. i only have half a days work on fridays so the afternoon is always a testing time for snacking.. i hope i dont give in!! Off out tonight with the girls for a few drinks in our local town!! :drinker: woo!

    Hi 'sdscouser', welcome to the group.. hope you find it a help.. :flowerforyou:

    Went to the gym last night - i think i was officially in "The Zone" I was on a mission of some sort and felt amazing after i worked out.. my HR seems to be reducing so i now have to up the resistance on the machines to keep up with my fitness level which is actually pretty cool.. im running for longer without feeling like im going to drop off the running machine!! :smile: Anyone else starting to feel like this?

    Ill catch up with you all a bit later...

    Katherine x
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Helloooo :-)

    My goal this month is to lose another stone hopefully, but I really think it's asking a lot. I've kind of reached a plateau I think, but i'm hoping to break that and lose the 14lbs to achieve that goal!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Helloooo :-)

    My goal this month is to lose another stone hopefully, but I really think it's asking a lot. I've kind of reached a plateau I think, but i'm hoping to break that and lose the 14lbs to achieve that goal!

    Hi Davey

    I've got to be honest with you - i was having a little snoop on your profile (i saw you had posted on the 8,000cal post) and saw you had commented on the UK Team post.. Where is Billingham?

    You have done amazingly well so far with your weight loss.. well done!! :bigsmile:

    Katherine x
  • sdscouser
    I too have started to notice the the gym is getting "easier" and I have to increase the resistance to feel like I am working out. I am working from home today and this is the hardest type of day for me. Two steps away from the kitchen:cry:

    When I am at work the gym is only a 5 min walk away so the motiviation to go is not too hard to achieve but being at home I have a 10 minute drive and it is so easy to have lunch sitting in front of the TV instead of going for a work out:grumble:
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    hey sdscouser,

    I know your pain. Working from home when i couldnt get into the office due to the snow was an absolute nightmare. It was like snack heaven.

    Living by myself i operate the only buy what i need for the week policy. This means if i eat something else in the fridge then its less for another meal down the line. The only bulk items i have is porridge oats and protein powder..... Not the most interesting snack items !!!!

    If you want something sweet try a low cal jelly... its something like 10 cals a bowl and i find it can stop the craving if you have some made up.

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My goal for Feb is to lose something....anything....1/2 a pound, but hopefully more. I'd also really really like to get in to a size 14 pair of jeans. I've got some size 14 tops, but the jeans...

    Erika x
  • clairebear82
    Hi Everyone,

    Can I join the team? I started on here on Monday and I've lost 4lbs, which tends to be the norm in the first week when I try and diet.

    The picture on the left is what I want to look like again, that was three and a bit years ago. I met my boyfriend, left home and moved home twice in that time and my partner has been ill for the last 16 months, so I'm now his carer, so I think all that has led me to putting on 3.5 stone in that time.

    I just seemed to have lost all will power in those 3.5 years and keep striving to do what I did. My lifestyle is drastically different to what it was all those years ago so I have to remember that and just try and work as best I can. in fact my partner found this site and its great. I love the estimation of your weight in 5 weeks and that's a great motivator to keep going. We are both doing it in fact and I really feel that this time I am on the right track.

    Its our 3 year anniversary next Sunday (yes valentines day :-) ) and we will have a nice meal but that will be a treat for us.

    To the people going on holiday, have lots of fun, would love some great sun right now but glad I don't have to wear a swimsuit though!

    Good luck everyone for Feb! :smile: Claire x
  • sdscouser
    I did it. I decided to forget sitting in front of the tv for lunch and went to the gym:happy: :happy: worked off 590 cals.

    To everyone else keep up the hard, but good, work and you will reach your goal.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Hi Davey

    I've got to be honest with you - i was having a little snoop on your profile (i saw you had posted on the 8,000cal post) and saw you had commented on the UK Team post.. Where is Billingham?

    You have done amazingly well so far with your weight loss.. well done!! :bigsmile:

    Katherine x

    Hey :-) It's in the north east of England, quite close to Newcastle! Thank you for your comments, i'm still going for it!!

  • MistahLee31
    Hi everyone! After saying that I was disheartened about gaining 3 lbs on Wednesday from last weeks weigh in, I cautiously approached the scales to see what my weight was today. It told me I had lost 3lbs!! :-) How I managed to shed 6lbs in two days is beyond belief!

    Takes me to over a stone in three weeks!! Still got a long way to go though to get to my target. Quarter of the way there though. :-)

    Last night, I didn't have my car so I decided to walk to the gym instead which was about 1.5/2 mile journey. Was shattered when I got there so couldn't do a full workout, but overall I did burn about 1200 calories which was pretty decent.

    No blowouts planned for this weekend, will still be healthy and visiting the gym. Derby day tomorrow so will be in front of the TV watching Liverpool v Everton, and then Warrington RLFC''s Super League campaign starts on Sunday afternoon, so will be an evening session for me.

    Goals for this month - hopefully just to continue where I left off in January. Losing more than I planned to, so if I stick to 1.5lbs lost per week, will give me about 5lbs for the month, which I'll have as my target. :-)

    Good luck to everyone for the next 23 days and enjoy the weekend in whatever activities you will be doing! :-)


  • barrierfreeman
    How I managed to shed 6lbs in two days is beyond belief!
    Have you checked you have all your limbs still? :wink:

    I weighed in this morning and have had my first no change since i started at the beginning of the year. I did wonder when i would arrive at plateu central.
  • MistahLee31
    Have you checked you have all your limbs still? :wink:

    I thought my legs were going to fall off after the gym last night! lol.
  • JimJam87
    How's everyone going? I've been decorating my house all weekend coz I'm moving out soon, I didn't realise you burnt so many calories by painting!! Woohoo :o)
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi Everyone - still here!! .

    Quick log in before the tribe arrive for a late Sunday lunch/tea. The two grandchildren are like a whirl wind!! I'm sure some of you know or can imagine what it's like!!! Jessica's seven going on seventeen and loves to dance they do!! Maybe I'll put on the Latin exercise DVD and we can give it a go!!

    Bit disappointed that the lbs haven't come off again but hey ... I have maintained the loss and give it time and help from you all and I'm sure I will get to 147lb by the time I go off on holiday in March. Next weekend my youngest son and DIL visit with the newest grandson. Joanne's been going to slimming world club to lose her baby weight and has done well - I'm hoping I can show her a difference in me too.

    Cold and a bit foggy here now. Am off to peel the spuds , put the beef in and make those yorkshire puds!! DH is in charge of the fruit crumble!!

    Hope you've all had a great weekend and are ready to start as you mean to go on for the new week.

    Cheers all
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    Still here. Looking forward to a flu free week so i have the energy to hit the gym at 6:30 in the morning. Going for a clean week with decent food and lots of gym. Want to keep things going for as long as possible before i hit a plateau.

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning morning!!!

    Monday...urghhhh.... but I only have 5 days til holiday now!!!!! :o)) This excites and scares me hahaha!! Realllllly shouldn't have had a wedge of cake yesterday, oops!

    But for now, until the cake finds me, I have lost 4lb's this week :o)

    How are you all doing? xx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning UK'ers!! I have seriously failed on the "being good" over the weekend thing.. i had a blow out yesterday.. god why cant i just behave on the weekend.. looks like next weekend isnt gonna be easy either with my trip up to Nottingham again.. cant be dealing with take aways and crappy foods.. wont be able to log on here either.. rubbish :angry:

    Ohh well.. must complain seeing as i will be seeing the Boyfriend... He's hurt his wrist playing ice Hockey so its a bit touch n go weather he will be playing on monday night.. Fingers crossed he will be ok!

    Sparklepants.. WTG on loosing 13lbs.. wish i could loose that much.. only another 6lbs to go for me n ill be at my target weight.. i might start buying clothes that are a size too small.. so im determined to fit into them instead of buying clothes that just fit.

    Dax - Nice job on going to the gym so early.. i was still fast asleep!! I would like to do a morning workout but i just dont have the time.. or im just being lazy!!

    xx Katherine xx