Facebook Status u wish u could post but can't? Post away :)



  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    I do have kids. And I'm married to the father. And no, I don't think celebrating, with a public declaration, the fact that a dissolution of a relationship resulted in kids only getting to see one parent at a time is appropriate. One may feel relieved at the "break", just as any parent needs to have time away, but when the "break" is court ordered, it's just plain tacky to "whoo-hoo" it on facebook.
  • I post whatever I feel like on Facebook, for every person that deletes me...I consider that a victory!

    Darn right.
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    Hi old classmates that I didn't like at school, I still don't like you now but you keep bloody adding me and I'm too polite to say no!!!


    Your bed might be cozy, but I really don't give a crap!!!

    SNAP!! But I accepted most of their friend requests, just so they can see that I've done so much better than them in life ;) x

    Ditto... but then deleted them all. ; )
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Dear "friend", Stop your fckn b!tching. Some of us have real problems.

  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    To my High School friends, I was only friends with you because I was too unpopular to be picky.

    That makes two of us, lol!
  • Hug.
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Sure, I could post what I really think about you and your status, but I'd rather make fun of you over at my diet forum, behind your back. And if I did that you might know the real me, the one that doesn't really like you but... the one with so many insecurities I have to make fun of your status. Sure I could unfriend you, block you, hell even just unsubscribe to your posts, but as I mentioned before, I need a person that I can use to point out their flaws and mistakes so that no one will look at mine.

    Come on people we are better than this right?
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    1) Sharing a cause on Facebook does not actually support that cause. If you really want to help go donate time or money to organizations that are working on the issue.

    2) Pictures of your engagement ring, your ultrasound or your child (with you not also in the picture) are not profile pictures. Profile pictures are meant to allow recognition!

    3) Posting that you "like it on the floor" or "are going to China in 3 months" when taking part in an obscure "shhh ladies only" status campaign ostensibly for breast cancer makes you a sheep, not an advocate.

    3) "Like if you remember [insert random "nostalgic" item from the 80s or 90s]" is just irritating. As far as I know we're not all suffering from senility yet and frankly, those tupperware salt shakers that you used to see in restaurants did not have a lasting impact on my personal development meriting a public reminder!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Sure, I could post what I really think about you and your status, but I'd rather make fun of you over at my diet forum, behind your back. And if I did that you might know the real me, the one that doesn't really like you but... the one with so many insecurities I have to make fun of your status. Sure I could unfriend you, block you, hell even just unsubscribe to your posts, but as I mentioned before, I need a person that I can use to point out their flaws and mistakes so that no one will look at mine.

    Come on people we are better than this right?

    Actually most people here are pretty honest about their own flaws
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Sure, I could post what I really think about you and your status, but I'd rather make fun of you over at my diet forum, behind your back. And if I did that you might know the real me, the one that doesn't really like you but... the one with so many insecurities I have to make fun of your status. Sure I could unfriend you, block you, hell even just unsubscribe to your posts, but as I mentioned before, I need a person that I can use to point out their flaws and mistakes so that no one will look at mine.

    Come on people we are better than this right?

    Get out.
    get out.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Hahahaa you lot are hilarious!! Mine would be

    "Mother - stop spamming me or I WILL DELETE YOU!!!" She posts at least 50times a day and every post has a minimum of 50comments....I'm not even exaggerating....:noway: I deleted her once...she sent me a text saying "Miss you xoxoxox" As if I had DIED!!! I have a phone that you can text me on at any time...like you just did!!! Its easier to remain FB friends and just hide her statuses but then she tags me in pictures of the cats/dog/ferrets/fish/my sister/her husband(complete wanker)/some random woman she met on holiday in Wales....etc.etc.
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    Oh it's the first anniversary of the first time you had sex? Thank you for telling me. I am going to go kill someone now.
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    After three relationship profile changes yours should automatically change to unstable idiot.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Hahahaa you lot are hilarious!! Mine would be

    "Mother - stop spamming me or I WILL DELETE YOU!!!" She posts at least 50times a day and every post has a minimum of 50comments....I'm not even exaggerating....:noway: I deleted her once...she sent me a text saying "Miss you xoxoxox" As if I had DIED!!! I have a phone that you can text me on at any time...like you just did!!! Its easier to remain FB friends and just hide her statuses but then she tags me in pictures of the cats/dog/ferrets/fish/my sister/her husband(complete wanker)/some random woman she met on holiday in Wales....etc.etc.

    PMSL your post really made me laugh, your mum sounds like a legend lol
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    If having a bath/shower or changing your bedding such a rarity that it warrants a status maybe you should do it more often?
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    Dear Facebook Friends, If you feel the need to post every detail in your daily life then maybe, just maybe, your life isn't all that its cracked up to be. Get a real life and maybe A JOB!

    Dear Facebook Friend, I find it interesting that you claim you cannot stand to have or want drama in your life yet your every post continue to cause the drama. Truth is, you are the drama queen.

    To the stay-at-home welfare Moms who's kids are in school or daycare... get off your *kitten* and get a JOB and get the F@&* off Facebook!

    OMG! I could go on forever. Lol!!
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Hahahaa you lot are hilarious!! Mine would be

    "Mother - stop spamming me or I WILL DELETE YOU!!!" She posts at least 50times a day and every post has a minimum of 50comments....I'm not even exaggerating....:noway: I deleted her once...she sent me a text saying "Miss you xoxoxox" As if I had DIED!!! I have a phone that you can text me on at any time...like you just did!!! Its easier to remain FB friends and just hide her statuses but then she tags me in pictures of the cats/dog/ferrets/fish/my sister/her husband(complete wanker)/some random woman she met on holiday in Wales....etc.etc.

    PMSL your post really made me laugh, your mum sounds like a legend lol

    Thats one word for it...
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Dear Deadbeat,

    Stop taking and posting pictures of yourself and the kids on the ONE day a week that you see & associate with them, on your facebook to look like you're father of the year. The only person whose opinion matters if you're "father of the year" is your kids, and they know better than to think so.

  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    I do have kids. And I'm married to the father. And no, I don't think celebrating, with a public declaration, the fact that a dissolution of a relationship resulted in kids only getting to see one parent at a time is appropriate. One may feel relieved at the "break", just as any parent needs to have time away, but when the "break" is court ordered, it's just plain tacky to "whoo-hoo" it on facebook.

    true. agree.
  • I've just been thinking about all the statuses I'd LOVE to post on facebook but I can't, so I thought a 'Get it off your chest' thread would be fun to have :smile:

    I'll start:

    Dear attention *kitten*, being a regular *kitten* just isn't enough for you is it??

    Lol x

    LOL!! Just found my FB Status update