What's your Deal-Breaker?



  • Bad tipper - shows selfishness.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Good God, I have a lot of them. It's a wonder I'm not single.

    Deal Breakers:

    - Smoking
    - Drugs
    - Poor hygiene/doesn't take care of himself from a health standpoint
    - My height or shorter (I'm 5'3", so hasn't really been an issue)
    - Not close with any family (aside from some crazy extenuating circumstances---I just need a man who loves his mama)
    - Doesn't want kids (I have a 5 year old, so obviously he'd have to want children)
    - No job
    - No car
    - No ambition
    - Doesn't share my sense of humor
    - Doesn't share my same general religious and political views (I'm flexible with that one, but no extremes on either end)
    - No manners (I'm from the south, you better know how to treat a woman like a lady)
    - Not an animal lover
    - Owns cats (my son is allergic, also I don't particularly care for cats as pets)
    - Not compassionate/generous
    - Doesn't appreciate hard work (Sorry, I wouldn't date a man who lived off of mommy and daddy's money without having to work for anything)
    - Has good teeth
    - Dresses well (I don't mean expensive, just knows how to dress himself nicely for whatever situation he's in without looking like a slob)
    - Tells me what to do/bossy/controlling
    - Is close-minded in general/won't try new things

    Good Lord, I'm already annoyed with myself. Thank GOD I have a boyfriend who is up to par lol

    ETA: I can't date a man who is a Spurs Fan, a Redskins fan, a Red Sox fan, an Aggie, or an OU fan. It would just never work out.

    I'm in full agreement with this one, other than the sports stuff. That's silly stuff.
    The only one I would ad is racist/bigot.

    Oh yeah, that's in there with "sharing same beliefs" type thing. I can't deal with racists/bigots etc.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    A few years ago (before meeting my hubby) I went on a date with a guy who answered his cell phone at the table while we were out for dinner and I immediately demanded to be taken home and end the date. He had driven so if he had refused I would have had the restaurant call a cab. I am incredibly picky about manners and cell phones at the dinner table are a BIG pet peeve for me. I've yelled at my own mother for doing it.
    I quite agree on that sort of thing - if it's with some friends, fair enough but on a date you expect to be focus of attention. Maybe if they said "I may have an important call coming in, do you mind if I take it" - fair enough. Also certainly not a fan of texting/checking facebook etc. Sure, I might not be that interesting, but it'd be nice if you pretended :).
    BUT, to my mind your actions showed even more of a lack of manners - not accepting that other people live in a different culture and that doesn't specifically reflect on how they consider us.

    As for education - I only got high school qualifications. Yet I've held a decent technical managerial position 'above' people that were university educated. I can hold conversations just fine with uni graduates in areas I'm interested in but have no specific education in (nutrition, for instance) and have in more than one case helped uni students with their work in both my area and others.

    But then generally I don't think there's many lone "deal breakers" for me - if there was enough positives it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker.
    Maybe rudeness generally.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member

    A few years ago (before meeting my hubby) I went on a date with a guy who answered his cell phone at the table while we were out for dinner and I immediately demanded to be taken home and end the date. He had driven so if he had refused I would have had the restaurant call a cab. I am incredibly picky about manners and cell phones at the dinner table are a BIG pet peeve for me. I've yelled at my own mother for doing it.
    I quite agree on that sort of thing - if it's with some friends, fair enough but on a date you expect to be focus of attention. Maybe if they said "I may have an important call coming in, do you mind if I take it" - fair enough. Also certainly not a fan of texting/checking facebook etc. Sure, I might not be that interesting, but it'd be nice if you pretended :).
    BUT, to my mind your actions showed even more of a lack of manners - not accepting that other people live in a different culture and that doesn't specifically reflect on how they consider us.

    There wasn't any "different culture". Manners are manners, period. My reaction of asking to leave the restaurant was my way of saying, "you're not getting another date because I deserve better". My apologies if standards aren't something you see too often anymore. :noway:
  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    People who are addicted to TV. It's fine to have favorite shows but generally its more fun to go out and do something than to sit around watching other people have your fun for you.
  • not having personal responsibility and trying to control my life.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    a penis

    Yeah this one I can't argue with. Defo deal breaker for sure.

    Outside of this I'd have to go with anti-military. Can't support what I've done or my 'brothers and sisters' are still doing, I got no time for you.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Dirty scruffy shoes !
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    a penis

    Yeah this one I can't argue with. Defo deal breaker for sure.

    Outside of this I'd have to go with anti-military. Can't support what I've done or my 'brothers and sisters' are still doing, I got no time for you.

    Mmmm picture this, a tranny that looks like Jennifer Aniston? Would you be able to stomach that?
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    Deal breakers for me?

    Poor personal hygiene
    Doesn't love animals
    Flirt (with other women)
    Loud mouth
    Control freak

    (just naming a few, going back to my single days!)
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    Lack of passport.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    Hawkeye fans.

    this should not be a deal breaker! it should seal the deal!
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    If he gets a restraining order ...well... maybe not a deal breaker but I would cut way back on the stalking. LOL
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Un-manly men. If you would rather go shopping than fishing, I'm out.
  • If I can squat or bench more than a guy....
  • arrogant d-bags
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    does not read - I've found I just cannot relate.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    There wasn't any "different culture". Manners are manners, period. My reaction of asking to leave the restaurant was my way of saying, "you're not getting another date because I deserve better". My apologies if standards aren't something you see too often anymore. :noway:
    A lot of people these days exist in groups of friends where just this sort of thing IS acceptable.
    Living in what I'd consider a different 'culture' wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.
    It's not a case of "standards" out right, but people basing these on different criteria.
    Me, I'd certainly say what could be seen as throwing a strop because they're not getting 100% attention* as below-par too.
    *trying to word it not too nastily.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If I can squat or bench more than a guy....
    Good point... rare that I find myself attracted to a woman that I can squat or bench less than :).
    (I should point out I'm not a small bloke however, even if I don't have the biggest muscles I've had right now.)
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Another one would be a Cowboy fan...things would get WAY too ugly during football season...