Team UK - February 2010



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    How's everyone going? I've been decorating my house all weekend coz I'm moving out soon, I didn't realise you burnt so many calories by painting!! Woohoo :o)

    JimJam, did you wear a HRM to calculate the cals burnt?
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    omg! i seriously need to get my *kitten* into gear! was down to 146.6 on wed, weighed in this morning at 148.4 *grumble* i just couldnt stop eating at all yeasterday!

    anyone want to throw any challenges my way to try and keep me on track this week?

  • JimJam87
    How's everyone going? I've been decorating my house all weekend coz I'm moving out soon, I didn't realise you burnt so many calories by painting!! Woohoo :o)

    JimJam, did you wear a HRM to calculate the cals burnt?

    No I didn't, I dont have one, should I have done?
  • thricewiser
    Just found this topic so I thought I'd join in!

    Hi everyone! My goal for this month is to lose 4 lbs my the 22nd. That's 2lb a week....totally doable! Joined the gym yesterday for the first time ever, so I'm looking forward to pushing myself into losing the weight! Good luck everyone!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    How's everyone going? I've been decorating my house all weekend coz I'm moving out soon, I didn't realise you burnt so many calories by painting!! Woohoo :o)

    JimJam, did you wear a HRM to calculate the cals burnt?

    No I didn't, I dont have one, should I have done?

    Oh right, only that its a little more accurate than taking an estimate from MFP.. Just a thought?!
  • JimJam87
    Thanks KP, I'll remember that next time! I went on a couple of sites and took the average x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone, I didn't do too badly over the weekend. I had a concert on Saturday, so was too busy playing to over eat, and no alcohol! I did manage the gym on Sunday morning, which was just as well as we went to a friend's for dinner. Couple of glasses of wine too, but I think it probably evened out in the end.

    Today was not so good! My sister has been living in Dubai, and I've not seen her in 18 months. She arrived in the country today for ten days and I met her for lunch. We went to Cafe Rouge, and I thought I picked fairly sensibly having a chicken baguette. Turns out I didn't. Just looked up the nutrition and it was 1270 calories!!!!!!!! I knew it would be high because of the bread, but I didn't think it would be that high! There's all sorts of things going on over the next 10 days to celebrate my sister visiting, including 'Christmas' dinner on Sunday. I'm going to aim to maintain this week....I hope!

    Erika x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello everyone...

    Welcome to the group thricewiser :flowerforyou: hope you find it helpful!!

    People at work have finally started commenting on my weight loss! OMG... what a feeling, i feel so motivated to carry on now.. and i finally got into my new size 12 trousers.. lol.. only one more size to go and ill be in the 10s!!! this is a good day :happy:

    How are you all doing?

    Love KPNuts x x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello everyone...

    Welcome to the group thricewiser :flowerforyou: hope you find it helpful!!

    People at work have finally started commenting on my weight loss! OMG... what a feeling, i feel so motivated to carry on now.. and i finally got into my new size 12 trousers.. lol.. only one more size to go and ill be in the 10s!!! this is a good day :happy:

    How are you all doing?

    Love KPNuts x x

    Yay on the size 12s
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning all!!

    Ooof I'm sleepy today!! Managed to forget to put my glasses on too?!! Was very good last night and had a huge salad with no norties :o)

    Only 4 days to go now!! Although, have you seen the weather forecast for the SE corner?!!! Please keep your fingers crossed for my flight!!!

    So my target is looking a little ambitious now as I still have 3lbs to go! But anything would be great now :o)

    KP- Well done with the jeans!!!! That is SUCH a great feeling isn't it?! And people commenting too!! :o)) No one has said much to me!!! Damn them!!

    Erika- WOW!!! What was in the baggette?! Hope you enjoyed though! :o)

    JimJam- Definitely invest in a HRM it gives you a MUCH clearer idea of how many calories you should/shouldn't be eating!! Ha!

  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    Defiantely got my fingers crossed for you Sparklepants!

    Just been looking at the weather reports myself..... even though being forced to work from home isnt too bad lol
  • mynyddisamrs
    Good morning everyone....... a very medical morning for me!!

    Firstly .... chaz the cat ....:sick: follow on from the kitchen massacre scene. He obviously had been in a fight and now round one eye looks very swollen, so... we're administering the anti biotics we had when his tooth was taken out (and didn't feel it was necessary to give him). Hope for the best and that we don't need another vets visit. Good fun trying to get a tablet down the throat of a squirming cat ....!!!
    Secondly ..... Me!!:frown: I did the first part of the Latina Tone DVD last night. Good ... not too much for a beginner. But... it must have been the wiggly wrist movements with the Sizzling Salsa that got me.... My right wrist hurts soooo much when I have to hold anything or twist anything!! Am now walking round with a wrist brace on. Had to take it off when I assisted Mum in the shower and it was agony!! So ... Sorry they'll be no joining in any Belly dance classes and wiggly hand movements for anyone!!! ... Don't pursue that thread!!
    Thirdly..... :heart: Mum needed to go for a drugs review today at 11.00. She was woken at 8.30, 9.00 and 9.30. finally I got her up at 9.45, showered her, hairwash, dressed her and we got to the surgery 11.00. She came home to breakfast at 11.30 (still at the table now!!) saying she's had a lovely day out!! Simple pleasures eh?

    I did peek at the scales again this morning:noway: (I know I shouldn't)but am still at 152lbs. Is it going to be the exercise that will take my pounds off? I've come in under my 1200 calories each day and have been "quite"good. Sugar seems high sometimes but that's come from fruit.Protein high too but carbs are lower. I only eat two meals breakfast and a cooked tea - is that whats wrong?
    Answers on a post card please and a prize for the winning entry..... Am I being too optimistic? Am I being too impatient? (that's me all over ... I want things instant and yesterday!!)

    But ... :drinker: Here I am with all of you .... can't let you down. If I'm tempted to say ..."Blow it" (that's being polite) ... I'll binge out and hang the consquences ... I'm going to log on here and put the tape back over my mouth!!!

    By the way..... What is a size 12???... :laugh: I wish..... maybe next year. I've been told by my DH that I'd better get 2 cruises out of the clothes I've just bought. They're size 16 - huge to some of you no doubt but better than the size 20 I was buying last year!!
    that means after August 2011 I must try harder!!

    Must go and rescue Mum now, she's fast asleep over her porridge bowl!!

    Bye for now
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi Jackie,

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope the cat and your wrist feel better soon. Glad to hear your mum enjoyed her 'day out'.

    With the calories and the eating thing - what are your stats? How tall are you, what do you weigh now and what is your goal? You may find that 1200 calories a day just isn't enough for your any case you really shouldn't be going under that mark unless you are very tiny height wise. So you must eat 1200 as a minimum (and your exercise cals). Basically, if your body doesn't feel its getting enough food, it will start to hang on to everything you do eat, and you won't lose weight. The reason I ask about your stats, is that the less you have to lose, the harder it is for your body! I have a feeling you only want to lose about 15 pounds? If you are already considered to be a 'healthy' weight or near a healthy weight on the BMI index, trying to lose two pounds or a pound a week is just not going to happen in a healthy way. You are far better with a smaller deficit of 300 calories and trying to lose 1/2 a pound a week. I know this is probably not what you want to hear! You may find that you want to bump your calories up by a couple of hundred (and still eat your exercise calories) give this a month and see how you are doing.

    There are lots of good posts about this on the forum , here's one:

    The other thing I would say is that you need to eat more regularly over the day. Eating just two big meals at opposite ends of the day is going to do you no favours. You'll just end up spiking your blood sugars, which will screw your metabolism. You should at least 3 meals, and a couple of snacks during the day to keep the metabolism fired up and to keep your blood sugars level....particularly when you are as busy as you are. Your body needs the fuel!

    Hope this helps a little.

    Erika x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member

    Erika- WOW!!! What was in the baggette?! Hope you enjoyed though! :o)


    I think it must have been the mayo. I knew it wasn't going to be brilliant, but I had in my head something like 800 cals not nearly 1300!

    Enjoy your holiday!

    E x
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi Erika - Stats? - Well ... I'm 58 & only 5 ' tall , small and round build.... should be 9 stone. Would be happy at 10st to fit the clothes etc! but know I should be less.
    So ... should it be little and often re. meals? I've just sent away for some small weigh scales to help ensure I keep portion sizes correct. What I need is a complete set of daily menus of ordinary food. It should say ... Right Jackie, today you are having......
    Some of the diets seen in the papers are great until you see the odd food they want you to have!! We have to keep things basic as we eat with my mum most days. Most days we have a late breakfast and as DH works in the evenings we have a cooked tea 4.30
    I really am ashamed of myself not being able to diet properly ...especially as I am ... or rather was... a Caterer!

    Never mind .... press on.!!

    Thanks for the support!!
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi again... should have said i'm now 152.5lbs - there I've said it!!
  • thricewiser
    Jackie - Don't give up! Why don't you try eating something like Special K when you wake up, and then have just a piece of fruit when you're having breakfast with your Mum? This means that by the time you get to lunch, you'll be looking for something filling and satisfying! Might I suggest Sushi? I've found it to be a great option for keeping the calories low, and filling me up! The Boots Shapers range comes in at 207 calories for the lunch pack - delightful!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Jackie.. I hope your cat gets better... must be a pain trying to feed it the antibiotics.. i have friends that find it hard taking them! ha ha! :laugh:
    I did have a little giggle to myself that your mum was falling asleep over her porrigde.. made me think of mine exploding in the microwave this morning! :blushing: (:explode: <-my porridge!)
    I also have to ask what DH stands for.. i know it must be Husband or something becuase so many women mention it, but i havent a clue what it stands for... help!! :indifferent:

    Erika - to be fair Cafe Rouge is amazing and im extreamly jealous of the Chicken baguette.. even if its got the daily alocation of cals in it.. still sounds pretty good to me :wink: anything from there is goood!!!

    Thericewiser - 1.what does your name mean? 2. I love love love Sushi - CurvyKatie does too.. but i hardly ever have it because the mustard in some of the rice rolls catches me out and puts me off!! :grumble:

    Having a good day so far - managed to avoid the custard and fruit flan, not to mention the cream cakes that came out.. so its all good!! :happy:

    Gym tonight - whats everyone else doing exercise wise today?

    KP x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi Erika - Stats? - Well ... I'm 58 & only 5 ' tall , small and round build.... should be 9 stone. Would be happy at 10st to fit the clothes etc! but know I should be less.
    So ... should it be little and often re. meals? I've just sent away for some small weigh scales to help ensure I keep portion sizes correct. What I need is a complete set of daily menus of ordinary food. It should say ... Right Jackie, today you are having......
    Some of the diets seen in the papers are great until you see the odd food they want you to have!! We have to keep things basic as we eat with my mum most days. Most days we have a late breakfast and as DH works in the evenings we have a cooked tea 4.30
    I really am ashamed of myself not being able to diet properly ...especially as I am ... or rather was... a Caterer!

    Never mind .... press on.!!

    Thanks for the support!!

    Hi Jackie - goodness me, please don't be ashamed. We all have to learn all the time - I'm constantly getting it wrong, but I'm getting better all the time! A lifestyle change like this can be an enormous learning curve, and its not easy, especially when you have pressures on your time etc.

    You don't have to change everything all at once...change one thing a week. Losing weight is a long term thing, it takes time (unfortunately). This week you could try seeing if you can start including lunch in to your day. I eat a lot of pitta bread because it is convenient like a sandwich, but has a lot less calories than using bread. I like the food doctor ones because they have seeds in as well as being wholemeal, but any wholemeal ones would be good. I have either lean ham, or low fat cheese, or boiled egg always with a load of lettuce and cucumber to bulk it out and some fruit and carrot sticks.

    I tend to eat ordinary dinners, but weighing stuff was definitely an eye opener! I eat a lot less pasta and stuff now, bulking it out with veggies.

    Like I said - try not to stress about doing everything all at once, sounds like you've got enough going on in your life without worrying unduly about 'dieting'. Call it a life style change and change things slowly.

    Feel free to PM me if you want a friendly ear :smile:

    All the best,

    Erika x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Oh, and here is an excellent link that talks about defecits.