Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • KAG5150
    Heaviest Weight: 190.0
    Starting weight: 166.6
    Mini Goal February 24: 163
    End Goal: 135 by September 11, 2010

    Hi all,
    I would love to join this group. I, like many others, have had to watch my weight. Never a problem in high school when I played sports, but when I no longer played sports I depended on yo-yo dieting to keep my weight in check. I gained 70 lbs during my first pregnancy but all the weight just fell off after having him. After a year, weight started piling on despite exercise and eating right. I found out, after gained 20 lbs in a month, that I had a under active thyroid. Despite being on medication I have been told it will be that much harder to lose weight. I had my second child 18 months ago; I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy and just can't lose the last 13 lbs. Add that 13 lbs on top of the 20 extra pounds I still had on me from my thyroid and I am about 30 lbs overweight. I would love to be 135. This group sounds like a great motivator. I would love to join. I typically walk 3 times a week for an hour, and do my elliptical machine for 30-40 minutes 3 times a week. I will log in every Wednesday (starting this Wednesday) and post my weight. Thanks,

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    How did everyone do today?


    I feel really good about today. Stayed within my calories, ate pretty cleanly, got in all my water, and did day 22 of P90 (today was Sweat level 1-2 and Abs 100). With the ab routine, you are supposed to do 10 reps of 10 different exercises to make 100 reps. I can't crunch that much. Started out on day 1 at 2 reps per exercise for a total of 20 reps. Tonight I made it up to 7 reps per exercise for a total of 70 -- I'm really pleased with that! I may shoot for 70 again on Wednesday (my next ab day) or try for 80 if I'm really adventurous.

    I've already pre-planned my food diary for tomorrow, along with my exercise (P90 day 23, Sculpt level 1-2). As long as I stick to what I've written down I should be golden.

    Time to read a little in bed. Goodnight, all -- hope you had a great Monday!!
  • missyannb85
    So, considering we have 30 something weeks to go, how are we going to stay accountable? We need to either record our results weekly or every weekend. Lets do this for our health!

    When everyone posts their weight on Wednesdays I will gather all the information and put everyones results together on ONE PAGE. Does that sound good? And then on everyother wednesdays goals I will post weither or not we made those goals! Let me know if there are any other questions or suggestions?!
    Great job yesterday everyone!!!
    Remember, it's about a lfestyle change, NOT A DIET!!!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    My name is Keri and I am 40 years old. Ever since I turned 30, I have struggled with my weight. Many tears have been shed over this issue. My mantra is 8 BY 10 (size 8 by 2010). I exercise 3 times a week at Curves but struggle with my eating habits. I love my pizza and biscuits. I would be deliriously happy to get back down to 145.

    Current Weight: 177
    Goal Weight: 145
    Mini Goal by Feb 24: lose 4 lbs

    I think this thread is AWESOME! . Thanks for starting it!
  • mellyo21
    mellyo21 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there my name is Brandy, I hope it's not too late to get it, I need to lose atleast another 30lbs. I just had my second child and I am ready to get rid of this baby weight for good!

    HW: 220
    CW: 204
    G1: 196 (weight before baby #2)
    G2: 179 (weight before baby #1)

    Ultimate Goal: 150
  • missyannb85
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi I'm Danielle. I'm a 26 y/o mom to 2 boys. I've been struggeling with my weight since I got out of highschool, but it's been really bad since my first son was born almost 4 1/2 years ago. I got so sick of trying to lose weight, I just accepted the fact that I was a thick girl. I got on the scale one day out of curiosity, and saw I had reached the heaviest I have ever been! 198.7! that's almost 200 lbs! Geez, I'm only 5'5, and now I am officially labled "Obese" according to my BMI! :embarassed: This isn't who I am, I can't let myself go! It's time to kick it in gear!:ohwell:
    I have 42 lbs left to lose before I reach my main goal. I would love to reach down to 165 (27 lbs) my my son's 5th bday in september.

    Heaviest Weight: 198.7
    Starting weight: 192.7
    Mini Goal February 24: 190.00 (-2.7 lbs)
    End Goal: 165 by September 11, 2010
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I would like to join!!!

    I am a 23 year old female, just moved in with my boyfriend. We live in Miami which is fabuloussss.... but instead of losing the weight I put on in college, I actually gained more. At my smallest I was 125, a healthy weight is 135-140 for me.... and I was at 185 about a month ago! That was scarrryyyy. I have never seen that weight and it was a big wake up call. Weekends are bad for me too! I am in total need of support and mini-goals ESPECIALLY for the weekend so I can get that in control. I have kicked up my effor since feb 1st. And I went to the gym 4 times last week. Already went 1x this week.

    This is totally do able if we can stick to it. 30 weeks sounds like a long journey, but 30 pounds is something a lot of us have probably lost sight of. I know I cant remember the last time I was at 140.

    Starting weight: 185
    Current weight: 178.2
    Goal for 2/24/10- 173
  • loreeen
    wow lots more members!
    im so excited now :D yay!

    lets do thisss <3
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Thank you Melissa, this is going to be great. I would also like to add each one of you in this group as a friend. Reading the post keep me motivated.

    Good Luck to everyone,

  • manxtatt2
    Count me in

    current weight 264 lbs

    gw in 2 weeks 260 or less

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I unlocked my food diary today -- made it publicly viewable. I had it set to private before. But, it's all part of accountability, right? Need to be open and honest here. So... there is its. :laugh:

    I've been reading everyone's introductions, and while we're all different from one another I have found something in each story that resonates with my own situation and struggle with weight. This is going to be a great group! I am looking forward to taking this journey with all of you. :flowerforyou:

    This weekend coming up is definitely going to be a bit of struggle for me -- it's my and my husband's 6th anniversary, and his parent's anniversary as well (yes, we got married on his parent's anniversary :heart:). We have plans to go up to the in-laws for dinner and a movie on Saturday night -- though the menu shouldn't be too bad, lean steak and veggies, so I should be able to be good. Sunday night the hubby and I are going out to dinner, which makes me a tad nervous. I'm not so much afraid of overeating as I am of making sure I can order something healthy and not get a bad surprise nutrition-wise. He wants to go to a nice steakhouse... not very calorie-friendly. Maybe I'll get some chicken, ask them to hold any sauce/oils/etc. and have a nice side salad or steamed veggies. And I could treat myself to 1 drink. That could be nice.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join you guys if I can :) My name is Lisa, I'm 39 and single and work full-time. I haven't been in shape since I was 29..I have a busted-up shoulder, a hurt back, a fake ligament in one knee and a weak ankle and I don't think that being overweight and out of shape is helping any of those issues!

    I started with MFP on 1/1/10 and have lost 10 pounds so far. I'm also sort of doing C25K (I'm not doing the specific program anymore but am working on becoming however much of a runner I can become) and want to do a 5K before my birthday on 9/9, so this group works out great!

    I'm exactly 150.0 as of yesterday morning & can't wait to see the 140's...come on! I'm 5'3" and realllllly small-boned so I have 115 as my goal. I feel like it might get really hard near the end since I haven't been under 130 since college, but I'm gonna keep working hard all the way!

    My food diary is public, and also I quit smoking on 1/1 so any other quitters say hey :)

    So my goal for 2/24 will be 148.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I would like to be a member of this group because I have 40 lbs to lose, but I'm not sure how much to list as my 2 week goal. Before pregnancy I never really worried about weight, even though I was carrying an extra 10. Now I don't know what is realistic for me to aim for. Any suggestions.

    Current weight: 180lbs, height 5"5, size 14 jeans
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Im Elle and I have 30 lbs to lose so would love to join your group. My start weight with MFP and heaviest weight was 164lbs that was on 01/12/10 and as of today i have lost 8 pounds and now at 156lbs, my goal weight is 126lbs and my mini goal is 153lbs!!!
  • blankcanvas
    Add me as a friend, I'd be happy to be friends with everyone here as well. We can use all of the motivation and support we can get! It sounds like we have a great group can we possibly fail:wink:
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Had a great workout and I'm ready for the weight in tomorrow. Bring it on. Please add me as a friend, it really is motivating.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I guess my mini goal will be 178. I am currently at 180. I'm still not sure what to set it at.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Sorry, I keep forgetting to post this correctly. My son is distracting me at the moment.

    My heaviest weight: 199 the day my son was born

    Current weight: 180

    Mini Goal: 178

    Ultimate goal: 140 fit and fabulous!
  • GenBB
    GenBB Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, i've been reading this post for 2 days : If it's not too late, i'd like to join. I just joined MFP 5 days ago and am addicted now. I'm a 30 yr old wife and mother of 3 boys. I have been struggling with weight all my life but have been really unhappy within the last few years. I'm done having kids now and now that i'm 30 with possible health problems, it's time for me to make a lifestyle change!!! Although most of my family is overweight, i really don't have anyone to join in with me & don't have a lot of friends to help motivate me so i'm hoping i will find the support here. My dr only wants me to lose 1-2 lbs a week so i'm trying things the right way this time ! I started a lifestyle change on 1/25 where i was 221.4.

    HW: 221.4
    CW: 215.4
    Mini goal: 210.4 3/8/10