Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I think I'm going to start 30 DS tonight. If I don't die you'll hear back from me tomorrow.

    You won't die, but you might have to learn to pee standing up. Tomorrow afternoon you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. :devil:
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Trying to catch up with all the posts, but I'm just checking in for now. Weekend wasn't as relaxing as I thought it would be. Wound up working this weekend :mad:

    I'm up 2 but I think it's just due to TOM.

    Welcome all the newbies and congrats on all the scale and NSVs!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi. I'm new. I have too much weight to lose but I'd be happy with 100. Way happy. I'm Stacey.

    Monday - Check In - I'm ok. The weekend didn't kill me. Trying to stay motivated. I recently gained 6 pounds back of the weight I had lost and that was really frustrating but Im attacking it again. I think I'm going to start 30 DS tonight. If I don't die you'll hear back from me tomorrow.

    if we don't hear from you by then we should call the authorities?
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I want to thank all for the support and motivation over my zoo trip. I am over the feeling sorry for myself and back on track, YAY! I know that this group helps me so much and I would have gone back to bingeing like I used to do. I am getting my washing caught up today and starting on the kitchen which is a disaster after being sick all last week. Will do personals later after I get some work done around here. Love you all!

  • Ok Sorry I was not here at all the last week. We were working on a huge project last week. When I say we I mean I did all the shipping and scanning serials and taping and packing and some of the programming for the 600 tablets we had to get out. I am glad to say the last 103 will go out today once I scan the serial numbers and pack the last box of 30. I stayed late everyday last week. It was a long and stressful week and I am so happy that it is over. By the time I got home each day I just wanted to pass out. I am glad to be back and I will try to catch up on posts. I hope every one is doing well!

    Have a good day!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    @Alison - I wish my mom had thought of healthy treats... though honestly, I probably would have still found a way to binge. :embarassed:

    Checking in- Not a lot of time today, as my classes start today, and I have the usual load of work in the office. "The guy" is an in home caregiver, so I won't see him for a few days. Probably good, since I am rushing around like a fool. :laugh: I am doing pretty well, though I didn't get a lot of walking in. In order to meet my goal of 49 miles by Halloween, I have to walk 8 miles a week. I still have a couple of days left in the month, and haven't made it into the gym. I CAN DO THIS!!! I have taken so many huge steps in the last week, I cannot let a silly thing like walking into the gym hold me back!

    You all have a wonderful Monday and stay strong!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Ok, I either need encouragement or a reality check guys. The aquatic club is having a 5K fundraiser on Thanksgiving Day this year. They don't call it a Run walk, just a 5K run.

    There's no way I'll be able to run it, but do you think there will be others there WALKING or am I gonna look like a fat fool out there shuffling to the finish line behind all the runners?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ok, I either need encouragement or a reality check guys. The aquatic club is having a 5K fundraiser on Thanksgiving Day this year. They don't call it a Run walk, just a 5K run.

    There's no way I'll be able to run it, but do you think there will be others there WALKING or am I gonna look like a fat fool out there shuffling to the finish line behind all the runners?

    MowMow - you need to corner someone and ask some questions of them! Find out if there is any walking at this event,- knowing that will help you - but I am so PROUD of you for still considering walking it in the face of every one else running - that in itself ensures you would have the whole audience screaming in your favor as you strolled to the finish line! :flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Great idea, Robin. I don't know why I didn't think to just email the coordinator. I've just sent her a message and I'll get signed up tomorrow. Everyone who signs up by the end of the month gets a T Shirt and I'll want one from my first .,........anything.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--all the 5k "runs" I've done have had people who walk it, so no, you won't be the only one. If you want to be sure it's okay though, ask if there's a time limit to complete the race--usually it's around 60 minutes which allows for a pretty leisurely pace of 3 mph. Also, if there's a website with results from last year (if it's an annual event) you can see how long others have taken to complete it--that will give you an idea if a lot of people walk it.

    Oh, and I love the Ali quote--he's one of my heroes, both for his boxing and his strength of character. I don't necessarily agree with all of the views he's held throughout his lifetime, but I respect the hell out of his willingness to stand up for those beliefs in the face of adversity.

    @nicole--You CAN do it--get your butt to that gym!! You'll feel so good about facing your fears!

    @lana--glad your big project is finished and you are back on the thread. :smile:

    @ushkii--this whole process is such a roller coaster :grumble: I wish it were as fun...

    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:

    1. BACK TO THE FUTURE: I decided to get back on track by planning my exercise from week to week, and so far that is working really well. Speaking of which, I need to plan this week's exercise.

    2. PIGS FLY, WHY CAN'T I? I can't remember what I planned for this, and I' don't feel like searching back through the thread to figure it out. I can't think of anything new that I've tried in Sept., but I had just started on the stairmaster at the end of August, so I'm gonna count that. Oh, wait--I just added some new planks to my core routine! Yay! Goal met. :happy:

    Mon--walk dog + core
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike)
    Wed--long run outside
    Thurs--walk dog + core
    Friday--walk dog
    Sat--5k walk (Out of the Darkness) + walk dog
    Sun--walk dog + core
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Dinner is over and I still 284 calories to reach goal. I probably need to find something else to eat.
  • So first dr visit, 10 days after surgery went really well. Dr pleased with sutures since I am diabetic. Ate some chicken enchilada soup at Chili's for St Jude and Layla. Sure did miss the diet coke, but had water with lemon. Glad to find this thread.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Monday Check In:

    Today was an awesome day. My students managed to survive multiplying decimals and multiplying and dividing to the powers of ten. Let's hope that tomorrow when we review and do some in class practice, that they remember it. :)

    The day was really good today. I got home and have literally been sitting at my kitchen table since 5pm working on grades. It is now almost 9pm. I'm calling it a night. I updated everyone's average and I only have right around 2 or 3 sets left to grade. I'll get on that tomorrow.

    I was going to do an evening jog, but obviously grading took the place of that. I'll make it up Thursday morning. I'm planning on running tomorrow morning too. My next "off" day from running is looking like it's going to be Saturday, but that's okay. My stamina is building and so is my speed. It's so exciting to see the difference from when I started to now!

    Hope everyone had a great day! I'll check in later!

    ~ Jana
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Overall it was a good weekend and a good Monday. I am back in a positive frame of mind again and feeling good. Tomorrow is a night out with co-workers bowling and dinner. It should be fun and I plan to have a great evening. I even made a cake to celebrate this person birthday. Hopefully, we will be able to do these events once a month.

    This week will be a busy week but enjoyable. I am meeting with a new trainer on Thursday so I will see how that goes. No promises that I will train with him in the future. I am interested in learning what he has to offer and if it will be beneficial for me. I did learn today that a co-worker is planning to start playing frisbee golf every week after school. It will be nice to get outside an just play a fun game while getting in a good walk.

    Karen- our interns are student teachers. It is hard work teaching them how to teach.

    Vicki- Glad you were not hurt during the accident.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Christine-- Glad to hear you are feeling better today.

    This weekend went great way to much rehash its in my past posts this weekend. But fun at 5the Five K . walking a lot thanks to that and Miss Bella. Food went ol stay under and the scale work in the direction I was hoping.

    Today went ol went to my cpr/1st aide class for my renewal. Other than that pretty causal getting things ready for the rest of the week.,

    Really tired heading to bed early.

    Good night everyone,

  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Monday check-in: Started the 90 day challenge today called Fall into Fitness. Goal to lose 2lbs a week. This week recorded 5 lb loss. it's about time - 3 weeks stuck at same weight. Perseverance pays off!

    I was going to post on the thread for today but my tummy is not feeling so good so I'm going to put the boys down and go to bed. I'll catch up tomorrow.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    nitey nite, everybody
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @glow--congrats on the 5 lb loss!!! :drinker: Hope your tummy feels better soon.

    @laurie--yeah, today I was reminded of that when 2 of my colleagues had to spend an entire prep period in a conference with their shared student teacher (she isn't meeting their expectations). It reminded me not to bemoan the fact that I have to do all of my own grading. Now that I teach AP, I am unlikely to be assigned a student teacher (the students and parents would complain if a student teacher were leading an AP classroom).

    @jana--congrats on catching up with most of your grading! :flowerforyou: Glad you are seeing so much progress with your running--that's awesome!! :drinker:

    Spent some time grading this evening

    Grading goals:
    1. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE!!!
    2. x/22 I/D clause practice
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 42/49 AP unit tests

    I started grading the independent/dependent clause practice my Advanced Grammar students did and they were god-awful, so I decided to stop. :frown: Instead, I put together some more practice work for them to do tomorrow. Almost finished the AP unit tests, but I needed to do my core work--priorities!!

    Tomorrow I will have 2 full class periods to complete those and the analysis activities while my AP students write their next essays. :smile:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    we found out that my husband's san antonio orders have been cancelled and moved to may. i still have to move in december but it won't be out of state. i'm a little annoyed but i guess it's better for the kids this way not to have to move to texas in the middle of the school year.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in one more time!!! I survived my first on campus class without throwing up on the instructor!!! :bigsmile: I even learned some stuff!!!