Single at 33..why?



  • noahsmommie
    noahsmommie Posts: 71 Member
    Hang in there. I didn't meet the love of my life until I was 44 and he was so worth the wait. I, too, dated musicians and crappy guys until one day I decided I needed to figure out why i kept going after the unavailable men. Just about the time I figured it out, I met my husband.

    Musicians and crappy guys... Aren't they one and the same?
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    Almost every I know that is in a relationship or married.. is pretty unhappy. They get treated like crap or have absolutely no trust in their relationship. I am single, 26 years old.. and I have a 9, almost 10 year old daughter. I often as myself that same question.. but then I know why - I AM WAY TOO PICKY!! I can't lower my standards just so I can be like everyone I know and be miserable. They love their spouse or significant other, however they are LOCKED DOWN. I enjoy very much not having to answer to anyone or worry about someone else other than my daughter and myself. Also, I don't like to bring strange men around my daughter. That is my problem. I can't get close to someone because I don't want them being around my child until I know they are THE ONE! .. and they never really are.. If I were you, and I am in the same boat so just the same.. I wouldn't worry about it. Let GOD take control, it is his plan anyways.. Don't settle for less than you deserve. Don't let someone stand in the way of HIS plan for you.

    You're so right! I definitely am picky, I don't settle at all. Thing is, i'm too picky of looks. I know a few of my pretty friends who married unattractive men and are very happy. I guess i'm too superficial.

    Yes, my mom is super unhappy in her marriage, but relies on his medical insurance because she has lots of health issues, and I know tons of others. My best friend, he's getting divorced but has been locked in his situation because of money, and his kids. But...........i know lots of women who are super happy in their marriage/relationship. Most of them are in my religion and have waited till marriage to lose their vierginity. I respect them for sure, but come on! Who can do that?
  • TBirdReets
    We should get a bunch of single ladies together on a tropical island somewhere so we can all embrace being single, happy and on a beach!

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I haven't read every response, but I'm 24 and still single.. and I really don't care to change that anytime soon.

    I look at my friends who are either dating seriously, engaged, married or having kids and I envy them a bit but at the same time, I'm happy that I can do what I want, when I want and not have to answer to anyone. Also happy that I'm not trying to have a kid when clearly, I'm not ready like some of my friends.

    I'm also happy that I know who I am as a person, and took a year to figure out what I really liked and was interested in, and what I thought I was interested in because my friends were. Now that I've got that locked down, I think I can go try to find someone with some of the same interests as me.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Bump. I find this topic fascinating. OP: You are correct, you do have all those qualities and more.
    Thank you for asking these questions, it got many of us wondering about our future. :flowerforyou:
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,158 Member
    I know people who are happy single. I know people who are happy married.

    I'm beginning to think that happiness doesn't so much need to depend on your relationship status.
    Makes sense to me! :smile:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Let's Do Some Math...
    (the good news is the gap is closing.. The first time I ran these numbers it was more dramatic.)

    Starting with the premises...
    1) 49% is male and 51% of the population is female
    2) 9% of the male population is gay and 5% of the female population is gay. (1993 janus survey)

    Straight Male Population: 49% minus 9% = 44.59% of total population
    Straight Female Population: 51% minus 5% = 48.45% of total population

    Ratio of Straight Men to Straight Women 9:10

    Yes, that is 9 straight men for every 10 straight women.
    And that is if just anyone would do.
    You might want to weed out axe murderers, drug addicts, and wife beaters


    Maybe it was foolish to spend 26 years in NYC?

    Definitely want to stay away from ...

    Hmm? Aim for the dark blue patches.
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    Almost 24 and never dated in my life...yupp...I don't think I'm unfortunate looking but every time I go out with my friends and guys approach us, I always get treated as "one of the guys." Conversation is easy but I end up being the friend, never the girlfriend.

    This is me as well...also...I happen to have gorgeous friends...and let's just say they get flirted with while I stand awkwardly off to the side...also 24 and never dated anyone longer than 2 months
  • smittenkitten4
    I grew up in an area where people marry young, sometimes even before graduating high school. Then I went to a college where one of the most popular majors is Marriage, Family, and Human Development and a huge emphasis is put on finding a mate before graduation. I bought into it big time and ended up engaged at 19 to a male person (man is not the right word) who abused me in every way imaginable because he was the only one who was interested in me. Luckily I came to my senses and got out, but I spent the rest of my college career looking for a husband instead of a degree and had no luck with either. I stayed single more or less for the next decade, went to nursing school and got a decent job, then ended up dating another guy who was all wrong for me because no one else was interested. When I finally got out of that relationship, I poked around a few dating sites hoping to make friends and go from there, and I met my fiance within a couple months. Everything happens in its own time, and it sounds trite but patience is the only way to avoid crappy relationships in the meantime.

    P.S. I'm 32.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    LOL I love the maths auntiebabs!

    I'm 29 turning 30 in two months and very single. I did feel left out when a ton of people around my age and younger getting married last year. The thing is, it always seems greener on the other side right? It isn't always rainbows and butterflies after marriage and right now I'm in no way ready to commit to anyone anyway.

    I know I'm in no short of admirers either since losing weight and I'm pretty sociable in general too. This never happened to me when I was in that long five year hell of a relationship to a guy who I thought I was going to marry. I'm more myself now and felt like I dodged the bullet! I couldn't be more glad to be single now and just enjoying the moment. Just go with the flow I guess.
  • stillthesamegirl
    stillthesamegirl Posts: 112 Member
    Options ..... they are single Christian.. Never personally been on this site, but I know people have major success finding love there.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Sorry, but even if I wanted kids, which I don’t, I’m pretty sure I’d rather be childless than have a child with a man I didn’t want to be with.

    True dat
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    What do you call a bass player without a girlfriend?


    (Seems like a gratuitous joke, but there is a lesson in there too.)

    In my experience this has been soooo true. I don't date musicians and specifically have forbidden my daugther to date drummers lol
  • I am 34 and have been in a series of bad relationships! They start out great and then turn into someone I don't know anymore...

    oh god do i know what you are saying with this one.
  • samesies, single at 28. sometimes I'm curious as to why, then I examine the facts: I work with all women, sell products to women. I do not drink or go out. At the gym I am there for a purpose. I have also received feedback that "I look high maintenance" :( stems back to what I do for a living. PLUS, it feels good to look good :) life is an adventure, and to be honest I'm not really worried about it. I'll meet him, when I meet him. I agree that I should make some sort of effort though. Where do you meet these people anyways???? hahaha

    sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and are very self aware. I think youll do completely fine
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Im 40....I married the complete wrong person when I was 28. Thankfully we never had kids. I made the marriage mistake once and once was enough for me-wont ever happen again...that woman I married absolutely ruined the concept of marriage to me. Sadly, I may die a lonely bitter old man but I found out marriage isnt for me.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Sometimes you wonder how you could be single and unmarried at 33. It's really depressing, bec I know I am a good perosn, but I can't seem to find a good man. I date the musican types, and they have proven to not make good boyfriends. And my man wants me to meet a good Christian/BA Degree/smart/good job etc. and I told her most of them are married by my age. And all the good men are taken.

    Sucks becuase everyone my age in the church are all married with kids. I feel like there's something majorly wrong with me. Any thoughts/comments/suggestions?
    Well I'm also 33 & still single. I don't really get it why we are being pressured to get married whenever we hit the big 3-0. I was in a taxi cab this morning & had a conversation with the driver who also told me that I should get married. In this day & age, there's no need to rush things especially with the ongoing financial crisis. Being married doesn't just about being emotionally ready but also it involves being financially & mentally ready.

    Its better to be single & happy while waiting for the right time & man than to be married but miserable with the wrong guy. In the meantime enjoy all the pleasures that single life has to offer while you still can. Life will be completely different once you're settled down & with kids. Its easier to enter into marriage but very difficult to get out of it.

    EDIT: 33 is still very young, don't ever think that you're old enough. And age is just a number, if you think you're old then guess what, you're right. What really matters is having a positive attitude towards yourself no matter how old you are. That together with being happy will attract a lot of people. Also note that a lot of Hollywood actors & actresses are still single even at 40+.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Married at 22. Divorced at 30...and came out of the closet. Moral: don't get married just because you think others think you should.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Like you, i used to date musician types and i was engaged to one! but it took me a while to wake up to the fact that they were freeloading off me (and cheating) I ditched him, and STOPPED LOOKING altogether. I just learned more about myself, what i liked to do, who i was. I became genuinely happy being single and then BAM!!!! Along came the love of my life!!!

    Stop looking. Focus on YOU!

  • Slimat30
    I understand and feel the same way at 29 years old. Much love x