"Natural Flavor" ingredient exposed?



  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I can't believe I'm still biting...

    You didn't 'give acceptance' when you said that your facts are your facts and you won't change your mind. I'm paraphrasing, but it's pretty close.

    I'm done here, I hope this gets locked soon.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I came into this thread too late...darn Vicodin coma!
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    Yeah, if we were running a play that's one thing. But I was in the lockerroom after practice... So.... Yeah.... That's "tough love" apparently and it's acceptable (no one got suspended)_.
    hahahah still funny. Sorry.

    I think most 'hazing' is just part of growing up. Sink or swim. It doesn't change later in life, it just gets more personal and less physical.

    Hazing is abuse. I've had 29 years of it. It wears on you and makes you feel worthless. It has eroded how I look at myself. Now I just expect everyone to abuse me (see all comments above from me).
    Clearly you prefer the former of sink/swim.

    How about not testing each other and stop setting people up for potential failure? Why not "no person left behind"?
    I watched a video of a baby elephant that got left behind because it couldn't walk and was eaten alive slowly by lions. You could see its eye looking around while it was being chewed on. It's up to you to pull yourself up and follow the herd if you don't want to be eaten. That's all I've got for you.

    The herd has denied me. I tried to follow them but apparently you have to be just like them to be accepted. When the herd denies you, you realize that you need to do it on your own. But doing it on your own is great because you don't have anyone judging you. But when you find the herd by crossing paths, no matter how well you are surviving, they are going to criticize you for not being a part of the herd.

    There is no ONE path to success. And success is measured different ways. But if you would rather leave someone behind and reject them than offer an open invitation, then you aren't showing that you are "better than them", you are showing how uncaring you are.

    I do not believe in "survival of the fittest". Everyone is created equally, everyone should be given a fair chance. We are created to help each other; not force dominance over others.

    this is not national geographic or high school. you have alienated yourself by posting that you are "different" and "have special needs" and then being argumentative and sometimes rude to people who were trying to give you advice and help you.

    Life is what you make it buddy. you clearly blame everyone else for not being "in the herd" when maybe its how you treat people and your insecurities.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    OP, please take this as I am intending, to help you, not hurt you.

    The internet is a cruel place. It isn't just because people tend to be more direct because they are dealing with people that in most cases they will never see. It is also because we lose the facial and body expressions that people are using when typing. Humor and sarcasm are more difficult to identify. If you already know that you have a very hard time dealing with these things with the people in your life, chatting on the internet may not be for you. I wish you the best of luck in finding your way and finding some comfort and acceptance. I doubt sincerely you will find that place online.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I can't believe I'm still biting...

    You didn't 'give acceptance' when you said that your facts are your facts and you won't change your mind. I'm paraphrasing, but it's pretty close.

    I'm done here, I hope this gets locked soon.

    Show me where I said that what I said was facts. I did no such thing and never implied such either. I was only defending my point of view until my point of view was under attack and people called me idiotic and other names.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    OP, please take this as I am intending, to help you, not hurt you.

    The internet is a cruel place. It isn't just because people tend to be more direct because they are dealing with people that in most cases they will never see. It is also because we lose the facial and body expressions that people are using when typing. Humor and sarcasm are more difficult to identify. If you already know that you have a very hard time dealing with these things with the people in your life, chatting on the internet may not be for you. I wish you the best of luck in finding your way and finding some comfort and acceptance. I doubt sincerely you will find that place online.

    I second this. I don't think the forums are for you, EccentricDad. You know you have a problem with expressing yourself and having people understand you. This website is full of information, but you would probably be better off searching for information without commenting. At least until you have a better handle on this type of communication.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    OP, please take this as I am intending, to help you, not hurt you.

    The internet is a cruel place. It isn't just because people tend to be more direct because they are dealing with people that in most cases they will never see. It is also because we lose the facial and body expressions that people are using when typing. Humor and sarcasm are more difficult to identify. If you already know that you have a very hard time dealing with these things with the people in your life, chatting on the internet may not be for you. I wish you the best of luck in finding your way and finding some comfort and acceptance. I doubt sincerely you will find that place online.

    Thank you for your reply. I agree wholeheartedly with it. Also, thank you for being respectful with your advice. :flowerforyou:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    What happened to this thread?!

    Seeing as it has deviated from the topic and hand and switched to the OP abusing himself as well as others joining in on the activity, it should be closed.

    Threads dedicated to individual abuse, intended or otherwise, are not tolerable.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I can't believe I'm still biting...

    You didn't 'give acceptance' when you said that your facts are your facts and you won't change your mind. I'm paraphrasing, but it's pretty close.

    I'm done here, I hope this gets locked soon.

    Show me where I said that what I said was facts. I did no such thing and never implied such either. I was only defending my point of view until my point of view was under attack and people called me idiotic and other names.

    I can see why people lose patience with you very quickly. You go over and over the same things. You don't move forward. You have to get unstuck if you want to gain anything.

    1. No one called you names.
    2. You said that the article represents what you believe to be true about food.
    3. Another poster told you that the article is not supported with scientific evidence.
    4. You stated that you believed it was true because that is how you feel emotionally.
    5. The poster replied that you can not put faith in everything you read simply because it agrees with you.
    6. You said we could not change your mind about what you believe.
    7. We questioned your intentions since you asked for everyone's opinions and then denied them.
    8. You claimed that you were being attacked.

    This is how the conversation went. Whatever you perceived to be happening was not what others perceived. Let it go and move forward.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I've been in a relationship with someone like this and I will tell you it was THE most exhausting relationship I've ever found myself in. I don't know how this guy's wife copes, I really don't. They will pick fights and argue vehemently for their ridiculous positions, then claim you are attacking and/or insulting them and when all else fails they crumble into a hot azz mess of self pity because they are such good people, just misunderstood and perhaps cognitively lacking and everyone just wants to kick them down. And they firmly believe this *kitten* so it never, ever ends. I couldn't deal and had to leave, Mrs. ED is far more tolerant than I am.

    I was going to say the same thing too but decided against it, glad someone else did.... he totally reminds me of my ex fiance...He's byebye now - I was too tolerant for too long...its a terrible kind of relationship/miserable.

    There's a reason you didn't say it, it's because it's RUDE and uncalled for. My wife and I never fight. She accepts me for my flawedness as she is equally flawed. Thank you for pushing me further into my inferiority complex though, I appreciate your brutal honesty as much as I appreciated the kick in the nuts when I was getting ganged up on in football as a kid.

    That's weird because didn't you start a topic last week about how you and your wife fight about the whole foods you want to buy for the family, but she is in charge of finances, so you stole her credit card so you could buy what you wanted to buy? Plus you bashed her all over the place there and here?

    Plus, every couple fights occasionally simply because both people are, as you yourself state "flawed". I would call a couple unhealthy if they didn't really ever fight, it means someone is getting taken advantage of or stamping their feelings down.

    Other than money my wife and I are fine and appreciate each other. Why are you bringing up old news? Are you trying to pick a new fight with me?

    Sorry, but you are the one that stated that you and your wife never fight. That's a pretty bold claim for someone who has been blatant about being disrespectful toward her both in this forum and the one I mention above, and for your lack of respect toward others parents in another forum topic you started yesterday and the tone you used to attack certain members of this community.

    I also said that I have a learning disability and I don't say things EXACTLY as they are. If you want to hold someone accountable for speaking accurately then you are wasting your time; the only people who you should be teaching lessons is your students if you are a teacher and your children. Everyone else is entitled to their own stupidity or is responsible for themselves. But if you are going to claim this is laziness, then you are mistaken. I've tried to "think before I talk" but I still don't say things correctly. So if you try and fail, and don't try and fail; why try?

    I will reiterate what others have said, based upon your above response: The forums are clearly not a place for you to find what you are looking for and I think you are doing yourself more harm than good. I highly recommend you restrain from starting topics or even responding in other topics since you seem to have these issues. Good luck with that.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Yeah, if we were running a play that's one thing. But I was in the lockerroom after practice... So.... Yeah.... That's "tough love" apparently and it's acceptable (no one got suspended)_.
    hahahah still funny. Sorry.

    I think most 'hazing' is just part of growing up. Sink or swim. It doesn't change later in life, it just gets more personal and less physical.

    Hazing is abuse. I've had 29 years of it. It wears on you and makes you feel worthless. It has eroded how I look at myself. Now I just expect everyone to abuse me (see all comments above from me).
    Clearly you prefer the former of sink/swim.

    How about not testing each other and stop setting people up for potential failure? Why not "no person left behind"?
    I watched a video of a baby elephant that got left behind because it couldn't walk and was eaten alive slowly by lions. You could see its eye looking around while it was being chewed on. It's up to you to pull yourself up and follow the herd if you don't want to be eaten. That's all I've got for you.

    The herd has denied me. I tried to follow them but apparently you have to be just like them to be accepted. When the herd denies you, you realize that you need to do it on your own. But doing it on your own is great because you don't have anyone judging you. But when you find the herd by crossing paths, no matter how well you are surviving, they are going to criticize you for not being a part of the herd.

    There is no ONE path to success. And success is measured different ways. But if you would rather leave someone behind and reject them than offer an open invitation, then you aren't showing that you are "better than them", you are showing how uncaring you are.

    I do not believe in "survival of the fittest". Everyone is created equally, everyone should be given a fair chance. We are created to help each other; not force dominance over others.

    Look, dude, everyone climbs up on the pity pot once in a while. That's normal, but, if you stay there too long, you'll get bitter and start to refuse help when it's given. Follow the herd or be a lone wolf, but pull yourself up either way. That's all I'm saying.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Thread has gone totally off topic, too much work to even begin cleaning up, so......

    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    2. No Hi-Jacking Topics

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate.

    In many cases we are able to edit out the posts that violate this guideline, but unfortunately this particular thread has become too volatile to moderate efficiently.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:


    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.