Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • EmeraldLily
    EmeraldLily Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with the cheat day! Once a week is good but thats only for those who can control themselves enough to eat well the following day. Sometimes my cheat day makes me cheat the whole weekend LOL other times I can control myself. I feel like I definitely need that one day a week to keep myself sane.
  • Wed report:
    weight: 254
    2wk goal: 250 (2/24) 5 days of 30 min. cardio; 5 days of yoga or wii fit
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Feb. 10th 2010 - weight 166.2lbs
    workout - 3 runs a week, one day swimming, weight training
  • i have lost 2lbs :)
    not much but its okay..i know ive been doing pretty well :)

    well done and goodluck to you all :)
  • thanks melissa!! I will just change it once a week on monday. I say to start it out slow we do a challenge for the weekend that is just to work out on Saturday and Sunday. I do agree with the one cheat meal a week. But just let me know!!
  • Hey Y'all...for some reason I couldn't get on this site for a while (computer?) anyway, I did my measurements, Lost an inch on the waist and thighs, yay! My weight was the same (but I had just weighed myself on Monday) Hi to all of my new MFP friends! I've been reading the posts and I'm surprised at how many young people are struggling with their weight, I say kuddos to all of you for addressing the issue now rather than waiting until you're my age (51)! I'm sure it's so difficult with your lifestyles, some of you with young children, and from seeing my boys (24 & 19) social lives, trying to eat properly has to be really tough! If I can offer a tip (especially with Valentine's day coming up!) Enjoy yourself when you go to dinner or whatever! there's no reason you can't have one nice dinner then jump back on the MFP bandwagon without beating yourself up! Lots of restaurants offer good choices, just don't have a whole chocolate fudge cake or whatever for dessert, if your Valentine gets one, have a spoonful...and think, does it taste as good as being thin will feel? I go to a buffet once a week with my husband, and when I started here, I was panicking, thinking what could I eat? But you know if you look, there are LOTS of veggies on the buffets, plus healthier chicken choices....and of course salads, just skip the ones with the mayo etc, and you can have a half portion of the ice cream or no sugar desserts that are there, do you really need to have a piece of every pie or cake they have on the buffet? You'll feel good when you walk out of there, full and satisfied and realize just cause it was all offered, you didn't have to have it all..You may have gone over your calorie count a bit, but you can probably make up for it the rest of the day by having a light soup or something if you're still hungry....If I didn't go to the buffets or dinners with my husband, I'd be denying myself and then probably totally give up! Over indulging on one meal or one special occasion doesn't mean you're a failure! (of course you can't have that one indulgent meal Everyday hahah) I am soooo inspired by this site I can't tell you. I really believe that I can do it this time and maybe that's the difference. Knowing others are out there with the same issues is such a confidence builder...if your friends or family make snide remarks, just know we are all here for each other and we look foward to the day where we can prove it to anyone that doubted our resolve !
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    man i had a really bad day today! no breakfast, ate out for lunch and for dinner. not good. i'm a little nervous about tomorrows weigh in, hope i didnt ruin it! so, how do you guys feel about the "free day" idea? i know alot of people who are successful in their weightloss goals but allow themselves one day a week to eat what they want.

    I feel like that's the kind of thing that can be successful or not depending on the person..I'm the type that doesn't know when to stop, so if I got a 'free day' it would turn into a 'free weekend' and then a 'free month' lol! But for others I bet it works just fine.

    I hit a milestone last night and ran for 1 mile straight on the treadmill. That's the longest straight run of my life and I'm really happy. It took me 12 minutes. Then I started feeling really crappy, like sick to my stomach, and really couldn't eat dinner. Blech I still don't feel good, I hope it gets better during the day.


    SW: 160
    CW: 150.0
    2/24 GW: 148
    Ultimate GW: 115
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Weighing in!

    Heaviest Weight (April 2009): 209.9

    02/08 Starting weight: 188.0
    02/10 1st weigh in: 186.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    02/24 (Mini Goal: 182)
    05/19 (Mini goal: 165 -- my 30th birthday!!!)
    07/28 (Mini goal: 155 -- hubby takes the bar exam!!!)
    09/11 (End Goal: 148)

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I hit a milestone last night and ran for 1 mile straight on the treadmill. That's the longest straight run of my life and I'm really happy. It took me 12 minutes. Then I started feeling really crappy, like sick to my stomach, and really couldn't eat dinner. Blech I still don't feel good, I hope it gets better during the day.

    Sounds like maybe you didn't cool down long enough after. I know I feel pretty sick when I don't cool down enough. You should keep moving (at a slow, but steady pace -- light walking, kick the feet side to side, whatever you feel like) until your heart is at or near it's resting rate. It's really bad to stop moving when your heart rate is too high, it needs to come down gradually.

    Congrats on the mile, though! How awesome is that!!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Heaviest weight 235
    MFP starting weight 218.7
    2/1 weight 210.7
    2/10 weight 209.9
    2/24 goal weight 207
    Final goal weight 170
  • Well, I ended up losing 2 lbs since last wed! So my current/start weight for our challenge is 196. I am really very excited about that 2 lb loss and I am now 8 lbs lighter than jan 23rd when i found this site. I have never counted calories, just watched what I ate...and boy does it open your eyes when you can actually put a number to your calorie intake for the day! Now that I know what I've been doing wrong I am absolutely positive that I can do this!!
    Thanks for the feedback on the free day idea. Sounds like some of you aren't for it. I am going to try it out, see how it goes.
    I do have another Q though... when I reach my 1200 cal for the day but have burned 800 in my workout should I eat more if I'm hungry? I feel like if I eat the calories that I burned then I just wasted an hour and a half at the gym.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Is this where we post our weight for the weigh in???

    If so...

    Feb 10th: 178.4! I can't believe I have already lost a little something. Guess cutting the junk and glass of wine from my nightly routine really does help!

    Next goal: 176

    Oh, and I made my food diary public. It's the only way I will really REALLY think about what I'm eating! I love this site!

    Does anyone know how to calculate doing the 30 minute shred video by Jillian Michaels into the exercise tracker?
  • Is this where we post our weight for the weigh in???

    If so...

    Feb 10th: 178.4! I can't believe I have already lost a little something. Guess cutting the junk and glass of wine from my nightly routine really does help!

    I haven't decided if it's going to be easier for everyone to post on here or on the sign on page (under my status) or to message me with it. So, either way will work for now!!!

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I do have another Q though... when I reach my 1200 cal for the day but have burned 800 in my workout should I eat more if I'm hungry? I feel like if I eat the calories that I burned then I just wasted an hour and a half at the gym.

    Yes, you need to be eating back at LEAST 1/2 of your exercise calories or your body could go into starvation mode and start burning muscle and hoarding fat. Please see the following links for a better explanation:
  • thanks fit in 2010! I'll look into it!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Does anyone know how to calculate doing the 30 minute shred video by Jillian Michaels into the exercise tracker?

    When I was doing the shred, I was told to list it under Circuit training.

    It's my understanding that in order to get a clear picture of actual calories burned it's helpful to buy a heart rate monitor that allows you to enter your stats (height, weight, etc.) and then calculates calories burned as you exercise. I can't afford one yet, so I go by MFP's numbers -- but remember, those numbers are likely based on an "average" person (from my understanding, generally a 150 lb male) and your own numbers may be considerably different than what MFP tells you. It's at least a good base line, though.
  • Hey yall Shelby here and I would love to join. I am 44, happily married for 24 years w/ a 17 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. When I got married I weighed 165 and felt very comfortable in my own skin. I didn't feel fat. I rarely heard comments about my weight growing up and always felt attractive. Married a man who thought I was "perfect". In the black community my weight was just fine. Well many many years and an enourmous society change later, I am no longer comfortable. The heavier I am the dowdier I feel. As 45 rounds the corner, I have made quite a few changes. I have quit drinking, quit smoking and my last hurdle is to conquer my health and fitness. This for me is a lifestyle change and an exercise in discipline...something I am sorely lacking. Problem is, I, like most of you, know everything I should do. But my life, and especially my job as an event planner, revolve around food. My goal is less about a number, but to be at the point where I feel comfortable in my own skin. To heck w/ comfortable... I wanna look HOT!

    Heaviest: 218
    MPF SW: 190
    Mini Goal: 188
    Goal 160-170
  • Today's weigh-in: 147 pounds

    February 24th's goal: 144

  • Yea, that's true that's the trick...gotta keep it to a free meal only or a free day only . Hey I started doing my elliptical in November only because a back surgeon told me to in order to strengthen the 'core' muscles around my back (to avoid surgery) I could only do 5 minutes at first and thought I'd die just getting through that, he told me to stick with it and it would get easier,,,guess what, he was right! If you told me 6 months ago I could get up to 30 min on the machine I would have laughed...but really, it gets can do it:) Figure each step you take brings you closer to your goal...
  • ok so i'm not sure if i'm retaining water or what... I have been working out and the only day I had "over" my calorie goal was on superbowl sunday! Anyway, i'm not gonna let it get me down and i'll just keep with my routine!

    Feb 10th: 176
    (all last week I weighed 173.4??)
    My previous goal had been 168 but now maybe i'll change it to 170 for 2 weeks? Any feedback would be great!!

    Next goal: 170
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