Cute things your kid says



  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    If I tell my son off for something he will say 'It's not my fault - you borned me'.

    He is 33years old.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    My 6yr old likes to sit and watch me work out. He yells at me to move faster and then afterwards he tells me . Good job Mommy I'm proud of you high five
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    My 6 year old loves to call me "Darling", "Gorgeous", and "My Love"....
    So I will tuck her into bed at nights and she would be live. "Ok love you to Gorgeous!".
  • elysianashes
    When my nephew was about 4, he was staring at the air vent in my sister's living room and asked, "Mommy, what is that?" She told him, "That's a filter." He thought about it a moment, then asked, "What does it filt?"
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Soo many cute stories!
  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    I'm driving one day with my kids in the back and my 4 year old daughter tells my 7 year old son. "Brother, they put peels on bananas so they don't get squished or broken." There's a brief pause and then she says "I don't know how they put the peels on though."
  • 67butterfly
    67butterfly Posts: 76 Member
    When my daughter was about 5 or 6, my husband, myself and my daughter were in the car. She was in her booster seat in the back. My husband turned the corner into the direct sun light and we hear this little voice in the back seat say "Help i can't see! I'm blonde, i'm blonde!" We laughed so hard. One other time she was in kindergarten. I was going to parent teacher conference with her. We were walking down the hall and a man with his seeing eye dog came walking towards us. I could tell she was kind of confused and i was waiting for her to ask me about it. We walked passed them and she looks back at them, looks up at me and says "What's wrong with the dog?" I never in a million years would have guessed she was going to ask that. :heart:
  • 67butterfly
    67butterfly Posts: 76 Member
    ....and another time, my daughter was almost 4. She was with grandma at the grocery store. (my mother told me this story) My mother had put her in the grocery cart. An older man dressed all in black, his hair was black and silver and he had it all slicked back, walked down the aisle towards them. Mom said that little Leah stared and stared at this old man with a scared look on her face, and finally she asked my mom if there was such a thing as Grandpa vampires. lol. I just love these little comments that she has made over the years. I have written them down so they won't be forgotten. I'm sure when she has kids they will get a good laugh at the things she has said.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    My 2 boys 4 & 6 at the time...were watching Beyonce video in amazement!!,..(put a ring on it) oldest says,..shes not skinny.but she looks goood ....,so,i said shes healthy,thick,and jucy!!,shes beautiful!....week later i'm dressing (in bra & panties & my 4yr old grabs my leg to hug me,& says I like yur fat thighs mama,yur squeezy!,where by my 6 yr old scolds him & says Shes NOT FAT,thats not nice to say,....your Jucy,right Mama??
  • mandi_444
    I was putting my 2 1/2 year old to bed and I tucked him in he kept saying, "Mommy stay, mommy stay." So I replied, "Mommy has to go clean and do the dishes from dinner." I continued with, "it's bedtime, time to go to sleep." He replied, "No Mommy, I up. You go night night and I go do dishes and clean." What?!? How can I say no to that? It was so adorable!
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    ok, my children are mixed,my hubby is Black/N.American/Carribean,....I'm French/N.American/Creole,...our boys look light blk.,..anyway we never really talked about race/culture..etc(5& 7yrs old) we talked to them about it a little bit ,that it boils down to being a good person no matter what ya look like ,.etc..they thought about it for a min ,and said But y dont you speak Spanish??!!.said to me.. ( no one in our fam does) hubby & I said we never learned it ......y?.Pause,.......well, Mama, ARE Mexican!( w/ a look like DUH) could I say???!!!,I just said thank
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    lol.... just now...

    kid, eating a muffin...
    bf. "I'm gonna have one too"
    kid. "not one of mine!" (we bought a 4 pack for him)
    bf. "but I paid for half of them"
    kid. "those were the two I already ate"....
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Mommy those people are juicebags.

  • jwilson3787
    When my daughter was 2.5 I got a drastic haircut and was able to donate 12 inches of hair to a charity that makes wigs for children who've lost their hair to cancer. It was quite a topic of conversation for my daughter, trying to understand why I looked so different, what is a wig, why would children not have hair, etc. I explained it happened when some children got very sick, and wanted a wig to have hair while they waited for theirs to grow back. Of course, she then wanted a wig! I told her she could have a fun wig, like the kind they sell at Halloween for clown costumes, etc. She loved the idea and then said "and when Hallowwen is over, I'll donate the wig to a sick clown". Killed me!
    LOL that is soo funny
  • jwilson3787
    My daughter Alaina is 2 and a half .. a couple of weeks ago she wakes up 7:30 in the morning
    Alaina: Me snack!
    Mommy: Laine you have to eat your breakfast
    Alaina: Nooo, me snack pleeeaaassee
    Mommy: Your eggs are on the table when your ready to eat them
    Alaina: Ohhhh maaann and goes and gets her eggs

    Lol it really caught me off guard because I didn't even realize she could say that!
  • jwilson3787
    My 2 boys 4 & 6 at the time...were watching Beyonce video in amazement!!,..(put a ring on it) oldest says,..shes not skinny.but she looks goood ....,so,i said shes healthy,thick,and jucy!!,shes beautiful!....week later i'm dressing (in bra & panties & my 4yr old grabs my leg to hug me,& says I like yur fat thighs mama,yur squeezy!,where by my 6 yr old scolds him & says Shes NOT FAT,thats not nice to say,....your Jucy,right Mama??
    Lol :laugh:
  • kraebear
    My 3 year old says "next later" instead of "next year". And when she doesn't want to do something she'll say "give me free (three) minutes mommy. We'll do it Friday"
  • :heart: nose snugges for mommie..
  • oh is tomorrow payday we havent been to the mall in a while:heart:
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    I have three children my son 4 1/2, a daughter who is 3, and my youngest a boy is 19 months old. One day I hear my daughter yelling at her brother. She says to him "Don't touch mommy's puter. LoL! I was laughing and she was looking at me strange because she knows you are not allowed to touch mommy's computer.

    We also went to the doctor later that week and they had installed computers in the rooms for their doctors notes. When the doctor came in to look at her she said (really proud too) "Mommy has a puter too!!!" Ug, I didn't even look at the Male doctor. Just said she means computer. I am just glad I am not a doctor, I can't keep a straight face, and kids say the darnedest stuff :)