Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    I've been a bit of a lurker lately - mostly because I feel bad if I don't replay to all of the posts I read.

    I weighed this morning and found that I had gained three pounds. May be TOM but not sure....also know that I haven't done much of anything but work eat sleep repeat.

    My wish for today is that we fill the CSR position soon. That I MAKE the time to take care of me.

    Wishing you all well....offering prayers and hugs to those who need them....and high fives to those celebrating success....can't wait til I can be back on a regular basis - love this place!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @sunshine_frec::: I will be strong and not weigh tomorrow! I also had a good calorie day yesterday which is what made me weight this morning :( tomorrow I wont!
    As for the exercise days, I'd rather take off the weekends but if I get up at 6 or 7 and get it done then I have my whole day :)

    @toots:: lol I did the whole 4:30am thing on week for 2 days, last week actually. And it wasn't bad I was able to get up and do it but I still just don't think I could do it on a regular basis.

    Also for my Wednesday wish I want to add that I wish that my letter comes today that tells me what I am awarded for financial aid for college! I am HOPE HOPE HOPING that I can start in the spring. Just depends on the cost and depends on the schedule if I can make it work and still work my 8-4 mon-fri.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    For anyone who heard me whine about my foot problems last week, though the heel pain is hanging on (spur), the top of the foot agony is easing. Sherlock Grammy finally figured out that the new shoes were too tight and pressing on a nerve/artery causing swelling and excruciating pain. The solution--loosen my new stretchy ties and move them out of the top-most holes. :blushing: Swelling is almost gone. How dense can I get?

    Robin: Thanks for the tip re my thinning hair problem. I have visions of being a female Telly Savalas (youngsters, he was a smooth-headed lollipop sucking actor popular in the '80s). Glad your shoulders have a manageable problem, muscle strain, rather than something more sinister.

    Toots: Keeping fingers crossed that the vampires find nothing more than a heart that likes to rumba!

    ha, of course it would be something that obvious. i would have missed it too. i have to say, totally off topic, that has this program, or at least they used to, where you could put in your picture and the program would tell you who your celebrity match was. mine was always telly savalas. yikes. um, thanks program.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Wednesday wish- More time in the day!!! :laugh: Thanks all for your support. Tonight is my second Math class... which is fun. English is a bit more of a challenge. I don't think the work is too bad (so far), but it is figuring out how to do it all and not at the last minute. I did walk last night (yay), and I think that Sunday is my day to go to the gym.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Wednesday wish - a little relief from this carpal tunnel would be very nice. Surgery can't happen soon enough.

    @Robin - a little belated but - way to go on the medical test!

    Been busier than a one toofed man in a corn on the cob eating contest, way behind on my post reading. Try to catch up later tonight if I can get some time to myself.

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Have to share this delicious low calorie/low sodium chicken recipe!

    Braised Balsamic Chicken

    With everything I used my calories came out to
    268 calories
    200mg sodium

    Either way this was delicious and I had to share!
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    I think I got my wish- is this the original thread? I was way out of the loop over the summer and then got lost trying to refind everything
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I think I got my wish- is this the original thread? I was way out of the loop over the summer and then got lost trying to refind everything
    You found us...and we missed you! Welcome "home."
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tuesday goal- to stay on track and find the motivation and time to get back to the gym. I have been so busy lately that the gym is taking a back seat. I know I need to exercise but most nights I am just to tired to hit the gym or I get home to late to go alone.

    Wish- goes with my goal from yesterday- that I find the time to go back to the gym and start enjoying it again.

    I have a long way to go on the 200 miles challenge. I think I have completed about 15 miles total. Hopefully, I can get it in gear again and pick up the pace.

    Patty- Happy Birthday. For me I started this journey when I turned 40 and it has allowed me to open new doors and try new experiences. Have a great year.

    Have a great day tomorrow everyone.
  • ccjohnso
    ccjohnso Posts: 39 Member
    I am new here and I saw this thread that called my name. I need to lose 100+lbs and could use all the motivation and support that you all are willing to give! Need friends to help me stay motivated!!!
  • What is 3 2 1 cake?
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    Thursday truth ~~ I believe I joined this discussion a while back, then promptly forgot all about it! :blushing: Still have about 100 lbs to go but have been making progress. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    What is 3 2 1 cake?
    I made it for the first time tonight and it was amazing! I put sugar free cool whip on it but I think berries would be *so* wonderful on top.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Getting ready for bed really tired. It has been a good day but very exhuasting. But I did want to stop in and read all the posts. I so look forward to it. Totally makes my day. I learn a lot get inspired also helps me know that I am not in this alone.

    I will stop in tomorrow and reply to all of the posts.

    Wednesday wish. that we could afford for me to only work 20 hours. a week.

    Wishing you all a good evening,

    Liz :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm new here, but have been using myfitnesspal on my iphone. I started about 6 moths ago, and lost a good amount of weight. Then all hell broke out. Because of my new look at the time my husband accused me of having an affair (I didn't) Things have not been good for us, and I did gain some weight back. I need to lose this weight for ME, and if that cost me my marriage then so be it. I don't get support from home so I could really use some support from people who understand what getting healthy means.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Ohpampered, you've come to the right place. :smile:

    Sherrie, welcome back! So glad you found us again!

    Wednesday wish: that I can magically get everything done tomorrow that needs doing, without working until 9 pm. Current to-do list does not inspire confidence.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings!!! :flowerforyou:

    @sherrie--every time I say that ^^ I think of you b/c you introduced me to the term "newlings." So happy you found us again! Was wondering how you've been doing--are you still running?

    @laurie--Sorry you've had to put the gym on the back burner. We all go through those periods of time when it just seems impossible to get there. :ohwell: It's been really helpful to me to just plan out the whole week on Sunday or Monday based on what I know is "doable"--I don't schedule the gym on days when I have meetings or other commitments after school b/c I know it won't happen.

    @nace--what English class are you taking?

    @tina--fingers crossed that your financial aid comes through so you can start school!

    @sweetp--is that the same position that needed filling months ago? wow, can't believe you've been doing both jobs for so long! don't ever feel bad about not responding to everyone; just pop in and say "hi" once in a while--we know you will be more supportive when you have the time.

    @christine--Chicago is a great place to live!! I know it will be hard to leave your church, but if it makes you feel any better, we have lots of churches here. In fact, when I was a kid, Chicago had the most churches per capita of any large metropolitan city in the WORLD!! Not sure if we still hold that distinction, but still--lots of churches. :wink:

    @robin--glad the arm pain is not a herniated disc. Sorry you are in pain, but you made me giggle with your description of trying to do stuff like brush your hair. I've laughed at myself in similar situations. In fact, I think I strained a calf muscle dancing last Friday, and all weekend I was favoring it. The only way I could get down off our front stoop was to kind of hop off on my good leg--I'm sure it looked silly.

    @doug--rest the foot until Sat.--you've trained enough that a few days off would probably help rather than hinder your performance even if you had no injury. Good luck and have fun!!!

    @kris--great job choosing the cheese over the cake! :drinker:

    @ushkii--loved your tools analogy!

    @joe--glad your plan is working for you. I'm similar in that I can't eat breakfast before going to work. Not b/c I have a food addiction, but it just makes me hungrier for lunch sooner. I've tried it and found I still eat the same amount of additional food throughout the day + whatever calories I ate for breakfast. :grumble: I'm not really hungry 1st thing in the morning, so I figure why add those extra calories? I do much better eating my breakfast during my 1st open period (around 9 am).

    @gerrit--love the puppy in your ticker!

    @alison--Like others said, it's completely plausible that you could at least be able to finish a half-marathon in March. Not sure you would be able to run the whole thing, but who cares?!? Anything over your previous 5k distance will be a great accomplishment.

    @patty--happy 40th b-day!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    @lin--happy birthday!! glad you enjoyed your pb treat!! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--on Sat. I will be walking in a 5k called "Out of the Darkness"--it is to raise money/awareness about depression and suicide. Afterwards my friends and I will go out to my favorite maritini bar--they have my favorite which is a lychee martini! On Sunday (my actual b-day) I am going to a Jewish baby naming ceremony at a friend's, so lots of yummy treats. If they have sweet kugel my calories are out the window! :laugh:

    @lmack--welcome back! Your trip sounds amazing can't wait to hear more and maybe see some pics!

    @marsha--i once went to NJ for work training and had a day off to go sight-seeing in Manhattan. The only other person to go with me was a girl from some little town in FL. Her idea of sight-seeing was to go to all of the stores on 5th avenue--and she didn't even want to shop; she just wanted shopping bags as souvenirs. It was really annoying as we have oll of the same stores in Chicago and I wanted to see real, meaningful sights, like Ellis Island--not Macy's and FAO Schwartz. :angry:

    I'm sure I missed some folks, but I need to get to bed.

    Wed. Wish: That I have more weeks like this--very good food and exercise wise, productive with grading, and on the path to a work-free weekend!!
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @Raven -- I reckon the thing to do with exercise is to mix it up and keep trying different things. Because I have a goal of '30 minutes cardio every day', I have some things in the mix that are pretty easy for days when I just don't feel like doing much.

    -- Alison

    @BohemianCoast I like that idea a lot! That way I'm not tied down to one exercise if I just don't feel like doing it. I think that's gonna be my top goal from now on and I thank you for suggesting it.

    Thursday Truth: Ok this one is kind of weird and I don't know what's happening here. As you all know, I've been trying to cut down on sodas. I have been doing excellently btw- but for the past few days I've noticed something strange. It sounds absolutely stupid even as I type this, but I've noticed now when I take a drink of soda I have this urge to spit it out... Now, I'll be the first to admit I love soda. I'll also add that it's not that it tastes bad... I can't put my finger on why I keep getting this urge. I don't act on it but it's there and it weirds me out- no lie.

    Another little tid-bit of truth as well... Recently I've been noticing that it doesn't take much to fill me up. I blew my calorie goal yesterday because of it and if it hadn't been for ginger snaps today courtesy of mom... I would've been extremely under on my intake today as well. For example- I fixed a bologna sandwich yesterday for lunch, ate half and then passed it off to my fiance 'cause I felt full.

    I will note that I've been feeling kind of under the weather so I don't know if that's the root cause of this or maybe I need to spread my meals out throughout the day to try and meet my calorie goals all of a sudden. It concerns me, to be truthful and I don't know if its something I should worry about or if its natural.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Thursday Truth . Today is my 39th birthday ! I am going to be a good girl today and not have any cake we are celebrating my birthday on saturday though and i will be having cake then. 39 does not bother me but i am dreading next year though turning 40 now that scares me !
  • @Raven
    Thursday Truth: Ok this one is kind of weird and I don't know what's happening here. As you all know, I've been trying to cut down on sodas. I have been doing excellently btw- but for the past few days I've noticed something strange. It sounds absolutely stupid even as I type this, but I've noticed now when I take a drink of soda I have this urge to spit it out... Now, I'll be the first to admit I love soda. I'll also add that it's not that it tastes bad... I can't put my finger on why I keep getting this urge. I don't act on it but it's there and it weirds me out- no lie.

    I quit soda a few months ago and I was TOTALLY into it! I woul drink Diet Mt Dew like there was no tomorrow and I just decided to try and give it up. I tell you it was the greatest thing I've done now that I don't drink it anymore I can tell what the effects where from drinking it. When I drink now I honestly just feel LOUSY. It dehydrates you terribly and I just can feel it when I have some as opposed to water/gatorade, etc. So, I definitely am not one of the "health food" type people but this is one thing I can say they have right, soda is awful for you and I am glad I quit it altogether. Good luck!!!!
