10 in 9, part 2



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! I decided to forego the P90X Plyometrics dvd and went w/Jillian Michaels' Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism for a total of 50 minutes. I really like this dvd b/c it incorporates some Plyometric moves, kickboxing and a lot of ab work. I have to admit that since I've hit my goal weight it has been a little harder to get motivated to workout everyday but b/c of my new found friends on MFP I keep pluggin away at it. You don't know how many times over the last few weeks that I've said "I'll skip the workout today" only to remember my dedicated friends here on this site and think to myself "If they can do it, then so can I". I'm not sure how long this will last but I'll take it for now.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    way to go on the workouts choco! and also on the 45 days of logging. Between work andd spending time with my mom and parades, etc, it's hard to get my workouts it cuz after work i'm trying to rush home to spend time with my mom and since there's only one vehicle @ my house, she relies on me to take her wherever she needs to go. In the morning well its getting harder to wake up @ 5:30am when I've just gone to bed @ 12. and it's so hard to get in bed before then. Will really try to get my butt in bed by 11 all this week and eventually by 10 so it gets easier. Just so hard with everything going on right now. I have been watching what I eat tho, so I hope that counts for something. oh n can u tell me more about that JM Dvd you did? I was tempted to buy the Blast fat boost met. dvd along with no more trouble zones but I'm not sure I would like it after doing the 30 day shred. Only cuz I need a really upbeat instructor to motivate me and welll she's kinda serious and doesn't say much except for the cues.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    It is really motivating to me to hear ya'll doing your workouts and your healthy eating. I am in this little hole right now trying to really motivate myself. I think its really been just a lack of rest and so my body hasn't had much energy to want to workout. But, I keep pushing through. Today I slept a little later than usual so that I could be well rested to get a good strong workout in tonight. And I AM going to DO IT! I HAVE to do it! My exercise is what makes me feel confident, healthy, and energized.

    BTW, I'm sort of getting sick of this guy I work with. He's in his early 30s, and he claims he is the "funny" guy in the office. He pulls pranks, is ALWAYS sarcastic, and is constantly belitting people. Every day he says "You are getting skinnier every day". And, you know- at first I was taking it as a compliment. But, now he says it in a sarcastic tone and I just smile and say thanks. Whenever I drink my water he makes sarcastic comments like "Are you sure you are drinking enough water?" or if I bust out a snack like cheese or nuts he says "I don't think you'll get any skinnier if you keep eating the way you do." Or, if someone talks about any sort of health food, drink or program he says "Well, lets ask Dawna, she's an expert on weight loss, she gets skinnier everyday." And then he laughs. I can only handle so much more of his sarcasm. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut in the beginning. He was noticing my weight loss and asking me what I was doing- so I briefly explained (exercise, healthy eating, water, portion control) and since then he points out every little thing. Ugh- I usually get along great with the guy, but when he starts up on his health stuff it annoys me. He's the "FUNNY" guy in the office and always trying to make people laugh. Someday he won't think its funny when I use my new, strong muscles to punch him in the face. Haha! Just kidding...but seriously- I'm about ready to flip one of these days and call him out on his "trying to hard to be funny act" cause its getting SO old.
  • good morning ladies.
    kicklikeagirl: i'm sorry that you have a jerk at your work,keep up the good work.
    choc: great job on your workouts, you are doing great
    nolachick:sound like you are having fun spending time with your mom.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin ladies

    I can't wait to go to the Dr tomorrow to find out why I am having so much knee pain.
    I did the shred last night to get a quick workout in before hubby went to bed (I workout in our room)

    Nolachick I am not a big fan of JIllian Michaels but the shred is a quick workout, I feeli like a get a better workout from her banish fat boost metabolism, but that could just be because it is longer. I can't wait to get my P90X wich should be here tomorrow :happy: .

    Dawna I would tell the guy to stuff it but that is just me I say what is on my mind
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Mornin ladies

    I can't wait to go to the Dr tomorrow to find out why I am having so much knee pain.
    I did the shred last night to get a quick workout in before hubby went to bed (I workout in our room)

    Nolachick I am not a big fan of JIllian Michaels but the shred is a quick workout, I feeli like a get a better workout from her banish fat boost metabolism, but that could just be because it is longer. I can't wait to get my P90X wich should be here tomorrow :happy: .

    Dawna I would tell the guy to stuff it but that is just me I say what is on my mind

    smadag, lemme know what the dr. tells u cuz I have really been having it with my knee too. yesterday after work I went to run errands with my mom, keep in mind I haven't worked out since Thursday and it wasn't hurting all weekend but last night my knee was just intolerable. I kept feeling a sharp pain or something and I coudn't take a full step on it to put all my weight on it, so I was kinda limping. Not good, I know. My mom suggested joint and cartiledge (sp?) supplements, so I may do that on Fri when i get paid.

    Dawna, holy crap that description sounds exactly like a guy at my work who swears he is the funniest and most popular one. but he also gets on my nerves, like one day everyone from work was going to a new restaurant and I wasn't even going, but I was making suggestions on things that are good there for them to try and he had the nerve to say something like "sounds like u been eating there a lot, u sure that's going t help your diet?" and I'm sorry, I lost it and told him he was STUPID. lol.
    I'm not usually mean esp. not at work but it had been the last straw of him nit-picking everything I eat and drink and did I mention he's overweight. Ugh! he hasn't said anything to me since. lol. finally shut him up!

    also, Dawna u need to listen to ur body and let it rest, I think I was going overboard at one point and just crashed and it took me a while to get back up. So be careful with that.

    Porterbaby, how's it coming?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    way to go on the workouts choco! and also on the 45 days of logging. Between work andd spending time with my mom and parades, etc, it's hard to get my workouts it cuz after work i'm trying to rush home to spend time with my mom and since there's only one vehicle @ my house, she relies on me to take her wherever she needs to go. In the morning well its getting harder to wake up @ 5:30am when I've just gone to bed @ 12. and it's so hard to get in bed before then. Will really try to get my butt in bed by 11 all this week and eventually by 10 so it gets easier. Just so hard with everything going on right now. I have been watching what I eat tho, so I hope that counts for something. oh n can u tell me more about that JM Dvd you did? I was tempted to buy the Blast fat boost met. dvd along with no more trouble zones but I'm not sure I would like it after doing the 30 day shred. Only cuz I need a really upbeat instructor to motivate me and welll she's kinda serious and doesn't say much except for the cues.

    Nola, if you need upbeat then Jillian is definitely not your gal BUT I usually just play a really upbeat dvd during her workouts so I don't even hear what she says. I just change exercises when I see her change and this has worked well for me. Blast Fat and No More Trouble zones are about 45/50 minutes so a little longer than the shred but give you an awesome workout. The Blast Fat dvd doesn't utilize any weights. Like I said it has some Plyo type moves along w/kickboxing and old school calisthenics w/a variety of moves that target your abs.

    Let me know what u decided.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi ladies!
    It is really motivating to me to hear ya'll doing your workouts and your healthy eating. I am in this little hole right now trying to really motivate myself. I think its really been just a lack of rest and so my body hasn't had much energy to want to workout. But, I keep pushing through. Today I slept a little later than usual so that I could be well rested to get a good strong workout in tonight. And I AM going to DO IT! I HAVE to do it! My exercise is what makes me feel confident, healthy, and energized.

    BTW, I'm sort of getting sick of this guy I work with. He's in his early 30s, and he claims he is the "funny" guy in the office. He pulls pranks, is ALWAYS sarcastic, and is constantly belitting people. Every day he says "You are getting skinnier every day". And, you know- at first I was taking it as a compliment. But, now he says it in a sarcastic tone and I just smile and say thanks. Whenever I drink my water he makes sarcastic comments like "Are you sure you are drinking enough water?" or if I bust out a snack like cheese or nuts he says "I don't think you'll get any skinnier if you keep eating the way you do." Or, if someone talks about any sort of health food, drink or program he says "Well, lets ask Dawna, she's an expert on weight loss, she gets skinnier everyday." And then he laughs. I can only handle so much more of his sarcasm. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut in the beginning. He was noticing my weight loss and asking me what I was doing- so I briefly explained (exercise, healthy eating, water, portion control) and since then he points out every little thing. Ugh- I usually get along great with the guy, but when he starts up on his health stuff it annoys me. He's the "FUNNY" guy in the office and always trying to make people laugh. Someday he won't think its funny when I use my new, strong muscles to punch him in the face. Haha! Just kidding...but seriously- I'm about ready to flip one of these days and call him out on his "trying to hard to be funny act" cause its getting SO old.

    Dawna, he's what I call a HATER and me being the person that I am I would call him such. While I'm not always like this I do have a smart mouth so if someone is pissing me off I'll usually let something smart. After a few of my remarks they tend to drop the subject. If he had something smart about my food I probably would have said something like "why u so worried about my food b/c I could care less about what ur eating"

    However you decide to handle the situation don't let him steal your joy. You've worked too hard to get where you are.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Dawna, holy crap that description sounds exactly like a guy at my work who swears he is the funniest and most popular one. but he also gets on my nerves, like one day everyone from work was going to a new restaurant and I wasn't even going, but I was making suggestions on things that are good there for them to try and he had the nerve to say something like "sounds like u been eating there a lot, u sure that's going t help your diet?" and I'm sorry, I lost it and told him he was STUPID. lol.
    I'm not usually mean esp. not at work but it had been the last straw of him nit-picking everything I eat and drink and did I mention he's overweight. Ugh! he hasn't said anything to me since. lol. finally shut him up!

    Go NOLA, u told him! My mom use to tell me this as a child regarding school bullies. While I was never bullied she told me that if I ever was that sometimes you just need to stand up to them b/c they thrive off of fear/intimidation but once you knock them in the head (my mom actually told me this) one good damn time they will leave you alone. The lesson always stayed w/me and I do believe it's true in a lot of cases. Ppl say and do things as long as WE allow them too. I say Nip that sh!# in the bud and you'll no longer have the problem.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Thanks ladies,
    I am going to say something to him and its going to be a lot more forceful and demanding than it has in the past. In the past I have just said "Okay, well this conversation is done." and then I get back to work. But, I think I'm going to call him out on his attempt to try to be so funny. He's not fit by any means, in fact someone took a picture of him at our company "Paint-a-Thon" fundraiser and he was stuffing his face, and the company member emailed it to everyone. He was very embarrassed and is very self-conscience. The thing is- he deserved it because he does that kind of stuff to everyone. But, when it got pulled on him he wasn't so happy about it. I think he's trying to compensate and be funny & sarcastic to people because of his lack for of confidence. But, thanks ladies! I don't need to put up with it anymore.

    Choco- you make me laugh, I love your advice girl..haha.. I will Nip that in the butt..hahahah!

    Nola- what kind of DVDs are you looking for? A cardio DVD? A strength training DVD? Or a mix between cardio/strength training? I have some favorites and know a gal who has a ton of DVDs that I've tried out. Also, with the pain in your knee, is it coming because of the TJ workout? I know when I first started I wasn't really into the concept that you have to pivot your feet in the position you are punching and things like that. Otherwise it can cause some major pain and problems in the knee.

    Smagdag- hope your dr appt goes well. Take care of yourself and don't push yourself. Let your body heal :)

    Porterbaby- Hope you are doing great and having some terrific workouts!
  • nolachick:i'm doing great, between doing any tape especially p90x and i've been walking our dog quiet abit.
    kicklikeagirl: get him good.
    smagdag: god luck at the doctors.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    just left the orthapedist and he said i don't have a major knee injury I just irritated it during a workout. He gave me a good knee brace and some anti inflamitory meds to take for a while

    check back later, on to the next Dr
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    So, last night I was able to complete a nice 35 minute jog and then my 45 min. ChaLean Extreme workout. I wasn't going to do the running thing as a "warm up" because I always go longer than a "warm up", but my hubby insisted on it. He's in the running kick lately and wants to run a 10K with me this summer. So, we'll probably be adding a lot more running to our workouts. My CE workout was amazing, I love it and it has given me some major definition in my muscles and has really tightened me up. I've been very happy with the results. The only thing is I hope this next 30 day phase helps me to break this plateau I am on. I have been on a plateau for the last 22 days and its getting really old. I have been doing just about everthing right. And I haven't went over my calories on too many days (maybe 2) and even then...it was only by 200 calories. I have been doing just about everything right! I'm hoping by switching up my workouts a bit I will break this plateau. I can't think of anything else...I mean I'm doing pretty great on my workouts, my eating is amazing, I'm drinking lots of water, I'm getting at least 1 rest day a week, I eat half of my exercise calories, sometimes all of them. I just don't get it! I'm hoping its muscle gain because I "FEEL" like I've gotten smaller around the middle. Its weird. Any thoughts ladies? I mean, I've seriously done everything by the book. I am scared to step on the scale this Saturday. Anyways, tonight we are going running again, mostly to shake it up with the Turbo Kick- since I had been doing that a lot lately as its been too cold to walk/run to the gym. Hoping by shaking it up I will see a little difference.

    Have a great day!

    smagdag- glad to hear that its not a serious injury, just an irritation! whew! Take some rest on that leg and you'll be back in no time!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna: get a grip! I mean seriously you are doing everything perfectly and your body will catch up eventually. Don't trip. I read somewhere that it's not a plateau unless you haven't seen a change in 4 - 6 consecutive weeks(SHBoss knows his stuff, try reading up on his posts). So give ur body time to catch up and it will all fall into place ok.

    Smadag: glad u know what it is now and u can take care of it.

    Choco: where u at today?

    Porterbaby: enjoy ur walks with the dog, I really wish I had one to walk and go to the park and play with. they can be fun and good exercise.

    I didn't make it to bed til almost 1 last night so of course I cudnt get up this morning. Tomorrow and the rest of this weekend I will FORCE myself to workout, even if that means going for a walk on my lunch break. I will do this!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, my day has blown past me and I'm finally at a point where I can take a break and check in w/my girls. My day began w/an early morning workout. I completed the P90X "Shoulders and Arms"w/o the ab ripper portion of the dvd for a total of 45 minutes and then I practiced my lapdance routine for another 20 minutes. I am not counting the lapdance as part of my official exercise diary but I did get the heart rate up a little. Once the workout was complete I had to shower and get dressed so I could pick my car up from the mechanic. My baby was out of commission for a few days but she's purring nicely right now. Once the car was in my possession I had to head into the office to get some work done. I stayed there for a little bit and then met a friend for lunch. After lunch I returned to my home office and continued working and have FINALLY been able to take a break.

    Nola: What in the world were you doing last night that you went to bed at 1 am. That seems a bit out of character for you on a work night AND you have to get those workouts in ms lady. I know you have some spring time goals and I want you to attain them but the only way to do that is to stick w/the program as best as you can. I know the Superbowl win and Mardi Gras is making it a bit difficult but don't let it derail you. Will you be participating in the Essence festival festivities?

    Dawna: I know how frustrating it can be to not see any results when you've done everything that you're suppose to. Don't give up and like Nola said you're body will catch up. When I was experiencing the same problem I cut back on my workouts (only worked out 3/4 days) and allowed myself to go over my caloric intake slightly (still ate healthy and didn't go over everyday). I did this for about 1 1/2 weeks and then when I resumed my regularly workouts and caloric deficit I began seeing results again. I know everyone is different but you'll have to play w/it to find what works best for you and your body. Good Luck and w/all the working out you've been doing I know you look AWESOME!.

    Smadag: Glad to learn it's nothing serious w/your knee. Hopefully the knee brace and the anti inflammatory meds will help. Continue modifying your workouts so you don't make the injury any worse.

    Porterbaby: Let me know what you think of the P90X series and which version you decide to do. I'm currently doing the classic version but don't follow the program exactly b/c I am not a fan of Yoga and sometimes I just get bored so try something different. Good luck.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Great to hear from you choco! I wish I had a home office, then again I would probably not get ANY work done!
    As for yesterday it was the SAINTS VICTORY parade wooo hooo! All the players were on the floats, it was amazing, but with the huge crowd, the traffic and the cold I only stayed for a while then when I tried to leave the traffic was so bad I didnt get home til 9pm. So I took my mom a late dinner, poor thing had stayed home all day and I got home late so I tried to stay up and talk to her and watch tv, etc. She's leaving on Sunday and I'm trying to spend as much time with her as I can. So don't worry I know exactly what I gotta do just gotta find the time to do it. Tonight for sure, early to bed and early workout in the A.M. I have to I have to I know.
    About essence fest honestly I've never been so I have no idea what there is to do, when is it and what are ur plans regarding it?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    About essence fest honestly I've never been so I have no idea what there is to do, when is it and what are ur plans regarding it?

    My first time participating in the Essence festival was the year of Hurricane Katrina. It still blows my mind that my girlfriends and I were partying and having a great time a month before all the devastation hit. Essence festival is July 4th weekend and usually encompasses a lot of uplifting/motivational seminars and workshops as well as major concerts each night and of course non stop partying on Bourbon St. It kind of works like this....during the day you take in the workshops/seminars or sightseeing, the early evening the concerts pop off and it is followed by a night of partying and then you get up in the morning and do it again.....LOL

    I can't believe your mom is leaving already. I hope she really enjoyed herself and the two of you were able to enjoy the one on one time.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    sounds fun, I guess when the time gets closer I will have to start looking into that. My mom - i'm not sure what to say, we have argued atleast once everyday. She claims I'm the one to criticize her for everything and I think it's the other way around. Very frustrating and sad becuz I know when she leaves it will be too late to fix anything. I really try hard to get along with her but she is so stubborn sometimes and in case u haven't noticed I'm very upfront with ppl and sometimes cant just bite my tongue. ahhhh will try this again tomorrow, see if this works. I try and try to get along with her but she doesn't seem happy she thinks I've changed while I think I just finally grew up and living on my own and she has to accept that and let me be me!

  • Congratulations goes out to CHOCO who has met and exceeded her goal! GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO! U are my inspiration!
    I've heard of those DVDs, can you tell me how your Leslie Sansone "5 mile fat burning walk" works?

    Smadag: when TOM comes around pretend its not there - stick to ur diet, drink lots of water, actually EXTRA if u can cuz ur body retains in that time and try to do moderate workouts. don't give in to the cramps and cravings or u will be regretting it after.

    Today I was up bright and early @ 5:30am to do my workout. Did 30 mins on the elliptical and some abs for a total of 400 cals. I still didn't meet my goal of 500 but I ran out of time and had to get ready for work. Will try my best tomorrow and Sunday since I have all day to workout! For lunch I'm taking my mom to an italian restaurant that has killer salads. I'm ordering a greek salad with dressing on the side. So yummy. I might indulge and have a few breadsticks tho since I skipped breakfast this morning. (Felt full from last night still, yes I overdid it again! grrr) Tomorrow I'm taking my mom uptown to see a parade and I'm sure there will be lots of walking invovled.

    Happy Friday everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Hey, Nolachick...I really enjoy your blogs and I love this thread. I was born and raised in NOLA. What part are you from? I grew up in the Airline Park neighborhood in Metairie. How cool to find you on here!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    sounds fun, I guess when the time gets closer I will have to start looking into that. My mom - i'm not sure what to say, we have argued atleast once everyday. She claims I'm the one to criticize her for everything and I think it's the other way around. Very frustrating and sad becuz I know when she leaves it will be too late to fix anything. I really try hard to get along with her but she is so stubborn sometimes and in case u haven't noticed I'm very upfront with ppl and sometimes cant just bite my tongue. ahhhh will try this again tomorrow, see if this works. I try and try to get along with her but she doesn't seem happy she thinks I've changed while I think I just finally grew up and living on my own and she has to accept that and let me be me!


    I know how much you were looking forward to her visit so I'm sorry to learn the trip hasn't gone as well as you would have liked. Parents sometimes forget that "their little girl" is not soo little anymore so she may be struggling w/that. There's nothing wrong w/speaking your mind whether it's to your mother or not just as long as you stay respectful I say get your point across but realize that ppl can be very set in their ways and changing behavior or getting them to see your point of view can be next to impossible but all you can do is try and once that's done you move on. Whatever you do make sure you tell your mom how much you love her before she leaves. The one thing that has always given me peace of mind regarding my mom's sudden death was that during our last conversation (of not knowing it would be our last) we expressed how much we loved one another. Tomorrow is not promised so please take the time (despite the arguments) to tell her you love her.

    I guess I need to stop procrastinating and go into the living room to get this workout done.

    I'll check back in a little bit.
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