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Top 5 gym pet peeves



  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    1. people eating unhealthy food while working out (ex: i saw someone drinking a mountain dew while on the elliptical and a lady eating an ice cream sunday) like really?!?!?!

    2. i like working out alone, and when theres a whole row of empty machines near me, and then someone comes and uses the machine right next to me!! like uh do you not see the whole damn row of empty machines??? lol

    3. people sweating on the machines and not cleaning them...eeew.

    4. people grunting loudly and slamming the weights on the floor -_-

    5. people trying to talk to me while i have my head phones in, over something stupid. lol
  • All of yours I agree with. Especially the hogging machines while they text or just sit. On that note, there is a trend at my gym for folks to "save" machines.....they will put their crap on it and walk away, go get water, text.....ugh!

    The one thing that annoys me is in the locker room, other ladies hogging the ENTIRE bench to get ready.

    And, maybe it's awful, but the ladies who just walk around naked and just....hang out without their clothes on.....that kind of weirds me out. I change at the gym sometimes but it's pretty quick and I spend as little time as possible in the locker room naked. My gym has these ladies who just take off all their clothes...and then just hang out. Put their make up on, wander around the locker room putting away their towels or folding their gym clothes. It's just weird to me. Put your clothes on!!!!:noway:

    I agree with your last comment. I simply do not understand women hanging out naked in the locker. I am not a prude by any means but I find it weird when I am trying to dry my hair and they are using the mirror to watch themselves get dressed or striking a pose. Seriously? I don't get it.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    1. Old naked guys wagging their little dudes around in the locker room.

    This is a big one! (No pun intended) I really don't get while some guys feel the need to strut their stuff in front of a bunch of other dudes. And some of them try to start conversations with you like "Hey . . how's the training going?'

    'My training's going fine. Put your fking pants on.'
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    #5 When people listen to music so loudly that I can hear it on my machine. I understand you're in the zone but please, stay out of my zone.
    #4 Anyone who is talking on the phone while using a machine is not using the machine -- move.
    #3 People that come late to a class that is already full and stand too close to me -- thanks, now I can't move.
    #2 Women that change in the locker room after swimming/showering and leave a huge pile of water on the floor. Please, use a towel and wipe it up. I don't want to have a horrible death because I fell in your puddle.


    #1 People that don't wear deodorant/enough deodorant to the gym. It's a problem when I can't breathe and I'm trying to run because you don't wear the right deodorant or none at all. You have officially ruined my workout.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I'm pretty shocked that the women have such a problem with nudity. I thought it was guys that were supposed to be more insecure.

    I personally minimize the amount of time I'm naked but got over the shock of seeing other nude bodies in Junior High gym class, many years ago.

    I'd like to extend an invitation to all the habitually naked hot women to come over to the guy's locker room. You're always welcome there.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    These are pretty common, but:

    1. Grunters. Guys who are LIFTING HEAVY THINGS, and want you to know that they are LIFTING HEAVY THINGS, because they are STRONG, and it is DIFFICULT, so they must make NOISE.

    2. People who wear hats to the gym. I don't know why this annoys me. How are they comfortable wearing that!!!

    3. Stinkers. You know, that person who gets on the elliptical next to yours and smells like something died in his shorts, and you can't move because you're on a roll, so you have to sit there and suffer.

    4. Texters. Just... texters. I used to be a texter. Now leave my phone at home.

    5. People who leave the pin in the weight stack on, like, 200 pounds, and when you go to use the machine after them it doesn't budge and you feel like an idiot.

    What kind of hat?? I wear a stocking cap every day at the gym. It helps hold my earbuds in and keeps the sweat out of my eyes.
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    1. ladies who dress sexy and then get mad when they get attention. Uh ladies remember men are visual creatures. Dressing sexy at the gym is the same as an invitation to most men. It annoys me when woman dress sexy and then get annoyed when they get hit on. Sorry, that's the way it will always be. Personally, I just mind my own business when working out, but do notice when a pretty woman walks by, especially when they dress sexy. But I don't stare them down like a lot of guys will, or go after them. I will strike up a conversation if it seems appropriate. When this does happen though ladies have to shoulder part of the blame.

    2. One time someone put their music on speakerphone LOUD from their cellphone for about 20 minutes. She was in her own world for sure. Very odd.

    3. this whole wiping down machines thing after you are done. For sure you should wipe any sweat that dripped and I hate it too when someone does not wipe it down after they slimed it. . But after every workout regardless of your sweat? I think it is overkill if have not slimed the machine.

    that's about it. love my gym though overall.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I walked in the gym today and some fool was sitting on one of the machines yakking away on his cell phone. I went in the locker room and changed and when I came out he was still on the machine with his phone screwed in his ear! I got on the machine next to him and a minute or so later I hear him say "hold on, I gotta take this other call" and he starts yakking away on a second call. When he finishes that call he goes back to the first one! He probably spent a total of 15 minutes on the phone while just sitting on a piece of equipment other people could have been using. I wanted to hurl a 45 pound plate at his head!!! GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
  • Branok
    Branok Posts: 47 Member
    My top two are the hoards of girls that come in together and act like the gym is a social gathering spot. Their hair will be done, makeup on, matching gym outfits. And they all literally use up every treadmill and elliptical...without actually using it. Like walking at a turtle's pace on the treadmill so they can get their daily gossip in. Not only that but these same offenders love to sit on the machines and not use them, just text or talk instead. Uh, MOVE. There are people here that are actually serious about what they're doing.

    Another pet-peeve is when someone won't take their eyes off your machine and what you're doing. If you're inspired or want to know what I'm doing, great, come ask. But don't sit there and gawk at me and act like we're in a competition.

    *end rant*
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    1. ladies who dress sexy and then get mad when they get attention. Uh ladies remember men are visual creatures. Dressing sexy at the gym is the same as an invitation to most men. It annoys me when woman dress sexy and then get annoyed when they get hit on. Sorry, that's the way it will always be. Personally, I just mind my own business when working out, but do notice when a pretty woman walks by, especially when they dress sexy. But I don't stare them down like a lot of guys will, or go after them. I will strike up a conversation if it seems appropriate. When this does happen though ladies have to shoulder part of the blame.


    You're getting very close to slut-shaming here. No woman, no matter what she is wearing, is to blame for YOUR actions.

    I'm not saying a woman should be shocked when she's dressed "sexy" and a man hits on her, it's a thing that happens, I'm not trying to stop you. But you don't know why she's dressed that way and you do not have the right be mad at her for what YOU think her intentions are.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    I stopped going to the gym a few months ago as my trainer felt like I needed a date and kept trying to make me interested in certain guys. He would even approach guys and tell them I was interested in them. (trainer was young) I don't need a man I have one. I watched the trainers and they all seemed to be focused on the barbie dolls that came in. Hey I'm f***ing paying you to train me not watch the girls.
    Sweaty machines not being wiped off.
    Naked women in the locker rooms.
    Not a people person so people trying to be my friend, just shut the f**k up and leave me alone.
    People on cell phones.
    Trainer making me show up at 5:30 and making me wait 10-15 minutes. I'm sorry my time is precious, so I cut my session's short, and I don't sign off that day.
    And the worst one for me was doing floor exercises and I get up and my hands are filthy from the mats. F**king gross. They just let people wear their outdoor shoes instead of having a policy of changing shoes. At least when I work out at home my mat is clean and no one is hitting on me.
    I'm done!!
  • Ronaldblue
    Ronaldblue Posts: 12 Member
    I drop weights. Why? Because there is this magical thing called bumper plates that are meant to be dropped, especially if there is an olympic platform.

    I talk to random people at the gym. Maybe a good job, maybe a question, maybe to ask for a spot or just because plain ol' talking is fun.

    Lifting... good times. Can't "weight" to go again tomorrow.
  • Ronaldblue
    Ronaldblue Posts: 12 Member

    2. Guys that come in in groups of 3-8 that take up 5-6 machines and only use one at a time. Theres enough of you that you can pair off and have one person working and one person spotting on each machine.

    Spotting... on a machine? Why?
  • Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    I have to say something about this one:
    I don't wear cutsie clothes or make-up (sweats and a t-shirt here), but I don't put my hair up because I have very thin fine hair and frankly hair bands (even the cloth ones) tug at it and causes me discomfort. I also don't walk faster than 3 mph on the treadmill because I have a bad knee and that's currently the limit of how fast I can walk. I'm on the treadmill to exercise and build up strength in that knee. Just because I'm not jogging doesn't mean I'm not getting much needed exercise. I do work up a sweat at the gym, just not on the treadmill. ;)

    That said - this thread has made me realize just how freaking awesome the gym I go to is! They have a daycare, so there's no kids running around and they have liberal amounts of paper towels and sanitizer for wiping off the machines - and the gym members all seem to use them.
    The trainers don't bother you unless you ask them to, neither do the other members. And they have at least 20 treadmills available, plus the same amount of bikes and elliptical machines in addition to all the strength training machines - I've never had to hover or wait for a machine to come available. They have tons of tvs playing a variety of channels but I rarely watch them anyway - I can watch tv at home. We have members of all shapes and sizes and I've never heard anyone say anything untoward about any of them. Yes, we have a few "Barbies" but they don't seem to stick around for very long - maybe because no one goes out of their way to ogle them or pick them up? I dunno...
    I really like it there and I'm going to keep going. Good luck to the rest of you - I hope you find a place you like eventually!
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    Oh I absolutely LOVE when cutesie girls go to the gym with their hair down, cutesie clothes, make up, and walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph without breaking a sweat. You're obviously here to get a good workout. NOW GET OFF THE TREADMILL SO I CAN USE IT.

    I wear makeup to the gym cause I generally go when I have other appointments or after work. I certainly am not going home to shower and get all my makeup off just to get all sweaty and nasty again... lol

    In my defense tho... I do not use the treadmill on 3 mph unless I am at a 10.0 incline or more and I sweat my *kitten* off...
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I work out at home, but i still have a few.
    1. if im running with my three dogs, for chrissakes dont try to stop me to say hi. these.behemoths outweigh me by 70lbs and one isnt friendly. and yet, after being lunged at and cussed out, i still have to drag my dogs away from thr same people.
    2. when i take my bar outside, its because i get tired of the clanging on our concrete floors. its not an open invitation for you to come onto my property to chat while i try not to throw heavy things at you.
    3. headphones=STFU. dont get offended when i walk right past you. i listen to otep or slayer most workouts and cant hear you.

    I work out at home too and people still find a way to irritate the crap out of me.

    1. When I'm running I'm not going to stop to talk to you. I want to get my workout done so I can get on with my day, we'll chat later.

    2. When I'm doing a kickbxing DVD in my living room don't stand behind me or to my side and then get pissed when you get kicked or punched (yes I have family members that are that stupid)

    3. Don't climb over me when I'm doing ab work. I know I am in the direct path to the side door but gues what? There is a front door for a reason.

    4.If the phone rings while Im workingout I'm not going to stop to answer it. And if its for me TAKE A FREAKING MESSAGE

    5. When I am gasping for breath and pushing through a tough workout is not the time to ask me unimportant questions or tell me a story from your day.
  • 1. People that break machines due to improper use. Then when the machine is fixed, they go back and continue to misuse the machine.

    2. Guys that use the blow dryer in the locker room to dry themselves off instead of using a towel and ask for help to blow dry thier back. WTF

    3. When big muscular guys address smaller guys as "Wzup Big Dawg!"

    4. When the gym pool, sauna and hot tub closes due to lightning. Its not lightning inside the building!

    5. Annual towel fee surcharge. On second thought, scratch this one because I make sure I (not me but someone I know, of course) takes home enough towels annually to offset the towel fee surcharge.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    1. People that don't clean the machines when done using...
    2. People that leave the magazine holders on the machines...
    3. People that have to slam the weights down as if having to announce that they are there...
    4. People that try to hold a conversation with me... a simple hello is fine thank you
    5. People that don't put their towels in the baskets...
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    Someone wearing too much perfume/cologne.

    agreeing when there's an empty row of machines except the one I'm on and someone hops on next to me.

    people that talk on their phone sharing their conversations.

    people that socialize on some equipment while I want to workout on it.

    and definitely rude sucky people that don't wipe down equipment after they use it.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    When people are talking LOUDLY on their cell phones through their WHOLE workout! Ugh. Actually asked a man to please take it outside and he got in my face and started screaming at me and then assulted me. And I rarely complain.

    Also, when people are running on the treadmill and they come down flat on their feet and make that loud smacking noise. So hard to concentrate when they do that!