

  • marquis63
    marquis63 Posts: 2 Member
    morning every one. my name is mandi. i am 48, married with 2 boys. i live in gloucester, west england. i have just come back to myfitnesspal after being very stupid and lazy! i am sick of being so tired and sluggish day & night! wish me luck in shifting 7-8 stones ( 98 - 112lb)! i am only 4ft 11inches! i weigh 15st 7lb (210lb)! so technically i am 2 people right now! i hope to make some good friends here to help me and them on our journey! :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Micki:smile: your trip sounds amazing!!! Will be looking forward to hearing about your adventures!

    Barbie:smile: have a wonderful time on your retreat and with your friend!!! It's nice to know you'll be here starting this thread till sometime in 2054, I plan on being here too, maintaining my goal weight:bigsmile: !

    Lila:smile: I love tabouleh and couscous, chopping is a pain, I use a little KitchenAid chopper for help:tongue: . Hope you got some rest!

    Linda:smile: great article on sleep! I know when I feel really tired I want to eat to keep myself awake. I've stopped doing that now and started going to bed instead! I don't always get to post twice in a day - I find I keep up with everyone better if I do though. Because granddaughter will be here tonight and tomorrow I probably will post again on Sat. night. Glad you got to go to the gym, once you get used to and miss a few days you miss it, who would have thought, if I don't get my long walk in without the dog, I really miss it! I feel like my day wasn't complete.

    Marquis63:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: . Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Well it is now time for me to get myself ready for this lovely day!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful, happy Friday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, we've been looking at tiles (for the pool). Since we have the wall for the raised area of the spa, we really want a tile that is part of a "family" so that we know the colors will match. It appears that there are only three of them. The thing is -- all of them are higher priced than what's in the original quote. The owner of the pool company is supposed to be here today so Vince is going to talk to him, telling him that we have four boxes of tiles, asking which of the tiles are included in our original quote. To me, this is like the bate-and-switch. He knew from when we first signed the contract that we'd have a wall so, of course, we'd want AT LEAST two different tiles (we were actually looking at a "family" where there were 3 complimentary tiles). Will let you know what goes on

    Welcome everyone who is new!

    I usually exercise first thing in the morning, but that's not going to happen today. They were SUPPOSED to be here at 6a.m. but at 6a.m. it's still dark. I wouldn't think they'd be here at least until 7.

    jane - you are so inspiring, keeping so upbeat with all you're going thru. Best of luck to your hubby.

    Miki - your trip sounds wonderful! I'd like to go to Israel one day, but I know that Vince has no desire.

    barbie - have a great time at the retreat. Sounds like a great time with your friend. Is this retreat an annual thing? I seem to recall you went on a retreat last year. Do I remember correctly?

    Well, going to post this. Not sure when I'll get to post again today (or tomorrow).

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    169.8!!!! From the 180's to the 160's in 51 days - Yayyayayayayayay! Salmon, I love you! MFP I love you. Fitbit I love you!!!! Last week I was 172.2 and I made a comment to my daughter that I hoped I could get into the 160's this week and she rightfully said, Cheryl, Just hope for 171 or even 170 and then you can start striving for the 160. Well 3 salmon days in a week and there it is!!!

    Sorry, I am just so excited. Haven't been in the 160s in 7 years!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Ladies has been awhile. Watching the grandkids 3 days a week till 6 pm takes up a lot of time, then I work over 8 hours the other 2 days at work. Still maintaining, not gaining not losing. Can't wait for cooler weather we have been over 100 every day still and at nite its still high 80's it seems....
    You all are doing so good. keep up the good work.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello Friday! :flowerforyou:

    Well, after much deliberation, we've decided to pack up this morning and head to the coast for a couple days of camping while we still have nice weather. Plus, it's the last open weekend for the campground where we like to stay which is 5 miles inland from the beach. It's right next to a lovely river, with gorgeous big trees all.around and coin-operated hot showers. Which reminds me, I need to take a bunch of quarters along. We'll spend the day on the beach tomorrow, can't wait to put my toes in the sand!

    I've got to do something with the apples first thing this morning, at least the ones that fell from the tree and split. I suppose the easiest thing is to cook them into sauce, then store it in the fridge while we're away this weekend. Hubby got busy with the tomatoes yesterday, they're all peeled and seeded and ready for salsa making. I'll freeze them and get back to canning next week. Part of me says Stay home and continue processing your garden vegs. The other part says You have a freezer. Freezer wins the argument.

    So off we go!! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

    Joanie Appleseed:laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies.

    I am frustrated that I don't have the time to keep up with this thread lately. I feel like I am missing out. I just don't seem to have enough time in the day anymore. I am trying to keep up with my food diary but even that has been slipping lately. Oh well I will just try to find more time.

    So today was the second day that we put the boys out in the kennel. Ritter loves it.:tongue: It is a much bigger place and he gets to be with Bodi. Bodi on the other hand looked at me like "What the hell did I do to deserve being caged, Mom, I have never been caged except at Uncle George's (thats what we call the kennel they go to when we travel). Why are you doing this to me? " It broke my heart:cry: . He has always had free rein in the house and backyard because I was with him all the time when he was a puppy. I am sure he will get used to it but dragging a 95 pound dog out of my living room, down the deck stairs out to the kennel is not fun nor easy.:noway:

    Happy Friday all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning! Looks like there will be another thread before the month is up! Love reading all of your posts!:heart: I woke up with hip pain and thought oh no now what but when I got up and moving, it's feeling better! One of the best perks for me, with more exercise and eating better, is waking up with more energy and not that sluggish feeling!!! Also helps that jeans that I couldn't fit into 2 months ago (they fit 1 month ago finally), are now loose in the waist! :happy: Not quite ready to drop another pant size yet but I'm ok with things just fitting better! I love sharing all the victories with my MFP friends!

    Glenda - Surprised that is was a woman that designed the lovely mammogram machine!:noway:

    DeeDee-Wow, you really were busy! Which reminds me, I have to clean my fridge out today! Your Bichon must look adorable with the orange bows and toes!!:smile:

    Barbie-Your spiritual retreat sounds wonderful and thank you again for keeping this thread going!:flowerforyou:

    Linda-Glad you carved out time for yourself and got to the gym. Whoever knew that I if skip a few days that I would miss it?!

    Michele-I need to change the zoom on my laptop!! Thought you said you were looking for TITLES for the pool! I thought, "Wow, they are even naming it!":laugh:

    Wessecg-Congrats on your loss! It also reminds me that I still haven't made the salmon our friend gave a awhile ago!

    Marquis63 and Kjeffries2- WELCOME!

    I have to go pick up the wrapping paper that my cat is shredding, and I think my dog is helping him:grumble: Have a great day!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Sundance - I didn't know you were an older Mom too!! I had my first child at 19, but my next two at 40 and 42 - so tell your daughter she's not alone. I will be 60 too when my boy is 18. My young son oftens look at pictures of me with his older brother when we were young and says, "Tony is lucky, he had a young skinny Mom." Out of the mouths of babes.

    I can't give him the young, but I can get him the skinny Mom.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    The sun is shining brilliantly and the coffee is on. My stomach seems to be calming down a little and we will see if we if we can’t do a little more decompressing in the garden today before I have to start running around to fix anything more. I spent some time out there yesterday, brought in another lovely golden zucchini and a large bowl of tomatoes (running out of places to put them!). I also named and strangled a lot of weeds. I am now concerned that if this whole work situation isn’t resolved it might jeopardize my New York trip but I can’t let that thought flourish.

    I had coffee with my friends last night after an orientation class. There we were in Tim Horton’s, they all had fancy donuts, chocolate iced and cream-stuffed and there was mine, a single Timbit, one small round donut-hole looking almost lost on the plate. They all kidded me but it was all I needed with my tea (and after going off the rails the last two nights with that Lindt chocolate!).

    Analyzing my success with my September goals: well yes, I did break through the 200 pound wall and I crossed from being obese to overweight, things I thought could never happen! Unfortunately, I didn’t increase my walking; instead I almost quit my regular evening walks! Not good. Think I will try the mornings, I like walking in daylight.

    October goals:
    -To look down and only see my bust and not my Buddha belly sticking out beneath.
    -To buy new pants for my New York trip in a size smaller
    -To start arm exercises with soup cans if necessary, as it looks like the flood boxes won’t be opened anytime soon.
    -To be better about drinking water when the temperature drops (it’s so easy when it’s hot outside.)
    -Return to meditation to counteract the negative effects of work.

    I hope the sun is shining where you are, choose happiness in spite of what is around you,
    Wishing you all good things,
    Hugs Kate
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGI Friday.

    Janehadji- ahhh that's not good about your Dad having to wait a year for dentures, hoping that you are able to convince him that a year is a long time to eat soft foods.:grumble: And you know you can vent here anytime.:wink:

    Vanessa- Welcome:flowerforyou:

    jb- I too took the test my age 40.3 and going to live until 95.7. Hubby took it too and it looks like I'll be alone for about 12 years unless he really does get his act together and start eating healthier.:wink: I too have found that I have to be very careful with the breads, chips, cheese etc. I find if I really want it to pull out my kitchen scale and weigh out a portion and put the rest away of course all of that is after I have checked my calorie count for the day to see if I have enough room for it:ohwell: and sometimes I do and others I don't and if I don't I just put the naughty food away and pull out a glass of water instead:sad:

    stardancer-sometimes it's so hard to truly visualize how we are looking, from the front, side and back views. I still see my stomach sticking out but once the clothes are on it "appears" to be flat:blushing: or maybe I have 'special' mirrors and don't know it:laugh:

    Katrena- Welcome:flowerforyou: Hearing that your hubby ate your lunch for his breakfast gave me a smile...I'm pretty sure my hubby would never do that as I usually have a green chili sufffle and my portion is much smaller than what he eats:happy:

    tigress-anytime you can see your reflection and it give you an emotional boost is a NSV:drinker:

    Lin-your nuts snack sounded wonderful:drinker:

    Meg-hoping for a good weigh in for you:flowerforyou:

    Kathy-take it slow and don't overdo we wouldn't want your knee and foot to be hurting:happy:

    Lizzie- what a lot of workouts you do, good for you being able to mix it up:flowerforyou:

    Glenda-they check the receipts at Sam's Club too and I did wonder what would happen if you don't have your receipt...at your expense I will have to say "lesson learned":wink: Good word to the wise about Credit Card and Bank fraud...we have had to cancel our Visa twice due to activity that was not us, thankfully we caught it both times and they replaced our cards within 36 hrs:happy:

    wessecg- I'm positive you are right about a machine for men:laugh: I can't imagine them allowing someone to squash their testicles like we get smashed:laugh: Congrats on that loss:drinker: We are celebrating with you:drinker:

    Michele- it sounds like you have contractors coming and going:drinker: keeping up with your exercise through your pool project and making snacks for the workers you are a wonder:drinker:

    jane-I'm sure it was hard for hubby to sell his collection, anytime you sell something that you have taken time to save it usually means a lot to you and it's hard to part with:ohwell: Glad you are feeling better and ready to get back to your PT.

    DeeDee- orange bows and polish...she sounds adorable:flowerforyou:

    Micki- a trip to Israel sounds wonderful, and with what you have lost you're sure to be able to keep up:flowerforyou:

    Barbie-enjoy your retreat, it's sure to refresh you body and soul:flowerforyou:

    Linda-that's good news about the oral surgery for your daughter that she will only have a one day recovery. Thanks for the added info on weight loss and sleep. I try real hard to get plenty of sleep as I really dislike the dark circles and bags under the eyes that develop when I don't get enough:wink: I know pretty vain:blushing:

    Joanie- have a good time camping:flowerforyou: Too bad the canning faries won't do that canning for you while you are gone:laugh:

    Robin-when you have time you know where to find us....love your kennel story...not sure how Peanut would do with that he's always had free rein too:ohwell:

    Kate-congrats on the goals you met and well there is always October and I see that you have already set your October goals...gives me food for thought about mine:huh:

    We had our workout in the basement last night and for some reason I was ready for bed by 8pm, just wanted to get in the bed and read. It did give me about 8.25 hrs of sleep so that was a good thing.

    Hubby won't be off work until 3:30 so I will have some time at home alone to get a bit of house work done before we head out and do our weekly shopping. Going to see what we have in the freezer to see what we should have for meals this week.

    I have month end billings on my desk and payroll to finish. Everyone have a great Friday....let's all log our food, drink our water and keep moving:drinker:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Thank you so much for the kind comments (and suggestions!) about my dad. :flowerforyou: They had only pulled two teeth when they brought him back out yesterday, so he has four left. The doctor didn't bother to speak with us, and the aide said that someone will call us when they have an opening to pull the rest. This probably means another 6 weeks, in my experience. :noway: I feel badly for him, and will write some letters per suggestions!

    Vanessa -- Welcome to the group! It sounds like you're an old pro at weight loss, so I know that you can do it again and maybe teach us something along the way.

    JP -- I'm impressed that you've overcome the need to eat beyond the portion of walnuts! That's a major accomplishment, for sure. I still have "red light" foods that I haven't dared to approach.

    Kathyszoo -- I'm glad that you are able to do the water walking without too much pain now. It's frustrating when you want to get moving and can't, I know.

    Michele -- You have amazing reserves of patience! I know that the pool will be gorgeous when it's finished, and can't wait to see the photos.

    Wessecg -- Congrats on breaking into the 160's! You've been moving right along and your hard work is paying off.

    I'm going to Fort Collins with my daughter today. We had done one of these wine tasting "mix your own" things at a winery there last spring, and it's now time to bottle our vintages and bring them home. I hope you all have a fun day as well!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and happy weekend everyone! I hope you all have a fun weekend planned. Mine is, as always, busy busy busy. I’m hoping the weather breaks so we can do some yard work. I’m also helping my sister plan her husband’s 50th party – the planning will probably involve a glass of wine :smile: .

    Nancy, good for you on finding a creative way to get your students interested! That makes you a great teacher.

    Laura8, I agree about using small “pockets” to set goals. We are so critical of ourselves, but it’s awesome how much better we feel when we can actually see a loss in our fat pockets. I’ve been watching my tummy go down (it’s no longer sticking out further than my breasts) and am now down to just shrinking that little hangy part down around my hips :tongue: . So happy you and your husband are getting out and enjoying life. It’s been a great discovery for me lately.

    JaneH, Good for you for helping your father. Have you investigated finding a dentist who might do his dentures for less or as a charity for a VA member? There might be a dental school in the area that can help too. It might be worth checking out. Even the VA might have some suggestions. I hope you enjoy your weekend with your daughter.

    Vanessa, welcome! Best wishes on your new journey – lots of support here.

    JB, Lucky girl! My husband has been trekking around talking about apples for the past couple of weeks – we’re going to have to go find some this weekend. I’d love to find an organic orchard in the area, but I may just go to our local place. I use apples a lot to make jams, but mainly we just make applesauce. I completely agree with you about portioning out your “splurges” ahead of time. I count out nuts, measure a tablespoon of nut butter to eat with apple slices, etc. It’s a good way if you can moderate your intake, I think. Have a wonderful time on your camping trip – I’m so jealous.

    Stardancer, I love that your daughter is noticing the weight loss regardless of the side :smile: .

    Katrena, welcome! Sad about your husband eating your potato, but do you know you can cook a sweet potato in the microwave quite quickly? They’re wonderful foods, so keep eating them!

    Tigress, I wanted to say thank you for all the supportive comments:love: . Yay for “little less Humpty Dumpty looking”!

    Lin, I love the marcone almonds. I actually just finished a handful of them. We’ve had them at a Spanish Tapas place where they had tossed them in a little olive oil, then pan-fried them, then put a sprinkling of salt on them and serve them as an appetizer. Good thought about the ballot – my husband is considering a meeting out of State so we need to order one too. Our State is fighting about the voter ID thing, so I’m waiting to see what they decide before ordering it. I hope your dad is settling in better.

    Meg, I hope your weigh-in was as light as you hope :smile: .

    Kathy, take it easy on that leg/knee/foot. It will help to bring it along slowly. Your puppies will be glad that you can take them out, even for little bits at a time.

    Lizzie, I like the sound of your exercise program – it’s how I’m working out right now too and it’s really made a difference.

    Glenda, My mammo was squishy but not unbearable this time. I just hope it’s clean :wink: . I always use this time of year to take care of my health appts – mammo, dental, physical, and derma – then the rest of the year for follow-ups. I have started fighting back on some of the overreactions some of my docs have – so no, I’m not have another ultrasound on my ovaries that have cysts that have traded sides since my mid-30s – it’s just the way they work. I don’t need to see them, and I don’t need more x-rays. I’m getting feisty. This wasn’t a rant at you, just a general rant :tongue: .

    Good point about the email. There has been a big phishing fraud about that, and there is also a hacker/block going on today (one of my accounts is blocked currently). The other fun one: my atm card to my ING account was cancelled on request from MC without any notification or warning! I had to call them today because it’s been a week now. Guess I can’t spend too much – actually had to write a physical check this week!

    Wessecg, I hope you stay healthy. It may not be the best possible way to find the cancers, but it is the best and main way we have right now. The other point is they need to see what your breasts look like initially so they can track any changes. And CONGRATULATIONS ON THE LOSS! And the new level – woohoo!

    Michele, You sure are being patient and kind to the pool guys! They must appreciate you as a customer.

    Jane, I hope your husband finds something soon. How sad to have to sell his belongings.

    Dee, you sound like your day was super productive! It’s good for you even if it does wear you out because it’s a good wearing out :happy: .

    Hi, Micki – My mother did that trip in the Middle East – she didn’t go to Israel (it’s on her wish list) but she did go through Greece and Turkey – loved the trip so much. Have fun!

    Barbie, have fun on your retreat!

    Sundance, Yay for getting to the gym! I find it helps me to sleep, so it’s a win-win!

    Hi, Mandi – and welcome!

    Robin, I wouldn’t sweat it too much. I come and see what everyone is doing, but honestly I have to skim/speed read or I wouldn’t ever do anything else ( and my work would probably have something to say about that). I’m glad your puppies are adapting to the kennel.

    Kathy, I have to say I ran into the pants issue yesterday too – put on a pair I couldn’t fit into before, they fit one day and already were too big by last night. It’s a great problem to have :drinker: .

    Kate, you named and strangled your weeds? Hmm. I missed, what’s going on with your work? I agree with you on the walking – I used to think I could only go in the mornings or the evenings, but really I go when I can fit it in. I do work out first thing in the morning, but beyond that everything else is gravy :drinker: . I love your goals – good for you. You’ll get there in no time!

    Laura, good for you for working out. It doesn’t make me tired initially, but I’m always ready for bed by nine at the latest. My husband just laughs at me. I don’t mind :smile: .

    Well, I’m off. I had a lovely evening with the husband at our last home-game for the baseball team. Sadly, our season is coming to an early close. Trying to be philosophical about it. I hope everyone has a busy, enjoyable weekend with lots of healthy eating and energy-burning!


  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just got back from swimming, about to cook my lunch, I am going to try and eat a little more today. Tonight is chicken wing night, yippie. I'm marking my spot, as we are just about done an going for part 3. Tigress
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy Howdy! I am PSYCHED! I lost 1.5 pounds and my partner lost 3, so I hope we make the top 3 again this week. I know I’ll be trolling outlook from clinical on Tuesday to find the results. I have found a couple of wonderful benefits to this contest. First, it is so refreshing to finally not feel like my weight is some big, dark, horrible secret. Although we don’t share actual weights (except with our buddies and the organizer), we are all talking about how much we lost, what we gained, how frustrating it is to stay the same, so it’s OUT there. It’s just not a big deal anymore!! That is really liberating.

    The other thing I have noticed is that I am staying a couple hundred calories below my goal, which I never thought I could do. Yesterday, before Russian chocolate for dessert, I’d only had 1500-some calories and I was actually full. A year ago I would have thought that meant starvation and certain wasting away. Now I see that I can be comfortable with so much less.
    So this is a nice mood to start my weekend in!

    Kathy: good job for you to get in that little walk. Every little bit really adds up!

    Glenda: I went to Costco once with a friend and it was harder to get out of there than to get on an airplane! OMG you’d think we were all stealing everything in sight.

    Wessecg: (and others…) if your mammogram actually HURTS go somewhere else! It should not hurt. It is uncomfortable, but a good tech will make sure you are not in pain. I have large breasts and they really have to work hard to get good pictures, but that’s the advice they tell me. GREAT job on your weight loss! You deserve to be so excited. I am excited for you. I’m chasing you!

    Michele: now I’m not so jealous of your pool LOL. What a mess! Thankfully they will be done sooner or later!

    Jane: hope you are feeling much better these days!

    DeeDee: I can just picture your doggie with nail polish! My 15 year old keeps wanting to paint Benny beagle’s nails, but he’s a boy so I say no, what would all the other boy dogs say?

    Micki: Hi and nice to see you again.

    Barbie: I hope your retreat is wonderful and everything you expect

    Linda: my back was killing me, leg numb, so I chose to let the 15 year old choose something for all of us to watch on TV. So Impractical Jokers it was. Good thing they were very funny episodes….used the heating pad and by the time I got to bed and got my nightly massage from DH, it was much better. I always make rice on the stove, so I don’t know about the rice cooker. That does sound like a lot of work though! Don’t work too hard this weekend! I know how stressful your job can be. Rest up!

    JB AKA Joanie Appleseed: have a great camping trip. I wish we could just pack up like that.

    Robin: poor you and poor Bodi! I hope he gets used to it, maybe he will watch Ritter to see how he reacts!

    Kathy: glad you got to feeling better!

    Kate; Your wonderful attitude is so refreshing! I love reading your posts

    Janehadji: gave a grand time at the wine tasting!

    M: sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Enjoy

    Well ladies I am off to finish the grocery shopping then visit dad. Going out tonight for a beer! Or two lol. Cheers and take care, Meg
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!went for my 1st walk since I got sick outdoors.Beautiful fall day.Trees are starting to change.It felt so good to be out.talked to pt dr and he said go slow,since it`s been over 3 weeks.need to set up opt,once we know if hubby has the job and hours etc..
    Love reading the posts.Thanks for all your support.You are an amazing group of women.
    It`s hard to keep up with all the names and post to each,know I`m reading and rooting for you all.
    Have a great day.Busy week-end,gonna hang out with my 2 year old twin niece and nephew sat and shower for my DIL sun.
    So if I don`t get to post,have a great week-end.
  • erd1954
    erd1954 Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations! I have been using MFP 70 days and progress is very slow.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    wessecg - super big congratulations! You deserve it. How wonderful!

    Sherry - boy, you are one busy gal. Maintaining is good.

    joanie - I'm with you, God made freezers for a reason........

    Well, the backyard looks VERY different now. Tomorrow one of the guys (maybe more, I don't know) is supposed to be here to start the cleanup of the pool. Are the pool and spa ever dirty. Well, with them cutting stone and concrete, that certainly didn't help any. I didn't know this, but when they pour the concrete they have this "tool" which is like a drill that stirs up the concrete so it lays flat. Of course, in doing this little bits fly into the pool/spa. Then when they took the cantilevers off, they were cleaning the sides, so that adds to the dirtyness of the pool. but it'll all be taken care of. Next will probably be landscaping and grading, burying pipes, etc. It's a good thing that we have a good size plot of land, the concrete truck came and we didn't need the pump truck (which saved us $500). It's interesting, too, how they put the stress cracks in the concrete. For some parts they used a machine, others they did it by hand.

    Went and picked up 6 pizzas for the guys and a bottle of Coke. Some of the guys were leaving early and this way they had lunch. The pool company paid for it (certainly not me).

    Will need to buy more bottles of water, probably tomorrow

    Meg - that's wonderful about your loss.

    Never did get to exercise today. Was afraid to start a walking DVD because I wanted to be available if needed. Made butterscotch fudge and these butterscotch crispie cookies. Later tonight I'll make Vince some chocolate chip cookies. A friend asked me to go play mahjongg today but I told her that there is no way that I'd go and miss this pour.

    The worst part of doing this baking for the guys is the fact that I really need to try at least a sample. For a while there I felt so so good, I wasn't eating very many refined carbs at all, mostly fruits and veges. And then I started the baking, using white flour and all. Well, it'll all be over soon (thank goodness!)

    Tomorrow is farmer's market, then yoga.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Happy day to all! Had a great day just walking around shopping with a friend. Luckily I didn't buy tooooo much.

    And I can't believe it but I already have the all clear on my mammogram. That was quick.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    How do we roll this??