You WILL FAIL with MFP, like every other diet...



  • clairemillen
    Really well said!! well done!... yes pointing out some obvious truths - but this is the first message that caught me eye enough as it echo's exactly how I'm feeling.

    I have tried various "diets" over the years looking for quick fixes... they work for a short time and then you lose motivation and as you fear - you're back where you are.

    I did Lighter Life last year (booo hiss I hear you cry) - I'm sure I'll upset some people for admitting that... but you know what it really helped me at a point in my life where I was really struggling, it was a welcomed break from feeling like I always failed... I lost 4 stone... it was AMAZING! I felt amazing!

    But... I've put 1 1/2 back on = I'm stabilising (with the help of being mindful and using MFP as a good education) and have no intention to put more back on... there is of course a very good reason why I put this on so quickly - I returned to my same old eating habits, binging, comfort eating.... telling myself off, feeling sorry for myself and having more to eat - horrible cycle which I'm sure many have been in!...

    I'm back using MFP after a long break - I'm using it to educate myself so that I NEVER have to feel like I have to pay ridiculous amounts of money to some diet club to lose weight... I WANT to be healthier and eat less and exercise more and feel fine when I do want a treat that it's fine and acceptable, etc... I'm loving this next phase of my life.

    I'm also really impressed by this website, the tools, the app, the barcode reader - I can make recipes to freeze and know where I stand with them - I can plan ahead - all in all it's enabling me to think up food plans, stick to them and figure out what I can sensibly eat.

    Exercise has always been my downfall... I have come to the conclusion though that I now need to address that part of my life and have to say MFP is going to help me there too!!! I'd really like to get myself one of those fit bit pedometers and scales! :-D

    Perhaps after reading this message board and topic - I should find some more to read :-) If you want to encourage me along please add me - I'm new to the members/community bit. :-)
  • caripink
    caripink Posts: 5 Member
    couldnt have put that better myself, its inspirational to hear what u have wrote, i,m so pleased with MFP, pity i hadnt heard about it sooner,but better late than never, well done on ur fabulous weight loss too !!:..
  • grommy
    grommy Posts: 1 Member
    right on! I have been at goal for months now, I know maintenance is my down fall and requires my constant attention, i travel a lot and eat out all the time. I cannot imagine a time when i will not use MFP daily.
  • DirtyStacks
    DirtyStacks Posts: 179 Member
    Wow! I'm overwhelmed by the reception of this post! I recognize I only stated what is blatantly obvious to most MFPers who have been at this a while, but I had a newbie MSG me asking me about the "MFP Diet" I was on, which prompted the post. I feel so humbled that so many found my post inspiring to them. I never expected to be a motivator and the truth is that all of you motivate me to do better than I have done so far. Thank you! I wish you all great success in reaching your fitness goals!
  • tgsampson36
    Thank you so much for this post. I just started with MFP and I find if very helpful along with the help of my dietian and my personal trainer. I copied you post to put in my exercise binder and use as encouragement.
  • TeddyLoc
    Allready!!! (Good Point!!!)
  • Breyna_10
    100000000000000000000000000 like..
  • Stac2004
    Stac2004 Posts: 88 Member
    So I've been wrong telling everyone I'm on the MFP diet? Yikes. Just kidding. Great post. Thanks!
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    you speak the truth! thank you!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    with the name of your topic means you think mfp is a diet??
    I think all the people in here know that its not about diets, its about changing lifestyle.
  • sd75
    sd75 Posts: 49
    LIKE :happy:

    I could do with someone saying this to me every single day !!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tatianna68
    tatianna68 Posts: 90 Member
    :smile: Well said
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    After reading the title I thought you were going to be speaking cobblers until I started to read it - totally agree with everything you said
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    You said it all!
  • dkweathington
    dkweathington Posts: 69 Member
    Awesome!!! My thoughts exactly!!!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Preach it!
  • RickBsMFP
    RickBsMFP Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Captain Obvious:

    I had the same thought. Then I realized that sadly this is not obvious to everyone. Common sense is rather uncommon.
  • lrcross
    ...encouragement for many...
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Nice! And here I thought you were going to make me mad. LOL