What gamers do we have on here?



  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    360 (Xbox) and PS3, although my 360 is main gaming console. ANY RPG's are my gaming crack. I've been currently lost for the past year in Skyrim, with breaks to try and get the last few achreviments in Dragon Age 1 & 2, finish Fable 3 (boy that game was a MAJOR let down) and a few minor others. For the PS3, been trying to finish Infamous 1 & 2 and the last God of War.

    Currently waiting for that Dishonored (i think it's called) to come out, want Boarderlands 2, there is another Silent Hill i need to grab up as well, plus my hubby was whiny that I need to finish Overlord 1 & 2 (lol - so old).... so yeah. I'm busy in my free time lol
  • radscorpion
    Hahaha just look at my username. Says enough reaally. Huge fan of the Fallout series obviously, also love other RPGs like the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Balders Gate, KoToR.. Also some JRPGS (the Tales of and Persona series being my favess)

    Also love FPS, third person shooters and horror.. I really am a mixed bag aha. Gears being the ultimate fave as far as modern shooters go.

    My favourite oldies are Primal, Legacy of Kain series (soul reaver, blood omen), Red Alert, MGS, Dungeon Keeper and Splinter Cell.

    Currently playing Borderlands 2 on 360.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I play console and PC games. Only current gen console I don't have is the Wii (sold it since I wasn't using it). I prefer certain games on PC (hack-and-slash, RPG, ARPG, and MMORPG, etc...), and certain games on console (FPS, Adventure, etc...). Right now I'm playing Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 on PC. On console I'm playing a few; Borderlands 2, Rune Factory, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and a couple others.
  • Missymel84
    Missymel84 Posts: 14 Member
    I play LOTRO when I get a chance. Love the game and used to play all the time. Started uni this year so my free time has really decreased, but still get on and have a quick game.
    I'm a PC gamer, don't go much on consoles unless it's singstar or just dance ;)
  • TahliaHarveysMummy
    Not a gamer by any means but when i first met my OH (8 and half years ago!!!) he was massively into playing DAOC - Dark Ages of Camelot for those that don't know it - and i got hooked too until they changed my character overnight and then lost interest!! :o( I've played the first 2 Dungeon Siege games (loved them) but still haven't got round to the 3rd yet!
    My OH is now addicted to PlanetSide 2 (he payed the original for years but then lost interest until they came back with new version a few months back) so i'm more a gamer widow then a gamer myself lol! I have got a DS but havn't played it for ages and prefer silly girly games like Cooking Mama and Cake Mania lol!
  • OliLloyd
    OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
    I play console and PC games. Only current gen console I don't have is the Wii (sold it since I wasn't using it). I prefer certain games on PC (hack-and-slash, RPG, ARPG, and MMORPG, etc...), and certain games on console (FPS, Adventure, etc...). Right now I'm playing Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 on PC. On console I'm playing a few; Borderlands 2, Rune Factory, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and a couple others.

    I have just bowed out of Diablo 3 after it's population died due to WoW:MOP and GW2 releases, but I still have a 120kDPS Barb there for farming runs when I wanna play. I made a good chunk of real-life money from D3 so my heart is still with it, but it just need an injection of cash, that's all :(
  • OliLloyd
    OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
    I've just finished Witcher2. Also have Skyrim but waiting till I have no studies to really get back into it.

    My sister has introduced me in to Torchlight2 which took up most of my weekend.

    I wish Skyrim was RPG Online game to fight with friends on xbox I love that game

    Well, an MMO based on the lore of The Elder Scrolls is actually in development right now, so your wish will be coming true very soon. Maybe not to xbox.. but certainly to PC.
  • OliLloyd
    OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
    I bought GW2, but since Dark Souls was released on PC at around the same time, it's been consuming all my gaming time. I also throw in some Borderlands 2 or BF3 when I feel like shooting things in the face.

    I'm playing GW2. On Gunnars Hold and in Sarcastic Malevolence guild.

    That's cool dude, give me an add if you want, always good to have more people to talk to there!
  • OliLloyd
    OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
    I'm bbykitteh on league if anyone wants to play with me :)

    I assume you're a US player. Means we can't play, shame!
  • OliLloyd
    OliLloyd Posts: 61 Member
    Xbox 360 gamer here, but I've been gaming since the Commodore 64 was the new kid on the block.

    Since I really only get 4-5 hours per week to play, I'm a solely singler player gamer now. I was addicted to WoW2 and Quake 2 back in college, so I did get some heavy duty multiplayer time in the past, but it's a solo thing now.

    Currently working through Witcher 2 and Dust (both of which are fantastic), and will most likely grab Borderlands 2 and Dishonored in the coming months. Great to see so many other gamers on here!

    It's good to see a lot of Witcher gamers here now, the lore in that game is next to none.
  • kayfrog
    kayfrog Posts: 109 Member
    WoW gamer here, been playing since the beginning of BC. I also play Sims3 a lot too.

    My husband is more into the xbox360. He can't wait for Assassin's Creed 3 and Resident Evil 6.
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    Recently went retro and gaming on the n64 and snes
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    I like my little anime rpg's on Wii. Muramasa, Okami... :)
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    I play a mix of computer and 360, current laptop is a low spec so really just able to take minecraft at the moment but just got a Borderlands 2, amazing game!! :D
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Battlefield 3 = straight love<3

    I play on PS3(:

    xTacticalJOEx (it's my ex's old account that I took over, hah)
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I'm a RPG kinda gal. I mostly play on my PS3, but I also have a PSP. Currently playing through Valkyria Chronicles 2. I also love Katamari :)
  • bm_stclair
    bm_stclair Posts: 26 Member
    WoW (87 DK, 85 Pally, and one promising up and coming lvl 69 BE Rogue).
    Minecraft (PC)
    Call of Duty X (currently MW3 but whatever happens to be the latest)
    Battlefield 3

    On the non electronic side (which you may or may not count)
    Various Euro board games and deck building games such as but not limited to the following:
    Settlers of Catan
    Ticket to Ride
    Small World
    Kingdom Builder
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    due to time constraints ive narrowed down to COD games, GTA games, and FF games.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm into all RPGS, specifically MMOs (Ferentus before it shut, WoW since BC, tried Aeon, tried Everquest II, tried Rift, looking to get into Guild Wars 2, etc.). I feel lame that I've fallen off the gaming wagon--I fill my gaming time now with fitness D:... although I do lots of Just Dance, DDR, etc. for fitness, lol. Been trying to finish Skyward Sword on Wii though.
  • emilyia
    Played SWTOR and now am playing Guild Wars 2.