Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    Love this...
    "yankee dimes" (kisses)

    I haven't heard this term in years! I thought it was something my dad made up! haha
  • The duplex I live in has a ghost cat...seriously. One nite on the verge of falling asleep I felt something pulling the covers trying to climb up on the bed. Needless to say I freaked out jumped out of bed & turned on the light....nothing there. The next time I just laid in the bed & could feel little paws stepping on the comforter beside my leg, when I turned on the flashlight ( I was prepared this time) once again nothing. So apparently it's a sweet ghost kitty & since I'm allergic to live cats it's the perfect pet. LOL
  • sapph1rre
    sapph1rre Posts: 56 Member
    The duplex I live in has a ghost cat...seriously. One nite on the verge of falling asleep I felt something pulling the covers trying to climb up on the bed. Needless to say I freaked out jumped out of bed & turned on the light....nothing there. The next time I just laid in the bed & could feel little paws stepping on the comforter beside my leg, when I turned on the flashlight ( I was prepared this time) once again nothing. So apparently it's a sweet ghost kitty & since I'm allergic to live cats it's the perfect pet. LOL


    Please keep them going everyone, this is my favorite topic!
  • bump
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    bump to read later
  • cindybickler
    cindybickler Posts: 113 Member
    bump, love these!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I grew up in a haunted house. Things would go missing, get moved get fixed etc.

    I would often wake up to 3 people standing at the foot of my bed, an older man that I am pretty sure was my mom's dad (I never met him he passed when she was 17 but it was on the property my mom lives on), an older woman and a little kid. The house is over 200 years old so I have no idea who the other 2 were.

    things consistently go bump in the night, and just recently I asked my younger brother who is in on of the rooms upstairs if he heard the weird bumping and dragging in the cubby hole in his room, and he looked at me and said "So, I am not crazy?" and I laughed at him and proceeded to tell him it happened every night for years but no one would ever believe me because as soon as anyone else was in the room the sounds would stop. Mom now has cats so a lot of the bumps go unnoticed because they sound like noises in the house.

    My younger brothers were home alone one day and the rocking chair just started rocking - no one was near it they were sitting on the opposite side of the room playing video games when it happened. It got to the point where my mom had to move the chair or my youngest brother wouldn't go into the living room because it happened every time he walked in.

    And lastly, when I was about 15 I was spending the night with a really good friend - in her basement as her parents were at the hospital with another friends mom (our friend was in a major car accident and we were not sure she was going to live). Anyways we had heard that the house was haunted but we always laughed it off as a big joke - until that night. My friend and I were just getting ready for bed and we heard the door open and then footsteps through the kitchen, down the hall and into the bathroom. So we called out "Hey how is Dana???" and no one answered. I looked at her and she looked at me and we shrugged and figured we had imagined it because we wanted to know how our friend was. A little while later we heard the footsteps again and then it sounded like the bathtub was running so we ran upstairs thinking it was her parents - there was no one there but the shower which neither of us had used had water in the bottom of it. It was a little freaky.

    I have lots of stories most of them revolve around my mom's house - its quite active.
  • My dad died on Valentine's Day. I flew back home. My Mom said she thought my Dad hid money in the basement and if we found it we would get to keep some of it. So of course I went searching. It was my Mom's Brithday and we were planning the funeral. Well I started on the Pool Table which was loaded with stuff. Believe it or not I found a Birthday Card from my Dad that was signed. Funny thing why did I start looking on the Pool Table. FYI yes we found the money me and my son $12,000 we each got $3,000 I found a few guns OMG they were loaded. For some reason I knew I had to get rid of them quickly. I had my son take me to the Police Department. My son was young then like 22 so maybe he would have gotten curious don't know but it was like get rid of them now. I flew home several times over three months on my last visit for some odd reason I went up to the attic I was drawn to one box I bent down and went into my brother's old top of a desk (my brother passed a few years prior) I found ID bracelet with his name. I named my 11 year old after him. I truly believe he wanted his nephew have it. We had been looking for his high school ring for years. Guess what a few minutes after I found the ID bracelet my Mom for some unknow reason went into one of his drawers in his dresser(she never really went thru all of his things) she found his High School Ring. So I went home with My brother's High School Ring and his ID bracelet to give to his little namesake. It really made me happy knowing my brother knew that he had a little guy named after him.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    When I was 7 or 8 I was sitting on the living room floor and my older sister was sprawled out on the couch. Since I was younger, we were watching what SHE wanted. I saw something out of the corner of my eye in the kitchen and turned my head to get a better look. It was my sister at the stove. She turned her head to me and stared at me. The one thing that I really remember is that her eyes were red. Bright red, to the point where it was almost glowy. I quickly turned around, and there she was sleeping on the couch. We were the only ones home.

    The other one was about a year or so ago when I was in bed asleep. I could see myself spread out on the bed on my stomach. I could see the alarm clock reading 8:23 in the morning, and I saw my husband's mother (who had passed away about 10 years ago at that point) at the corner of my room, just talking to me. I can't remember what she said, but I do remember her telling me to wake up. When I did I looked at the alarm clock and it said 8:23.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    My friend and I played with an Ouija bored for 3 days straight non stop....starting tapping into some weird stuff and could move strange objects with our fingertips barely even touching..almost hovering. We were super close friends and not the type to lie/trick each other. The final night we set up a couple candles and in the middle of a session a candle in a way candles do not explode... a loud pop and really bright and sparks went flying almost electrical like. The candle was sitting on the table right in front of us, it was just an everyday candle in a holder.
  • Pooj_K
    Pooj_K Posts: 45 Member
    i wil not sleep this nite.... :noway: LOL

    ^^^^^ this!!
  • My Dad likes to leave me pennies. I know Pennies from heaven. We celebrate birthdays all in one week me my sister and my son in June. We all have birthdays in one week. My sister usually flies in to celebrate our birthday. My kids and myself seem to be the ones who finds the pennies. Well when we went on a mini vacation unloading at the hotel I found one penny as soon as I got out of my truck. I just got so excited. Then 2 seconds later I found one by my son's door and another by my daughter's door. I just laughed and said Thanks Dad for the pennies. My son (who also has the same name as my Dad and my brother) is finding them all the time. My daughter finds them too. One time we were at Busch Gardens and Ricky found a penny and it was close to my daughter's foot she was mad because Ricky found it and she put her foot on it she didn't want him to find it. A few minutes later she found her penny. There is a Red Cardinal that frequents us and also seems to be always around us. We seen one off to the side while camping My Dad was a red head. My Aunt loved butterflies. She had no children but treated me and my kids like she was our Mom and Grandma. A few times my daughter has had butterflies come close to her face like to give her kisses. Funny as it is the kids and myself really believe it. My Mom has been visiting and she couldn't wait to see our friendly Cardinal that visits us alot. When she saw the bird she said she agreed she had the same feeling like we all did. Sometimes I am sad or confused and I will ask my Dad to give me a penny from heaven and he is a funny guy sometimes I will find a quarter. I hope I made somebody smile. It made me smile just by typing it.
  • charver35
    charver35 Posts: 24 Member
    So when my ex gf dumped me, she asked if I'd be ok... I replied by asking her if she were to die before me, would she be willing to come back and give me ghost sex... she agreed!!

    So I have that going for me.

    LOL... Love it!
  • Did anybody realize it is a Full Moon I went on my late night walk. It was funny because the Community Park has a nice walking path I noticed some of the sprinklers were on one side of the path then while walking on the other side I hurt a noise and it turned out another sprinkler came on and it was pokey, Lol full Moon with spooky stories and nice stories of missing my relatives. I felt my Aunts presence when I had my grand sone at may aunts house it was close to dusk and i was in her favorite chair where she would rock my babies there. I sat in her chair an held the baby in my arm he was soud asleep. i heard in my heard thanks for bringing the baby and then all of a sudden the hair on my arms stood up and I knew she had crossed over. I kept a picture of my and and uncle on the wall and when I was finished with the house then I took the picture done. I could tell i no longer than her presence and when i closed the house garage door. I cried and was sad to say good bye. when a tenat moved out the did not clean the house so he lost the security. I spent over 14 plus hours just like she would have wanted it done, she hated her slop sink dirty so I made sure i cleaned well. I cleaned all the cabinets and counter tops, When I finished the house I felt like sure was watching over me and thanked me very much. I even told her the house is the way you left is you would be proud. I knew she was watching over me and I saw several butterflies around the house and I smiled and know she was watching me over me. I felt a sign of relief that she was happy I left her house as she would wanted to. I felt at peqce and I still believe she stills follows me and guides me in the right path.
  • stfulauren's story about the sinking cushion reminded me of my fathers experiences. Not to go into details but his own dad used to beat him with a fire poker so as soon as he was old enough he ran away from home. He was taken in by a couple who owned an old farmhouse (which was actually in the same street as the house I grew up in) and slept in the converted attic room. He always claimed, with deadly seriousness, that all the time he stayed in that house, whenever he slept he could hear heavy breathing on the pillow beside him, as if something invisible was asleep in the same bed. But because he had nowhere else to go he just forced himself to get used to it. :noway:

    my god.....i honestly got chills. i don't know how i would feel if that happened to me.
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    Bump for later.......
  • running_mum
    running_mum Posts: 59 Member
    I have had many too, mainly when I was little

    We lived in a really creepy house, lots of activitites going on. My parents never believed me.

    I used to share a room with my sister, we both used to see a 'purple baby' floating around the room - I am not sure how else to describe it, it wasn't like a human, just an outline foggy purple shadow? Ugh even today I can't decribe it. My sister is a witness. In that same house, I used to hear foot steps, like someone was walking around the house in high heels. Pots banging. Even lion roaring. Weird stuff. A judge died in that house. Years later, as adults, talking to my dad about it, he admitted he used to see and hear strange stuff at that house too, and in several occasions he saw the 'purple baby' too.

    My grandfather was a grave yard security guard, which meant they actually lived in a house inside the cemetery grounds. My dad has some really scary stories, but the one I remember the most is that one day they had no electricity and started hearing strange sounds. All of a sudden my dad felt a presence and it started shaking a matchbox by his ears. I think if it was me, I would have died of a heart attack!
  • Aww there's a ghosts thread. I just posted one of my scary stories in the sleep paralysis thread. Should I copy and paste?
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    one evening i was just floating around in a lake with my wife when....


    This made my day! Three arms?
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    my old house was haunted, i lived there for 10yrs and had some kids walking down hallways and some other creepers!! ghosts r scaaaaryyyy!!!