Over 60, I am NOT willing to give UP! Anyone my age??



  • I'm 61 and not giving up. I've been at it for two months now and have lost 25 lbs. I still have 100 lbs to go and am not giving up until I reach goal. We can do this.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im 35, but i have a pile of healt issues one being COPD. If you are looking for friends who may not be able to keep up with the "30 day shred" and "insanity" but want someone who is willing to work hard with what you can do, Add me! :flowerforyou:
  • want2feelbetter
    want2feelbetter Posts: 35 Member
    You are not alone!! I am 52 and I have traveled this road many times... I have had success and failure,But I have never reached my goal ...But like you I won't give up!!
  • LovetheNewMe
    LovetheNewMe Posts: 29 Member
    56 here and have lost 120lbs in two years. You are never too old to take charge of your life and your health.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Many of us older gals and guys are on MFP. I have had fabulous success with my weight loss and fitness goals. Have been on this site for more than 2 years. Have been on maintenance for over a year now and MFP really helps. I am no longer able to accept friend requests due to time constraints, but you'll find many other great MFP members willing to help you along in reaching your goals.

    I didn't lose all of my 85+ pounds on this program. But I did lose a good 25 or more since joining 2 years ago.

    Personally, I find it way easier to lose weight at an older age. First of all, you have not just given birth or are wrestling with TOM every month. You don't have the pressure to go out after work and have a "few" with your office buddies. You are less likely to be attending weddings and other special parties where the focus is on eating and drinking. You are not a newlywed experimenting with recipes -- cakes, pies, cookies for the kids, etc.

    Don't even think of giving up! And don't feel you have to find friends on MFP in your age group. Most of my MFP's are way younger. But they inspire me; and, I feel from the feedback I get, that I have helped them as well.

    Go for it! You can do it. Good luck with reaching your goals.
  • Just started MFP today 59 here. My grandsons wife to be started today too with me. Have done all kinds of diets but never stay with it so this is going to happen this time. I'll have high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes which i take pills for so i need too get all of this under control right now. There wedding is next October 2013 and i want too be at there wedding so this is going to happen for me. Was reading everyones commiteds on here, if all of you can change your life's so can i. Will be back later and let everyone know how i'am doing.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    62 and losing at a slow pace but happy I'm losing something. I've tried many times before but gave up. I won't give up this time and I've learned something very important.......With determination and staying focused we can do anything we put our minds to. I lost 8 pounds before I joined MFP and thrilled that I don't have to keep a journal. Good luck!
  • mary1028
    mary1028 Posts: 28 Member
    I just started today and I am 63 for a few more days. I got a lot to lose. I hope I can be successful but know I will need a lot of help.
    Sometimes I think it is not worth it at my age but I want to start traveling and would like to fit in an airplane seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, I am 63 and have struggled on and off since I had children. I started this site on July 29 of this year. I have lost about 11 lbs so far, walk 3.2 miles four times a week, do the C25K program 3x week and try to fit in whatever I can. This website is amazing-- the people and resources are so helpful. Good luck to everyone who does this. It is amazing.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Are you alone? Hell no!! I'll be 65 in December and have been on my journey since February. I do what I can, exercise when I can and rest when I need to. This is my journey, its a long road ahead of me but I've past successes to keep me company and I am content with what I am doing....

    As for giving up - what a question! Never give up, never surrender!!! :wink:
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    I am 61 you can add me. You are not alone.
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome! I am over 50, you can add me! There is also a group of 50+ . Let's help each other!
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    I just started today and I am 63 for a few more days. I got a lot to lose. I hope I can be successful but know I will need a lot of help.
    Sometimes I think it is not worth it at my age but I want to start traveling and would like to fit in an airplane seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am 61 and on the same journey.
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    There is an over 60 group you can join. Very nice people here on MFP.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I am closing in on 59 this December. You are not alone. I feel better than 5 years back. Loosing is harder and some time it is frustrating that you don't see the results fast enough like in our younger days. But I keep telling myself not to give up. My focus is on being healthy and active.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Massive shout out to all the over 60's on here!. I'm watching this thread closely as its inspirational. Best of luck to you all!
  • Well, I'm getting the hang of this stuff and just joined MFP this morning. I am approaching my 51st birthday and am super excited about this stage of my life. I've been a caregiver in some capacity or another all my life and although I continue I want to put myself first. Looking forward to this weight loss journey!
  • carolyn002
    carolyn002 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I will be 60 in 3 weeks time - and am looking forward to this new chapter in my life. I also am enjoying meeting so many new friends, and it really is great fun getting to know them more.

    I am losing slowly due to fybromyalgia, and other health issues which have caused havoc in my life. I am therfore doing a metabolic reset and am confident that my health and life will get better as I travel through this incredible journey towards wellness.

    Anyone is willing to friend me if you wish. I do ask that you accompany your friend request with a short note about you, and your aims etc. I appreciate my friends to have an open diary as mine is open to friends, so that we can share and care for each other. I like my friends to be interactive and positive in their outlook on life. ; )

    Cheers for now,
    Carolyn : )
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I just want to remind everyone here that getting strong is as important as getting thin and at our age manybe even more so. Weight bearing exercise is very very important, it builds muscles and helps keep bones strong and even prevents or retards osteoporosis. Women, in the past, have been told not to lift heavy weights for a variety of old wives' tales type reasons. The reality is that we should lift heavy (build up to that). It's most beneficial in our age group!

    There's a plethora of information around about weight lifting. Please investigate. 30 minutes of weight training actually is more beneficial than an hour of cardio, unless you are doing it to increase endurance.
  • Im 62 and am I glad I have found this thread. I never give my age as an excuse not to lose weight - it just seems to be slower and slightly harder nowadays. I was always my ideal weight up until my late 40s when I was involved in a cycling accident and that put paid to my strenous exercise regime. I cycling and walk a lot and only use my car on long journeys. I think I will take up some gentle weight training exercises because Im finding my upper arms could do with a little lift ! I will keep tuning into this thread.