Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
    Tuesday Goals

    to buy a tape measure so I can get my measurements or ask one of the trainers can they take my measurements. Which brings me to my next goal to get back in the gym. I have been in a bad space so I stop going to the gym, but now is time to get up and get moving.

    I did a 10 minute taebo express yesterday.:indifferent: I'm feeling it today. :ohwell: So today will been Walk Away the Pounds.

    Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Robin - Thank you ONCE again for rolling us over to a new thread and taking care of us. I hope you are on the mend and feeling shiney!

    Welcome KellyAnn! This is an amazingly supportive and butt kicking group full of amazing men and women. I've just started walking as well and my iPod is a Godsend for that. I set up a playlist that sets my speeds. The first song sets about a 2.5 mph walking speed. The next couple set a 3.0 and after that there are a string of 3.5 MPH speed songs. Then the last two are a 2.5 again to cool me down. People must think I'm insane when they pass me on the sidewalk. I'm all bouncing and bopping to the music only I can hear. :blushing:

    @ Kah - I've been waiting for Doug as well. I want to hear if his foot held out.

    @Vinson - WB and I'm sorry you were ill. Glad you're on the mend. Eating out is truly a money dump. That was always a big problem for me when I started this. I ate out a LOT as well. ANYTHING that comes out of can is going to be high in sodium. If it's processed, packaged, or made in a factory it will have lots of sodium in it unless it says different on the packaging. Even then, it will be higher than it's natural counterpart (take canned beans for an example. Dried have hardly any sodium.)

    @SUnshineFreckles -Good luck, we'll all be rooting for you!

    Tuesday goals - back on track. I was sick Sunday and Monday (get a flu shot they said, it'll keep you from MAYBE getting sick they said....sadistic *kitten*) I ate WAY over my calories yesterday. I had THIRDS of my dinner. I haven't done that in over 6 months. Didn't swim yesterday. Just laid around for two days and did NOTHING but snooze, cough, and ...goop. Today it's back on track and a 1.5 mile walk after work. I'm falling asleep at my desk, but hey...... I'll walk or I'll die trying!

    My next big goals are walking that 5K in under 50 minutes (I think I'll be fine there) and to get down to 218 (7 lbs), both by Thanksgiving.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tuesday Goals - to measure myself. To swim before the week is out. My arms are moving again - today I can swing them at my sides without pain - a major accomplishment.

    Congrats to everyone for your commitment to October's goals.

    Have to go back to the last thread to get Grandma Kayes soup recipe.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    Here is the soup recipe:
    Italian Vegetable Soup
    1 lb. ground beef (its just as good with 1/2lb.)
    1 c. diced onion
    1 c. sliced celery
    1 c. sliced carrots
    2 cloves minced garlic
    1 can (16 oz.) tomatoes
    1 can (15 oz.) tomato sauce
    1 can red kidney beans, undrained
    2 cups water
    5 t. beef boullion
    1 T. dried parsley
    1/2 t. oregano
    1/2 t. basil
    1/4 t. pepper
    Brown hamburger and onion. Combine the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 20 min.
    Add 2 c. shredded cabbage, 1 c. green beans (I usually just use a 16 oz. can), and 1/2 c. elbow macaroni. Simmer until veggies are tender, about 10 min.

    Hope you enjoy this. I make a version of it without the hamburger and macaroni that I eat for lunch nearly every day. Very low cal and satisfying.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    I went and took my placement/compass testing for College yesterday. And I had to take 3 parts. Math, Reading and Writing/English. As for Math I knew I wouldn't do the best but he said I did respectably well I will be put in to pre-algebra for math class. As for reading I scored very well and will not need a reading class. And finally writing/English I did great as well I will be starting in the highest English class I believe he said so will only have to take that one English class. He said the test would take 2+ hrs. I was done in 1.25hrs! And it's not like I just rushed through the tests either. It just felt really good to do that. I couldn't stop smiling when I left as silly as it might have been. Now I'm still not 100% sure I'm going this spring for sure BUT I will be contacting a school counselor and figuring out a school schedule and what classes I'll need and so on. So just keep moving forward with it all :)

    YAY!!! Way to go! I am so happy for you! I am at pre-algebra right now also. It isn't so bad. Luckily, our CC has a self paced version that works really well for me. Doesn't it feel just awesome? :drinker:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Really hard to get in here on Mondays and Wednesdays, as that is when I have my on campus class - so today will be Monday/Tuesday for me :bigsmile:

    Monday check in- I am so incredibly busy! I am loving school, but it takes a lot out of me, and long division should be banned from existence unless a calculator can be used.:laugh: I have been eating a lot of fast food (I may have mentioned) so today I am going shopping for some healthy snacks to get me through, without weighing me down both physically and financially.

    Tuesday goals - 26.48 miles left for halloween challenge... I may actually be able to do this, but it will be close! I am trying not to weigh myself, but man it is hard to stay away from that scale... I may have to put it up somewhere for awhile out of sight.

    Things seem to be moving and shaking here, I wish I could participate more, but alas, my schedule is kicking my tushy right now. Hugs to all of you - you are doing fantabulous!!! Now drink up! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Tuesday goals - Read more posts.

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Tuesday Goals: 50 miles in October, and by the end of the month I really want to be able to run all or most of my ~2 miles a day, at least when it's cool out.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin - Thank you ONCE again for rolling us over to a new thread and taking care of us. I hope you are on the mend and feeling shiney!

    Welcome KellyAnn! This is an amazingly supportive and butt kicking group full of amazing men and women. I've just started walking as well and my iPod is a Godsend for that. I set up a playlist that sets my speeds. The first song sets about a 2.5 mph walking speed. The next couple set a 3.0 and after that there are a string of 3.5 MPH speed songs. Then the last two are a 2.5 again to cool me down. People must think I'm insane when they pass me on the sidewalk. I'm all bouncing and bopping to the music only I can hear. :blushing:

    @ Kah - I've been waiting for Doug as well. I want to hear if his foot held out.

    I think the people at the gym get a big kick out of me on the cross trainer or elliptical - I kind of dance according to what I'm listening to, which lately is 80's Big Hair Bands on Pandora. :laugh:

    I do have some other goals I'm workings towards - I'm doing the 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning with a friend from work, then I'm going a 5k on New Year's Day with my trainer and all of his clients for an event through my gym, then next July I'm doing the Muddy Girl 5k in Boston. I'll need to get some 10k's in after that in preparation for a big run planned for December 2013. So lots of running/walking events in my future! :huh: :happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump! :flowerforyou:
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Bump :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everybody, at work so just wanted to drop in and say hi and BUMP....

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Fitness Goals for Week
    Wed, Friday, Saturday, Water Aerobics
    Tues, Sunday Wii Yoga and Osteo Weights
    Daily, Walk daily
    Thursday, Try out that new Schwinn and hope I don't fall
    Daily, Weights for Xmas Challenge
    Daily, Middle Back exercises
    Daily, Ice middle back
    I tried to do my Wii Yoga and couldnt get the Wii to work. The setup is complicated. May have to get my niece over to set this up for me. I wish I were more computer savvy. Can still do my weight program and walk.

    @TUNGSTEN93 - Hang in there. It will get better. Try doing something fun or relaxing.
    @MyMowMow - Sorry you were ill. I agree with you on eating out. It is inconsistent with losing weight, but it seems until now, my life has revolved around where I was going to eat. I don't particularly like cooking but am slowly making myself do that. I looked at your progress and you have really made a new beginning. You set a good example for those of us who are just starting out.
    @lizmil - Glad you are feeling better. That mobility means a lots. I am trying to get my mobility back. Winters are terrible for me also, even though I am in a temperate state. February is the worse. I'm going to NYC with hubby and granddaughter this month and really worried if I can keep up with the walking. Maybe I will have 5 lbs off by then

    GrandmaKaye44 That reminds me I need to drink my water. Now where did I put that 32oz cup?

    @Kelly Ann -Welcome to MFP and thanks for posting. You have the right attitude and you are reaching your goals in a way that does not cause you to stumble. Good for you.
    @Lana - I just love your motto. I am so proud of you. Just stay the course.
    @joerobbins - Joe this is a wonderful thing you are doing for yourself and your kids. Making good progress.
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Ok, I have to nip to the shop then I will be right back to re-write the indepth post I have just accidentally deleted, but I have to go to the shop before they close (I can also mutter under my breath about losing the post)
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @skinnyjeans -- I know what you mean about not feeling deprived. I'm not one to talk about eating clean, really, given that I just scraped out the can of condensed milk (== mostly sugar) that I put in the breakfast bars I just made.
    @Tammy -- I weighed around my big roll of blubber; I mean, I'm going to have to fit clothes round it... MFP started me off on 55% carbs and I adjusted it down to 45% which feels much more realistic to me -- if I plateau I'm planning to go to 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein -- at the moment I'm doing 45/30/25, and tend to go over on fat. You change it in the settings. What I find is that if I have lots of protein and veggies and a modest amount of carbs (not tiny though -- typically a 75g (uncooked) portion of rice or pasta, or 250g of potatoes for a main course) I eat well and I'm not hungry. Oh, and my clothes don't fold themselves either. What's with that?
    @Toots -- congrats on the writing contest!
    @Tina -- Those placement exams sound splendid. I'm sure you'll really enjoy college and benefit from it.
    @KellyAnn -- Welcome! I love the feeling of putting on the things you've been keeping around for when you lose weight.
    @Lana -- meal planning is the best thing, especially when money is tight. Take a stew round to your boyfriend's!

    Not exactly a NSV -- last year a friend of mine freecycled some coats and I grabbed one in case my daughter wanted it; it's a UK 18/20 so too small on me but roomy on her. She said she hated it, so the other day I thought I'd put it in the charity bag. But then I tried it on and it fits now! So I thought that would be great for the winter, and put it back on the coat rack. Next thing I know, my daughter's wearing it. So I guess I don't get a new-to-me transition coat after all.

    Tuesday goals -- I'm going to be *careful* on carbs but not take my targets down further; and I'll measure again at the end of the month. My basic carb goal is 164, but obviously goes up if I exercise (which I do nearly every day). I'm not sure about replacing carbs with fat, which I could do easily, either. And I have a mini-goal for tomorrow, which is that we are driving to the Midlands for a funeral, and I am going to take *sandwiches* and *breakfast bars* and *coffee* with us, so we don't have to buy too much stuff out, and I'm going to leave more bread & roast pork here so that the kids can fix themselves dinner rather than going to the chip shop.

    -- Alison
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Hello All

    Welcome to the Newbies and Welcome Back to the Returnies.

    @toots - Great news on being a finallist.
    @mnwalkingquuen - Congrats on the new home and the calorie burn from the cleaning. I still remember moving into my first home, the elation of looking round and thinking this is mine.

    So Belated Monday Check In: I lost a pound this week, so I am back at 10 pounds lost, which is great. Over this weekend, I joined a new gym (after my last one installed push button showers which I hate). As part of the membership I had a Health MOT yesterday, which was really interesting. There were several tests and discussions of food, drink (water, caffeinated and alcohol) and sleep patterns. It was great to talk through stuff and the tests only showed problem areas that I was aware of (mainly my weight and alcohol consumption levels). So the next Health MOT is due in three months, in which I am aiming to have my BMI from 35.2 (very obese) to the obese range (30 to 34.9).

    For the October Challenge part one, I have yet to measure. However I am planning to do this tomorrow morning at the gym.

    That leads to Tuesday Goals: For the October Challenge part 2, my goal is to keep my carbs below the mfp target (258 grams) as looking back at my carb intake I have always been over this. For my personal October goal that is no alcohol before 9pm on weekdays and Gym at least 6 days a week.
  • jowannis
    jowannis Posts: 3 Member
    Congrat on your weight loss....
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Yo all!

    I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight, I will remember to measure myself tonight! :blushing: :noway:

    If I do not have inches to post in the morning I will be :mad:

    RobbinsEgg- Glad your arms are working!

    Toots- Congratulations on the writing hope it continues on!

    Gratz to all you loosers!:drinker:

    Keep eating healthy!

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots -- congrats on the writing contest!
    @toots - Great news on being a finallist.
    Toots- Congratulations on the writing hope it continues on!

    thanks peeps. there's only ten finalists but the competition's pretty freaking fierce.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    @Tina - WoooHooo! Great job on the placement tests
    @Alison - Isn't always the way it goes? Once you want something someone else decides it worth having too?

    Tuesday Goals - My goal this week is to get in at least four workouts this week and log another weight loss this week. I weighed in at 231 on Sunday so by next Sunday I have my eyes set on 228. We'll see how that goes.

    On a personal note, my goal is to not let other people affect my mood so much and get ahead in my classes and studying this week.