Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Happy Valentine's Day, everybody. And hello sarah :)

    i... don't even want to know what my calories looked like today. i'm not even going to log them... i know i was over big time. well, over my 1400, that is. not really over the 1900 i should eat to maintain, but still. it was a friend's birthday/valentine's day party that completely did me in. oh well, tomorrow is a new day, haha. i didn't have any pop, is the only good thing i can say... :blushing:

    i better get on track for next week, lol.
  • Hello. I have never been a part of anything like this but I'm desperate! Hoping that having a community to talk with, check in with, lean on, and be leaned on (if ya know what I mean!) will help. I'm gonna give it a go and really hope that 2010 is MY year!
    PS Am I the oldest one all look so young. I am 47
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    This weeks challange and Welcome to Sara, and A1avonlady!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. I hope you all got some much needed deserved rest and lovins with your friends and family!

    Challange.... I am going back to basics folks! After this weekend and lot of us haveing a bad week last week Your challange this week is to stay at your calorie goal and have 2 salads. That is it.

    For those of you who want to do more do it from last week again.... 2 salads, 2 fruits, Stcik to your fiber and your carb counts. Drink that water try to slow down when you eat. :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Just an fyi I will not make my food calorie goal for today as my hubby has poisend me lol. I have a upset tummy big time. :( Good luck ladies!
  • Good morning. I would love to join this group. My goal is to loose 25 lbs. I like many of you, do not want to go through another summer feeling embarressed to be in a bathing suit. We can kick this battle!!! :smile:

    My exercise will increase as time goes by due to having heart surgery to repair a heart defect that I found out that I have. So because I can't exercise intensly I have to really watch my calorie intake.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks Myth I needed a week to recoup.

    Welcome to Sara, and emilymdean and a1avonlady. (I'm 53 this year so I have you beat by a few years)

    I finally got my carbs down to 120g on Sunday and I had 3 salads and 5 fruit in the past week. Looking over my diaries most of my carbs are in snacks. Suggestions would be appreciated.

  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member

    I remember posting a little while ago about motivation being down but then I was able to get back on track fror a few days to have a good weigh in this past Friday which was total of 15 pounds down.

    However yesterday was another story. Saturday night I cheated and had a cupcake as my pre valentins dessert.
    I came in yesterday prepared with my lunch and everything. half way through the day I had so much chocolate that was brought in and the chips and salsa a pilot brought me from his flt to santa maria....then i was in such a depressed mood that I got chicken wings on the way home.

    Lets just say i ate double my calories allowed and then some. Normally I would say ok Im done with this diet. i failed. But today I woke up in the mood that I need to eat only my 1200 on the next 4 days for a good weigh in this friday. I dont regret my huge cheat day now and im hoping i wont friday. I hope im not the only one who had the tough weekend.

    Thanks myth for keeping the challenge nice and simple :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to Sara, and emilymdean and a1avonlady :bigsmile: We are all here to support eachother. I never would have imagined when I made the first post to have such a positive outcome :noway: We dont judge and if you need to vent we always read what you write :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great monday and a good start to the week!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    my goodness a heart problem, honey yes you should take it one thing at a time! I wish you a fast recovery and speedy weight loss :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I am in the same boat as you my snacks are where my carbs come from alot as well. I figured it souded last week that we were all struggling and thought if I needed a break so did some others. :) YOu did awsome though on the salads and fruit! WTG!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I would have given in just as you said this weeekend. But this group totally has kept my eyes open and let me vent as well as get back up with out feeling like a failure. So thank you for starting it and allowing us all to share our journey with you. :) Good luck this week :)
  • Ok today was my real 'start' day and things haven't gone well. I didn't eat anything all day (my usual MO) because I was too busy (my usual excuse) and then the hunger hits...and choices are bad! I give today a 4 out of 10...tomorrow has to be better!
  • Hi im 5'5 and just under 150 pounds, im hoping to lose 50 pounds by August

    Hope i can make it!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Turin - Isnt that neat you have a pattern one week loss the other flat. At least overall you are losing it!!

    Well done turin!! Your doing fine! Take it one step at a time!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Nic

    How was the wedding? on Valentines day!! Thats a great date to set it!! Me and my Fiancee are still trying to decide when and where.. argghh its alot to plan! we both have a big family! sometimes I think we should just fly off to a tropical island have one of those beach weddings!!

    Hope you managed to stay in your calorie range for the wedding day, if not - no biggie. Its a Happy day for your family and if you had a great time as well then thats all that matter then eh.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Ladies and gents - most of us seem to be haveing a rough time this week. Your asignment should you choose to accept is ......... STOP what you are doing take this week end and relax. Take some much deserved you time. If you let this get the best of you then this is just not the time for you to change your lifestyle. We all need to stop and smell the roses or coffee or even I love fresh cut grass in the summer mornings. Remeber your life is what you make of it. You are what you eat. Remember how sluggish and tired and fat you felt just 1 month ago. Look at you now. This is your time, take care of you and the rest will fall in place. Have a great weekend!

    AMEN Shan!! Another great post! I couldnt agree anymore!!!

    Its been a hell of a week!!! Its already mid way through this week and I have only found the time to read everyones post and continue tracking my food. Last weekend was hard I was temping most of it and we were flat out! Valentines was a pleasant break. me and my fiancee had a quiet afternoon together. But since I have come back to NZ from my holiday its been all GO!!

    I had a conference in town today and we had a buffet lunch!!! Dont you just hate buffets!!!! Its a love hate relationship I have with the smorgasboard table.. I love all the options and yummy food. But I hate how I have no self discipline to stop.

    Today my smorgasboard strategy (which may not be the best thing to do for some) was to wear extra tight pants - LOL- yup my pants were so fitting that it made it physically very very difficult for me to fit any more food in!! it worked - I stuck to 1 plate LOL!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good week!! Your right Shan lets get back to basics and just aim to stay in our calorie range this week and drink like a fish!!!!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome Demise, Avonlady, Sarah !!!

    This is a great site you will love the knowledge and support you can get from here!!!
  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    Thanks Jaymie !! Keeping my fingers crossed :wink:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome Demise this is a uplifting group of people on the same journey. We try to post often, but read everything.

    When Thalia started this topic in January I joined to have a dependable group to hold me accountable. The weekly chalenge has kept me attached.

    Having an ok week, decided to start looking at sodium this week what should it be for a 2000 cal daily intake? My carbs have come down now that I do not have my 4pm snack of popcorn. Replaced it with another bottle of water.

    Have a great week.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Just need to throw my thoughts out to the universe here. Today was a good day but a bad day. I believe my hormones are playing havok with my brain and body. I took 4 days off of the gym, 2 because I dont go on the weekend and give my body time to rest and the other 2 were because of my kid school and me being sick on Monday. SO I went yesterday and today. OMG! I am so freakin sore! I am at the point where I am so tired and sore that i do not want to go back tomorrow. But I will. The other thing that is making it worse is my weight is not budging. Frustrating but I know i hit a plataue here a few years ago. There is something good I did notice reacently, that is that the stretch marks that use to be really visible on my calfs *hangs head on that* are almost not here! Which I like. That is something that makes me want to keep going to the gym and not stop what i am doing but man my head is not in the right place. I am seeing my body looking better and showing signs that it is working but my brain and the damn scale are telling me other things this week, seems worse then last week. But the week before that was great! hmm still going to keep my charts and see how this ties in to my hormones. :) ok had to vent sorry!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I agree a buffet table is a love hate relationship if I ever heard one,lol. Last night my neighbor had a Bunco party with lots of food. I had my bottle of water to drink all night long,lol. I did have a few things here and ther ebtu was under my calories for the day so I knew I was ok. She even had those Brownies with the "speacial" ingrediant.. NOOOO not that rofl brownies made wiht black beans, that is it. Believe it or not yo uwould not know it if she did nto tell you! I was like wow! I will make those,lol. On another good note I am drinking my water this week, I knwo I was so dehydrated because I have drank atlast 3 20 oz and have not peed like a prego woman.. So i guess I needed more water. So yes drink up ladies! :)
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