Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Tony--my question is more a general question. Is a calorie just a calorie? In other words is a "bad" calorie (as in junk food, empty calorie, chocolate or sweets) the same to your body when it comes to weight loss as a "good" calorie (as in nutritionally balanced, a good diet)? As long as you stay under your BMR or at a calorie deficit, does it matter where the calorie comes from? Can or does your body differentiate a bad calorie from a good one? Dieters seem to obsess about eating a bad food--shouldn't have had that slice of pizza, or candy bar, or ice cream but as long as the total calorie for the day remains within the number of calories (1000, 1200, 1500) does it matter where the calories come from?
  • lOvInLiFeLaTiNa
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    I don't know if you can answer this, but I figure it's worth a try.

    I am eating gluten free. Recently I was looking at 2 packages of turkey polska kielbasa (not the healthiest thing to eat, I know, but in moderation and I make a big dish with lots of veggies, apples and sweet potatoes baked in oven... so not as bad as it could be).... anyway, the Butterball specified that it was gluten free. The other brand did not. The only difference I could detect was "modified food starch". Just because a food does not say it is gluten free does not mean it contains gluten (e.g. I buy orange juice which is not labeled gluten free <g>). But, I erred on buying the one labeled GF to be safe....

    Do you know what "modified food starch" is? Can it be gluten?
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Oh yeah, and another question on daily potassium needs. According to MFP, I should be eating like 3500 mg of Potassium daily. I am always WAY under that, by hundreds if not thousands.

    I am 5' 9" weigh 213 age 45 female. My recommended caloric intake is 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week goal.

    I use almost no salt and use the product NoSalt which is potassium-based for my seasoning needs. So, I would think that would help. I tried to buy a potassium supplement in addition to my multi-V, but together they only total like 200 mg... nowhere close to 3500. Is that number legit? If yes, what should I be eating to get there?
  • kcrxgirl
    kcrxgirl Posts: 114 Member
    How accurate is MFP's recommendation for daily amount protein? I am consistently 20-25gm over the recommendation but don't feel like I eat too much protein. For breakfast I will eat a serving of PB, a hard boiled egg or a cup of greek yogurt. For lunch and dinner I have a 3 or 4 oz serving of meat. Occasionally I will have cottage cheese or a fiber/protein bar for a snack. To me, that doesn't seem excessive. Am I mistaken?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi Tony,

    I am 42 female, currently weigh 182-187 on average 5' 4".
    I have been on MFP since 2010. I have lost 50lbs but gained/lost same 5lbs fish over last six months
    Cannot get under 180's
    My work is a real mix of active and a few days which can be relatively quiet no two days are same!
    I have two young children and travel to work with one of them. I have had a fit bit since Feb and its giving average
    Cals per day around 2100. I walk at least 12000 steps a day av is 15000.
    I have tried upping cals for 6-8 weeks, tried lowering them again for at least 6-8 weeks.
    I do a 5k run most weekends but it might be fast (for me) or a slow plod if my three year old wants to come as
    Our weekends are definatly family events.
    I do not have ability to go to gym, I power walk or sometimes run not very often as my walk is faster than my run.
    Husbands work means I am often stuck at home with kids.
    I did walking half marathon at weekend in 3 hours 13 minutes so not hanging around.
    What sort of numbers should I be looking at as a base to start from do I factor in work etc or only count when I do
    Go out to exercise on purpose?
    I do have polycystic but doesn't give me huge problems I don't think, took over ten years to be diagnosed with it.
    I still need to loose about 30lbs

    Thanks for your time

    That's a lot of info, but you need to create a bigger caloric deficit if you want to continue to lose weight.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    How long of a medium intensity workout do I have to do in order to burn 40 carbs? Treadmill, rowing machine, small amount of weights, about an hour total, and not so hard of a workout that I thought I would die, but definitely too out of breath to hold a conversation.

    So did those carbs I ate for lunch get burned, or are some still hanging around?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hello Tony,

    I currently weigh 165-170 (varies daily), 5'5'', 22 years old & 36% body fat (that's what it was last month at MEPS at least). Last year around this time I was at my goal weight of 145 and loved it of course.(I hurt my knee & hip during a soccer game and was unable to keep up with work outs which contributed to my weight gain) I now am trying to do it the healthy way though (No diet pills- Phentermine) and I just can't seem to get the weight off! I do Kickboxing for an hour mon & weds followed by 40 mins of yoga and I do a weight lifting class for an hour tues & thurs followed by 30 mins of cardio (usually bike or elliptical), Saturdays I do a 2 mile jog & attempt a few pull ups (pull ups are my enemy) I am currently enlisting into the USMC and have to drop 15 lbs in the next month and a half for my pre-leave Physical Test and then an additional 10-15 lbs to leave for Boot camp in a few months. I really want to do this the healthy way but I have to make the deadline.

    Any suggestions on work outs, foods, supplements (natural), or anything at all please!

    Thank you in advance

    Oh also I drink around 4-5 bottles of water a day (28 ounce bottle) is this too much? I've heard that it can actually stretch out your stomach and cause you to eat more, true or false?

    Just cut your calories about 20% and be consistent using the MFP. Drinking extra water will not stretch your stomach and make you eat more. You're already exercising plenty, you just need to reduce your intake.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hey Tony! I lost 40 pounds and am lifting weights to increase muscle. I am getting the RDA of protein according to MFP. Is there any advantage to also taking a protein supplement? Does it make any difference if protein comes from a supplement instead of food?

    Protein from food or a supplement are the same- respectively. The advantage about protein shakes is that they are convenient and usually cost less than a steak. The advantages to eating extra protein are:
    1. protein is very satiating
    2. helps preserve lean body mass
    3. slightly more thermogenic than the other macros
  • grannyfranny2
    My brother who has type two diabetes claims he can eat all the tomatos he wants. I say no...that all foods have a measured amt. that we should go by. All the tomatos he wants will make his blood sugar higher ! any take on the tomato issue ???:smile:
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Tony.

    I am currently 10-15 lbs away from my goal weight. I'm 5'8" and 165 lbs. I'm really struggling right now. What has lost weight for me in the past (1200 calorie a day intake and at least 6 days a week working out) doesn't seem to be cutting it. I've been trying to keep my macros at 50% protein, 30%carbs and 20% fats. Nothing is budging. Ideas?
  • newmanmb463
    newmanmb463 Posts: 44 Member
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey Tony! I lost 40 pounds and am lifting weights to increase muscle. I am getting the RDA of protein according to MFP. Is there any advantage to also taking a protein supplement? Does it make any difference if protein comes from a supplement instead of food?

    Protein from food or a supplement are the same- respectively. The advantage about protein shakes is that they are convenient and usually cost less than a steak. The advantages to eating extra protein are:
    1. protein is very satiating
    2. helps preserve lean body mass
    3. slightly more thermogenic than the other macros

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Me too---BUMP. Very interesting.
  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Tony, thank you for trying to help people on MFP.
    I'm a 43 yr old female, 5'9", last weight loss was in May @ 158, last weigh in a few weeks ago @ 163. I have several medical problems which pretty much make me bed ridden so no I don't do any exercise unless u count hopping sideways on 1 leg with the help of my walker to and from the bathroom. I have done better this year on dieting & eating at least 5 servings of fruits & veggies everyday. I'm very limited on the foods I'm able to eat since I have to be taken care if so I get one cooked meal a day usually & the rest of my food is kept @ room temp in my bedroom. Along with the fact that I'm a very picky eater, I was raised with horrible eating habits including being allowed to eat ice cream or anything else I want for breakfast since my my mom said as long as u eat something. Being overweight is on both sides of my parents families, however both my parents r under weight cuz my dad only eats one meal a day & my mom can go about 3 days before she has to eat, so she will take a bite or 2 & be fine. I can't do that, I like to eat plus since I had cancer I'm really trying to eat a healthy diet. Since I dont exercise MFP gave me 1200 cals & most the time when I've seen people eat less than the 1200 people start telling them along with MFP that u need to eat atleast 1200 cals. According to u, since I haven't loss anyweight for a long time I need to eat less. So how many cals should I be eating? Also I was told that I should change the % of the different types of food so what % should I eat of each of the types? I'm always too high on my sugar just with the fruit I eat at times, or cuz I eat bad cereal (even though lucky charms says it's healthy on the box), & I really like having a half cup of low fat ice cream in a cone every night. I would also like to know if there us anyplace on the web that I can type the foods that I do like & have the site tell recommend foods that I should try based on the fact of what I like. It's too expensive to just start trying random food plus I have to have someone get it for me. My oldest daughter works hard to overcome the family diet problems & she said I shouldnt eat too many carbs cuz they turn to fat if unused which they would be in my body & that I should eat my ice cream @ lunch & not eat after dinner @ 6. I'm starving if I do that & when I get too hungry in not eat something I want I end up eating way too much & not the right foods. MFP friends have been trying to help me get more protein and less carbs and no ice cream or diet soda in my diet but over the last few weeks I've been real hungry & I've gone over my 1200 cals that I use stay just around the 1200 mark I know this is a lot & I'm a mess but thank you for any help u can give me, I'd really like to weigh around 125-35lbs but I've been stuck at 159-6? On the diet & before chemo 180.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have 30 more lbs til goal.

    I weigh 173, and have for the past 10 months!!! I have tried eating more cals, eating less, zigzagging.
    If my TDEE is 2500 (with exercise included) and my BMR is 1549 how many calories should I be eating?

    Thanks :)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Hey, y'all. My name is Tony. I'm a RD and personal trainer in Flower Mound, TX. I enjoy answering questions on here and helping people out:

    I've done this once before and I got overwhelmed with questions so please read these few points before you ask your questions.

    Here's the last thread I did:

    1. I am not here to argue science, methods, or prove any advice I'm giving. I have a formal education in nutrition, keep up on the current research and have my own opinions. I welcome you to share yours, but I will not engage in debate, nor will your opinion be likely to change my positions. I will not be posting links to peer reviewed journals for my recommendations. I am aware of the laws of giving nutrition guidance online, etc. etc.

    2. I am only going to answer questions for people in general good health. If you have questions about a medical condition or disease state (ie diabetes, thyroid disease, cancer) My answer is always going to be, "talk to your doctor and dietitian."

    3. If you "have tried everything and cannot lose weight" or if you're eating "x amount of calories and still can't lose weight." my answer will always be the same- you are eating too many calories. Be consistent with your current intake and cut by 10-20% while making sure you are getting enough protein. Make sure you are correct with your portion sizes and choosing the right foods in the MFP. In other words, if you can't lose weight- you need to eat less and exercise more.

    4. The more information you can provide me like your age, height, weight, bodyfat %, current workout program, etc. will help me help you.

    5. I can't accept any more friends on right now. If you want "bookmark" me to ask me a questions later, you can link up with me on facebook. . I repeat: do not friend request me. I appreciate it but I can't keep up with everyone on here.

    Ok, *whew* now that that's out of the way, fire at will! :)

    If I don't get to your questions right away, I will do my best to come back on here.

    I am 29 years old and am relatively healthy. I am not diabetic, and I don't have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I carry my weight from just below my waist to my knees. I am 5'3" and weigh 241.3 lbs. I have lost 54 lbs so far but I work shift work and spend 14 out of 16 hours on my feet at my job. What suggestions do you have for healthy snacks that I can carry in my pocket, as I am usually too busy or stressed out to eat anything heavy?
  • AGreen54
    AGreen54 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi. I've been doing this for 2 months now but I have not seen any progress. I weigh and measure myself once a week and no loss whatsoever. My net calories is at 1350 and I exercise 6.5 hours a week. I don't eat very healthily but I try to and I love fruits and veggies. Any advice please?
  • AlishaRoja
    Thanks Tony
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    bump and read later :) Thanks for coming on here to help!!